i have a forever membership and it also says that i have 200 brains. could i use these brains to give to someone else or run a tourney with these as a Prize?
mctrivia: Unfortunetly it seems Fencer can't fix problems like this that happened in the previous year. In future report things like this as top priority bugs.
FrancescoLR: That is a terible thing to happen. As for offensive everything after "so again". Fencer is usually pretty good at rectifiying problems but it does some times take him a few days. I think he is also prety forgetful because I have asked him questions he said he would check but he never got back.
When dealing with Fencer just keep come and remind him ocasionaly in a friendly non acusing maner. He is capable in games (other then dark games) to go back and fix problems but it may take time.
i would like to know where i said something offensive : first message lost 5 games and 5 ponds in timing out ( thing that never happens to me especially since i sign ONLY for fast games )because the site was completely inaccessible and even with all your explanations it would have been correct to the people couldn;t access the site that those games would have been restored but i am sure my request it is just a waste of time ( as i am also sure that many other pple asked the same ) second message : this is one of the games ( i am using automatic vacation ) and was 1 day per move standard vacation so i hope this is something that has nothing to do with what happened yesterday .. i never timed out that is why i sign only for fast games ... over here the other games : Game ID: 2949110, Match ID: 242553 Game ID: 2949109, Match ID: 242552 Game ID: 2948107, Match ID: 242460 Game ID: 2948105, Match ID: 242458 third message why i never got an explanation of why i timed out in those games i sended you before ? games were 1 day per move with standard vacation and i had my profile set to use ( as always) automatic vacation ( 44 days left) what happened ? did you or any of techinician took out that features from the players ???
so again : i am sorry that after i lost those games i didn;t invite you for the party i made i am sorry that after i lost those games i didn;t send you a postcard or even better a gift i am sorry that after i lost those games i didn;t take an airplane to come in Prague and shake your hands and tell you " BRAVOOOOOO" i am sorry that after i lost those games i didn;t send you a message personal and i said : Yes please again i like to lose all the games because of YOU " I AM SORRY THAT I AM A MEMBER OF BRAINKING
I have just finished the java server software for my newest version of auto Player. I have not yet writen the PHP interface so people can sign up to use it. For now I need volinters willing to run the server program on there computer.
What you need: *Decent internet access that is usually always up *Willing to run a java command line program on your computer most of the time(24/7 is best but does not have to be 99.999% up time not even close)
What you need to send me to become a server: *For now just your bkid,username, and an e-mail i can send the files to
If you are impatient and want to start using the new autoplayer before I have finished writing the PHP interface just send me a MD5 hash of your password and your username. But I will probably have the interface up by saturday.
As a side note, I still enter prize tournaments. I still want to win, and I still want the prize.
Of course I can't use it myself, but what I've done twice now in the past is re-gift the prize into my own prize tournaments....
But in my opinion if a black rook wins a prize tournament, they can choose 3 things.
1. "keep" the gift, and re-gift it in their own tournament 2. "keep" the gift, and just give it to someone - a friend or something 3. Refuse the prize, and let the tournament creator decide if they should give it to the 2nd place person - or even create a whole new tournament with the prize.
That is my opinion - of course if the tournament creator wants to do something specific, they would need to outline that in the tournament description before the tournament starts - so people like me know not to sign up.
Well basically they learn 4 things per belt color. 1) Kicking Skills 2) Form 3) 1 Step Sparring (defense) 4) Board Breaking
As U learn these 4 things U get colored stripes on your belt. When U get all 4 colors your ready for a belt promotion test. Pass that and it starts over again earning the 4 colored stripes for the next belt promotion. That video was of her going for her yellow belt. Today 8-11-07 she has her high yellow belt promotion test. (crosses fingers) hehe
I usually have my live streaming video on for friends and family to see (we have no family up here) If your interested (or anyone for that matter LOL) please join us.. Here is the link to my cam site.
or2ak.com: someone moving around a lot would make it easier to find a cheat. If I loged onto 5 different accounts and played a game on each and loged on at a different lovcation to the same 5 accounts another day it is almost serten that I am playing on those accounts. keeping track of IPs over time on different accounts can let you see paterns easier.
He may, but doesnt do much cause of the fact we can log in from anywhere and have different IPs each time. For example I log in with my desktop at home and also my laptop all over town. (I dont have a wireless card so I use the hotspots I find around town. I log in from my daughters TaeKwonDo School and numerous parks around the city. (even the city bus has free wifi to use) All have different IPs. I have also logged in from different states as I travel around. (I will be doing that next week. I'm traveling to Chicago and Minneapolis. My wife (who also uses the same PCs as I do) has logged in as far away as China. I'm going to China next year for the Olympics and will be taking my laptop with me.
Eriisa: This person that was using these pawn accounts has resigned all of their games... the games of their pawn accounts that is; but they are still around as a rook. ;-)
I believe I hit the nail on the head, because I had a hunch who it was (based off their grammer style, the things they discussed, and a few other things like the games they played, BKR ratings, etc.) and straight out told them who I thought they were... I am pretty sure I was right, because within minutes of them getting on and reading their message box, they began resigning all of their games in their pawn accounts... hmmm... LOL
rednaz23: well you could easily find these people by keeping track of IPs used and watching trends of anyone using the same IP. Same IP does not mean same person could just be living in the same house but it shows you who to watch for.
Well... the person in question just resigned all of the games in a 10 win match for each of the three ID's they have against me...
Why do I think someone would have multi-nicks?
- To get 3 or 4 or more chances at a prize in a prize tourney! I don't think it would end either if you made it paying members only can win, because then they would pay for bishop for a month at a chance for a year or two year rook prize. That is why people have additional accounts, or at least that is why I think they have additional accounts.
Why did I post this interesting question here?
- We all have forever accounts, an additional year means nothing to you, me, or any other black rook for that matter! (Unless you like making prize tournies or something like that...) So I bring it up here because it is an issue that needs to be addressed (in my opinion), so it doesn't wreck this site that we all have invested in. What do you all think?
rednaz23: As far as I know, multinick-pawns do that to have more games (and tourneys) running. Rooks have unlimited games, so why even WOULD a rook have more nicks? I do not think rooks have more nicks, unless they time out lots and create a new account, leaving the old one abandonned.
So... what do I do about a multi-nic group? I know for a fact that there are three pawns that are multi-nics of one another... (I wrote one a message about it, and all 3 suddenly put me on block... coincidence!? LOL) Can I do something about that!? I just wonder if they are also multi-nics of a rook... I hope not a black rook.. but I doubt that since they are doing it to try and get a rook prize... That is why I post here...
Eriisa: Well I definetly have a lot of pictures(on my own computer over 120GB worth). I will probably be adding another 50+ pictures over the next few weeks.
Eriisa: In 2004 venus traveled infront of the sun. I had brought little cardboard glasses I have for looking at the sun to watch it down to the beach and I met a group of people there with a telescope that had the same idea. I managed to hook my camera up to there telescope.
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