Tips on how to care for your garden, flowers, fruit trees, roses, gardenias, how to make and use compost, etc.Winter Chat is allowed until Spring.
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We also have a large 4'-5' clump of Black Bamboo that needs to be moved. I am hoping I can move it without killing it---anyone have any experience transplanting Bamboo?
I live in the PNW (Pacific Northwest) and our summer is fading fast. Temps now mild (50-65) with rain every few
days. I have some 2 yr old Aspen trees I would like to transplant. Does anyone know if now is a good time to move them or should I wait until the leaves fall?
I hadn't realised this discussion board existed before today ~ looks interesting.
Re: Orange flowers ~ Mimulus are lovely to look at, and great in hanging baskets, they last quite well and the range of colors, especially in the mixed varieteis, look really pretty.
Well one was a total mess all chewed up the others are doing great.Too late for Roses unless you get the hardy ones that bloom during the winter.Those little green worms are finally gone.Were getting down in the 50's at night very short Summer here.We have a very short growing period.Almost time to plant the garlic here.Usually in Oct but were doing it in a couple of weeks.We've had SNOW in Oct before so it's better to get it in early.
Foxy Lady, I agree with you and did not mean to start anything. I posted this on every board just to let all members know how I feel. I just wanted everyone to know how I felt about the situation on some of them. Most of the discussion boards have nice people and no abuse there. I did not mean to start anything. I hope everyone will forgive me. I should have kept my mouth shut.
ummmm dont think so the moment i have a YOU BEAUT tomato tree....cost me $14.00aus for 2 seed. supposed to be your beaut and super producing....wil take pics and let you see...:(
Im not hanging by my toenails here folks LOLOLOL
Ämne: Re: Foxy.. Take the fallen leaves from the fall
Bernice just a thought put some garlic powder around the plants,than water the roots will soak up the garlic.We put sugar around the plants for a sweeter tomatoe.
Ämne: Re: Foxy.. Take the fallen leaves from the fall
hehehe Your grandmother knows the healthy way....garlic water is great for everything LOLOL
unfortunately it will not make tomatoes taste of garlic hehehehehe
Ämne: Re: Foxy.. Take the fallen leaves from the fall
I do that with mulch and quite heavy since our winters are brutal.My Granmother came over and sprayed my rose bush with garlic water lol.That'll take care of those little green worms she says.I'll let ya all know if it works.
and place them around and cover as much as you can.. That should help protect them and insulate them as much as possible.. in the spring.. cut the limbs back on the bushes (rose), it will spark new growth..
ah ha...central NY...well then i should shut mouth ROFLMBO....I havent seen snow in abut 30 years, and really wouldnt know how to garden in that sort of weather :(
Im living in the tropics of australia and everythings is like just grows :)
I never heard of a watering trench around Roses or Gardenias......My Gardenia is at the florist to see whats going on with it.
Rosebush got dug up..........
Bernice i'm in Central NY very harsh winters we have.
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