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have you asked your opponent for a draw already, with an explanation of why it's a draw???
I think I have heard of Fencer "drawing" games for people in a situation like that when one person refuses a definite draw.. but maybe I imagined it.. Worth a try though.. :-)
Groeneveld Alquerque Super Tournament request 2. april 2006, 03:00:03
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When the running tournaments are over
I find it nice idea,when a tournament will be hold,where all or allmost all of the ranked players will appear,
the 28 players with a rating an let's say 36 with a provisional rating
do you find this a good idea,
and are you free,just
drop a note,to say you will enter
and top 28 players,do specially....
how more of you will enter,how greater the tournament
I don't play Alquerque much anymore, because the board is too large, and it frustrates me to scroll up and down constantly to see the whole board. I enjoy the game, though! If Fencer shrinks it, in the future Groeneveld, I will start playing again.
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