Please keep things positive. Best advise I believe is to try out different sites. Find what works well for you. If you don't like it, don't go back and try another site. Nothing says you only have to play on 1 site. At one time, I played on about 6 different turn-based game sites.
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register at then find forums then find Other Chess Sites then find the 8th post on page 2 (it wouldn't hurt to see the entire topic either imo) happy hunting (just found it today) ...and of course ask Mr.Google ....happy hunting
With the conversation over the last month or so about other gaming sites, I thought I would add one that I don't see anyone mentioning yet. I play on another site that is entirely different than turn based individual games. It is a game that involves politics, building cities (in the sense of seeing how many cities you have and what you in them), building and establishing your military, little battles to all out war, positioning your political stance with other nations, building alliances, establishing commerce / trading, etc.
I have found it very fun over the last few months and thought maybe a few of you may have interest in it as well.
As the talk of other games site has grown recently, I've tried to update the above with some quick links to other game sites. If you know of others that you think I should add, please post them. (Feel free to add a quick descriptions).
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