Cool Off Jump In Foxys Ice Cream Pond Name your flavor,nuts,cherries and whip cream available when you fall in. Tillbaka till dammförteckningen
Typ av damm: Springa runt dammen Damm ID: 918 Minsta antal spelare: 16 Maximalt antal spelare: obegränsat Tid per drag: 2 dagar Starta: 29. augusti 2005, 06:00:00 Slut: 26. oktober 2005, 06:05:00
(22. oktober 2005, 13:34:01) Now the problem is ... did I bid low and tell Vikings or just bid high, guess the cheater will just have to sweat it out.
Dra: 27
(20. oktober 2005, 10:12:44) Hmmm ... then maybe not?!
Dra: 26
(18. oktober 2005, 08:23:15) And now you would be in it ... no need for any more strikes.
Dra: 24
(14. oktober 2005, 13:12:10) If I were keeping a black book for this game you would have one strike let me say. But alas, when the few games of this type are over I will play it no more so it doesn't really matter.
Dra: 23
Dark Vamp:
(12. oktober 2005, 21:26:47) Are you accusing me of cheating?
(12. oktober 2005, 12:35:56) Convienent too
Dra: 22
Dark Vamp:
(11. oktober 2005, 23:14:27) Seemed like a nice even number
(10. oktober 2005, 11:30:43) So tell me Dark Vamp ... why did you bid 1200 points?
(10. oktober 2005, 11:02:00) the rules you posted dont address multiplayer games at all (multiplayer=more than 2)
its nowhere mentioned directly (that i know off) that teaming up isnt allowed.
i think this is a manco (is this the right word?) in the rules indeed.
most multiplayer games have to deal with teamplaying (spades and bridge force teamplay, risk doesnt prevent it, i dont know about the multiplayer version of backgammon which fencer wants to create (something like the game we know in netherlands as 'mens erger je niet'))
i agree with you though that ponds are better and moee fun without teamplaying .. i like games to be individual (thats why i play squash instead of soccer :))
there is no rule yet though .. so people who form teams now technically arent cheating
(this really is my last message in this pond as i will now bid 0 points ... everyone make sure you read this and take advantage of it :))
Dra: 21
Dark Vamp:
(8. oktober 2005, 19:21:26) Who exactly are you refering to WhisperzQ?
(8. oktober 2005, 16:03:31) The User Agreement clearly states:
"Game Guidelines: NO CHEATING. This includes using outside programs to help play and losing on purpose for the goal of boosting ratings. Your account may be banned, and ratings will be removed."
The intention of this rule, one would expect, is to prevent a contrived result which is unbalanced in the terms of the whole of the site. Therefore by inference in the pond-type games, both the person who makes a move with a knowledge of what another is going to do, and the one providing the information are, in my opinion, both cheating as they are conspiring to deliberately alter the result and the rankings. This type of behaviour has, again in my opinion, ruined this game as all players are not equal and no longer will a game be decided purely on skill. One may as well roll a dice, then at least all parties have a fair and even go. Congratulations go to those who have managed to ruin a fun game, may you all play future games on your own as I will not enter any where I find your names. I might add that I will no longer be accepting or competing in other games or tournaments with people who adopt this attitude as one now never knows where they will stop!
(8. oktober 2005, 09:39:11) i am not sure if its cheating .. its like playing the boardgame risk .. you can play by yourself .. or try to form parties to beat someone (and later on break those parties again :)) .. just like real life politics
it doesnt state in the rules that forming parties in ponds games isnt allowed
i dont like the idea of parties though .. the game is much nicer when each players plays their own bids without any teaming up
i think 'cheater' is too harsh though .. its a different point of view which isnt ruled out by the rules or the description of this pond
i myself am a loner though and will keep playing by myself :)
(i wont be able to respond to any further messages in this pond because i will be out of this pond after this round (i guess :)) .. but the same discussion is (was?) going on on some boards (which i dont visit much lately either because of lack of time)
ah well! have fun all!! and good luck :)
Dra: 20
(6. oktober 2005, 12:38:48) The comment was made before the second bonus and was made because that player DOES know what others will bid before he makes his bid ... which to most of us IS considered cheating!
(6. oktober 2005, 12:03:49) he was refering to something else
Dra: 19
Mystic River:
(5. oktober 2005, 01:02:41) and why does someone have to be a cheater because he won 2 bonuses in a row? It is all how you play the game. I don't think that is cheating. you have no idea what anyone else is going to put for points. Very uncalled for statement.
Dra: 17
(30. september 2005, 08:48:03) I see the cheater scored another bonus ... how unusual
Dra: 8
Foxy Lady:
(14. september 2005, 02:22:30) Sure is DV
Dra: 6
Dark Vamp:
(8. september 2005, 07:04:54) Wow.. Is that orange shubert I see Foxy?
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