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 Run around the Pond

Discuss about this new multiplayer game or comment current runs. (includes all versions of the game)

Game link..... Ponds
Ratings link..... Regular Pond Ratings -and- Dark Pond Ratings -and- Run in the Rain Ratings
Winners link..... All Winners - (Regular Ponds Only) - (Dark Ponds Only) - (Run in the Rain Only)

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11. november 2007, 18:38:33

11. november 2007, 18:28:52
For Anyone With 10+ Pond wins only!

For anyone with 10 or more wins only please!

25. oktober 2007, 21:27:24
Ämne: Re:
Kunoichi: Fixing some I can understand, but some of them are things that we members have asked for for a long time now, including having ponds smaller than 16 people!

25. oktober 2007, 21:21:56
Ämne: Re:
rabbitoid: Fencer must have felt bad for you and your chess rating? he can be very sneaky sometimes

25. oktober 2007, 21:18:39
Ämne: Re:
rabbitoid: what???? really?

25. oktober 2007, 20:55:04
Ämne: Re:
Fencer: What about the running games????

25. oktober 2007, 19:57:04
Ämne: Re:
Fencer: I dont know why you would not let us create ponds with less than 16 people???
Ponds are only for paying members, why not give us what we want?

25. oktober 2007, 19:55:52
Ämne: Re:
Fencer: Not since the past 5 minutes anyway!!!

25. oktober 2007, 16:29:21
Well, we have been asking fencer for the ability to make ponds with fewer players and some with faster time limits, so maybe he gave us the ability by not blocking them?

I would like to try one with 1 minute limits, lets say a quick 8 person pond?

25. oktober 2007, 14:57:16
Ämne: Re: stranger and stranger
rabbitoid: If you would have accepted your invite to the ponds plus fellowship, you would have already known all about the chess pond, including the fact that your chess rating would take a beating too

23. oktober 2007, 02:18:39
Ämne: Re:
Ändrat av Czuch (23. oktober 2007, 02:19:23)
Kunoichi: what are the rules and how are they implimented?

want to talk about this in the ponds fellowship?

26. september 2007, 23:19:40
Any pond player interested in a ponds fellowship, here is your chance.....

To entice new members, we have a 6 month rook membership on the line in a fellowship pond.

Come join us before its too late!


2. februari 2007, 00:48:29
Ämne: has this been brought up yet?
Ändrat av Czuch (2. februari 2007, 00:49:48)
In a rainy pond, I think it makes sense, when more than one person falls out in the same round, for example when there ends up being a 4 way tie for first place, that the true order of finish should be determined by the player with the most points left? That way there would be no ties unless two or more people actually had the same amount of points when they fell in! It might add a bit more strategy to the bidding, and end the multitude of games that end with multiple winners. (or more precisely, no winners and a multitude of people tied for first place)

19. januari 2007, 23:13:53
Ämne: Re:
rabbitoid: okay, i wont kick you out then :)

19. januari 2007, 22:54:12
Will we be able to set bkr parameters for pond runs anytime soon, please?

19. januari 2007, 22:51:34

30. juni 2006, 16:03:10
Ämne: Re: 9 way tie
BIG BAD WOLF: run in the rain....

17. maj 2006, 13:26:08
Ämne: Re: Ponds and Vacations
tonyh: I want some 5 minute ponds!

29. april 2006, 06:54:14
Ämne: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: But then fencer wil be inundated with requests to remove them from a game as soon as they fall into the pond! We dont need to make fencer grumpy ;)

28. april 2006, 03:19:42
Ämne: Re:
Vikings: Just a couple of globs that I was upset with...

28. april 2006, 01:32:17
I have 93 members in a ponds fellowship (minus a few stray pawns) and cant even get more than 7 or 8 people to sign up for a fellowship only pond!!!

Maybe fencer will lower the minimum amount of players for us????? I would also like to be able to play "live" pond games, maybe 1 or 5 minute moves?????

26. mars 2006, 00:00:08
Ämne: Re: hmmm
Thad: When i first came to this site I was on about subject headers, but it went nowhere...

25. mars 2006, 23:54:59
Ämne: Re: hmmm
Thad: I think they both work the same dont they?

25. mars 2006, 23:46:19
Ämne: Re: hmmm
Vikings: My point is that, when I played that way, my BKR was lower than people who never won but had a nice high averge.

Why would you want to use the reply instead of the box? Is there a reason for both?

25. mars 2006, 23:29:54
BTW.. what is the difference between "reply" and "box"?

25. mars 2006, 23:28:03
Ämne: Re: hmmm
rabbitoid: I think this was discussed a long time ago... That would surely change the strategy from where it is now. I quit playing for a long while after the first ratings came out, because I had played for wins in the begining and had quite a few of them, then the ratings came out and I was discouraged to find out that people who had no wins yet placed 4th or 5th a lot had better ratings than I did! Now that I am playing again, I have only one win, but I am top 5 in every game so far, and my rating is climbing steadily. I guess if you can learn how to do both, get wins and be in the top 5 when you lose, you will be top ranked BKR for sure!

Vikes I gues you are correct, I am always happy if I finish and everyone who beats me is higher ranked than myself...

It would be nice if we could set games for BKR ratings!

25. mars 2006, 23:11:06
Ämne: Re: hmmm
Nothingness: Although I dont think the BKR of the people who finish ahead of you matters at all? Its not a strength of the field type calculation, but more the strength of the people you beat, Ithink?

26. februari 2006, 15:06:17
Fencer I would like to be able to create a pond with BKR controls please?

15. februari 2006, 17:54:43
Ämne: Fencer
One more request....

Could you make it so that pond runs can start immediatly when it is full, just like regular tournaments?

15. februari 2006, 16:01:57
Ämne: Fencer
It is great that we can have fellowship only pond runs now. The problem is finding enough people to sign up! Even in my ponds plus fellowship with 70 or so members it hard to get even 16 people for any one run! Some people only will play longer runs, somepeople only play fast ones etc.

Could we please be able to create smaller runs with say 8 o 10 or 12 people? And have the starting points reduced as well to correspond with fewer players?

13. februari 2006, 16:45:15
Ponds Plus Fellowship open call for new members! We have many great fellowship only ponds and other fellowship games as well.

We dont allow suspected cheats into this fellowship, so you can play your ponds without fear of being cheated by colluders! Also a great forum to learn how to play better and other great tips and ideas!

13. oktober 2005, 01:34:48
Ämne: Re: And in the end ....
WhisperzQ: Thats an awesome analysis! Maybe you could start a series of :cricket ponds" where all participants agree to only play their moves to the best of their ability, with out profit by "looking to see who has been online" or 'finding out who is in a dark pond".... just an honour type of thing, where everyone just plays by the intent of the rules.

12. oktober 2005, 03:28:26
Ämne: Re:
Vikings: you dont need to know all players but I can think of one who wil always make you not want to go for the bonus because they always go really high, and I know one who is nototious for playing really low bids at really weird times, so if you just check out those two you are ahead of everyone who doesnt know the same.

12. oktober 2005, 03:19:42
I guess.... its just a shame that these games arent played the way they are intended just because we are online and people can get away with it. But I know it is stupid not to take advantage if someone else might anyway.

12. oktober 2005, 03:09:50
so now people have a secret way to know who is in dark ponds????? thats seems really fair...

25. september 2005, 23:34:39
Vikings: If anyone wants..... come on over to the ponds plus fellowship if you want less moderated discussions on this matter.

3. september 2005, 21:52:08
BBW, I am very disappointed that in order to maintain you ranking you did not even play in the 10 wins pond!!!! What a copout that you use the excuse that you are trying to get your gamecount down to avoid playing ponds! I can probably find a post from 3 years ago where you used the same excuse for playing you games too slowly, that you had to many games goind and needed to get the count down. You have had too many games for many years now, and the excuse is lame, IMO.
Now it is really none of my business what you do or why.... the point is that I am disappointed thet the best pond player on this site will not even play in one of the most prestegious pond games ever played on this site, no matter what you lame excuse. Shame on you! ;)~

8. augusti 2005, 19:23:18
Ämne: Re:
Pbarb2: I think some people make extra high bids, then lett it auto-play before they are away..... sometimes you can stay in the game a bit longer than just not playing any moves for awhile.

2. augusti 2005, 01:18:57
Ämne: Re: Do you think the ratings are really going to change so much from the firstb run results?
Pedro Martínez: - 300 for you is nothing! I just saw you at about 2100 a couple of weeks ago, didnt I?

Vikes... I dont think that wins a nd win percentage tells the whole story either. But if that is the standard, then I will start going for wins again!

2. augusti 2005, 01:14:00
Ämne: Re:
Pedro Martínez: Remind us again, what he showed? I think the rating should be somewhat accurate after many games. I think it can skew someone who has not played many ponds but has done well in the ones they have played.

2. augusti 2005, 01:11:33
Ämne: Re:
Vikings: Do you think the ratings are really going to change so much from the firstb run results?

2. augusti 2005, 01:09:44
Ämne: Re:
Maxxina: Just commit yourself to playing in dark ponds only, and you will have no worries anymore!

2. augusti 2005, 01:02:49
Ämne: Re:
Maxxina: said "stupid" not a fool... LOL! J/K! Plus, we all know now tha winning a pond isnt the goal so much as getting a high BKR, at least for many of us. I personally havent won even one pond since the ratings came out, and although have had a higher BKR before, It was a lot lower when I went for wins over playing it safe.

2. augusti 2005, 00:51:41
Ämne: Re:
Pedro Martínez: Where is the underline?

2. augusti 2005, 00:48:39
Ämne: Re: How to win a pond run...
Pedro Martínez: LOL... of course I have done that before. I just dont have the patients to do it routinely, and I do understand that it is stupid to purposly not do it, since someone else will alweays do it and the point is to be competative. Thats why I like the dark games, because nobody can play this way and the actual intent of the ponds and the way they are played are in effect.

2. augusti 2005, 00:25:02
Ämne: Re: How to win a pond run...
BIG BAD WOLF: Dark Ponds are the only true measure of a great Pond player....

2. augusti 2005, 00:12:17
Ämne: How to win a pond run...
Wait until the last hours before making a move. Then check all other players to see if they have been online to play. Especially check anyone who has a star nex to their name from the previous move. If you cannot find someone who is on an auto move, then play very conservatively, and repeat on the next round. Soon enough someone will will play an auto move that is very low and you can play safe a very low bid that will put you in the lead. When the game gets near the end, all you have to do is bid one more than the lowest player, and voila', plenty of top finishes and a very high BKR.... no thinking required!

1. augusti 2005, 23:32:37
Ämne: Re: Announcement
Pedro Martínez: I think I predicted July didnt I? *pats self on back*

20. juli 2005, 16:07:36
Congrats to Harley on her first win in Monkey off your back pond run # 4!!!!

These are ponds only for people without a previous win yet!
Here is # 5

20. juli 2005, 15:05:12
I would love to see 100 not be a safe opening bid!

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