Typ av damm: Springa runt dammen Damm ID: 4090 Minsta antal spelare: 30 Maximalt antal spelare: obegränsat Tid per drag: 5 dagar Starta: 2. november 2007, 12:05:23 Slut: 26. mars 2008, 01:05:57
(6. februari 2008, 00:53:32) not really, 12 players left and all previous bids were between 500-900, thats almost like the 4th round in a 16 player pond
(5. februari 2008, 05:44:14) one of the most confused rounds that I have seen played, well done by some, the rest of us only wish we had played differently!!!!!
Dra: 1
Foxy Lady:
(3. november 2007, 03:51:02) Good luck and Thanks for joining.
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