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pauloaguia: Just spoke to her, must be over heating. It does it later in the day normally, when the computer has been on a few hours. I will have to get there over the weekend and see what the fans are up to. I have a few old base units in the cupboard, hopefully there is one there somewhere i can use
I told her to slide the side of the unit off just so air can get through for now
MadMonkey: Yep, probably over heating. Check if the fans are all working properly. Also, does it take longer to happen the first time it is switched on?
Houston, we have a problem !!! (well, sister does in fact lol)
Why does her computer keep freezing ? No matter what its doing, in fact it can just be sat on the desktop with nothing else running, and it stops, no nothing, not even able to move the cursor
I even installed a new system on it yesterday, and it still does it which obviously points to hardware ?
Any ideas anyone ? The only one i can thing of is maybe its over heating
Eriisa: They came out with a Release Candidate of Windows 7 earlier this month. For that you need not be a member of TechNet or the MS Developers Network.
But as with the Beta, we're pretty much "on our own"--without official tech support from either Microsoft or (probably) your PC's manufacturer. The RC is also designed to begin automatically shutting down your PC every couple of hours some time early next year (I think), unless and until you install a genuine version of the OS.
Since we don't know how much that will cost, I'm trying not to burn my bridges at this point. I'm also not thrilled by the lack of Windows 7 drivers right now. Sure, I like Windows 7 RC so far, but I'm prepared to roll back, if I encounter too many problems or don't like the eventual cost. Right now have set up as dual boot with Windows 7 and Vista, but I'm keeping the option of uninstalling 7 RC, and reclaiming that HD partition.
MadMonkey: I signed up on windows live which signed me up as a technet member. So I was able to download Windows 7 as a Beta tester. So far, I'm impressed with the way it runs.
For anyone who still has speed issues with the site try this out:
Mozilla Labs Launches Prism 1.0 beta - Prism is an application that lets users split web applications out of their browser and run them directly on their desktop
If you do not want any frills, but want to charge through your games, go for it
More news is emerging about the forthcoming release of Windows 7. It seems that Microsoft is reluctant to completely let go of its most successful operating system, Windows XP, which they now no longer fully support. It seems that Windows 7 will come complete with a full Windows XP installation included, designed to run inside a virtual PC environment inside Windows 7, which will allow the huge range of software designed to work with Windows XP to run in Windows 7.
The new XP mode, called XPM, requires advanced virtualisation features provided by the latest generations of Intel and AMD processors, will be available in the Professional, Ultimate and Enterprise editions of Windows 7. XP applications that use XPM will not need to be installed in a separate XP desktop. Instead the applications will be integrated in to and available from the Windows 7 desktop. This approach has a number of benefits for Microsoft, including the fact that they don’t have to include lots of code in the main core of Windows 7 to maintain backwards compatibility with older applications, making Windows 7 leaner and faster.
Czuch: Hopefully when i have finished, it will look better & cleaner, and be useful
Just show you next few games, get rid of all the stuff on both side of the brainking pages, and a few extra buttons that are useful, basically like hexkid use to have
BUT of course to take advantage, you will have to use Firefox
Does anyone know how to set a default Text editor, or change it. I have tried every way i know, and it only seems to half work
I am trying to work with Greasemonkey to write & modify scripts for web pages.
I have a .js file stored on my desktop, and if i right click and click open, it opens in WordPad, which is great
Now, if i go into 'Manage User Scripts' in Greasemonkey, select the script i want from my list, and click edit, it opens it in NotePad, which is no good for me.
I have gone into Folder options in Control panel and made sure .js open in WordPad (and .jse).
Everything seems fine. So why does it keep opening them in NotePad from Greasemonkey ???
MadMonkey: Linux, on the other hand is a lot poorer: You don't need specific instructions as to how to remove this or install that or what you may, or may not use. I really pity us, I miss so much the Redmond touch
Czuch: It says that these are used mostly by hackers to have stuff sent to another IP address, or something like that?
That might be the case, but not with that IP address - just make sure they're all to a.k.a. localhost. FWIW, you can clean them manually if you want to (or if there are some to other IPs than by deleting the entries from your hosts file with a simple text editor :)
So I will just ignore these and not worry anymore, thank you again!
Czuch: So does anyone know what these critical objects are? what caused them and why I can figure out how to deal with them through my ad aware?
it says redirected host entries in your hosts file, and in the IP column it says That is really no problem and not critical at all. You can ignore that. What it means is simply that in your hosts file you have entries resolving host names to your local machine. This is often done to block ad servers. Say a site wants to load a picture from www.adhost.com - Windows will usually ask the DNS server what IP address adhost.com is. But if you add an entry adhost.com to your hosts file, it will not ask the DNS server, but use this address instead. The effect is, that your browser wants to load the picture from your local webserver, which likely doesn't exist, and therefore won't load the picture. This is a pretty basic anti ad strategy, which will work ok though, if you get good compiled lists of ad servers.
Cliffnotes: ignore those "critical objects", you're fine.
coan.net: i tried the tune up utilities... it found a few things straight away.... one was some registry issue, I am running ad aware again now to see if they still show up... thanks for the help everyone!
MadMonkey: Well McAfee seems to be working fine, it might be that they've just ironed out the bugs since you used it.
As I keep saying.. Combofix. It gives the registry a really deep scan and I've found it to have fixed various bugs thanks to ad's or the like. My PC's install disk had an old no longer in use (they've gone broke) free trial for security software. I removed from the installed progs list all entries related to it, but the ad to buy it kept coming up. Combofix listed all the registry entries and I could see where the damn prog was hiding that was causing the ad's.
MadMonkey: Spybot has the option to "run in the background" or "live protection" or something like that - something I NEVER use, but might be what (V) is talking about it running at strange times.
I bring it up occasionally, look for updates, and let it run. That and Ad-aware (again, don't let it run in the background - just run the scan mode when I need it - no "live" protection.)
While working on PC's, I will also load & run Tuneup Utilities.
It is a free 30 day trial, but I usually just run it a few times (fix & run again) then delete it from the system. Czuch - maybe try to run that and see if it finds anything.
EDITED TO ADD: For the TuneUP Utilities, I run the "1-Click Maintenance"
(V): Its strange how different PC's and people can get away with certain things. The first decent PC i brought years ago had McAfee with it, and i had no end of problems with that.
These days most of home PCs i get asked to sort out have Norton that is causing the problems. Well, when i say problems, it seems to come with most PC's in the UK as a free 3 months trial these days. Most of them i end up taking it off and putting AVG on them. I used to use AVG as well, but every now and again it has an issue with the package i get with my connection.
MadMonkey: I don't run it. I deleted it from my system My ISP provider packages McAfee for free with the broadband. I also have cookie monster, Eusing registry cleaner.. and if the well.. hits the fan.. I use Combofix as it does a notepad listing at the end of what it has found and done.
For me that's all I need... until I find out differently!!
(V): Why would it interfere when playing a game ? you should not run it then really.
Mine runs happily when i am in bed or out shopping. I would never run any security software while i have any other applications running.
Looking at the picture Czuch it looks like what you get many programs do, tell you that you have security issues etc... when in fact there is no problem. Basically trying to get you to purchase software.
I normally run Spybot once a week, have a Firewall / Anti-virus that comes with my broadband package, and as i said use CCleaner (for getting rid of crap and sorting registry issues). Also i run Eusing Free Registry Cleaner 2.0 every couple of weeks just in case. Shields Up is worth running as well.
I have not had any PC problems in a few years now.
For all the latest from CyberLand...... Firefox 3.1 Beta 3..... Conficker Worm removal tool..... Cliqset service to connect all your social-networking accounts..... How Twitter is growing.....and much, much more.....
So does anyone know what these critical objects are? what caused them and why I can figure out how to deal with them through my ad aware?
thanks V for your input, I already use the registry cleaner, havent looked into the others yet.... it seems odd that ad aware picks them up, but wont do anything to them when I hit delete or quaranteen?
I host at a place called Powweb - they are $7.77 a month - unlimited space - unlimited bandwidth. (They have a promotional for 1/2 of the first year.)
Unlimited space / bandwidth - it's a shared hosting package, so you actually share server with many others - and the unlimited space & bandwidth is basicly as long as you don't hog all the resources or use so much that you cause other sites that are hosted there to slow down. So most sites, it is a great place - but if you have a really active site, it may not be the best.
There are places to get domain names much cheaper than $40 a year.. godaddy.com, domainsatcost etc
Type in Google.com and search for domain names. They all follow pretty much the same rules and once you purchase one , no matter from who, you own it outright until it expires. You can get them for about $5 a year or less even.. I pay 12$ a year for most of mine . I have purchased over 150 in my line of work and I have never seen them $40, That is really high!
After you buy the domain name, then you need to find a hosting company to house your website. Again places like godaddy etc offer hosting at very reasonable rates as well.
Ämne: Re: Own domain - which site offers good deals?
TeamBundy: Try this link....I was with them for 5 years at about $40 australian per year....the price never went up and any queries I had they were fixed immediately. Let me know how you get on. OH by the way...I gave up my domain name (which was free) because I lost interest in doing web page graphics :)
Hi! I have a question regarding internet domains: does anybody know any sites where I can get (buy) an own domain for a webpage (it will be a webpage for a model agency), and such that the price-performance ratio is good? Thank you very much in advance for any input!!
I've found it very good at removing deep routed stuff, and it's helped me remove some annoying reg entries that kept a now non existing company's security software reminder that was bundled with my machine.
...... Plus it allowed me to fix another reg problem (ask entries) that stopped me using IE.
Okay, I have here a screen shot after I ran my ad aware.... it shows 9 critical objects, but I have no luck deleting them or quarantine or anything? Does anyone know what they are and why they wont be removed, or any help here at all? Thanks!
coan.net: IE and FF work fine (slow on BK but fine) So I use Chrome for BK only.. Was working fine till a couple days ago when the check boxes disappeared. Now I have to use FF for BK :( So annoying LOL
Baked Alaskan: Do you use a custom CSS - that can put the checkboxes elsewhere. (I guess you do since the background is a different color.)
Also try a different browser (with same CSS) and see if the checkboxes are there also. (That will help tell you if it is a problem with only Chrome, or something else like the CSS)
I have lost my "check mark" boxes on chrome. Here is a screenshot of what it looks like. I cant click on the dice either (as U can see I have 2 rolls left) Any ideas on how to get correct this problem?
(dölj) Om du vill spela ett parti med en motspelare på ungefär samma nivå, så kan du ange önskat ratingintervall för motståndaren när du skapar ett nytt parti. Då kan ingen med ett ratingtal utanför detta intervall anta utmaningen. (Katechka) (Visa alla tips)