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24. december 2004, 04:41:36
The Hunter 
Ämne: Re: Amazons "Size"
ok, so, um.... that completely confused me @_@

5. augusti 2004, 02:26:57
The Hunter 
Ändrat av The Hunter (5. augusti 2004, 02:29:28)
I agree. Why force some one to quit when they think they can still win? Or maybe your opponent is doing what the game is ment for, having fun. I think most of us forget to actually sit and enjoy the game and rather focus more on winning. Maybe your opponent enjoys actually finishing a game rather then trying to get wins.

Edit:I'm a bit slow with my responce eh?

5. augusti 2004, 00:37:58
The Hunter 
to be honest I feel it is better to play the game out and looserather than just give up. I feel giving up is wose than loosing cause if you loose then at least you tried. though if it is painfully obvious that one person has...lets say 6 moves left and the other has 25 then I under stand where you are coming from. but if it is 23 and 25 one person may make a major mistake (which can happen) then I think it should be played out.

not sure if that made any sence but thats how I see it.

3. augusti 2004, 22:53:04
The Hunter 
i pray the opponent messes up lol

11. juli 2004, 19:03:44
The Hunter 
Ändrat av The Hunter (11. juli 2004, 19:04:31)
I don't know, thinking of it reminds me of the first time I played silent hill and was too afraid to turn the corner because I thought a monster was there when it was actually safe. maybe a few test games will prove if it would be a good variation to try. just seems so difficult.

9. juli 2004, 22:06:24
The Hunter 
how would you know if you won?

7. juli 2004, 21:20:39
The Hunter 
how about one with a bigger board and one more peice to use?

or how about one where you would choose the starting position of your peices?

just a tought or two.

30. juni 2004, 17:31:26
The Hunter 
I love a challenge. and I'm betting this is going to be a real tuff challenge. @.@

29. juni 2004, 02:49:29
The Hunter 
BBW, perhaps you'd like to play one with me? I'm dieing to try this game.

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