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 Garden and Winter Chat

Tips on how to care for your garden, flowers, fruit trees, roses, gardenias, how to make and use compost, etc.Winter Chat is allowed until Spring.

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12. oktober 2004, 13:10:40
Foxy Lady 
Ämne: Recipes
Ändrat av Foxy Lady (12. oktober 2004, 13:12:18)
There is a recipe board for those that don't know it.

12. oktober 2004, 13:07:34
Foxy Lady 
Ämne: Re: FoxyLady??
You can post or ask someone for what your looking for,this board is for gardening.

12. oktober 2004, 07:20:58
Nev Nake 
Ämne: FoxyLady??
are there recipes on there for Brazilian Cherries??

Or are you just talking about chtney and sauces in general..

Im looking for recipes using the cherries :)

thanks anyway :)

11. oktober 2004, 16:02:55
Foxy Lady 
Ämne: Re: tulips
This is used to scare birds,chipmunks and etc from the garden not for fertilizer.

11. oktober 2004, 15:52:03
Foxy Lady 
Ämne: Re: Thanks Dano :)
Check out the recipe board

11. oktober 2004, 09:01:16
Nev Nake 
Ämne: Re: tulips is like poop it is good for the garden...dig it in and it breaks down but if you dont the birds like it to build nests. LOLOL

we brush our dawg everyday and let the fur fly, so to speak and the birds build nests with it :)

11. oktober 2004, 08:59:10
Nev Nake 
Ämne: Thanks Dano :)
but I was looking more for actual in chutney, sauces etc :)

10. oktober 2004, 14:40:47
Foxy Lady 
Ämne: Re: tulips
I found taking all the hair off my brushes and putting it in netting,place it around your flower garden or veggies.The critters smell human and stay away

9. oktober 2004, 11:35:49
Ämne: Re: Eugenia uniflora, Myrtaceae, Surinam cherry
Ändrat av danoschek (9. oktober 2004, 11:36:07)
oh yes - the amount of vitamin c is promising :D pharmacy should know recipes anyway. ~*~

9. oktober 2004, 09:11:34
Nev Nake 
Ämne: Eugenia uniflora, Myrtaceae, Surinam cherry
I have thousands of these lil devils on my 2 trees (shrubs)
brazillian cherries

this is what we know as brazilian cherries....are there any recipes on what to do with them :)

1. oktober 2004, 05:17:13
Ämne: Re: tulips
Better yet, plant 3 times the supply so both you and the wild life can enjoy. Makes for a great country life that way!

1. oktober 2004, 04:40:33
Ämne: tulips
If you have trouble with squirrels etc. digging up your tulip bulbs. When your planting them place several in a cage built of chicken wire.

1. oktober 2004, 02:03:06
Ämne: If you plant tulips as we do in Zone 5...Connecticut
You should then plan on then popping out out of the earth in the spring depending on if you have early, mid or late blooming tulips. If you have had a hard winter and the deer are hungry for fresh foliage, they may eat the buds and then you can forget blooms.

29. september 2004, 14:44:20
When is the best time to put tulip bulbs in? I live on the east coast of Canada and last year I put them in late Sept and they started to sprout after Hurricane Juan hit! Not usually that warm here in Oct!

29. september 2004, 13:05:31
Foxy Lady 
Ämne: Garden Tools
Depending on where you live it's time to clean your tools,and put them away for winter.

26. september 2004, 09:06:42
Have the"baby" tapping on my window and stealing my birdfeed....Lovely Black/Brown creature he is!!!

24. september 2004, 21:13:21
Ämne: ahh right - boughs and twigs
something like that I wanted to 'assemble' by
'stem-fractions' - short of the correct word, thanks :") ~*~

24. september 2004, 21:09:01
Foxy Lady 
Ämne: Re: Compost etc
A friend of mine does it that way.He puts twigs on the ground and in between the compost,seems to work for him.

18. september 2004, 22:48:48
Ämne: Re: Compost etc
Ändrat av danoschek (18. september 2004, 22:50:57)
even without frame, no problem - for ventilation, some rough material, stem-fractions and
branches on the ground, then stuff chopped finer - everything covered with a sward blanket,
rain as starter - in years I composted almost everything but black tea leaves, successfully ... ~*~

18. september 2004, 11:16:48
Foxy Lady 
Ämne: Re: Compost etc
Your right bw my husband put holes all around the metal we have our compost in for the air to circulate.I like making a tea from the compost and watering my garden with that.

13. september 2004, 15:07:14
Ämne: Re: Compost etc
if you set your front pallet a foot or so higher than the can access the bottom of the pile to either use or circulate.

13. september 2004, 03:04:45
Ämne: Re: Compost etc
To make one is easy: 4 wooden pallets attached to each other by large hinges, bought in any DIY store. Nail these together. Cover with old carpet.
A good alternative is a large square incinerator, the type that look a bit like a cage. Line this with tough plastic, and cover with carpet.

13. september 2004, 02:23:24
Already got that one Foxy from the recipe f/s and did pass it around. It's a great site!

12. september 2004, 11:05:25
Foxy Lady 
Ämne: Dolittle
This is a great site pass it along.

12. september 2004, 11:00:58
Foxy Lady 
Ämne: Re: I'll post it here
it's a great site from A to Z

11. september 2004, 08:43:16
The one about the tree..guess I missed the hints one!

11. september 2004, 07:44:18
Foxy Lady 
Ämne: Re: Oak Tree!
Dolittle which site? The one about the tree or the one with all the hints?

10. september 2004, 08:27:34
Ämne: Re: Oak Tree!
bwildman, I think that tree is live oak but am not sure. found out today from the University garden expert that it had oak leaf caterpillars. they said not to do anything to will be fine. thanks for responding!!
and thanks also to Foxy for that great site!!

10. september 2004, 08:03:34
Foxy Lady 
Ämne: Re: Compost
Human waste omg i heard of that.I never eat the meat in chinese restaurants only the veggies.Oh yuk i'll stir fry at

10. september 2004, 08:00:41
Foxy Lady 
Ämne: Re: Oak Tree!
Dootlittle maybe this site can help.

10. september 2004, 07:54:39
Foxy Lady 
Ämne: Re: Compost
I have a corner in my yard that i have a large piece of heavy metal around it.My husband turns it with a big pitch fork and he pours pepsi on it to get it cooking.Than he covers it with a metal covering.I also use manure when our garden is first tilled.

9. september 2004, 23:18:49
Ämne: Re: Oak Tree!
what kind of oak is it,Dolittle?

9. september 2004, 19:22:01
Ämne: Oak Tree!
I have an oak tree that has something wrong with it and I don't have a clue what to spray it with. Some of the leaves look opaque but the vien is still green. My first thought was bag worms but that isn't the case. Does anyone know what to do for my lovely tree? ****HELP****

9. september 2004, 19:19:38
Ämne: Re: Compost etc
I would like to know how you made your compost bin Nirvana..I have a corner in my back yard that would be perfect for one. Don't know a thing about starting one.

9. september 2004, 13:23:49
Ämne: Re: Compost etc
We compost everything possible, emptying it into a homemade compost bin and covered with an old carpet. The carpet serves two purposes: one extra heat, two cats like sitting on it and so deter rats etc. Incidentally apparently its unwise to compost either apples or parsnips as both are favoured by rats.
As for garlic, planted randomly amongst lettuces etc it helps deter rabbits.
French marigolds help with aphids as does a plant nicknamed Fried Egg Plant (I don't remember its proper name)

9. september 2004, 08:26:53
Nev Nake 
Ämne: Re: Compost
funnily enough...they say that Human waste is even better than horse manure....
I think it is Japan or maybe china where they recycle all human waste into their vegie patches..LOLOL
This is a reason I dont eat chinese food from restaurants....cook me own, or rather my wife does HAHAHAHAHA

9. september 2004, 06:13:02
Ämne: Re: Compost
:) I have horses for that!!

9. september 2004, 06:11:21
Foxy Lady 
Ämne: Compost
Anyone making or using compost?

9. september 2004, 06:08:49
Foxy Lady 
Ämne: Blueberries
Ändrat av Foxy Lady (9. september 2004, 06:09:53)
In the beginning of this board i told about blueberries.My bush was doing nothing.I looked it up to see what i could do and found it needs acidic soil.Ahhhhhhhhh coffee grounds to the my surprise it picked right up and bore some fruit this year.
So now i give it a drink of coffee once a week.

9. september 2004, 05:57:10
Foxy Lady 
Ämne: Re: bamboo
Seven this may help.

9. september 2004, 05:47:39
Foxy Lady 
Ämne: Re: Garlic
Garlic can be very hardy, this year i'm doing mine in containers.It really does help the garden since you don't harvest it till fall.Marigolds are great around the garden.

9. september 2004, 01:13:46
Ämne: Re: fall--- transplanting trees
Definetly better to wait until leaves have fallen, you can also loosen dirt on 2 sides and then a few days later move the tree, less stress this way.

9. september 2004, 00:53:09
Ämne: bamboo
We also have a large 4'-5' clump of Black Bamboo that needs to be moved. I am hoping I can move it without killing it---anyone have any experience transplanting Bamboo?


9. september 2004, 00:50:58
Ämne: fall--- transplanting trees
I live in the PNW (Pacific Northwest) and our summer is fading fast. Temps now mild (50-65) with rain every few
days. I have some 2 yr old Aspen trees I would like to transplant. Does anyone know if now is a good time to move them or should I wait until the leaves fall?

8. september 2004, 15:01:06
never heard of garlic....but marigolds seemto help ;-)

8. september 2004, 08:47:57
Nev Nake 
Ändrat av Nev Nake (8. september 2004, 08:48:50)
you have to be careful with garlic i cant plant it in the same place 2 years running :(...

they also say to plant it near tomatoes to keep aphids and/or other bugs away??? true or false i do not know :)

8. september 2004, 08:38:35
Foxy Lady 
Ämne: Garlic
Almost time to think about planting garlic in my zone.

5. september 2004, 08:02:31
Foxy Lady 
Ämne: Re: Nirvana
Hi Nirvana,
Glad you found the board.

2. september 2004, 11:17:10
I hadn't realised this discussion board existed before today ~ looks interesting.
Re: Orange flowers ~ Mimulus are lovely to look at, and great in hanging baskets, they last quite well and the range of colors, especially in the mixed varieteis, look really pretty.

28. augusti 2004, 14:12:08
Foxy Lady 
Ämne: Re: NN
That site was sent to me and boy did i print out alot of goodies.It really is worth the trouble to check it out as you see.

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