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I have been trying to work out how to create a guestbook on the web space provided by my isp. I have a website already created but I cant seem to work out how to get my text box stuff to get posted to a nother viewable page (hence posting a message to a guestbook) I can however set the page up with input feilds , email address , name etc and add a reset and submit button, I just cannot get the submission to work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I already like it way better, thanks for your tips.
Also nice of you to reinforce your last statement !! ;)
It is seriously already proving to be heaps faster
I thought I would try Netscape seeing as Fencer uses it all the time and I just downloaded it and am using it right now but to be honest, it is loading pages way way slower than IE.
Maybe there is some settings I don't know about that someone can help me with? Or maybe I just have to use it for a while to build up the Cache?
Wow this really did start a string.
As for having to do an update, I have not done one for ages. Mine are all done.
(To do this I was forced to buy a real copy of Win XP Professional instead of the pirate version I had. Microsoft are getting sneaky)
Point is, even without doing an update that pesky Links things appears. It is almost enough to drive a person to Netscape LOL.
Just out of curiosity on that, does anyone have a preference of Netscape or IE or even Opera for that matter. I don't know about Netscape but Opera seems to display things very weird sometimes so I don't like that but I have no opinion on Netscape as I don't know enough abaout it to form an opinion.
Hoping someone can help me here with a pesky little problem. The folder "Links" is on my favorites on Internet Explorer and no matter how often I delete it, it keeps returning and is really bugging me arghhhhhhhhhhh.
There must be a little setting somewhere which will get rid of this I am hoping. Does anyone know how to get rid of this?
ps I have even tried moving it to another folder so it is there but not visible but still it recreates itself.
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