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29. september 2015, 11:54:36
Chelation Therapy – How Does It Works

You may have read about it and wondered that what’s chelation therapy? Chelation therapy is usually a chemical course of action in which an artificial solution-EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid)-is injected into the bloodstream of a patient to eliminate heavy metals and minerals from the human body.

Chelation implies to grab something." When EDTA is injected in a patient’s veins, it catches heavy metals and minerals for example iron, calcium, aluminium, arsenic, copper, mercury and lead, and then eliminate them from the body. Other than as a cure for lead poisoning, Chelation therapy is a bit controversial topic among experts. You should also keep in mind that chelation therapy is always done on an outpatient basis.

What Exactly Is Chelation Therapy Utilised For?

Chelation is a really effective procedure to cure poisoning caused by heavy metal. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of majority of countries in the world have authorised prescription chelation therapy to be utilised as a treatment in cases of lead poisoning. The EDTA which has been injected combines with all the destructive metals and both of those are then removed from your body through a patient’s kidneys.

Many health industry experts have also utilised chelation therapy to take care of atherosclerosis and/or coronary artery illness, while you cannot find plenty of scientific proof to establish this treatment method is productive. Some people also believe that EDTA combines with deposits of the calcium (the A part of plaque which stops the stream of blood to the heart) while in the arteries, after which EDTA removes the deposits of the calcium within the arteries, minimizing the potential risk of coronary heart issues. Inconsistent results have been achieved from any researches. Remember, Chelation therapy should not be used as an alternative standard treatment for coronary artery disease.

Some health specialists also think that EDTA may perhaps behave as an antioxidant by getting rid of metals which incorporate with cholesterol that may be harmful for the heart arteries. The speculation is usually that any time you take away metals that move freely by arteries (which include copper or calcium); you could possibly slow down various illnesses for example atherosclerosis. Study has not yet proved whether this theory is right or wrong. Some specialists think that EDTA could get rid of calcium from muscles, bones, tissues, and from diseased arteries.

Lots of people report fewer discomfort from chronic inflammatory diseases for example arthritis and scleroderma just after undergoing chelation therapy. EDTA functions being an antioxidant, which guards the physique from inflammation and safeguards blood vessels. However, this point hasn't been proved by scientific and medicals analysis yet.
24. september 2015, 11:28:30
Always Feel Tired? You Might Be Suffering From Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

There are various issues and concerns related with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which should be addressed. There are proper criteria to determine if a person is suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or not. Getting the analysis/diagnosis can be tough for many people as the pointers for the diagnosing process are quite specific.

The fatigue should be present for at least consecutive six months along with the related signs which have developed following the exhaustion. A clear explanation of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, its indicators, and treatment choices will help patients receive a clearer idea of the syndrome.

What Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

The fundamental explanation of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome isn't going to make patients feel a lot better. Chronic fatigue does not have a clear definition and is figured out by fatigue, lethargy, weakness, tiredness, muscle pain, sleeping issues, and in some cases fever and swollen lymph nodes. There isn't a clear reason behind the occurrence of the fatigue in a person who has simply no connection with high exertion or stress and the issue is not resolved even with rest.

Signs & Symptoms

Common signs and symptoms related to Chronic Fatigue have been discussed widely by expert doctors all over the world. However, there is an extremely long list of the symptoms. There are a number of indicators that sufferers have knowledge about and then there are many signs & indicators which can only be noticed by expert doctors. Regardless, when the signs are visible for a timeframe for no obvious reason and the cure seems to be futile then Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is diagnosed frequently.

Several of the recurrent signs & symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome include things like:

Intermittent Fatigue

Persistent Fatigue



Muscle Aches

Memory Loss

Achy Joints


Difficulty Concentrating


Swollen Lymph nodes

Commonly Chronic Fatigue Syndrome starts with the times when people are already been ill, have too much stress, or for no obvious explanation at all. Many people have pointed out that after suffering from a cold, flu, hepatitis, bronchitis, along with other comparable diseases Chronic Fatigue occurs. Regrettably, Chronic Fatigue lasts for days, at times recurring and at other instances regularly impacting the patient. Other ailments start to clear up after some days, but Chronic Fatigue remains without any obvious reasons.

Diagnosing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

It is quite difficult even for doctors to diagnose Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and this happens because this syndrome has signs & symptoms of many other diseases. This the reason the many doctors wait for six months since the symptoms of the syndrome has become visible, this is done to determine that it’s Chronic Fatigue and not anything else.
19. september 2015, 08:52:53
Top 7 Benefits of Vitamin C

The reality is that vitamin C should be an integral part of your diet program, if you have knowledge about its importance. It is a type of necessity which we all aware about, like the necessity of staying hydrated and drinking a lot of water. However, when you think about it for long, then you might find out that you don’t know much about Vitamin C and why it’s so important for your health.

There are several benefits offered by vitamin C. It is an all important nutrient since we don’t have the ability or potential to synthesize it. Vitamin C guards bones in your body, assists in developing your tissues and plays a crucial role in absorption process of iron in the body.

It is additionally an exceedingly powerful antioxidant. Experts say that you need to ensure you consume the required dose of vitamin C every day since it's easily soluble in water and lacks the ability to store in the human body.

Generally called as Ascorbate or L-ascorbic acid, Vitamin C is a vital nutrient for you and your family. Here are 7 benefits offered by Vitamin C to your health and wellbeing:

Avoidance of Scurvy: Even though it has become an uncommon illness now, at a time, Scurvy was a true menace and extremely common amongst people who have to live for long periods of time on ships at sea. Once the production used to finish, people experienced Vitamin C deficiency which triggered Scurvy.

Solution for Cold & Flu: Vitamin c has an amazing power to boost immunity of the body, and this is a well-acknowledged benefit offered by this nutrient. Although it may not provide complete assistance in avoiding cold, but it may decrease the severity of disease shorten the length of the cold.

Antioxidant: Some experts say that antioxidant play a crucial role in checking the harmful chemical reactions that take place in our body. These harmful chemical reactions can inflict damage to your eyes and causes other problems also. Antioxidants work as neutralizer assisting you to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Iron Absorption: It helps a lot in absorption of iron in the human body. So, you should combine foods which are rich in iron with food items which are filled with Vitamin C to reap the best benefits. Iron is converted by vitamins in state which proves to be extra easy for intestines to digest.

Collagen: It aids in the generation of collagen, which accurately keeps us in a good shape.

Mental Health and Fitness: Astonishingly, Vitamin C assists to make neurotransmitters which carry our feelings, ideas and thoughts in the nervous system.

Anti-depression: Vitamin C plays an important part in ensuring your wellbeing.

If you can’t take the required amount of Vitamin C then Intravenous vitamin C procedure can prove to be quite helpful. Intravenous vitamin C in Sydney will be given to you through a drip into a vein in your arm. Much higher doses of vitamin C can be given intravenously than by mouth, so getting quite high levels in the bloodstream.
17. september 2015, 09:41:42
7 Interesting Facts About Lyme Disease

A bacterium known as Borrelia burgdorferi is the reason behind Lyme disease in humans and a bite from infected ticks transfer the bacteria into a human body. Common indications of lime disease in Australia are headache, fever, stress, fatigue, tiredness and a skin condition or rash known as erythema migrans.

If neglected and not treated, Lyme disease can spread to joints, the nervous system and even to the heart. It is diagnosed through symptoms, physical examination (rash), and chance of exposure to ticks. If valid techniques are used the lab test results can also be helpful. It can be treated within a few weeks of proper medication under the guidance of a Lyme disease specialist in Sydney, Australia.

You can take precautions to avoid Lyme disease in Australia by using pesticides, insect repellent, limiting visit to areas where ticks are common and by removing the ticks from your body immediately. Ticks not only transmit Lyme disease, but other diseases as well. So, be careful and take necessary precautions in your surroundings.

Here are some facts about Lymes disease in Australia.

Lyme disease occurs because of a bacterium referred as Borrelia burgdorferi that’s transmitted to people if they’re bitten by an infected tick.

In order contaminate or infect an individual, a tick should be attached with his/her skin for more than 30 hours.

Majority of cases of Lyme disease in Australia appear in early summer or at the end of spring.

A common sign of Lyme disease is a pink (red), circular rash (in shape of a “bulls-eye”) with muscle and joint pain. More than 80% of folks who got infected with this disease get the rash. However, this rash might appear after many days or even weeks after the getting bitten by the infected tick.

Almost all the cases of Lyme disease in Australia</b> are treated successfully with help of various types of antibiotics. However, antibiotics shouldn’t be used for a long time as it might reduce the success of results. Also, high and regular intake of antibiotics can be harmful and might develop extreme complications. These situations can be avoided easily by visiting an expert Lyme disease doctor in Sydney, Australia.

Physical examination, medical history and sometimes even a blood test is conducted to find Lyme disease in a person. Antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi are made by human immune system in around 6 weeks and then blood tests show positive results. That is why even if a person develops the “bull eyes” rash still the results might show negative results while detecting Lyme disease in the body.

To stay away from Lyme disease you need to be careful while walking in the woods, stay away from big grass and bushes. Cover up completely while visiting such areas. Remove ticks from your body immediately, and take a bath when you return from camping or trekking.
15. september 2015, 13:49:50
Anti Ageing – 6 Tips to Slow Down The Ageing Process

You may have tried hundred of ways to reduce your weight. There are many tips that can help you in your weight loss and anti ageing efforts. Here are some amazing tips that can help you to achieve your goals.

Tip #1 – Show Willingness

You can’t achieve success, if you aren’t willing to achieve it. Many people make an effort to stop the ageing process because they think others feel they should do so. If you really want to get successful in your anti-ageing efforts then do it for yourself and not for someone else.

Make up your mind before going for a anti-ageing program, a strong mind will play a crucial role in achieving the desired results. Take out some time to think about how you want your anti-ageing journey to be. You can consult your doctor in Sydney, Australia to know more about the complete anti-ageing process.

Tip #2 - Set Up Goals

Once you are sure that you want it, start setting up your goals. You can write these goals and keep them in a place that is easily visible to you every day. Goals should be divided into small, big, weekly and monthly. This is an excellent way to keep an update about your performance. Ensure that the goals are realistic.

Also, when you talk about your excess weight that makes you look old then remember that you haven’t put on weight in just a day, so you aren’t going to lose it in a single day. Slow and steady is the best procedure advised by majority of doctors in Sydney, Australia. No matter how you decide to lose your weight, just remember to always aim for the goals.

Tip #3 - Make Effective Changes

After you finish making plans, it’s time to develop appropriate changes in your lifestyle to reach the goals. One of the best ways is to try making one or two changes every other week. When a new change becomes a habit, make another change.

Tip #4 - Keep Detailed Notes

An anti-ageing diary or journal is an excellent way to keep your mind fixed on your goals. The journal can have any type of content as it can keep a track of the foods and calorie intake, your exercise routines or both. Writing your thoughts and how you feel every day can help to identify certain emotional eating habits.

Tip #5 – Keep A Track Of The Development

Watching your progress can be amazingly motivational. You will have a visual aide showing your development, if you keep a track of your anti-ageing progress. Achieving the final goals can prove to be a bit difficult in any anti-ageing program, but the charts that keep a track can be quite helpful. These charts show results that you have achieved over a period of time. So, even if you fail to achieve the desired goal, any anti-ageing effort is good for you!

Expert Tip – Know More About Adrenal Fatigue

Majority of people don’t have much knowledge about adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue might work as a catalyst in the ageing process. It symptoms are reduced immunity, fatigue, lethargy, and low ability to cope with stress. Visit an expert doctor for adrenal fatigue treatment and to ensure that it doesn’t effects your ageing process.
30. augusti 2014, 08:08:03
Lyme disease - Symptoms & Co-infections

Lyme disease is becoming quite widespread nowadays and the worst thing about this disease is that the doctors often fail to diagnose it on time. The main reason for this situation is because majority of Lyme disease symptoms are quite similar to the symptoms of other diseases. Search online to find an expert Lyme disease doctor in Australia.

Lyme disease is a mysterious disease that is quite difficult to diagnose. The following list contains details about the symptoms of for Lyme disease and its co-infections.

Respiratory/Circulatory Systems:    

  •  Heart palpitations

  •  Heart block, murmur

  •  Difficulty in breathing, night sweats or unexplained chills

  •  Diminished exercise tolerance

  •  Chest pain or rib soreness

 Eye, Vision:

  •  Oversensitivity to light

  •  Wandering or lazy eye

  •  Eye pain or swelling around eyes

  •  Conjunctivitis (pink eye)

  •  Vertigo

  •  Red eyes

  •  Floaters/spots in the line of sight

  •  Double or blurry vision, vision changes

 Musculoskeletal System:   

  •  Muscle pain or cramps

  •  Joint pain, stiffness or swelling

  •  Muscle weakness, loss of muscle tone

  •  Shifting joint pains

  •  Loss of reflexes, poor muscle coordination


  •  Ringing or buzzing in ears

  •  Pain in ears

  •  Sound sensitivity

  •  Decreased hearing

 Digestive/excretory System:     

  •  Loss of appetite, anorexia

  •  Irritable bladder

  •  Upset stomach (nausea, vomiting)

  •  Unexplained weight loss or gain

 Head, Face, Neck:         

  •  Stiff neck

  •  Change in smell, taste

  •  Jaw pain/stiffness (like TMJ)

  •  Sore throat, swollen glands

  •  Tingling of nose, cheek, or face

  •  Headaches/Migraines

  •  Twitching of facial/other muscles

  •  Facial paralysis (like Bell's palsy)

  •  Heightened allergic sensitivities

 Skin Problems:      

  •  Eczema

  •  Erethyma Migrans (rash)

  •  Benign tumour-like nodules

  •  Odd odours or higher perspiration than normal (ammonia)

 General Well-being:     

  •  Low body temperature

  •  Flu-like symptoms (early in the illness)

  •  Extreme fatigue, tiredness, exhaustion

  •  Decreased interest in play (children)

  •  Unexplained fevers (high or low grade)

  •  Symptoms seem to change, come and go

 Cognitive Symptoms:       

  •  Disorientation: getting or feeling lost

  •  Confusion, difficulty thinking

  •  Forgetfulness, memory loss (short or long term)

  •  Dementia

  •  Poor school or work performance

  •  Difficulty with reading, spelling, concentration

  •  Distractibility, attention deficit problems

 Other Organ Problems:          

  •  Reproduction and Sexuality

  •  Liver inflammation

  •  Bladder & Kidney problems (including bed wetting)

  •  Thyroid Dysfunction (under or over active thyroid glands)

 Neurologic System:        

  •  Word finding problems

  •  Academic or vocational decline

  •  Meningitis (inflammation of the protective membrane around the brain)

  •  Fainting Encephalopathy, light-headedness

  •  Dizziness, poor balance, difficulty walking

  •  Tremors or unexplained shaking

  •  Burning in feet

  •  Numbness in body, pinpricks, tingling

  •  Weakness or paralysis of limbs

  •  Burning/stabbing sensations in the body

  •  Seizures, stroke

  •  Wooziness, increased motion sickness

  •  Encephalitis (inflammation of the brain)

  •  Difficulty with multitasking

  •  Slowed speed of processing

  •  Auditory processing problems

  •  Encephalomyelitis (inflammation of the brain and spinal cord)

 Autoimmune Disorders:          

  •  Schizophrenia

  •  Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

  •  Diabetes

  •  Celiac

  •  Meniere's

  •  Dyslexia

  •  Autism

  •  Lupus

  •  Alzheimer's 

  •  Parkinsons'

  •  Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  •  Rheumatoid Arthritis

  •  Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism

  •  Fibromyalgia

  •  Acute Coronary Syndrome

  •  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  •  Graves' Disease/Hyperthyroidism

  •  Krohns Disease

  •  Sjogren's syndrome

  •  Multiple Sclerosis

  •  Dementia

  •  Depression

  •  Aspergers

  •  Psychological Disorders

  •  Addison's disease

  •  Cushing's disease

  •  Restless Leg Syndrome

 Psychiatric Symptoms:            

  •  Malaise  

  •  Depression and anxiety    

  •  Suicidal thoughts (rare cases of suicide)

  •  Disturbed sleep: difficulty falling or staying asleep, too much or too little

  •  Bipolar disorder/manic behaviour

  •  Obsessive-compulsive behaviour

  •  Schizophrenic-like state, hallucinations

  •  Paranoia, suspiciousness

  •  Overemotional reactions, crying easily

  •  Aggressive behaviour / impulsiveness

  •  Personality changes

  •  Mood swings, agitation, irritability

Worldwide there has been a significant rise in the number of patients suffering from Lyme disease. Australia is no different and leads in the number of patients suffering from Lyme disease. In Australia, you can easily find a renowned and expert Lyme disease  doctor. Edgecliff is the place to search for an experienced doctor.

26. juli 2014, 07:57:22
Weight Loss - Myths Debunked

When it comes to the topic of weight loss, then people have generally a number of myths and misconceptions about it. Weight loss relates to your health and fitness, therefore it shouldn’t be taken lightly. It is advisable that you should go weight loss only under the guidance of an expert doctor.

People have a number of myths that are related to weight loss when it comes to their health. At times, it difficult to separate the weight loss facts that are true from myths related to it. A number of these sound quite true while you might even laugh at others. Some of the common weight loss myths are:

Myth 1: I should have a more intense exercise routine, if I have to lose more weight

Truth: Intense routine of workout is a great thing, but there are a few things that you need to consider. First, you should have a clear mind about that everyone has a completely different fitness level and the intensity they can handle. For a person who has been physically inactive for quite a long time, an intense work for him might only be a half a mile walk every day.

If you have a similar case and walk for half a mile, then you will begin sweating profusely and become tired. However, a person who stays very active, then half a mile walk for him will be an easy task without any heavy sweating. Therefore, intense has a completely different definition for every individual.

Myth 2: You can lose weight and can eat whatever you want

Truth: Our lives are governed by natural principles. It is quite illogical to think that your weight and health will be kept in balance if your diet consists mainly of fast foods. It is true that you can burn it later, but a person who lives on such diet is hardly going to follow a proper workout routine. There are many people who may look healthy and fit from outside, but have dangerously high cholesterol levels. Always remember that anything in excess is not good for your health.

Myth 3: Skipping meals is an excellent way to lose excess weight

Truth: A number of studies have clearly shown that people who skip breakfast regularly and eat very less during the daytime are heavier in weight than those who take nutritious breakfast and eat 3-5 small meals in a day.

Myth 4: You will not lose weight, if you eat at night

Truth: even you do not eat your meal at night, but take heavy meals all over the day you will surely gain a lot of weight. Similarly, if you skip meals during the day and eat excess food at night, even then you will gain weight. So, the key to success here is about maintaining balance. If your body is signalling that it is hungry for food, then you should listen to it. The truth is that no matter what time of the day you eat, you weight will surely gain if you overeat and do zero exercise.

Myth 5: in order to lose weight at a faster rate, I need to cut down the calories

Truth: if you are just stuffing your face or drastically overeating, then cutting down the calories can prove to be a great thing. But, cutting on calories is not a good choice, if you are eating proportionally.

You can search online if you are looking for an expert weight loss doctor. Edgecliff  is the place where you can easily find an experienced weight loss doctor.

18. juli 2014, 07:48:01
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Few Things You Should Be Aware About

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a condition in which a person has to go through a number of mental and physical problems. The most unfortunate thing about chronic fatigue syndrome is that doctors often fail to diagnose it and confuse it with other illnesses. Search online to find an expert adrenal fatigue doctor in your area.

There has been a rise in concern related to chronic fatigue syndrome. To be diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, patients need to meet particular criteria. There are specific guidelines for diagnosing, getting the diagnosis may prove to be difficult for some patients. For at least six consecutive months the patient should have chronic fatigue and the corresponding symptoms that develop after the fatigue.

A proper definition of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, the symptoms and available treatment can help the patients to get a clear picture in understanding of the syndrome.

What is Chronic Fatigue?

The definition of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome does not help the patients in any way. This is mainly because the syndrome is quite unexplained and results in fatigue, weakness, trouble sleeping, lethargy, swollen lymph nodes and even fever in some cases. There is still no exact known cause for this condition that is present in a patient who has nothing to do with over-exertion and is not rectified by rest.


Some of the symptoms related to the chronic condition have been discussed already. However, you will still find quite a long list. There are few symptoms that are common and a patient can easily identify those themselves. On the other hand, there are symptoms that can only be noticed by expert doctors.

Despite the prevailing circumstances, if the symptoms keep reoccurring for a period of time for no clear reason and no remedy seems to work out, then chronic fatigue syndrome is a frequent diagnosis.

Some of the common symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are:

  • Intermittent Fatigue

  • Persistent Fatigue

  • Muscle Aches

  • Swollen Lymph nodes

  • Depression

  • Headache

  • Tiredness

  • Difficulty in Concentrating

  • Achy Joints

  • Weakness

  • Memory Loss

The syndrome usually starts in different conditions like when a patient is sick or for no apparent reason at all has to deal with a tremendous amount of stress. A number of patients have reported to the doctors that after bouts with the flu, a cold, mono, bronchitis and hepatitis, this chronic syndrome arises.

Unfortunately for the patients, the syndrome can last for months. It sometimes comes and goes or in other cases can constantly affect the patient. Unlike other illnesses that start to fade-off after a few weeks, this syndrome refuses to tone down and sticks without any reason.

Diagnosing Chronic Fatigue

Doctors generally find it quite difficult to diagnose chronic fatigue syndrome, this is why it is advisable that you should visit an expert doctor in this field. The main reason for the failure of this syndrome is because most of its symptoms are also common symptoms of other illnesses. This is a main reason that doctor takes months to properly diagnose the syndrome. The patients have to suffer due to this late diagnosis of the chronic syndrome.

With advancement in technology and researches, doctors have become more aware and are able to perform early diagnosis of the syndrome. Adrenal fatigue is another chronic syndrome that is becoming quite a common problem these days. Search online to find an expert adrenal fatigue doctor. Edgecliff is the place where you can find an experienced chronic fatigue syndrome doctor.

10. juli 2014, 07:25:51
Anti-Aging Medicine - Slowing Down the Aging Process

Anti-aging medicine is an excellent way to slow down the process of aging, enabling you to live a prolonged life. Anti aging medicine has evolved greatly and is now capable of providing a healthy and active lifestyle. Search online to find an expert anti aging doctor in your area.

Only a decade ago, many people used to consider anti aging medicine as a work of science fiction. Nowadays, multitudes of insights that have been put forward by expert doctors and researchers have ultimately become facts of science. Scientists are well aware and have knowledge about the vulnerability to disease and the deterioration that people undergo. These are the prime characteristics of the aging process.

A number of new discoveries can be traced back to the to the beginning of anti aging that started a new era to create an exceptional and an innovative health care model, also a scientific field of study as well. Anti aging medicine has developed into a special medical field that has laid foundations for highly application of advanced different types of medical and scientific technologies that help in detection, prevention, treatment process and reversal of various age-related diseases.

Anti aging medicine is now considered as an excellent health care model which promotes science and innovative research to give humans a prolonged healthy lifespan. It is based on the core principles of responsible and sound medical treatment that are consistent with other which are also applied in different preventive health care specialties. It can be defined as:

  • Scientific

The whole process of anti aging diagnoses and treatment are fully based on scientific evidence. Therefore these cannot be simply termed as just merely anecdotal.

  • Evidence-based

Anti aging medicine is done by following a direct and orderly process from which data is obtained to develop an assessment that is objective yet scientific in nature. This way an effective plan for treatment can be assigned.

  • Holistic   

An organized framework is used by this branch of medicine for a diagnostic assessment that is generally based on the whole person and the treatment regimen plan.

  • Synergistic      

Anti aging medicine treatment process has found that a many a times a multi-faceted approach eventually generates a better rejuvenating effect in comparison to a single therapy.

Anti aging medicine comes up with the early detection and highly aggressive cure of the disease. This is done by focusing on the application of highly advanced biomedical technologies. Prolonging the life of a person is not the only concern of this type of medicinal treatment, but it also ensures that the person lives a rejuvenated life in the most vital and productive fashion.

The speed of advancement in preventive health measures and in health promotion has been increased by anti aging medicine. By practicing a proactive health program which includes all the basic elements of anti aging preventive health care, you can increase the ability to live a long a robust life. In that life, you can spend a lot of quality time with your family, friends and future generations.

Scientist and doctors all over the world agree on one point that the best way to slow down the process of aging is by staying active physically. All the information related to anti aging medicine can be easily obtained by visiting an anti aging doctor. Sydney is the place where you will find expert and experienced doctor. Edgecliff is famous for renowned anti aging doctors.

27. juni 2014, 07:17:35
Vitamin C - Why it is So Important for Your Body

Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid. This vitamin is soluble in water and easily gets flushed out if becomes excess in the body. You must be aware of the fact that vitamin C is crucial for our health and it also contributes highly to your immune system.

  • Free radicals are neutralised: Free radicals are not considered good the body which keeps on creating them constantly. These cause cells to mutate, damage the immune system, contribute to ageing and diseases such as Alzheimer, Parkinson’s, cancer and many more. Free radicals are caused by pollutants, diseases, toxins and a poor digestive system.

With the help of antioxidants, our body can resist against free radicals and vitamin C is one of the strongest biological antioxidants. It also helps to regenerate the antioxidants that are already present in the body such as vitamin E. It not only helps in getting rid of the harmful free radicals, but also provides support other antioxidants to work effectively.

  • Immune system of the body is strengthened: IgA, IgM, and C3 are three important elements present in the immune system. Here, "Ig" stands for immunoglobulin. These three immunoglobulins protect our body from bacteria and viruses. These IgA antibodies are located in the openings of a body such as the moist surfaces of the mouth and act like a defence system.

IgM antibodies start acting whenever harmful content enters the body and bring in reinforcements. Complements are other components present in the immune system and these provide aid in destroying antigens. C3 is considered as one of the most vital of the complements. The concentration of these components is raised in the blood stream by vitamin C. This implies that the effectiveness of these three immunoglobulins is increased by vitamin C.

  • Helps in killing viruses: Vitamin C is considered as an effective and safe treatment for different types of viral infections. It not only helps in the treatment, but can also prevent such infections. The procedure of the treatment can be of two types which are either oral supplement or intravenous.

Many doctors strongly recommend that you should take the required doses of the vitamin C, the moment you feel the illness is starting or is at its initial stage. Since a body cannot store for long, therefore a number of doses should be taken throughout the day the body automatically flushes out the excess amount which is not being used. Vitamin C helps to shorten the length of a viral illness and lessen its severity.

Few other functions of vitamins C are:      

  • It aids the body's production of a natural antiviral compound known as interferon 

  • Helps in destructing harmful bacteria, viruses, tumour cells and toxic materials.

  • It breaks down prostaglandins and histamines that are responsible for causing inflammation 

  • Helps prevent or cure arthritis

  • Helps in maintaining blood pressure

  • Helps in protecting against the adverse reactions vaccine 

  • Increases the production of vaccine-stimulated antibodies 

  • Helps in recycling the cholesterol which is required for nutrient transport

Vitamin C also helps to fight and cure adrenal fatigue. If you are searching for an adrenal fatigue doctor, Edgecliff is the place where you can easily find a reputed doctor.

19. juni 2014, 07:15:51
Hypoglycemia: Diabetes Patients should know About It

Hypoglycemia is a condition that occurs when the supply of glucose in the body declines. Doctors often fail to recognise hypoglycemia and patients keeps suffering from it. You need to understand the symptoms of this condition and visit a doctor who can provide excellent treatment for hypoglycemia. Search online to find an expert doctor in your area.

Hypoglycemia is a term medically used to define low blood sugar levels. Glucose, the simplest form of sugar is used by cells to fuel them. The main work of our digestive system is to convert the food we eat into a powerful fuel that helps the cells to work in a proper manner.

Hypoglycemia occurs when the supply of the glucose starts to decline. The symptoms of this condition are quite clear. The patient starts to feel anxious and shaky, inability to focus properly and will get tired sooner. The patients also feel more thirsty and hungry than before. If these symptoms are ignored, then a person might get blurred vision and start sweating profusely.

The results could be quite severe if a diabetic person ignores hypoglycemia as it can result in coma, seizures or even death. But this only happens in extreme cases and with patients who are suffering from untreated diabetes type 1. These situations might also occur if too much insulin is taken by a type 2 diabetic.

The Grouch Effect/Factor

Hypoglycemia mainly just results in making you grouch. If you haven’t eaten for a long time, then there are high chances that you may wake up grouchy in the morning. In the middle of the afternoon or before lunch you may feel grouchy, sleepy, tired and unable to concentrate properly.

Hypoglycemia quickly affects the brain in a negative way. The brain does not make or store glucose. Therefore it is highly sensitive and highly reactive to low blood sugar levels faster compared to any other part of the body.

How Hypoglycemia Occurs in People who don’t have Diabetes?

No one actually has any idea about the whole condition. It occurs and disappears and the toughest part is to convince your doctor that you are suffering from it. Doctors usually consider this condition only if the level of blood sugar is below 50. Many people, who have the symptoms of hypoglycemia, do not fit the criteria set by doctors. The effects of this condition can show up easily, even with a level of blood sugar closer to 70.

One of the reasons for the occurrence of non-diabetics hypoglycemia might be overreaction of the pancreas due to excess sugar or carbohydrates. If excess insulin is released by the beta cells into the blood, then the glucose is transferred which leaves low blood sugar level. This is when the symptoms of the condition start appearing.

Steps You Can Take:

There are a number of people who suffer from hypoglycemia and have found different ways to feel and live better. Some of these are:

  • Eat more frequently in small quantities. This ensures that the pancreas do not release too much insulin. It ensures that you do not feel grouchy anymore.

  • Ensure that you do not eat meals which are made completely from carbohydrates. You can add some protein, fibre and fats to decrease the digestion rate of the carbohydrates.

  • Before exercising, you should eat something that contains proteins and carbohydrates.

  • Avoid drinking sodas with high level of sugar.

If you are suffering from hypoglycaemia and searching for an expert doctor, Edgecliff is the place where you will easily find a renowned doctor who can treat this condition.

20. maj 2014, 06:50:33
Fibromyalgia - A Chronic Condition

People often complain about having pain all over their body. Doctors often fail to recognise the symptoms of your problem. If you are constantly having pain in your body parts like joints, muscles or ligaments then there is a high chance that you might be suffering from fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia is not a disease, but it is a chronic condition. There are multiple ways to treat this chronic health condition, but the majority of those have long lasting and severe side effects on the body. Therefore you should visit an expert doctor, who can help you to get over from this health problem.

You will feel exhausted and body will hurt all over, if you are suffering from fibromyalgia. Even after multiple lab tests, a general physician may not be able to find anything wrong with your body. Though the right cause of fibromyalgia is still unknown, but it is believed that when the muscle’s nerves become exhausted due to high inflammation, they send signals to the brain which results in severe pain.

To find out if you are suffering from fibromyalgia, the doctors may run certain test like identifying specific areas on the body that are highly sensitive and cause pain even with little pressure. There are a number of pressure points located from head down to the knees in symmetrical pairs.

Tender Points of Fibromyalgia Pain    

There are specific spots in pairs of nine which are quite tender to soft pressure. These spots are important in the assessment of fibromyalgia.

  • In muscles that are connected to the base of the skull

  • In the middle of the knee joint

  • Muscles of the upper back and neck

  • The upper part of the thigh bone

  • At the insertion of the second rib

  • Around the lower vertebra of the neck

  • On the side of the elbow

  • In muscles of the mid-back

  • In the outer and upper buttocks muscles

The risk of fibromyalgia increases with age and women patients are more in numbers in comparison to men. Children can also get affected by this condition. The symptoms usually start after either a physical or an emotional trauma.

People suffering from fibromyalgia may also have to face other health issues such as:

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Headaches

  • Lupus

  • Endometriosis

  • Depression

  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Restless legs syndrome

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder

With changes in your physical activity, weather, stress and day to day routine, the symptoms of fibromyalgia may also start to change. The pain is such condition is described as a dull ache that occurs constantly, starting from your muscles and joints. In fibromyalgia, your body will suffer from pain on both the sides it will be above and below the waist as well.

Similar to fibromyalgia, there is another similar health condition known as adrenal fatigue. You can search online to find an expert fibromyalgia and adrenal fatigue doctor, who can help you recover from these chronic health conditions.

14. maj 2014, 08:08:45
Common Signs to Differentiate Between Adrenal Fatigue and Normal Stress

Adrenal fatigue occurs with different signs and symptoms in different patients. The difference is the main reason that the majority of people wrongly thinks that they are just experiencing extreme tiredness. They tend to think in such a manner because human beings have a tendency of getting tired.

The truth is that humans get tired due to hard work and continuous labour for hours. The main thing is that people generally manage to cope with the exhaustion. When people do extra work out of their routine they tend to get tired and stressed. People who keep on doing the hard work even after their body has signalled fatigue, then at that point the adrenal fatigue comes into the scene.

Adrenal fatigue can last for a very long time, if not treated properly and with utmost care. If neglected this fatigue, which is a form of stress can cause depression, anxiety and affects the immune system of the body to a great extent. When the immune system becomes weaker there is a high risk that you may catch various infections and diseases.

There are signs which can help you to differentiate between adrenal fatigue and normal fatigue. Some of these signs are as follows:

Constant tiredness: This is the main difference between adrenal fatigue and normal fatigue. Adrenal or severe chronic fatigue may last for weeks in a person and if not treated, then the time duration may even extend to months or even years. The energy level of a body suffering from chronic fatigue drops down significantly. It drops down to a level that you will find it difficult to get out of the bed to do simple tasks.

Decrease in libido: Sex is considered as a stress reliever and people under mild stress use it as a right option to regain freshness. The sex drive becomes too low in people suffering from adrenal or severe chronic fatigue. They lose the passion and energy to perform sex and even start finding it as a burden.

Decrease in the immune system: if you are suffering from normal fatigue, then there is almost no chance that it may affect your immune system. On the other hand, adrenal fatigue causes the immune system to drop extremely. This makes you more prone to common infections and diseases. 

Problem in focusing: Experts often say that mild level of stress helps to perform better at home, school or office. But people suffering from adrenal fatigue leads them to severe anxiety and even panic attacks.

Loss in Interest: People with adrenal fatigue usually lose interest in all everything they used to love before. They lost interest in hobbies, relationships, work and many more.

The above mentioned signs and symptoms are only a few of the common signs of this chronic fatigue. You should consider visiting an expert adrenal fatigue doctor the moment you start finding these symptoms in your body. It is recommended to start the treatment as early as possible, before it gets too late. You can search online to find an experienced doctor. Edgecliff  is the place where you will find many renowned adrenal fatigue doctors.

5. maj 2014, 10:55:49

Lyme Disease - Is it Contagious

Lyme disease is an infection caused by bacteria which is transferred into a human body by a deer tick bite. The bacterium Borrelia is developed by deer ticks from mammals that carry the disease. It is then transmitted by the ticks in humans and other animals, with its bite. A deer is quite small in size and almost equal to a sesame seed, the females are larger in size than the males which are completely black in colour. 

The moment you detect a deer tick on your body, remove it immediately. This way Lyme disease might be avoided as it takes almost twenty four hours for the Borrelia bacteria to transmit in the human body. Always use a tweezers or a similar tool to remove the tick and try to grab its head because in some case the body may be detached but the head of the tick might give you the Lyme disease by sucking the blood.

You should be careful while removing the tick and try not to twist or crush it. Your aim should be to remove it in a single piece. Seal the tick in a plastic bag and visit a doctor for testing right away. 

Many people are confused and often ask if “Lyme disease is contagious?” the answer is No because the disease can only be spread by tick bite. A number of people wrongly assume that it is a contagious disease as the symptoms is somewhat similar to another contagious condition, influenza. Quite a few numbers of Lyme disease cases are reported to the doctors, but the specialists have calculated that the figures of cases are only 10% of the actual number of patients. 

The first few symptoms of the disease are flu, muscle pain, joint pain, headaches, fever and chills. These symptoms are the reason that people frequently ask the same question that if the Lyme disease contagious or not? A rash that develops in the early stage is one of the major symptoms that differentiate the flu from this disease. 

More than 80% patients with Lyme disease develop a small red spot with a clear centre in the body part where the tick has bitten. The rash is a clear indicator of this disease as it develops in a form of a unique bull's eye shape. 

Lyme disease, if not detected in time can cause more dangerous conditions such as severe joint pain, numbness and paralysis of the face muscles. Some other symptoms of later stages are difficulty in concentration, memory loss, severe headaches and sleep disorders. Neck pain and inflammation in the body are also prevalent. These symptoms usually appear months after the tick bites. 

Prevention is the best way in combating Lyme disease, therefore take necessary precautions before leaving home and properly examine your body once you are back at your home. Wear long sleeve shirts, hats and tuck in your pants into the socks while you are heading towards a forest or similar environment where ticks are generally found. 

Ticks can be easily killed by the hot temperatures, so wash your clothes with hot water and take a proper bath after returning from hiking or parks. Lyme disease is quite prevalent in Australia, so you can search online to find an expert Lyme disease doctor in your city.

24. april 2014, 10:37:08
Adrenal Fatigue - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

The majority of people are unaware of the condition of adrenal fatigue or exhaustion. So what is adrenal fatigue? Its name describes it well: it occurs when the adrenal glands in the body are over-worked or under-nourished. This results in fatigue and exhaustion. The adrenals are small glands located above the kidney. They secrete hormones which help the body to handle immediate or long-term stress.

Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

More than 50 different types of hormones are secreted by the adrenal glands such as progesterone, cortisol, adrenaline, estrogen and DHEA. Many people have heard of these hormones which give us the energy to deal with our hectic lives. When the adrenal glands are overly stressed they cease to work optimally, which results in symptoms such as:

  • chronic fatigue and tiredness

  • chronic anxiety

  • depression

  • decreased metabolism

  • joint pain

  • inability to think clearly

  • poor memory and concentration

  • allergies and food sensitivities

  • low body temperature

  • low blood pressure

  • decreased immune function

  • dark circles under the eyes

  • low blood sugar

  • craving for sweet or salty foods

  • changes in skin colour

These symptoms provide a general idea about the condition although there are other symptoms as well.

Causes of Adrenal Exhaustion  

  • Our modern lifestyle is the main reason for adrenal exhaustion or burnout. The glands suffer when heavily over-used. While the mind maybe full of ideas and always active, the body can at times fail to keep up. Factors that put stress on the adrenal glands include: constant mental, physical or emotional stress

  • physical injury

  •  unhealthy or poor diet

  • high use of caffeine or other similar stimulants

  • too little sleep

  • traffic or noise pollution

For many people many of these factors are quite common in their daily lifestyle & may have a negative effect on their health. Adrenal burnout can even cause early aging with reported cases of women showing signs of menopause as early as their mid-thirties.

Treatment of Adrenal Fatigue

It is possible to treat this condition and there are three basic categories into which treatment can be divided:

  • Integrative and anti-ageing medicines

  • Nutritional and herbal support

  • Re-energizing practices and lifestyle changes

Doctors suggest that the following time frames may be necessary to achieve full recovery:

  • 6 to 9 months for minor fatigue

  • 12 to 18 months for moderate fatigue

  • 24 months for severe fatigue

If you are suffering from any of the symptoms mentioned above it is advisable not to neglect them but to visit a renowned doctor as soon as possible. To find an adrenal fatigue doctor you can search online. 

14. april 2014, 09:14:55
How to Detect Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue?

Adrenal fatigue is becoming more common with the hectic lifestyle of today’s world. People are often unaware of this condition and it slowly transforms into a chronic fatigue. There are many symptoms of this condition, but these are not directly related to it. You can search online to find a specialist doctor in your area.

In our everyday life a number of stressors send signal to our adrenal glands which produce stress hormones. A variety of psychological and physical demands such as lack of sleep, relationship dynamics, financial concerns, family responsibilities, stressful job, dieting and emotional distress activate our adrenals, which start providing hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol in relatively small blasts of strength.

Adrenals are crucial to our health from keeping us awake, focused and alert throughout the day and providing a little burst of energy while waking us up in the morning. The adrenal glands become impaired in their ability to respond properly, when these are required to sustain high cortisol levels constantly.

This results in affecting our short-term response to stress and decreases adrenal glands ability of producing and balancing hormones like progesterone, testosterone and DHEA. These hormones are vital for our long-term health and well-being.

Symptoms of imbalance in adrenal glands  

Symptoms are basically a way by which our body informs us that it’s not getting the support it requires. All the symptoms have actually no direct relationship with adrenal fatigue, but a unique “aggravating pattern” is found when all these different factors are taken into consideration. What you need to do is to look if these tendencies are common in the behaviour of your body.

The symptoms to search for:   

Energy: Lack of stamina, ongoing fatigue, always on speed forward, unable to stop, lack of desire to get up and go, feeling wired and tired much of the time.

Weight changes and craving for food: You may see an abnormal gain of weight in the thigh and abdomen area of your body.  An uncontrollable feeling and craving for sugary or salty foods.

Blood pressure: Fluctuations in blood pressure, either high or low. Light headedness is generally associated with low blood pressure.

Sleep: You may develop an inability to sleep properly. Nightly wake ups and then unable to go back to sleep will become common aspects. In some cases, people have a sound sleep, but they wake up exhausted.

Response of immune system: you may get vulnerable to infections quite often. Also, it would take a longer duration to recover from infections or illness in comparison to others.

Emotions and coping ability: People suffering from this type of chronic fatigue develop an inability to face daily stress level. They have an overwhelmed feeling much of the time, struggle to get through the day, anxiety attacks, unable to reframe ones thoughts.

Thinking Ability: Inability to stay focused on one specific task, mentally foggy, chronic racing thoughts and fuzzy thinking.

Hormones/Libido: Perimenopausal symptoms may get worse, low libido, decline in sex drive.


Adrenal fatigue is not always the root cause of the above mentioned symptoms and these can occur due to various other conditions. However, it contributes in multiple medical conditions such as

  • Depression and chronic anxiety

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome

  • Arthritis

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Premature menopause

  • IBS or chronic digestive problems

  • Hypothyroidism

  • Hypotension

  • Insomnia

  • Rage attacks   


With proper support and early detection can heal adrenal fatigue. Doctor can reverse the toxic effects of chronic stress with proper medication programs.  So all you need to do is find a specialist doctor.

3. april 2014, 11:22:09
Prevention of Lyme Disease

There are three aspects to prevention of Lyme disease</span>

1)     Avoid getting bitten by ticks

2)     Remove the tick prompty, but in the correct manner, if you get a tickbite.</span>

3)     See a Lyme specialist doctor and get started on antibiotics if you develop early symptoms of Lyme disease.</span>

Early symptoms of Lyme disease, usually in the first week after a tickbite, are headache, neck stiffness, fever, fatigue, and muscle and joint pains.  Some patients also get a characteristic skin rash called a “bulls-eye” rash.

With proper precautions, Lyme disease can be easily avoided. Here are a few tips:

  • If you go hiking or walking on grassy or wooded areas, wear long pants instead of shorts and tuck the pants into your socks. Your clothes should be tight at the waist, wrists and ankles. 

  • If you are working in a garden for long periods of time or your work site is near bushes, take a precautionary medical check-up to detect any symptoms. 

  • Never use your bare hands to remove ticks. Instead use a tool like tweezers. Wear gloves if removing with your fingers & wash your hands thoroughly after removal. By failing to do this there is a high chance of being infected. 

  • You should give extra attention every day to hairy parts of your body because ticks generally attach to these areas. The scalp should also be washed properly. 

  • Lyme disease in Australia is quite widespread & considered to be an epidemic. Places like marshes, gardens, high grasses and beaches should be avoided. Do not spend time in tick infested surroundings or habitats. If possible, cut down your recreational activities like camping, hiking, forestry, landscaping and other activities closely related to nature. 

  • At the end of your daily activities in dense bushes or garden areas, remove all your clothes and properly search for any sign of the disease.

  • Minimise the chance of infection by using repellents on skin & clothes and by covering your body with high quality guarding clothes. If using repellents on skin, you should wash your body with soap and water at the end of the day. There are a number of sprays available which can be sprayed on clothes and act as tick and insect repellent.

  • It is highly recommended that you remove things like woodpiles and leaf litter where ticks may develop. Keep your garden grass mowed and clear excess bushes. By using pesticides, you can kill ticks in large numbers.  

If you need to find a specialist Lyme disease doctor you can search online. Sydney is home to some of the most reputed doctors who can deal with Lyme disease effectively. There is a vaccine available which is meant for people between the ages of 16 to 70 years. This vaccine is considered to be safe and effective for Lyme disease.

14. mars 2014, 10:14:15
Chelation Therapy: Effective in Prevention of Various Diseases

A human body makes contact with extremely harmful toxins daily. These can not only affect ones health, but can also declines the immunity of a body. There are number of metallic content present in the environment and there is simply no way to change that. A notable thing here is that toxins that are already present in the environment cannot be removed.

If toxins are present in environment, then there is high chance that these would surely enter your body. This would ultimately result in impacting your health negatively. You just simply cannot get rid of toxins as these are in air, water, food, in short are present almost everywhere. Arsenic, cadmium, nickel, mercury and lead are in food, air, water and in your body as well.

  • Is there any solution available?

A therapy known as chelation is done to assist or encourage chemical reactions in the body. In this therapy, synthetic or natural organic chemicals are introduced into the human body.  This results in discharging of extremely harmful metals from the body and it also rearranges the required metals to enhance the vital chemical reactions within a body. It is a highly useful therapy and for more than 75% peripheral circulation problems, it can be taken as preventive measure before any occurrence.

  • Is there any chance of serious health issues?

Nowadays, a number of diseases and health problems are directly connected with excess toxic heavy metals. These have been linked to various degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and ALS.  These toxins are also responsible for causing various types of circulatory problems in a human body such as Athrosclerosis, Atherilsclerosis, hardening of the arteries, blocked arteries, Peripheral Neuropathies, Angina and High blood pressure. Out of these metals, mercury is highly toxic and neurotoxins in nature as it changes and hamper electrical pathways present in a body. This disruption may cause dementia, multiple neurological disorders and death in many cases.

  • Chelation therapy can offer solutions to these problems:

Unlike what majority of people think, this therapy has been in use for a long time and cannot be considered as a new one. Synthetic amino acid which is the main element of EDTA chelation therapy is quite similar to vinegar’s four molecules and was synthesized first by Germany in the year 1935. It was used to detoxify people who were working in lead-based paints or battery manufacturing batteries.

  • Is chelation therapy effective in various diseases and illnesses?

Doctors who conduct chelation therapy have stated that it can be highly beneficial in effecting the circulation of blood in human body. This therapy has quite positive effects on intermittent claudication, impotence, also in various problems related to visibility such as glaucoma or age-related macular degeneration etc. A recent research found that removal of toxic metals by chelation therapy can prevent or treat a number of serious and critical diseases like osteoarthritis, both rheumatoid, gout, Alzheimer's disease, pancreatitis, multiple sclerosis, irritable bowel, chronic fatigue etc.

If you are looking forward to get a chelation therapy, then Sydney ( is home for some of the most renowned doctors specializing in this therapy.

7. mars 2014, 08:18:57
Adrenal Fatigue: Are You Suffering From It?

You might be suffering from adrenal fatigue if having trouble getting up in the morning, have an extra desire for salts and constant fatigue. This generally happens when adrenal glands stop working properly and effectively. It is recommended to visit a doctor to avoid any chronic disease due to fatigue. By maintaining a balanced diet, it can be easily avoided.

Adrenal Fatigue is a health disorder that you might not have even heard of, but it can affect anyone regardless of their health. In this condition a patient feels decline in endurance, loss of strength, deep or persistent fatigue etc. It can also increase a number of other health conditions like obesity or different allergies. Adrenal fatigue should not be mistaken or compared with adrenal insufficiency which is caused by Addison's disease. Adrenal insufficiency can result in illness or even death.

Adrenal fatigue is generally caused due to a decline in the proper functioning of the adrenal glands. These glands have an important role to play in management of a body’s stress. This stress can be emotional, psychological and physical. A complex array of hormones is secreted by these glands such as testosterone, estrogen and cortoisol. These hormones are responsible in regulating a wide range of functions in bodies. Adrenal fatigue occurs when these glands become weak and as a result are unable to respond to stress in an effective way.

It is important to cure adrenal fatigue as it cause serious health issues and can also be highly debilitating. The level of activeness declines rapidly in people who suffer from this condition. If suffering from this disease, you would tire more often, training would become difficult and recovery from a strain would take a much longer time than before.

Apart from not feeling well all the time, you may even experience mild muscles and joint pains, an unexplained craving for salt, reduced sex drive and you would be tired all the time, but feel bursts of energy in the evening. There are also many other symptoms of this condition.

There are chances that adrenal fatigue develops due to some type of a persistent or chronic stress. You might hear many expert saying that it occurs because of regular overdose of stimulants that are found in energy drinks, coffee and fat burners. They say that overexposure of these stimulants have resulted in increasing the rate of weakening of the adrenal glands.

There is no specific way of diagnosing adrenal fatigue, instead a number of tests are conducted that can help to give an indication that how efficiently the adrenal glands are working. Some methods to track down the presence of adrenal fatigue are pupil contraction testing, blood pressure and temperature tracking. Apart from eliminating stress from your life and cutting down the intake of the stimulants, its treatment can be done by following a prescribed course of medicines, hormone replacement therapy and a healthy diet.

Processed carbohydrates and refined sugars in diet can have a high negative impact on your body because these cause stress on the adrenal glands. You can prevent or recover from adrenal fatigue by having a proper diet of healthy fats, complex carbohydrates and right balance of proteins. To avoid a prolonged hunger it is highly advisable that you eat frequent small meals ranging from five to six per day.

If you looking for adrenal fatigue doctor (, then search online to find some renowned physicians in Sydney, Australia.

28. februari 2014, 08:20:18
Anti-Ageing Program - Restoring Your Health

People are often worried about getting old and declining health. With latest anti-ageing programs, you can live a healthy life with increased energy levels, improved skin tone, wrinkle free skin and an extended life span. Anti ageing programs helps to maintain wellness as people get old. It is important to stay aware about you declining health and get medical help whenever required. Following steps of anti-ageing programs can help you to live a healthy and happy life:


  • Ageing is generally followed by increase in fat storage and decrease in metabolic rate. This usually happens because with growing age, body fails to burn the excess fat present in your body. By increasing your daily physical activities, metabolic rate can be controlled. To improve your metabolism, weekly cardiovascular fitness program can be done. After waking up and before having breakfast, you can do this fitness program. When you are sleeping, the body depletes the level of carbohydrates present in your body.  So after waking up due to empty stomach, the body uses the stored fat to give energy for the exercise.


  • It is quite important to keep your heart strong because with ageing the ability of the heart to pump blood reduces. This happens due to build up in the arteries. The circulatory capability and functionality of your heart can be improved by proper workouts. But it is strongly recommended to consult your doctor and hire a personal trainer before starting the fitness program. For any anti-ageing program, exercise is considered important to keep the heart strong.


  • Research has shown with the ageing there is a decline in the memory capacity, if there is no involvement of brain in mental functions. Poor memory function and even memory loss can be caused due to constant mental inactivity. You have do mental exercise by participating in social activities, playing games, writing, reading, problem solving etc. Mental exercise results in improvement of cognitive function and eliminates depression and boredom as well.


  • Ageing results in reducing the lungs elasticity which decreases breathing capacity or oxygen uptake. By doing exercises or workouts this problem can be dealt with as it increases the breathing capacity of your lungs.


  • A loss is muscles mass is reported with ageing, this happens due to slower rate of metabolism. Therefore it is advisable to increase your muscle mass or lean tissue. Loss of muscles is one of the major signs of ageing. With help of anti-ageing programs you can burn fat, increase muscle mass and metabolism at the same time. These goals can be achieved by visiting anti ageing doctor. Sydney is a home for some of most renowned anti-ageing doctors across Australia.


  • With ageing multiple physical and psychological changes are noticed. Sex drive often decreases as people grow old, though as a youth they may have unlimited enthusiasm and energy for sexual activities. Ageing results in loss of ability and desire for sexual practice, this problem can be solved by having a proper anti-ageing program that can help to maintain sex function.


You would find anti-ageing programs to be highly multidisciplinary. Search online to find anti ageing doctor, based in Sydney(, Australia.

25. februari 2014, 09:46:01
Symptoms and Affects of Lyme Disease

Lyme disease infection is transmitted by tick and is caused by three or more types of Borrelia bacteria like Borrelia burgdorferi, B. Garinii, B. Afzelii etc. A patient suffering from Lyme disease ha symptoms such as joints aches, headaches, fever, rashes and tiredness. It is not easy to diagnose this disease and sometimes an expensive Western Blot test is conducted to determine the presence of the disease. A number of people suffer from Lyme disease in Australia, though its patients are found around the globe.

The Lyme bacteria are similar to the one that is responsible for syphilis. These move inside the body through bloodstream and body tissue. Dodges the immune system of a body and develops a protective shell (a fibrin) after changing its shape from spiral to ball. Medically this disease has three phases which are:

  • Early disease with skin inflammation,

  • Early disease involving nervous system and heart,

  • Later disease results in brain inflammation, arthritis and nerve damage.

Within days of the tick bite or in early phases, the skin develops a rash in shape of a ‘bull’s-eye’ around the affected area. The outer ring and centre spot are bright red in colour. Following are the details about Lyme disease symptoms and affects:

  • Arthritis: Within a few weeks after getting infected, swollen and painful joints are reported by patients who are not given any antibiotics. They have severe recurrent attacks which can last from days to months. More than one joint is affected and knee is the most common joint that is highly affected.  Arthritis usually switches from joint to joint causing much pain for the patient. A medical research reported that about 20% of people, who are not treated for Lyme disease, ultimately develop arthritis. If left untreated, after a period of time arthritis can damage joints severely, also affects body parts like skin or eyes.


  • Erythema migrans: It is a rash that develops on the bitten area within a month. From a small red spot, it expands in size forming various types of shapes especially circular. Rashes appear after three days of a tick bite and as the infection spreads, these increase in number appearing on various body parts. These rashes are neither itchy nor painful, but are warm to the touch. People suffering from Erythema migrans have also reported symptoms like fatigue, stiff neck, headache, body aches and fever. Even if left untreated, the rashes disappear after 3 to 4 weeks.


  • Neurological symptoms: Nervous system is highly affected by Lyme disease, resulting in severe headache, stiff neck, Bell's palsy (temporary paralysis of facial muscles), weakness or pain in limbs, numbness etc. Change in sleeping habits and mood, lack of concentration, temporary memory loss are other symptoms are also linked to Lyme disease. Problems related to nervous system mostly develop after few weeks or month. These problems can be cured with help of proper dosage of antibiotics.


  • Heart problems: This is another area affected by Lyme disease, though the numbers of patients are quite less. It slows down the heartbeat that causes shortness of breath or dizziness. You can search for doctors who can cure Lyme disease in Australia. Severity of this disease is usually different from person to person.

22. februari 2014, 07:32:53
Lyme disease is a Bacterial Infection

Lyme disease is caused by bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi. It is a bacterial infection that is spread through the bite of one of several types of ticks.

Causes of Lyme disease

There are various stages of Lyme disease.

In first stage the infection has not spread throughout the body.

In second stage of Lyme disease the bacteria have begun to spread throughout the body.

And in third stage the bacteria have spread throughout the body.

Risk factors for Lyme disease include: doing outside work i.e. gardening, in an area where Lyme disease is known to occur.

Symptoms of Lyme disease

Symptoms of early localized Lyme disease stage first begin days or weeks after infection. They are similar to flu and may include: fever, general ill feeling, headache, joint pain, muscle pain etc. Lyme disease can spread to the brain, heart, and joints.

Symptoms of second stage may occur weeks to months after the tick bite and may include: numbness or pain in the nerve area, paralysis or weakness in the muscles of the face, heart problems, chest pain, or shortness of breath

Symptoms of stage third can occur months or years after the infection. The most common symptoms are muscle and joint pain. Other symptoms may include: Abnormal muscle movement, joint’s swelling, muscle weakness, numbness and tingling, speech problems etc.

Tests for Lyme disease

A blood test can be done to check for antibodies to the bacteria that cause Lyme disease. The most commonly used is the ELISA for Lyme disease test. An immunoblot test is done to confirm ELISA results.

In areas where Lyme disease is more common, your health care provider may be able to diagnose early disseminated Lyme disease without doing any lab tests. In the early stage of infection, blood tests can be normal.

Treatment of Lyme disease

Anyone who has been bitten by a tick should be watched closely for at least 30 days.

A single dose of doxycycline may be offered to someone soon after being bitten by a tick, if all of these conditions are true:

  • The person has a tick that can carry Lyme disease attached to his or her body. This usually means that a nurse or physician has looked at and identified the tick.

  • The tick is thought to have been attached to the person for at least 36 hours.

  • The person can begin taking the antibiotics within 72 hours of removing the tick.

  • The person is over 8 years old and is not pregnant or breastfeeding.

A 10 day to 4-week course of antibiotics is used to treat people who are diagnosed with Lyme disease, depending on the choice of drug.

  • The choice of antibiotic depends on the stage of the disease and the symptoms

  • Common choices include doxycycline, amoxicillin, azithromycin, cefuroxime, and ceftriaxone

Lyme Disease Australia

29. januari 2014, 12:50:45
Treatment for Lyme disease

Lyme disease is an infectious disease. A Borrelia, a kind of germ, is the cause. Ticks or western black ticks bite people and transmit the bacteria to humans. These ticks are about the size of sesame seeds. Lyme disease mostly happens in rural regions. Lyme disease is mainly found in United States, Europe and Australia.

The symptoms of Lyme disease are fever, headache, adrenal fatigue, muscle aches, joints pain, and rash on skin named erythema which appears from week to month after a ticks bite. This reckless usually starts at the site of the ticks bite. Originally it is a small spot that grow larger. Some people have just many red spots instead.

Mainly infection spreads to joints, heart and nervous system. Affected heart beats irregularly or slow. It damages the nervous system. If not treated, Lyme disease causes arthritis and more nervous system problems. Usually, only one joints, knee for example, swells and hurts. It also causes memory loss and muscle weakness.

Talk to doctor if you have Lyme disease?

Talk to your doctor about your symptoms. Usually doctor diagnoses Lyme disease if you have symptoms. The possibility of infected tick bites is important in the consideration. Blood tests are helpful mostly in the later stage of disease. People who have been sick with Lyme disease for less than a month may have negative blood test. Also, in early Lyme disease, patients who take antibiotics for other reasons may never develop a positive Lyme disease test.

Treatment of Lyme disease

Most cases of Lyme disease are treated with several weeks of antibiotics. Early Lyme disease requires 14 to 30 days of antibiotics. If the nervous system is involved, antibiotics may need to be given intravenously. Take all the drugs, which your doctor prescribed, according to instruction. To prevent spreading the infection to joints, heart and nervous system do not stop taking the medicine. In advanced Lyme disease, symptoms may improve, but do not disappear completely. If symptoms persist or worsen after treatment, contact your doctor.

Prevent from Lyme disease

The best way is to avoid tick bites. Clothing in the woods area, long-sleeved shirt and pants instead of shorts are good protection. After walking outdoors, check your skin body and scalp for ticks and rashes. Check your pets. Remove ticks promptly form you cloth. Also consider landscaping and pest control in your area.

Don’t try the old methods of putting kerosene, gasoline on the tick. After removing the tick, check your skin over the next month. In case of a rash, go to your doctor and tell about the bite.

Lyme Disease Australia
23. september 2013, 15:07:23
Dr Dobie specialises in integrative medicine, anti-ageing medicine, cosmetic medicine and allergy. Treatments offered include bio-identical hormones, intravenous vitamin therapy and chelation therapy.

Dr Peter Dobie, M.B.,B.S. studied medicine at he University of Tasmania. He has had extensive training in integrative and nutritional medicine as well as wide experience in general practice.

For three years Dr Dobie was co-director of an allergy clinic in a Sydney private hospital. He also worked for several years in a hospital emergency department and is skilled in emergency medicine.

Dr Dobie specialises in integrative medicine, nutritional medicine, anti-ageing medicine, cosmetic medicine, the treatment of chronic fatigue, the treatment of adrenal fatigue, bio-identical hormone therapy for the menopause, treatment of the andropause (the “male menopause”), intravenous vitamin therapy (including IV vitamin C), allergy testing and treatment, and chelation therapy for cardiovascular disease.

Dr Dobie’s emphasis is very much on the promotion of “wellness”. He takes a thorough and holistic approach to treating chronic health problems, as well as providing preventive medical care. He incorporates into his practice the latest advances in biochemistry, endocrinology and clinical nutrition, and prefers to prescribe non-drug treatments wherever possible.

Dr Dobie is a member of the following professional organisations:

1. American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
2. Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine
3. Australian Integrative Medicine Association
4. Australasian Academy of Anti-Ageing Medicine
5. Cosmetic Physicians Society of Australia

Dr. Peter Dobie


Telephone: 02 9362 0493

Fax: 02 9363 0767

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