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 Run around the Pond

Discuss about this new multiplayer game or comment current runs. (includes all versions of the game)

Game link..... Ponds
Ratings link..... Regular Pond Ratings -and- Dark Pond Ratings -and- Run in the Rain Ratings
Winners link..... All Winners - (Regular Ponds Only) - (Dark Ponds Only) - (Run in the Rain Only)

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22. december 2004, 13:34:49
Ämne: Thanks Fencer
I guess I was wondering more for future games, hoping that we could play "fast" games, mabe with a small group of people currently online, where we could play many moves, or even a complete game, all in one evening.

Something like that would be possible if the next round would start immedietly when all bids are entered, like a regular game.

Maybe that would work in the future?

22. december 2004, 01:41:03
Yea, I thought of that too.... also, with this big group, it is very unlikely to happen anyway, I was just curious because in "normal" games it works differently than this game.

22. december 2004, 01:30:25
If everyone makes a "move" before the two day limit, will the next round be started, or does it always wait for the end of the two days?

21. december 2004, 23:49:37
Ämne: BBW
Like I tried to say earlier....

I dont think this first game is anything like a typical game will play out. One thing that makes this game different is that not everybody makes a move on every turn. So now, people are making plays based on factors like people forgeting to make a move, where in a 'normal' game that strategy would not work.

I look forward to playing this game with fewer people, who all know the rules etc...

It should be different than this one now :)

20. december 2004, 23:48:55

If by chance everyone in the game happens to make a "move" before the time limit expires, will the next round be automatically started right then, or does it always wait until the end of the two days?

19. december 2004, 17:36:52
good eye BBW

19. december 2004, 17:32:14
Ämne: Just one more to set the record straight...
Ändrat av Czuch (19. december 2004, 18:04:30)
I feel I need to say this, because I have been made out to be the fool ** *** ********.

1st, I was asked to edit out the words Ignorant and Idiot and stupid from the posts where I said something like "anyone who would pick 1 in the first round is ignorant of the rules", for example. I apologized for this, and went about editing those posts where those words were used. what you werent told is that I apologized for these comments and I did edit those words as requested., Even though I did edit the posts myself, I was still put on hide, so my edits could not be seen by anyone here. Then before my posts were unhidden, they were all edited (not by me) to read *********** like that. Now nobody knows what I actually said, or what I edited on my own, not to mention this was also done to my apology. Anyway, I just want everyone to know what really happened here. I am again, sorry if hurt anyones feelings. I only want to discuss this game and its strategy. will not be the one to bring this up again, and I hope no one else does either :)

19. december 2004, 16:50:53
Ämne: Hi all.
I am not sure why my post apologizing to anyone offended by my comments yesterday was edited to read *************** by the moderator? I am sorry if anyone took offense to my comments about anyone who would bid 1 in the first round of this game. It was not politically correct of me, and my choice of the word "ignorant" could be taken offensivly by some. I meant no harm to anyone. I am truely interested in discussing the strategies of this game, as I am new to playing it, as are many others here.

I still dont understand why anyone would bid 1 on the first round. But the question becomes what is a safe first round bid? I dont see that there is one, really. I mean, If you know nobody will pick one, because its sure defeat (unless it is in a game of rookies like this one was) Now, if you know nobody will take a 1, then a pick of 2 becomes the 'dead mans" bet. Why would you now choose 2? Well.... you can see where this leads..... nobody wants 2 either, so 3 becomes the next dead mans guess. Where does it end? 5? 10? 50? 100?

anywho, I just want to discuss the ins and outs of this game, as the dinamics are fascinating to me.

19. december 2004, 16:33:34
8976 is the minimum bet to guarantee not to fall into the pond this round!

19. december 2004, 16:05:40
Nor the rules either :)

18. december 2004, 19:49:36
Ändrat av Czuch (18. december 2004, 20:16:02)
First of all I did not delibertly not carry out your wishes.... As you can see, I began edeting my posts at 12:44 PM est. I got kicked off line for a bit when I got a phone call unfortunatly I cant be online and on the phone at the same time) As soon as posible afterward, I returned online and continued my editing, and as all can see I was still editing 16 seconds 13:07:40 pm est before Stevie hid me at 13:07:56 pm est....

I dont think it was fair and I was singled out, and even after explaining all this to Stevie in a PM, he said I was still hid just to remind me not to use words like ignorant to describe someone who does not know the rules of a game. (I think it is the perfect way to describe someone who doesnt know something myself) What kind of censorship is that?

nyway, the only place I did leave those words were where I used them to apologize to anyone offended by me using those words to describe them.... what is wrong with that? Not to Mention that there are still several others in here who have used the same words and have not been hidden or edited.

I just want freedom and justice for all, not just a select few.

18. december 2004, 18:36:46
Ändrat av Czuch (18. december 2004, 18:44:48)
Not really Viking..... you still havent given me any logical reason why choosing 3 was anything but a lucky play?

edited to change the number 1 to number 3

18. december 2004, 17:54:27
Not to mention this is a long game, and the "best" player of one round does not a winner make, I wouldnt be so quick to put your money on any of them just yet :)

18. december 2004, 17:12:55
Ändrat av Czuch (19. december 2004, 11:28:17)

18. december 2004, 17:08:34
If you concider purposly making a bad move hoping that your opponent makes a worse one as a "smart" play, then anyone who did bid 3 or less is way smarter than myself. I dont believe that kind of strategy is a good long term strategy though... But for a once in a lifetime shot....CONGRATS!!!

18. december 2004, 17:02:52

Quite risky indeed! ut in this specific game, it worked! (I wouldnt recommend it again though :)

18. december 2004, 16:55:26
Ändrat av Czuch (19. december 2004, 11:29:08)

18. december 2004, 16:52:08
Ändrat av Czuch (18. december 2004, 18:51:42)
Thats correct Bishop... If someone did play 2 figuring that with so many players, there was bound to be at least one person who didnt know what they were doing and play a 1..... that is a great play, in this instance.

My point is, that anyone playing this game with any experience will never play 1 on the first round, which automatically eliminates a bid of 2 in the first round either.

18. december 2004, 16:47:38
Well...... ????? am I missing?

I mean, if the object is to win, correct? And you cannot win by guessing 1 point, correct? Therefore it is logical to assume that anyone who wants to win will not choose 1, correct? Also, anyone who knows this will not choose 2 because if nobody is going to pick 1, 2 becomes the losing number, same logic for 3, correct?

What am I missing?

18. december 2004, 16:42:04
Ändrat av Czuch (19. december 2004, 11:30:07)

18. december 2004, 16:38:40
Vikings, is there anyway you would have guessed 3 had you been playing with people who knew what they were doing? dont think so, cause anybody who knew what they were doing woukld never guess one. Also, knowing that no one will bid one, noone would ever bid 2 either, making 3 a tough call too!

Maybe I am missing something?

18. december 2004, 16:28:03
Ändrat av Czuch (19. december 2004, 11:31:28)

18. december 2004, 14:56:51
My point is BBW, that even if you eliminate the zero runners, you will still have the runners with 1 point left that everyone can out bid, or at least someone with the "lowest" total points left that everyone can outbid, so it really doesnt matter.

It seems with so many people who are new to this game, there will always be someone who bids their whole point total, just because they dont understand what is going on yet. I think most furue games will have more experienced players, and this problem will not exist.

18. december 2004, 14:32:20
After this round, whatdidyousay will have the lowest point total and everyone can out bid them with a bid of 9000.

Even though it gaurantees one more run, I doubt everyone will make the full 9000 point bid. It seems that to win this game will take more than simply outbiding the person with the lowest point total every run turn. If that were the case, then whomever has the highest total right now will ultimatly win. Anyone who wants to beat them will sometime have to make a bid lower than the person with the fewest points left.

18. december 2004, 14:17:09
Plus, it seems that even if you have eliminated all of the runners with zero points, there will always be someone with 1 point, or at least someone with the lowest point total, that anyone else can knowingly outbid....

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