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Du har inte tillstånd att skriva på denna sida. Lägsta nivå på medlemskap för att kunna skriva i detta forum är Brain Bonde.
SL-Bosse: I would prefer group play. At least I get to play a few games instead of just one. The 3 day limit with vacations seems fair. I am ok with any variant .
Several months ago I invited to a game all the high rated players I could see. To my suprise all gladly accepeted my challenge!. Many of these turned out to be very educational and I believe will make me a better player. Most of these good games lasted over two months. I currenty have a game , played at what I consider a reasonable pace, that has lasted over 5 months. Good game too. I would hate to have such a game in progress only to have one player time out. I realize that a tournament may last for a long time, however I prefer completed games instead of games decided on a time limit or deadline for the game.
Reviewing the link, it appears that here is nothing going on with that fellowship. Certainly nothing close to what the League mentioned below has going ( or is it "had going" ?)
I like the game, however I cannot see paying just to join a list.
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