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4. september 2004, 02:56:38
Ämne: Re:

4. september 2004, 01:19:04
rookeeper: Yes, as it says in the news that announced this game, it says that Fencer is aware the board is too big and will add a smaller one soon.

3. september 2004, 21:10:45
ahh... i see now..

3. september 2004, 18:16:36
it looks like access to the central square is different for both colors.

3. september 2004, 10:21:56
Ämne: size matters!
Is it possible to get the board to be the same size as say backgammon so we can see it all at once?

3. september 2004, 01:22:41
I'm lost. How is it different?

2. september 2004, 20:54:15
Is it intentional that this board isn't symmetrical (ie: different for black and white)?

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