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Hrqls: What I meant to say was: If I just have a few points, and would know that I would be next to fall in the pond, if I bet 0, another person would fall with me (the one with the small bet after me). This way, I would not lose to that particular person and lose less BKR points.
That´s why the rule we were talking of, just aplies to the first round... I think that was what Goonerg was trying to say as well...
Ämne: Re: New Version Request-- Team Run Around the Pond
Bry: "I do agree that the bets made by the 2 Portugese in the pond that has been discussed must have been "contrived" personally, away from the Pond. That is the difference, Scooter publically announced his intention (rightly or wrongly) and everyone in that pond had the option to gamble or not."
Pedro Martínez: Yep, because there were 39 players on that pond. If there were only 16, she probably would end at 6th /7th and perhaps she would win some BKR points.
Walter Montego: As I said, not fair in my opinion. Perhaps that turn could be deleted, eliminating scooter and the other players would remain with the same amount of the previous turn?
I shall insist: what about giving some extra BKR points for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of the pond. This wiil prevent quite a bit this situation, as players will bet taking some more risks...
Mike UK: Not odd. Is a direct result of the actual BKR for ponds. People take less risks, having less chances of winning ponds, in order to get in the last 5/6 to win more BKR points.
IMO, the winner of the pon, the 2nd and the 3rd would get some extra BKR points to reward their risky options...
Thad: Yes, there is such a statistical formula. If you have patience enough to compile data from the ponds and the players, you can get some optimized bids.
I don´t use such formula because this is juste a game, not work. So why bother?
Not a bonus fixation. But for going further in the pond, even without having any chances of winning it. They achieve more BKR points this way. It´s just strategy...
Before knowing that ponds would be rated, I was taking some more risks to win the pond. I fell off the pond for several times with 5/6 players left, ´cause I made some small bets, trying to get lucky and win the pond. But now I rather prefer not to win the pond and achieve an higher BKR... So I take less risks in my bets...
Yep, it was like Pedro and BBW said. In the actual rating system of ponds, I wanted to secure 2nd place more than risking and trying to won the pond.
Anyway, I think the actual pond rating system could be improved. It would be more fair giving some extra points, for instance, to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of the pond. This way it would prevent those who make high bets, with no chances of winning the pond, but achieving good BKR on the game...
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