Things To Consider Before Getting Laser Tattoo Removal In Mumbai
Got a tattoo and now regret it? Don’t feel attached to your tattoo and want to get rid of it? Or, your tattoo looks extremely bad and now you’re looking for ways to remove it? Look no further because laser tattoo removal in Mumbai is here to help.
Here are some useful tips that you should know before choosing treatment for laser tattoo removal in Mumbai. Have a look.
Be Clear With You Expectations
Before having the treatment you should be aware of the fact that No tattoo removal is completely guaranteed. Consult with the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai and then set your expectations from the treatment. In some cases the tattoo might go away only partially, leaving behind a shadow. This might even look like a scar, so you must visit the best cosmetic surgery clinic in Mumbai to ensure no such instances occur in your case.
It Can’t Be Removed In A Single Session
You must realize the fact that every laser tattoo removal treatment is not the same as the other. So, it’s quite hard to predetermine the exact number of sessions when you consult with the surgeon before the treatment begins. After proper check-ups and analysis, the surgeon will be able to figure out an approx number of sessions required to remove the tattoo from your body.
The intervals between each session are also decided by the surgeon. Sometimes people want to remove the tattoo quickly, but without proper gaps between each session the patient might develop side effects and irritation. On an average, the process of laser tattoo removal in Mumbai takes 4 to 6 weeks to complete, but of course, each case is different.
Tattoo’s Location On Your Body
In most of the laser tattoo removal cases, the location of the tattoo is quite crucial and makes a lot of impact on the result. Tattoo which is made on a more sensitive part of the body is tougher to remove. Also, fading of tattoos made on arms and legs take more time than other body part.
Professional & Amateur Tattoos
Tattoo removal procedure usually depends on a lot of factors. One of these factors is whether the tattoo is professional or amateur. Tattoos which are made professionally usually penetrate deeper into the skin and the ink is also a lot denser. This makes professionally made tattoos a lot harder to remove. On the other hand, amateur tattoo might not look that good, but it doesn’t penetrate deeply into the skin, making it easier to remove.
Know More About The Types Of Lasers Used In Tattoo Removal
Different laser wavelengths are used to treat different types of tattoo colours and simply no single laser can take out all tattoo shades. In some cases, the cosmetic surgeon might use multiple lasers to remove the tattoo.
Breast enlargement surgery (also known as breast augmentation surgery), is a popular cosmetic surgery around the world. This surgery helps women to increase the size of their breasts to look more beautiful and to enhance their self confidence.
Unfortunately, many women in India are sceptic and even afraid of such body contour surgeries. This fear has developed over the years due to various myths and wrong information spread about breast surgery. Due to these unnecessary myths, many women fail to get the benefits offered by these cosmetic surgeries. Now, it is time to debunk myths about breast augmentation surgery.
Here are top 10 most common myths about breast enlargement surgery.
Myth Number #1 – Silicone Implants Are Not Safe
After conducting millions of research, scientists have clearly stated the silicone implants are safe for different surgeries because silicone is one of the most compatible materials with the biology and physiology of humans. It is a government approved cosmetic surgery treatment.
Myth Number #2 – The Implants Feel Unnatural
No, they don’t because 99% percent of women and their partners/spouses have reported that the results after the surgery provide breasts that look and feel completely natural. To get the desirable results, visit the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai.
Myth Number #3 – Implants Give Breast Cancer
Thousands of research has been done to find a link between implants and cancer. It has been made quite clear by the scientists that there’s no connection between implants and breast cancer.
Myth Number #4 – Implants Stop Breastfeeding
There are no such cases which have reported that after getting implants women can’t breastfeed. You can breastfeed your child after having implants, but consult the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai before getting the surgery.
Myth Number #5 – Implants Make Cancer Detection Difficult
The expert radiologists and doctors have no problem in detecting breast cancer if a woman has implants. Remember, implants and cancer cases have no relation.
Myth Number #6 Breast Enlargement Surgery Is Painful And Takes A Lot Of Time To Recover
No, the breast enlargement surgery is not painful because you’ll not be conscious during the surgery (you’ll be given local anaesthesia). The recovery is quick, but the time periods vary from patient to patient.
Myth Number #7 Scars Of The Surgery Are Big & Visible
The cosmetic surgeon will ensure that cuts are made at areas which are least visible like under the arm or under the breast. The scars will also fade away with time.
Myth Number #8 It’s Easy To Tell, If Someone Has Implants
No, the difference between normal breasts and breasts with implants are negligible.
Myth Number #9 Implants Make Breasts Saggy
No, sagginess of the breasts has nothing to do with implants. If your breasts are saggy then you can go for breast lift surgery to remove the sagginess.
Myth Number #10 – Breasts Implants Have To Be Changed Frequently
Factors Affecting Cost Of Hair Transplant In India
Are you planning to have hair transplant in India? If yes, then apart from getting info about all the basic points related to hair transplant, you also need to find out the cost of hair transplant in India. The cost of the treatment varies in different hair transplant clinics in Mumbai. While comparing with Middle Eastern countries or western countries, you’ll find that the cost of hair transplant in India is quite low.
Hair transplant clinics in Mumbai offer different types of transplant solutions and the cost of these treatments vary from each other. Cost of hair transplant in India depends on what type of surgery you’re planning to have and some treatments are expensive while others are cheap. Type of surgery, experience of the surgeon and the outcomes expected from the treatment are some factors that affect the cost of the transplant procedure.
Factors Affecting Cost Of Hair Transplant In India
The number of grafts utilised by the surgeon in the transplant plays a crucial role in deciding the cost of the treatment. Cost of one graft is just a few euro/dollar and one graft includes 1 to 4 follicle units. Different packages for the surgery are offered by various hair transplant clinics in Mumbai. Many packages don’t consider pricing per graft and charge a specific fee for the complete transplant surgery.
Since the last decade, medical tourism is on a rise and a huge number of individuals are visiting India from western and Middle Eastern countries for transplant surgery. By opting for this surgery in India they are able to save thousands of dollars. Also, the quality of treatment available in India is quite high and not compromised even when the cost of the treatment is low.
The cost of hair transplant in India is quite low that it remains lower than the cost of the same transplant performed in the Western and Middle Eastern countries, even after you include the travel and other expenses. All you need to do is to find the best hair transplant surgeon in India who is an expert in his field.
You can easily find the best hair transplant surgeon in India by searching online. There’s no doubt that India has surely become a centre of medical tourism, especially for hair transplants and other cosmetic surgeries. You should visit India if you’re willing to get world class service within your budget for hair restoration or transplant surgery.
Final Thoughts: Keep in mind that you need to spend a huge amount of money if you plan to go for hair transplant surgery in Middle Eastern or European countries. If you have a tight budget, but looking forward for the best services then India should be on your focus to get hair transplant treatment at reasonable cost.
Hair transplant in Dubai has become quite popular, safe and reliable with the advancement of technologies in medical industry. Baldness is a huge problem for millions of people, but they should not get disappointed because they can get hair back on their head with hair transplant treatment in Dubai.
Having hair transplant (or any cosmetic surgery) is not a small decision to make and the outcomes can have significant effects on your life. Therefore, you need to consider all the points properly and should stay away from reaching any decision instantly.
Here are some important questions you need to answer before undergoing transplant surgery.
Do You Really Care For Your Hair?
You should definitely consider taking some measures if your hair is falling at a high speed to resolve the issue. If an individual is too anxious and thinks a lot about his hair loss then he won’t be able to focus on other important issues and his level of stress will increase drastically.
You Can’t Concentrate On Your Work?
Men become paranoid if they’re conscious excessively about their hair loss and how it is negatively impacting their appearance. Men who are facing baldness think that they’re inferior to others or people are making fun of them. Although, this is not true, but still you need to take necessary steps if you’re hair loss problem is making you feel anxious or inferior.
Do You Face Difficulty In Social Circles?
People who are dealing with the problem of baldness are often quite concerned and low in confidence whenever they went outside to meet family, friends or attend a party. Many bald people can’t enjoy their lives fully because they’re overanxious due to baldness. Many times, bald men fail to have conversation with the other gender because of their baldness.
Are You Always Standing In Front Of Mirror Checking Your Baldness?
Of course, baldness is such a problem that forces the affected person to stand in front of mirror checking their level of baldness. People who have just started facing the problem of hair loss often stand in front of mirrors (whenever they get a chance) and see that how much bald they’ve become. This has an extremely negative psychological impact on the person. Are you also dealing with a similar problem? Then, it’s the right time to choose hair transplant in Dubai.
Do You Find It Difficult To Talk With Females?
This is no doubt one of the commonest problems faced by bald people or the ones who are getting bald. Every man wants to look good, especially when women are around. Baldness is such a problem which makes individuals conscious about their looks. However, with hair transplant treatment in Dubai, you can change the situation by putting an end to your baldness.
Facelift Skin Treatment – For A Fresh & Glowing Skin
Want to look young and beautiful? The facelift surgery is the best skin treatment in Mumbai that will give you an amazingly fresh, wrinkle free and glowing skin. While choosing a cosmetic clinic you are supposed to consider numerous things about the surgical procedures.
Here are some points that will assist you to get a smooth and wrinkle free skin with the help of facelift skin treatment in Mumbai:
Get Detailed Info About The Skin Treatment In Mumbai
The main purpose behind any facelift surgery is to achieve a smooth, tight and younger skin around your face and neck. Remember that every face is different from the other, every face has a different requirement and therefore variations in this skin treatment have been developed. To achieve the best outcomes from the surgery you need to be aware with the different types of face lift options available.
You can choose from 2 types of facelift treatments, which are:
The first one is ‘traditional facelift’ in which an incision is created from the forehead to the ear. This minimizes the visibility of scars because the incisions which are made get hidden in the hairline. Tissue and muscles of that area are tightened and skin is lifted. Then the extra amount of fat and skin is removed from the face and neck.
The second one is known as ‘mini facelift’ or ‘limited incision’ which is performed on young people who have lower amount of wrinkles and saggy skin compared to older people. In mini facelift, small incisions are made which makes the face, neck and chin smooth.
Consult the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai to know the type of face lift surgery that will suit you the best. The surgeon will analyse your body and face to find out the best available skin treatment in Mumbai.
Who Is An Ideal Candidate For Face Lift Surgery?
A person who has a strong bone structure which is required for support to the skin and muscles.
The skin should be flexible and elastic.
Excess skin on the face and/or neck is required for the removal of wrinkles by tightening it through surgery.
Is Getting Facelift A Right Decision?
Visiting the right cosmetic clinic is quite important while you’re making a decision to get face lift surgery to remove your wrinkles and achieve a younger skin. The best Cosmetic Surgeon in Mumbai will evaluate your skin condition, skin tone & texture and bone structure to determine whether you’re an ideal candidate for face lift surgery or not. Age is not an important factor and any adult can choose to undergo facelift skin treatment in Mumbai.
Most of the people have a wrong assumption that Botox treatment is only meant for celebrities. This is certainly not true and many people are now choosing Botox treatment to fight the signs of ageing. People who are facing troubles due to various signs of ageing like wrinkles, fine lines, crow’s feet are opting to have Botox treatment.
No matter how much they deny, majority of celebs over the age of 40 (and sometimes in their 30’s) have used Botox treatment to hide their wrinkles and other signs of ageing.
Botox treatment is generally meant for face, especially in lips, forehead and around the eyes. It is a simple, painless and performed on outpatient basis (you won’t spend night at the clinic). You need to visit the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai who can perform painless Botox treatment for the patients.
Botox Treatment Is Meant For Which Body Part?
The fine lines which are between the eyebrows of a human being are called as Glabellas lines. Botox treatment is performed on these lines, crow’s feet around the eyes, frown lines around the mouth and forehead. It may surprise you, but some doctors in various parts of the world use Botox treatment to cure different health problems like migraines and extreme armpit sweating.
Botox treatment is medically approved and safe treatment, but should only be performed by the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai. The popularity of Botox treatment has increased amazingly in the last decade. Experts consider Botox treatment as one the most effective tool to fight against the signs of ageing.
How Botox Treatment Functions?
The Botox treatment works by paralyzing the movement of muscles where Botox injections are applied. Remember, that the results of this anti-ageing treatment might take a week to show up. However, the outcomes of the cosmetic treatment will make you look gorgeous and will remain for 3 to 6 months. After a time period of 6 months the body will absorb the proteins and the effects of treatment will start subsiding.
How Botox Treatment Is Done
Never forget to visit the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai for this cosmetic procedure and in fact make it a priority. The surgeon will then use sterile needles to inject Botox liquid in the areas where wrinkles are present. Remember that the treatment should only be performed by an expert and certified surgeon because only an expert will know the right amount of Botox liquid to be used in the cosmetic procedure.
The Botox treatment session will be over within half an hour and is performed on outpatient basis. Consult the outcomes and side effects of the treatment with the surgeon before undergoing the cosmetic procedure.
There are lots of women who are simply not satisfied with the size of their breasts. Having small breasts might impact women psychologically because breasts are no doubt considered as a symbol of femininity. However, no matter how much trouble they’re facing many women fail to take necessary steps to resolve this problem.
In recent times, the technology has advanced quite rapidly, and now there’s breast surgery available which can resolve the problem easily. Women usually prefer to have bigger bosom because no doubt breasts are considered as an excellent way to attract their husbands/partners, it also plays a crucial role in increasing their self-esteem. Breast enlargement surgery helps females who want to increase the size of their small bosom.
A large number of females have chosen breast enlargement surgery and achieved amazing outcomes. This cosmetic surgery treatment should always be by the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai. Latest methods and equipment is used by the surgeons in this procedure, making it safe and easy to perform. Breast augmentation surgery is the scientific name of breast enlargement surgery and you choose it if you’ve always desired to own bigger breasts.
Breast enlargement surgery is considered by experts as highly safe and most effective treatment to increase the size of your bosom. Make sure that before getting the procedure done you perform a personal research on all outcomes of this treatment. No doubt, it is the best way to enhance breast size of women who wish to get bigger bosom.
You can visit the best Cosmetic Surgeon in Mumbai to consult about this surgery in detail. The surgeon will surely help you to find the best available option that can enhance the size of your breasts. He will examine your body and breasts to find out if you’re an ideal candidate for this surgery or not.
Consult the doctor in detail about the surgery and ask him the cost of the treatment. Openly ask all the questions that are troubling you. Remember, don’t shy while getting examined for the surgery, the surgeon has to check your breasts properly to determine if your bosom is fit for the surgery or not. The doctor might take some pictures of your bust to show the difference you will get before and after the surgery. The pictures will not show your face, but if you still aren’t comfortable with photographs then ask the surgeon not to take pictures of your breasts.
You also need to make sure that you visit only the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai who can deliver excellent results from the breast surgery you’ve opted for. Also, don’t forget to consult the side effects related to the surgery. However, you can easily stay away from the side effects by ensuring that you go to an expert surgeon.
Before getting hair transplant in Dubai, you need to ensure that you’re well aware with not only the treatment, but also with its possible outcomes. Visit the best hair transplant surgeon in Dubai to the best possible outcomes from this cosmetic surgery treatment. Do not have any confusion about this cosmetic surgery treatment and consult the surgeon in detail to know more about the treatment.
Hair transplant treatment in Dubai is the best available solution to get hair back on the scalp and delivers far better results than any other procedure that claims to solve the problem of baldness. In this treatment, the surgeon transfers hair follicles from one place to another. The surgeon follows numerous precautions to make sure that the transplant goes smooth with successful outcomes.
Make sure that you visit best hair transplant surgeon in Dubai who can provide desirable outcomes. While consulting the surgeon tell him in detail your complete medical history. The surgeon must be made aware with the types of medicines you consuming for other health issues. He will see if those medicines will interfere during the hair transplant treatment in Dubai or not.
The best hair transplant surgeon in Dubai will check the medicines you’re consuming because there’s always a possibility that those medicines might develop negative outcomes, if mixed with the medications used in transplant treatment. This is major reason why you need to visit the best hair transplant surgeon in Dubai because he will make all the necessary efforts to avoid any complications related to the treatment.
If you’re a heart patient and consuming medicines for your heart problem then after consulting the surgeon, you’ll need to stop consuming the medicines for minimum one week before the transplant treatment. Usually the medicines consumed in different types of heart problems act as blood thinners, which can be an issue of consideration for the transplant surgeon before he starts the treatment. Before stopping the consumption of medicines for your heart problem, you should not only consult the hair transplant surgeon, but also a heart specialist.
Also, complete rest for a few days and proper care of your health should be a priority after undergoing the transplant surgery. The transplant is generally done on outpatient basis, which means you don’t have to stay in the clinic for night and a surgery session will only take a few hours to complete. The recovery period varies from patient to patient.
Consult the best hair transplant surgeon in Dubai to clear all the doubts in your mind and to determine the outcomes from the transplant treatment. Proper consulting will help you to define your expectations from the hair transplant in Dubai.
The problem of acne and scars is quite common among teenagers and adults as well. Acne scars appear due to various reasons and most of us have little idea about them. You should visit the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai who can offer excellent acne scar treatment in Mumbai.
Here are some of the most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to acne scar.
FAQ #1 – Only Teenagers Are Affected By Acne?
The answer will be a big No. It’s true that people are affected from this problem when they reach teenage, but some carry the problem even when they become adults. In some rare cases even new born babies have acne. Most of the people usually outgrow this problem, but some females have to deal with the problem until their menopause begins.
FAQ #2 – What Can Turn The Situation Worse?
Some of the factors which can make the problem of acne scar even worse are: • Scrubbing the skin hard • Blemishes are squeezed or picked • Extreme humidity levels and high pollution • Extreme rubbing of the skin which causes friction • Stress caused by from tight clothing, heavy backpacks and helmets • Hormone levels change in females 2 to 5 days before their menstrual period starts.
FAQ #3 – Humidity And Sweating Makes Acne Worse?
It is true that humidity and sweating have the power to make the acne problem even worse. The problem becomes bigger because of the hydration and swelling of the blockages, which is caused by extreme humidity and sweating. The inflammatory phase of acne can get started due to these developments.
FAQ #4 – Can Some Medicines Have Adverse Affects On Acne?
The answer will be yes, there are many medicines available in the market which if consumed without consulting the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai then the problem of acne can increase sharply. However, in case a medicine prescribed by a doctor is having adverse affects on your skin, then consult the doctor immediately.
FAQ #5 – When Should I Stop Taking Medicines?
Never stop consuming prescribed medicines on your own, also never start consuming any medicine without consulting an expert doctor. You must talk to your doctor in detail before making any changes. If you stop taking medicines or change the amount of dose, the acne might popup again.
FAQ #6 – When Should I Wash My Skin? At least twice every day, you should wash your skin by using soap or face wash. When the skin becomes dry completely, you should apply the prescribed acne treatment cream.
FAQ #7 – Who Should I Consult For Acne Scar Treatment In Mumbai?
Ensure that you visit the best cosmetic surgeon for an advice on Acne scar treatment in Mumbai. If you fail to visit an expert doctor then your acne problem might increase. The best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai will assimilate your condition and help you to get rid of the problem significantly.
Top 6 Reasons To Choose Laser Hair Removal in Mumbai Have you become too tired and fed up by waxing or shaving the unwanted hair from various areas on your body? Don’t get disappointed because laser hair removal in Mumbai is an amazing cosmetic treatment than can remove all the unwanted hair from your body permanently.
Laser cosmetic procedure in Mumbai is the only way to remove unwanted hair from your face and body permanently. If you hate shaving or waxing after every 15 or 20 days your body parts then this is the right treatment for you. No other hair removal procedure or treatment can match or deliver the level of results achieved by this laser cosmetic procedure in Mumbai. It is a lot better option than shaving or waxing your body parts regularly.
Here are some points that will help you to understand laser hair removal in Mumbai in a better way. Have a look.
This treatment is not for every type of skin or hair. People who have dark hair and light skin usually get better results. This hair removal procedure is aimed at targeting pigmented tissue, so it won’t deliver positive results on blonde grey, white or red hair.
Underarms, arms, legs, upper lips, bikini line, chest and back are areas targeted in this treatment. Some people also choose hair removal from pubic area, but it should be done only after consulting the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai.
Generally, the treatment will require 8 to 10 sessions to complete and get the best possible results. The number of hair removal sessions varies with skin, size of area, and hair colour. Visit the best cosmetic surgeon to get the desired results from laser hair removal cosmetic treatment.
Side effects of laser hair removal treatment are hard to find. In a few cases, the skin might become swollen, but within some hours the skin will become normal. In only a few cases, darkening or lightening of the skin may happen. Scarring, blistering or any such side effects are rare.
By visiting the most popular cosmetic surgery clinic in Mumbai and getting treatment from the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai, you can easily ensure that hair removal procedure goes without any mishaps. An expert surgeon knows how to avoid side effects.
Before undergoing any cosmetic treatment, you should do a little research about it to find its pros and cons, or how badly you need the treatment. The trick to achieve the best results from laser hair removal in Mumbai is hidden in your selection of the cosmetic clinic and cosmetic surgeon. You must give emphasis on choosing the best surgeon in business.
Once you find the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai, consult him to find out if you’re an ideal candidate for hair removal in Mumbai or not.
Want A Slimmer & Attractive Body? Tummy Tuck Surgery Is Best For You
The scientific term for tummy tuck surgery is abdominoplasty. The surgery is performed by expert surgeons to improve the look of abdomen by flattening it. It is done by extracting excess and loose fat & skin from the abdomen region of the patient’s body. After that the surgeon tightens the muscles around the abdominal wall.
Some women also choose tummy tuck surgery to remove the stretch marks present on their lower abdomen region.
Mostly, tummy tuck surgery is chosen by women after pregnancy, or people who want quick and effective weight loss or people who want to remove weak abdomen muscles in order to make their body attractive. People often choose tummy tuck surgery in Mumbai to improve their level of confidence and self-esteem.
Tummy tuck surgery can be performed for these conditions:
If a person is disappointed by the loose and excess skin, extra fat, stretch marks around abdomen region of their bodies which is not affected by exercise or controlled diet.
If the shape of abdomen is affected by either pregnancy or extreme weight loss.
It can be performed to improve looks of abdomen area.
If the uneven shape of abdomen area is affecting your self-esteem.
Why Choose Tummy Tuck Surgery & Is It Safe?
Tummy tuck Surgery is one of the best cosmetic surgery treatments which can decrease the unnecessary fat around the abdomen area effectively. We all know the hard truth that in majority of cases people doesn’t get any success from both exercising and dieting. For such scenarios, tummy tuck in Mumbai can prove effective results. A person can choose tummy tuck in Mumbai, after considering the following points:
If there’s excess skin around your abdomen are due to ageing, genes, pregnancy, and drastic change in weight or weak abdominal muscles.
There can be extremely damaging and adverse effects of smoking on the outcomes of this surgical treatment. So, you have to stay away from smoking for at least six months before and after the surgery are performed.
Pregnancy can separate the muscles which have been restored during the surgical procedure. Therefore, you can choose this treatment after you’re sure that you won’t be having children again. However, if you get pregnant after the surgery then there’s an option of having the surgery again.
Pros of having tummy tuck surgery in Mumbai
This cosmetic surgical procedure will easily give you a flat and attractive abdomen area.
You can easily achieve a beautiful, slimmer & younger body by undergoing this treatment.
No matter what you wear, after having tummy tuck surgery, you will look gorgeous in every dress and swimwear than before.
All You Wish To Know About Hair Transplant In Dubai
The best solution currently available for hair loss is hair transplant surgery. It is a surgical process, so you must ponder every single point before deciding to go for the surgery. You should visit and consult best hair transplant surgeon in Dubai to get desirable results. Keep in mind, every hair transplant in Dubai needs a different approach.
You need to closely examine all the procedures available for hair transplant treatment in Dubai, and qualifications of the surgeon who will perform the surgery. To ensure favourable results you need to find the Best hair transplant surgeon in Dubai. If you’re eligible then the success of the procedure will depend on elements such as surgeon's ability, experience and the technique used.
Unlike the olden times, when hair transplant was not possible, things have change drastically now. Hair transplant is now possible because of the scientific development in this field. Not every area on the head looses hair and the follicles at the sides or back of the scalp are not prone to hair loss. The treatment includes extraction of skin with follicles from the head and re-attaching it to the bald areas. The growth of newly attached follicles continues in areas where hair loss problem was widespread before.
Multiple transplant grafts are required to ensure enough material for balding spots. Hair transplant make the head to look a lot fuller with hair, but pre-baldness density is a bit difficult to get.
The best candidates for hair transplant treatment are people older than 30 years of age and who have witnessed a high level of hair loss. It is better to opt for hair transplant in Dubai after the balding process completely stops as it helps surgeon to determine the level of problem. To get the best outcomes from the hair transplant treatment, it is quite important that the surgery produces a natural looking result.
Smaller grafts are used nowadays which look more natural, though might not be able to copy the hairline most people want. However, the hair transplant surgeon will ensure that the hair grows in the same pattern by transplanting follicular units.
These units are made by using 1 to 4 follicles, nerves, tissues, cells and blood vessels. The surgeon will make sure by using new techniques and microscope hat follicular units remain tight to generate the best results from the transplant procedure.
Small holes are made with help of a needle in the receiving area of the follicular units. The hair transplant surgeon will then insert the grafts into these holes. He will make sure that the follicular units are not damaged while being attached to the bald area.
Choose Hair Transplant In Dubai To Remove Your Baldness
Do you even know that by getting hair transplant treatment in Dubai, you can have hair back on your head easily? Don’t be surprised to hear this, because scientific innovations have made significant advances. With help of the best hair transplant surgeon in Dubai, you can get back both, hair on your head and your confidence.
Here are top three frequently asked questions by people who are looking for a transplant and want to have more info about hair transplant in Dubai. Have a look.
How Hair Transplant Treatment In Dubai Works?
The treatment will begin after the hair transplant surgeon finds out that how big the balding/thinning problem is and the exact number of hair grafts that will be needed to get rid of the baldness. After that, the surgeon will examine the capability of donor location, which is mostly at the side and back of the head where the density of hair is usually thicker compared to other areas.
If required grafts can be extracted from the donor area, then the surgeon will go ahead with the treatment. After these initial examinations, hair transplant surgeon will take the grafts from the donor area and place them on the bald area. Keep in mind that hair transplant treatment in Dubai is done when the patient is completely awake.
What Are The Methods Of Performing Hair Transplant In Dubai?
Right now, 3 methods are commonly used by surgeons to perform transplants.
• Follicular Unit Extraction: This is one of the latest and highly advance methods used in transplant which is done by extracting the hair follicles and then applying them on the head where baldness is noticeable.
• Stem Cell Follicular Unit Extraction: It’s also a latest transplant method which is less invasive and allows the patient to recover quickly and it leaves behind almost zero scars. This transplant technique provides notable hair density and has long-lasting results.
• The Follicular Device Transplant: In this transplant method, follicles or grafts are removed from the donor area in shape of linear strips. Then by using a microscope, these strips are transformed into compact grafts before implanting grafts in the bald area of the head.
What’s The Recovery Time After The Transplant?
The time duration depends largely on the type of hair transplant treatment in Dubai you decide to choose. You should know that hair transplant in Dubai is performed on an outpatient basis, which means that you’re free to go back home after the surgery finishes.
Also, you can go back to your usual work and routine a week after undergoing transplant treatment. However, the recovery time may vary from patient to patient, so consult the best hair transplant surgeon in Dubai to find out your recovery time.
Revitalize Your Body With Amazing Anti Ageing Tips With each passing year we are getting older and no one can stop this process. As we age, we all can clearly see that our physical features change a lot compared to what we used to have a few years ago. Sometimes, the ageing process doesn’t slow down, no matter how much we eat healthy and exercise.
To deal with the problem of ageing process, one of the best ways is to consider cosmetic surgery. You can visit a renowned cosmetic surgery clinic in Mumbai and consult the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai to know more about various surgical options available.
Here are 5 things which play a pivotal role in slowing down the ageing process. Have a look.
Fresh Fruits & Veggies: There’s simply no doubt that huge amount of benefits are provided by fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants in leafy greens, blueberries, carrots, tomatoes, etc. stop molecules from harming healthy skin cells.
Most of the expert doctors suggest that we should intake around 5 to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Ageing process can be slowed down with help of antioxidants such as zinc, beta-carotene and vitamin C. So make sure you’re getting the required amount every day.
Sleep: We often fail to realize the fact that sleep is really crucial for your health physical and mental health. You might become sleep deprived if you’re working all day & night without getting proper sleep. At least eight hours sleep is highly recommended by expert healthcare officials. Without proper sleeping time, one might develop many diseases also.
Physical Exercise: Studies have suggested that exercising regularly helps to acquire stamina, strength in muscles, density and balance in the bones. After exercising you’ll feel a great level of fitness and revitalization in your body. With each workout your health will become better!
Dairy Products: Calcium and vitamins in dairy products are the main source to get stronger bones and play a significant role to prevent osteoporosis. Many people don’t like to consume dairy products dairy products, so in that case you can go for other foods that have calcium and vitamins (especially Vitamin D). Some of these alternatives are cereals, soy milk or almond milk.
Sun: With this tip, you need to stay careful as it might prove to be a bit risky. Sun exposure is necessary as it has benefits like Vitamin D, but Overexposure to the harmful ultra-violet rays from the sun can be quite dangerous. If you’re planning to stay outside for long then use a good sunscreen lotion or cream to protect your skin. Sun provides the much needed Vitamin D to our body.
For a variety of reasons, mostly ageing and weight-loss, a person may observe that his/her face is beginning to look more bleak and worn-out. Young & fresh skin looks tight and attractive because of collagen, but as a result of continues ageing process, collagen levels start decreasing significantly in our skin gradually. Fortunately, a lot of cosmetic and non-surgical treatments are available nowadays, like dermal fillers which can be used to get back the younger look and beauty.
Dermal fillers are injected into the skin (performed by expert surgeons), which help to fill the gaps and provide smoother facial skin. Dermal fillers work effectively by simply reversing the ageing process of the facial skin.
Dermal Fillers To Fight Against Signs Of Ageing
A major loss in the production of collagen is noticed as humans get old. With old age dermis starts to lose important components such collagen fibres, ashyaluronic acid and elastin. These activities lead to the creation of creases, wrinkles and fine lines because dermis skin structure starts deteriorating.
Dermal fillers fill the gaps in the skin, so the treatment not only removes the fine lines, but also enhances the outline of a face. Restylane, Hylaform, Radiesse and Juvederm are some of the elements which can be found in dermal fillers.
Dermal Fillers Improve Sunken Areas & Wrinkles
As per your needs, the surgeon will use either 1 filler or mixture of different fillers to get desirable results. The choice of fillers is generally made by the expert surgeon after analysing the skin condition of the patient. Before injecting dermal fillers, a chemical is used to make that area numb for medical reasons.
The dermal fillers are injected in the areas of facial skin where wrinkles, scars, sunken areas or fine lines are rampant. Wrinkles disappear and sunken areas get additional volume. So, dermal fillers can work wonders for your skin which is damaged due to sunken areas and wrinkles. These are an excellent option to fight against the signs of ageing.
Visit a renowned cosmetic surgery clinic in Mumbai if you need to know everything in detail about dermal fillers. Here are 3 top qualities dermal fillers which will help you to understand the treatment better.
Dermal fillers can be easily administered.
High quality dermal fillers remain in the dermis for a long time.
Safety standards of dermal fillers are outstanding.
Soft, firm, fresh and younger facial skin can be easily achieved with help of this amazing anti-ageing treatment.
Procedure Of Dermal Fillers
In this cosmetic treatment, a patient is given local anaesthesia or an anaesthetic cream. The patient will not feel any pain as this will make the skin numb. No cuts are made and the treatment finishes within an hour. Visit a renowned cosmetic surgery clinic in Mumbai to rejuvenate your facial skin.
One of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures around the globe is no doubt breast enlargement surgery. The surgical procedure was first introduced in 1960s to the world and has been helping to increase the shape and size of breasts since then. From the inception of this procedure there have been big changes in every field, from the method of making an incision to material of the implants.
Over the years, breast enlargement has increasingly become popular among women. It is no longer a thing that only actresses used to have and even housewives are increasingly opting for this surgery. This change appeared because the surgery has become more affordable over the years and safer than before. Now, cosmetic surgeries are quite common as more women are choosing it to enhance their physical beauty.
Nowadays, there are many types of methods which claim to enhance the size of breasts. However, no method can match the level of success which is achieved by breast enlargement surgery. The results of breast enlargement surgery are so good that you’ll be amazed to see the transformation of your body. From plain chest, you can jump to big and firm breast in just a few hours of surgery.
Breast enlargement surgery isn’t like any other breast enhancement technique and it gives instant results. You can go back to your daily routine within a week and you might forget that you even had implants surgery (due to the natural looking results). You just have to visit the surgeon for corrective surgery or checkups to monitor the development in the body after the surgery.
There’s a long list of benefits women can get by opting for breast enlargement surgery instead of any other breast enhancement procedures. However, before the surgery you must be clear about the size of implants you want and where you want incisions to be made. For this, you can consult the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai, who will tell you all the details of this surgery.
While finalizing the size of breasts, not only consult the surgeon, but also involve your husband or partner in the conversation. Your partner can help you to determine the shape and size of breasts you will be more comfortable in. Do you want an hourglass figure, or a medium size bust, or bigger and appealing breasts? Talk to your partner and discuss in detail what size will be ideal for you.
Finalising the size of bosom is quite crucial step in the whole pre-surgical period. Select the size which you think will suit you best and whether you’ll be comfortable with the increased size or not. It’s important to keep your priorities and lifestyle in mind while deciding the size you are expecting after breast enlargement surgery.
There’s an amazing feeling which runs throughout our body whenever big breasts are mentioned. Boobs are just like magnificent hills on every woman’s chest. Breasts are the most prestigious and influential symbol of womanhood, which have the divine power of nurturing the young ones and attracting males. It’s like a badge of honour wore by women, symbolizing authority and dominance.
Breasts signify all the aspects of womanhood whether be it feminine curves, maternal tenderness and confident sexuality. But, it’s quite sad to say that not all women have big boobs to flaunt. So, is there any solution for this problem? Yes, breast enlargement surgery (also known as breast augmentation surgery) performed by the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai can give every women bigger breasts to boost their womanhood.
Here are some pros of having bigger boobs and why you should choose breast enlargement surgery.
You Can Easily Become Popular For Giving The Best Hugs
Generally, women with large boobs actually have two large pillows hooked up on their bust; these warm and cushiony pillows provide ultimate comfort and ease. Boobs carry joy for every person who you embrace. Big bosom works as the perfect cushion for your loved ones to put their heads on and rest. While your lover is resting his head on your cosy boobs, you can pat his head soothingly. Yes! Your big breasts provide the much needed comfort and relaxation to your partner.
Fitting Each Clothes You Wear
Having an hourglass figure is a dream of every woman and big boobs can give you that. Just think that how satisfying it would be to wear any dress or t-shirt and get an amazingly attractive body quickly. Your boobs play an important role not only in providing you an hourglass figure, but it also makes you look damn sexy!
Even a simple t-shirt can be turned into the most happening outfit just because of bigger breasts. The positive effects of big boobs on clothing are just endless; if you have big breasts then you can simply rock the beach in lingerie, without any effort you can get the right cleavage in the dress you’re planning to wear for the dinner date!
The Perfect Tool Of Pleasure
Nothing can attract guys towards women more than a good set of boobs. Often termed as the perfect tool of pleasure, it has been proved scientifically that boobs provide immense pleasure to both males and females. The amount of pleasure surely increases if the size is bigger! Apart from its role in intercourse, breasts also play an important role in your daily life to attract the man you want. Though it may sound a bit straightforward, but scientific research has clearly stated that men are attracted more towards women with big boobs.
You may be surprised to know, a recent scientific study revealed that bigger breasts can prove beneficial for a wide range of evolutionary and medical purposes. Many women who have small breasts crave for bigger ones. Breast enlargement surgery, (also known as breast augmentation surgery) is one of the best available treatments to achieve bigger breasts.
Here are top 10 social and health benefits of having big breasts.
With help of adipose tissue in the breasts, a female swimmer can stay floating in the water. A number of scientific studies have revealed that humans are also a bit aquatic species. So, having large chest can keep women away from drowning!
Yeah, that’s true! Adipose tissue also plays a vital role in keeping women with big breasts warmer in winter seasons. More amount of body heat is generated by bigger sized breasts, and this is quite important for women who live in cold place or places where winters are long.
Acts as a Cushion
A strong and big bosom can indeed prove handy in situations of collision. If the size is big enough, a girl or women can simply avoid many bumpy scenarios, especially falling face-first.
Positive affects On Social Life
You might be aware of this fact and yes it’s true that there are some evolutionary advantages which act as a catalyst for moving ahead in social circles. Big and firm breasts are absolutely eye-catching for men, also serve as an ideal sign for mating.
In most cultures across the globe, especially in India, production of hormones which are essential for the development of chest in girls is often seen as a sign of fertility and healthy reproductive system.
Enhances Presence
Big sized breasts are not only captivating, but also work as an effective attracting tool. The girl with the biggest bosom no doubt has a lot more presence in the room and conveys her thoughts better; in short, more individuals will be attracted towards her.
Big bosom is clearly an indication of a healthy body. The immune system of underweight women is quite weak which makes their body ineffective to fight with multiple health issues. Generally, women with bigger bosom tend to live a bit longer than their underweight counterparts.
A well-endowed female don’t have to face problems of food shortage for their newborns. A recent study showed that human mind considers the size of breasts to determine a female’s childbearing ability!
Better Chances of Employment
Some of you might not agree, but this is true. Women with big bosom have their own unique personality that attracts more clients. Bigger breasts sometimes act a ticket for promotions and raises at the workplaces.
This one depends on one’s personal choice. However, no one can argue on the fact that females with bigger breasts much look better in all types of dresses and clothing.
So, do you wish to have bigger breasts? Breast enlargement surgery (breast augmentation surgery) is the ideal solution to attain the right size of breast for women. Visit the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai today to book an appointment for breast enlargement surgery today.
People cannot avoid some types of hair fall conditions and there is certainly nothing they can do to stop the process from occurring. But various types of hair loss are totally avoidable and reversible, and Traction Alopecia is one of those. This kind of hair fall occurs due to constant pulling of hair, mainly as a result of bad & harmful hairstyling behaviour. Constant stress gives scars to the hair follicles, impacting their power to regrow.
Here are some best known styling tips and techniques for hair that will keep you away from hair reduction. You can avoid Traction Alopecia by following these tips and tricks. Have a look.
Don’t Put On Hairstyles Which Are Extremely Tight
Avoid making extremely tight hairstyles, like dreadlocks and cornrows, which are done by pulling the hair backwards tightly, and therefore exerting a steady pressure directly on the hair follicles beneath the skin. In the long run this weakens the follicles and if not tackled in time then serious and permanent destruction of the hair follicles can occur. Same case is with tight braids and ponytails.
Avoid Hair Extensions Completely
If surplus or excessive weight is tied on the hair then it also pulls the hair in downwards direction producing extreme pressure on the hair. This is often just what exactly occurs when hair extensions are attached on the natural hair. Due to continuous pull, substantial amount of body weight is added on your hair by these extensions. This results in damage of the hair strands along with the follicles, starting problems such as hair loss, hair thinning, and hair breakage.
Keep Altering Your Styling Approaches
Donning a certain hairstyle for a long period of time can also result in hair thinning in particular parts of the scalp, and it doesn't matter how free, loose and natural it could be. Thus, it is essential that you should keep changing your hairstyle at least once in 2 to 3 months.
Stay Away From Heat
Heat generated by hair styling equipment such as flat irons, curling rods and blow dryers can act as a catalyst in hair loss process. Styling your hair by applying these products uncover the fragile hair shafts to severe heat, which leaves behind damaging outcomes, especially on scalps of the people who use these machines quite commonly. Avoid using such tools (you can use them occasionally) and allow your hair to dry naturally.
Prevent Hair Dyeing Commonly
Hair dyes are filled with hard and severe chemicals that could deliver damaging effects on your sensitive hair shafts. Bleaches and various chemical substances in hair dyes remove natural oils and moisture from the scalp, which makes your hair look brittle, dry and prone to breakage. Getting your hair coloured is fine if done once in a while, but excessive usage should be avoided. Be confident to show your natural hair colour.
If you are facing the problem of baldness, then hair transplant in India is the ultimate solution for your hair loss problem.
Top Tips To Find the Best Cosmetic Surgeon In Mumbai
Choosing the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai is quite an important decision to make as it may change the course of the cosmetic surgical procedure. The best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai will deliver the desired results whereas inexperience surgeon will simply fail to live up to your expectations.
Your decision of choosing the cosmetic surgeon is a decision which is going to remain with you for many years to come. An effective treatment can enhance your appearance, increase your beauty and boost your self esteem for a long period of time. This makes it extremely crucial to hire the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai.
On the flip side, choosing an inexperienced surgeon increases your probabilities of getting poor and disappointing results. Hiring an unskilled surgeon will also cost you more money, time and of course it might destroy your confidence level.
Locating a qualified cosmetic surgeon who has loads of experience in the field of cosmetic surgery is important to generate the best final results from your surgery. When you find a good cosmetic surgeon, visit his official website to get more info about his medical background. Here are some points which can help you to find the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai.
Proper Certification & Qualification
Lots of people make a mistake of relying on national clinical boards and associations to make sure that the surgeons are qualified or hold the necessary certificates to perform various types of cosmetic surgeries in Mumbai, India. However, it’s a bit of a stupid thing to do if you’re really deciding to rely on the medical associations to perform this job. It will be a better decision if you do a bit of research about the cosmetic surgeon on your own.
Remember, there are many quacks (fake doctors/surgeons) in the market that can damage your appearance with their unskilled surgery. So, it’s all about finding the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai who can deliver desired results without any side effects. Visit the official website of the cosmetic surgeon you’re planning to choose and then simply call them to book an appointment. Meeting the surgeon in personal is quite crucial because only then you can reach a final conclusion.
How Experienced Is The Surgeon In The Surgery Which You’re Planning To Undergo.
Now you are aware with the significance of qualification and certification in cosmetic surgical procedures, but cosmetic surgeons may have their own subspecialties. You’ll be a bit surprised to know that every area in cosmetic surgical procedure requires quite different types of skills. You can obviously figure out that Botox surgery is quite different from breast enlargement surgery or breast lift surgery or breast reduction surgery. This is because every body part is somewhat distinct from the other and requires a different approach in cosmetic surgery.
Final thoughts: In order to find the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai, you should check his medical qualification, certification and license to perform surgeries. Once you perform these tasks, you’ll surely find the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai, India.
No matter how much you try to convince people, some of them keep viewing cosmetic surgeries in a bad way. However, things have started to change and more people are opening about the concept of having cosmetic surgery in Mumbai, India. Here are 3 biggest myths or lies you hear about cosmetic surgeries. We have made an effort to debunk these myths. Have a look.
Through the years, there have already been quite a few myths linked to Cosmetic Surgery. From liposuction to Breast Enlargement, here we have made an attempt to deal with the 3 biggest myths related to Cosmetic Surgery. We conducted a thorough research and interviewed people who have undergone any type of cosmetic surgery to debunk these myths. As a renowned cosmetic surgery clinic in Mumbai, it was our duty to stand against the myths and lies which are being spread against different types of cosmetic surgeries in India.
Myth #1: “People Who Choose Cosmetic Surgical Procedures Are Obsessive About Their Appearance And Looks”
Truth/Fact: A lot of people mistakenly think that simply because cosmetic surgical procedures are intended to change a person’s look, it’s only chosen by people who are obsessed with their looks. In reality, when a survey was done among the people who have undergone some sort of cosmetic surgery in Mumbai, then more than 60% people clearly said that they chose cosmetic surgery to improve their confidence level and self-esteem. 25% people chose cosmetic surgery for medical reasons and less than 5% said that they go for cosmetic surgery as an excellent tool to look like a star or celebrity.
Myth #2: “Only Rich People Have Cosmetic Surgery”
Truth/Fact: Even though cosmetic surgical procedures aren’t low-cost, yet it is simply meant for everyone. At Harleys cosmetic clinic in Mumbai, we offer a wide range of cosmetic surgeries at quite affordable prices. We offer treatment at low-cost, but always deliver world-class services.
At Harleys cosmetic clinic you can have treatments like breast lift, breast enlargement, breast reduction, liposuction, Botox, laser hair removal, laser tattoo removal, skin polishing, tummy tuck, etc. In a recent survey people said that the qualification of the surgeon is the main point that matters the most for them and not the prices. You should be sceptical about surgeons who offer services at low prices, but fail to deliver good results. At Harleys cosmetic clinic you will get be treated by the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai.
Myth #3: “It Is Easy To Tell If Someone Had Underwent Cosmetic Surgery”
Truth/Fact: Some people choose to have surgeries which can look evident. However, if you choose the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai then he’ll make sure that the cosmetic surgery looks as natural as possible. It’s all about the talent and skills of the surgeon you choose in a cosmetic clinic in Mumbai. Of course, one thing you won’t be able to hide from people is the fact that you’ll start looking far more attractive than before.
No Need to Wear a Cap to Hide Your Baldness Anymore
Our hair is really a precious asset that a lot of times receive praises from other individuals. Increasing natural beauty to our persona, it’s a standard of our overall health. On the other hand it can be vital to deal with our hair and ensure proper care on a daily basis, many of us choose it with no consideration and this is amongst the lots of factors that people often face hair fall issues for at least once in their lifetime. Nowadays hair transplant in India is one the best available method to deal with problem of hair loss.
Hair loss occurs due to a lot of factors such as hereditary reasons, physiological reasons, growing old, ailments, infections, thyroid problems, scalp problems, radiation, reaction to medicine, etc. Hair fall is becoming a serious difficulty for males and females all over the globe today. On an average, individuals today commonly lose at least 80 to 150 scalp hairs every day after functions like brushing washing, and combing etc.
However, during the condition of hair fall our hair start to fall out thoroughly and we eliminate a lot more of these by means of normal shedding than our natural capability to get back them back again. This is considered to be the right time when you should choose some sort of hair fall cure to stop continuous hair loss.
Hair decline and baldness, which happens to be a common trouble for men, is a completely different thing altogether and requires complete check-up at the root stage. In case you have started balding, you must immediately find a cure to stimulate and assist new hair development. Having said that hair fall cure can prove to be a lifeline for the depleting hair line. However, in majority of cases these cures fail to deliver which makes hair transplant in India the ultimate solution for the problem of baldness.
The cost of the treatment for hair loss largely depends on the seriousness of the cases and the speed at which the hair are falling. If the speed of hair fall is quick then the treatment cost might also go up. However hair transplant in India is an ideal solution for the hair loss and baldness problem as it can be done at an affordable price range.
Hair transplant in India enables people to get rid of caps that they have to wear to hide their baldness. Hair transplant in India not only gets hair back on the bald head, but it also brings back the confidence and self-esteem people have lost due to baldness. So, what are you waiting for? If baldness is disturbing you life and hurting you emotionally then hair transplant in India is the best solution for you.
Breast enlargement surgery can single-handedly enhance your looks, appeal, confidence and self-esteem. Are you suffering from low morale because of small sized breasts? No need to feel the same way anymore as breast augmentation surgery can give you bigger, firmer and full volume breasts.
Many women have to face the social stigma of having small breasts which affects their confidence and self-esteem extremely. Thanks to advance technology, now women can have bigger breasts with breasts augmentation surgery.
Here are some common FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) that will help you to understand breast enlargement surgery in a better way.
Is Breast Augmentation Surgery Right For Me?
Women opt to have breast augmentation surgery for a variety of reasons. This type of surgery is best for and commonly done on females who have small breasts, asymmetrical breasts. In many cases, women lose shape or volume of their breasts after pregnancy or weight loss. Here, breasts enlargement surgery is an ideal procedure to get back big and firm breasts. It’s a personal choice of every woman to decide if they’re willing to undergo this surgery or not. However, it’s strongly recommended that you must consult your cosmetic surgeon to find more about this treatment.
What Should I Expect From Breast Enlargement Surgery And How Long It Takes?
Breast Enlargement surgery, often known as Breast Augmentation surgery, is usually a cosmetic surgical technique that should be done by an experienced, qualified and the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai. The treatment normally requires between 1 to 3 hours for completion, but it might take more time in some cases. The surgery is conducted under general anaesthesia and the surgeon might ask you to stay at the clinic for a couple of days to check your progress and recovery speed.
The best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai will start by creating small incisions on either the natural crease under the breasts, or at the side of the nipples, or in the armpit. Then an implant will be inserted inside the breasts by the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai. The implant will be placed at either behind or over the tissue and muscle to provide the desired look and then the incisions are closed properly by using surgical sutures.
The place of incision will be decided by the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai to deliver the best shape and size for your breasts. You must discuss the whole treatment process, your expectations and the outcomes of the surgery with the surgeon in advance. This will surely help you to achieve the desired look and size you’re expecting from the surgery.
Why Should I Choose Breast Enlargement Surgery?
<span style="text-align: justify;">To get a curvier figure</span>
<span style="text-align: justify;">To have symmetrical breasts</span>
<span style="text-align: justify;">It will enhance feeling of femininity and confidence.</span>
<span style="text-align: justify;">You can wear all types of clothes with full confidence. No need to feel shy anymore while wearing swimwear or well-fitting clothes.</span>
<span style="text-align: justify;">You can achieve the shape, size and volume which you have lost due to either, pregnancy, weight loss or ageing.</span>
Botox comprises of a toxin created by the bacteria known as Clostridium botulinum. It is exactly the same toxin which is behind the life-threatening kind of food poisoning commonly known as botulism. Botox treatment should only be done by the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai. Surgeons utilise it in small and prescribed doses to treat medical problems, which include
Non permanent smoothing of wrinkles and fine lines on the face, and thus enhancing your appearance
Cervical dystopia which is a neurological ailment that triggers critical neck and shoulder muscle contractions
Overactive bladder
Extreme sweating in underarms
Chronic migraine
Misaligned eyes (Strabismus)
Uncontrollable blinking (Blepharospasm)
Injections are used in Botox treatment to get the job done by paralyzing or weakening muscles or by obstructing specific nerves. The results usually remain for about three to twelve months, and it largely depends on what you are treating. The commonest side effects that can develop from Botox treatment are pain, swelling, or bruising in the area where injections have been applied. These side effects go away with time.
Some people can also develop headache, flu-like signs and symptoms, and upset tummy. Injections which are used on the facial muscles can also result in short-term drooping eyelids. Generally, surgeons don’t recommend Botox treatment for women who are either pregnant or breastfeeding.
How Botox Treatment Functions?
Botox works by blocking signals which are sent from nerves to the muscles. The injected muscles are unable to contract which makes the wrinkles and fine lines to soften.
Botox is mostly applied in the lines on forehead, fine lines which are round the eye (also known as crow’s feet), and frown lines. Wrinkles which occur due to sun damage and gravity might fail to respond to Botox treatment. Botox treatment can prove to be extremely useful to remove lines from neck, lips, chin and corner of the mouth.
How A Botox Treatment Is Performed?
Botox treatment will take only a few hours and isn’t going to involve any amount of local anaesthesia. Botox is injected into certain muscles by using a fine needle which might cause a little discomfort. It normally takes around 3 to 5 days or even a week to fully show the impact.
It’s strongly recommended by the surgeons that you should stop any type of alcohol consumption before undergoing Botox treatment. Avoid using aspirin and any type of anti-inflammatory drugs at least two weeks in advance of Botox treatment to minimise any chances of bruising.
How Long Botox Treatment Lasts?
The results obtained from Botox treatment will remain for at least 4 to 6 months. With time the movement in muscles return which marks the return of wrinkles and fine lines. However, you can go for Botox treatment again to get wrinkles and fine lines removed.
Are you aware of the fact that if you get a FUE hair transplant in Mumbai your chance of getting hair back on your head increases drastically? You might be surprised to know this, but it’s true. Under guidance of the best hair transplant surgeon in India, you will not only get hair back on head, but also your confidence and self esteem.
Here are some common questions usually asked by people who want to know more about hair transplant in India.
How Hair Transplant In India Functions?
The treatment starts when the best hair transplant surgeon in India discovers how huge your thinning/balding location is and the number of hair grafts you will require to remove the baldness. Following this, the donor location capability is tested, that's at the back and sides of the head where the hair is definitely the thickest.
If sufficient grafts can be taken from the donor’s head, then the method usually gets a green signal. At hair transplant clinic in Mumbai, the best hair transplant surgeon in India will extract the hairs from the donor’s head and implant them on the thinning place. Remember, hair transplant in India is performed when the patient is fully awake.
What Types Of Procedures Are Used In Hair Transplant In India?
Currently, there are three types of procedures used in hair transplant in India, which are:
Stem Cell Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) – It’s truly the most recent hair transplant strategy that's a lot less invasive and has quick recovery time, and hardly any scars will develop. It ensures substantial hair density and provides normal and long-lasting outcomes.
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) – Is definitely a sophisticated and latest approach used for Hair Transplant in India that includes extraction of the hair follicles one after the other, then placing these follicles on the area where baldness is visible.
The Follicular Device Transplant (FUT) – Commonly referred as the strip method, grafts or follicles are removed in the shape of the linear strip through the donor space. The strip is converted into compact grafts by using a microscope before of implanting grafts in head.
How Much Time Will It Take To Recover After Hair Transplant In India?
Based upon the type of Hair transplant in India you've opted for, the recovery time period will vary. Hair transplant in India is done on an outpatient basis. Within a week you’ll be completely fit to carry on with your usual routine and work. However, in some cases the surgeon might ask the patient to rest for at least 10 days or more before getting back on their normal lives.
People opt for various types of ways to express their emotions. Some choose to communicate, others choose art and some go for writing their views. One of the several ways to express one particular's thoughts which have been around for hundreds of years is body artwork, notably the tattoos. Although the procedures have refined significantly in different time periods, the basic principle of tattooing still remains the same.
For many people, tattooing is a way to precise their thought, beliefs and philosophies. Other folks choose tattoos to display some important occasion of their lives or to pay homage to a loved one. Other people choose tattoos just to look cool or to fit in their friends’ circle.
Whilst numerous people all over the globe proceed to get tattoos, a significant range of them want to eliminate their existing tattoos for personal reasons. Laser tattoo removal in Mumbai is the best selection for this objective and it is way ahead of other conventional methods of tattoo removal in Mumbai. Let’s take a look at the reasons which make tattoo removal in Mumbai a better option than other methods.
Why You Should Choose Laser Tattoo Removal In Mumbai?
You will come across many types of tattoo removal methods including excision, salabrasion, dermabrasion, cryosurgery etc. A large number of therapies are usually helpful, a lot of them are pretty painful, unpleasant and all of them have pitfalls of infection and side effects because these are very invasive in procedure. Many of them are often very distressing at the same time.
Laser tattoo removal in Mumbai is a non-invasive treatment which delivers the desired outcomes without any chance of infections. The Laser tattoo removal in Mumbai is very powerful and provides amazing results. Definitely it’s a better treatment compared to any other procedure.
How Tattoo Removal In Mumbai Works?
In tattoo removal in Mumbai procedure, the laser operates by focusing on the tattoo pigmentation and breaking it into smaller particles, later the immune system removes these particles automatically. This can be obtained by making use of high intensity laser beams that concentrate on the pigmentation. These don't damage skin round the tattoo and remove the tattoo effectively. However, this type of treatment should only be done by the best Cosmetic Surgeon in Mumbai.
The tattoo ink is considered as a foreign object by the immune system so it doesn't acknowledge it and when a tattoo starts getting inked, the immune system works on its elimination. Experts state that this might be the reason why sharpness of the tattoos reduces with time. However, it’s not possible for immune system to remove the tattoo on its own. Here, laser tattoo removal in Mumbai can prove to be the best way to get rid of the unwanted tattoo from your body.
Sagging Breasts – What’s Better, Breast Enlargement Surgery Or Breast Lift Surgery?
For every girl and women, breasts are a crucial section that helps to create their confidence and self-esteem. The confidence of any girl or women can crash and hit the ground, if she thinks that her breasts are too small and unattractive.
However, with advancement in technology, the problem of small bust can be easily dealt with the help of breast augmentation in Mumbai or breast enlargement surgery in Mumbai. If you too face the problem of small bust then breast enlargement surgery in Mumbai is the best available solution for you.
What if you have sagging breasts and can’t find a solution for this problem? Apart from breast lift surgery in Mumbai, breast enlargement surgery in Mumbai is also one the best available solutions for sagging breasts.
“Will breast augmentation in Mumbai work, or do I need a breast lift surgery in Mumbai?” this is quite a common question asked by almost all the women who want to get attractive bust. The main reasons behind the sagginess of breasts are weight loss, pregnancy and breasts feeding.
What Options You Have To Correct The Sagging Breasts
The right answer for this question can only be given by the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai, who will first examine your body to find whether you’re the right candidate for breasts enlargement surgery in Mumbai or not. However, there are certain things that will help you to evaluate your breasts on your own.
Breasts enlargement surgery in Mumbai provides the required volume to women and on the other hand, breast lift surgery in Mumbai is excellent for giving a proper shape to sagging breasts. So, you need to be careful while choosing the type of surgery which will make your body more attractive than before. If you think that your bust is too skinny and you have a straight chest then breast augmentation surgery in Mumbai is meant for you as it refills the empty skin and provides volume to your bust.
Breast enlargement surgery in Mumbai is ideal for you if:
• Sagginess is low. • Nipples don’t point downwards and are in the middle of the breast • You are not satisfied with your tiny bust and looking forward to increase its size.
Or, you can opt for breast lift surgery in Mumbai if:
• Sagginess is quite high. • Nipples point downwards and are at the bottom of your breasts. • You already have big bust and only wish to remove the sagginess without increasing the size. • Areola is simply too big and you want to reduce its size.
So, you can see that both surgeries have their own benefits and can work wonders in improving your bust’s shape and size. Visit the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai to get desirable results from any type of cosmetic surgery.
Microdermabrasion is a popular cosmetic treatment that delivers amazing results for people of any age and skin types. You’ll start seeing excellent results after undergoing 5 to 10 sessions in a cosmetic clinic under the guidance of the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai. The key benefits of microdermabrasion are cherished greatly by people who wish to refresh the appearance of their skin without the need of having a more time-consuming and invasive treatments, like deep chemical peels or laser treatment.
Here are some of the major benefits of microdermabrasion treatment.
Not Invasive
Microdermabrasion get rids of the problems in the surface of the skin, treating just the outermost layer of pores and skin. The expert cosmetic surgeons around the world state that microdermabrasion treatments are provided through a hand-held machine that sends tiny crystals throughout the skin, and then these tiny crystals are sucked back into it. The two varieties of microdermabrasion easily get rid of the layer of dead skin cells by means of gentle exfoliation. The pores and skin isn't wounded or damaged, also the epidermis remains well protected.
Microdermabrasion is not at all a painful process. The expert surgeons in Mumbai say that there’s a chance you'll feel a scratching or mild stinging while the procedure is going on or perhaps you may feel like a vibration similar to a therapeutic massage. No anaesthesia is used in this procedure and this makes you more comfortable for the treatment. The skin may become a bit reddish in colour and slightly swollen soon after the procedure of microdermabrasion is completed, and these small side-effects usually disappear within a day. The best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai will use a comforting moisturiser after the procedure and provides a sunshine protection plan to guard your new & fresh layer of skin.
Microdermabrasion is a quick, simple and completely painless cosmetic therapy without any side effects and negligible hazard.
It exfoliates surface layers of pores and skin carefully and then applies abrasion and suction.
Small crystals are used in this treatment to abrade the skin and to eliminate dead skin cells.
This cosmetic procedure has minimal danger and swift restoration. It is painless and anaesthesia or needles is not used at all.
Microdermabrasion might assist in enhancing the skin look by cutting down wrinkles, fine lines, acne marks and sun damage.
Even after a single session, the benefits of Microdermabrasion will start showing and the skin will become significantly smoother than before. Skin’s ability of absorbing moisturisers also increases.
To attain ideal results, microdermabrasion should be done after every 3 to 4 weeks. However, you should first consult the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai to get favourable results.
Botox Treatment – How It Actually Fights The Signs Of Ageing
Botox treatment functions by stopping the receptors (acetylcholine) in the muscles of your face neck or wherever the injections are given. The acetylcholine is introduced into your tissues, when the nerve sends alerts for the muscles to shift or contract. This generally happens in cases where muscle mass has no clue if it’s really supposed to go, thus becoming paralysed. The sensation of numbness remains only for a short period of time.
The blockade made by acetylcholine is permanent and begins inside 2 days. The medical outcomes from the injection come to be apparent within 5 to 8 days. After 3 to 6 months, the muscle starts developing new receptors and might contract all over again.
If the body part where the injections are supposed to be given is not big, then it becomes important to send out electric impulses to make sure that the right muscles are acquiring the injection. The best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai uses an incredibly small needle to perform Botox treatment. Some people may feel slight or short-term pain in the course of the Botox treatment even when it is being performed by the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai. Once the Botox treatment is completed, the injected drug will not trigger any form of irritation.
The main work of Botulinum toxin is to smooth the wrinkles and fine lines that may appear due to various types of aging factors. With age, skin loses its elasticity and permanent lines appear in areas like eyes, forehead, mouth, and chin, in most cases all over the face and neck. When a person smiles these fine lines and wrinkles become more visible. Botox treatment softens these lines though it may not quite be successful in eliminating these lines permanently.
Botox treatment is a lot more than beauty therapy and is beneficial in the treatment of many other health issues like eye squints, chronic headaches and too much sweating. You will also find other ailments that botulinum toxin can proficiently deal with such as migraines, incontinence, severe neck and shoulder muscle spasms.
Before injecting in a patient’s body, the botulinum toxin is diluted in sodium chloride. The Best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai will then inject this combination directly into neuromuscular tissue of the patient. The result will take 1 to 3 three days to fully appear on a person’s face, neck or the area where Botox treatment has been performed. People can easily tolerate the injections and side-effects are negligible. However, it is strongly recommended that you should only visit the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai to achieve desired results, but also to minimise side-effects.
Are you looking forward to have a cosmetic surgery? Cosmetic surgeries are the best available procedures that can simply change your whole appearance and make you look beautiful and attractive. There are numerous types of cosmetic surgeries that can make your face & body amazingly gorgeous. However, cosmetic surgeries are proper surgical procedures which should be performed by the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai.
Here are some tips that will help you to locate a renowned Cosmetic surgery clinic in Mumbai, and the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai out of all the cosmetic surgeons in Mumbai.
What Is The Job Of Cosmetic Surgeons?
Cosmetic surgeons perform all the necessary preparations which are important for performing the whole cosmetic surgical procedure.
Execute cosmetic surgeries that simply change the size, shape or appearance of a person’s body.
Some of the cosmetic treatments performed by cosmetic surgeons in Mumbai are Botox treatment, breast surgery, breast reduction surgery, breast implant surgery, laser hair removal, liposuction, breast augmentation surgery, breast lift surgery, breast enlargement surgery, skin polishing, tummy tuck, gynecomastia, acne scar treatment, laser tattoo removal and many other cosmetic procedures. Cosmetic surgeons also provide reconstructive treatments for the cases of birth defects and accidents.
Gives detailed consultations to the patients about the surgeries and what to except from the results, side-effects, risks and benefits. Also, checks your medical history and explains the precautions you need to take before and after the cosmetic surgery is performed.
Help the patient to select the best cosmetic surgery that will deliver better results.
Execute the important surgical preparations and consider all the options.
Check If The Cosmetic Surgeon Has Proper Board Certification
This is one of the most important things that you need to check while searching for the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai. Ensure that the cosmetic surgeon you choose is a recognised surgeon and have the permission from the health department to perform cosmetic surgeries in Mumbai. The best way to do research about the cosmetic surgeons is by visiting their official website. Once you find them on the web, read all the info and details about the qualifications and license of the surgeon.
Check The Experience And Record Of Previous Surgeries Done By The Cosmetic Surgeon
You must keep in mind that cosmetic surgeries are not easy to perform, so you must visit the Best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai to get desirable results without any fear of complications and side-effects. The best way to finalise any surgeon for your cosmetic surgery is by analysing the surgeries performed by them previously.
Hair loss is a common problem confronted by adult males and females these days – the main reason behind this issue is bad lifestyle and harmful diet program. There are actually various natural ways and surgical remedies like Hair Transplant in Dubai that can help in regrowing the hair you have lost. Having a balanced diet is one way to avoid hair loss. Hair transplant treatment in Dubai is no doubt one of the best available permanent solutions for hair loss problem.
There are numerous other choices also present to deal with your hair fall issue, but below are some important tips that will help you to stop hair loss with proper nourishment & nutrients.
Take-In Ample Amount Of Protein
Hairs are generally produced from proteins. It suggests your hair will likely be afflicted specifically when your diet program doesn’t have enough amount of protein. Not merely your hair follicles might get impacted by protein deficiency, but the hair shafts can grow dry and damaged. Protein can be easily obtained from beef, mutton, eggs, grains and dairy products.
Avoid Iron Deficiency At Any Cost
Iron deficiency is the most typical thing that triggers hair loss process, especially in expecting women of all ages. Iron has a really essential purpose in our body; it carries oxygen to distinct organs and parts of the body, such as your scalp. Deficiency of iron within the blood will definitely have an impact on its capability to supply oxygen as well as other nutrients to your follicles, resulting in hair loss on your head.
Increase ‘Vitamin A’ Consumption
Just one basic and simple way to avoid hair reduction with diet is by increasing your everyday vitamin A and Beta carotene consumption. You should be aware of the fact that Vitamin A is important for development of scalp tissues and hair cells; on the other hand, beta carotene works like a catalyst for vitamin A. Fruits and vegetables which are rich in Vitamin A and Beta Carotene are spinach, mango, broccoli, apricots, sweet potatoes, melon, and carrots.
Increase Your Vitamin C Intake
Vitamin C has a significant part in healthy growth of hair on your scalp. It simply enhances collagen production and increases scalp circulation, which finally strengthens hair follicles. Vitamin C is good for digestion and absorption of iron present in your body. All citrus fruits are full of Vitamin C. Food items that have Vitamin C are strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli and dark green leafy vegetables.
Include Foods Items Which Have Lots Of Zinc And Sulphur
Both of these minerals have a significant purpose in pinpointing your hair health. Onion is probably the richest source of sulphur. Other vegetables rich in this mineral include lettuce, cabbage, and turnip.
Tired Of Your Male Breasts? Try Gynecomastia Treatment In Mumbai
Talk to any guy what he feels about developing breasts and you will see him running away quickly. However, coping with male breasts or Moobs (slang word for male breasts) everyday is quite common for many people, especially fat men. There’s simply no doubt that male breasts or Moobs affect a man not only physically, but emotionally also. Scientific words for Moobs is ‘Gynaecomastia’, you can opt for gynecomastia treatment in Mumbai to get rid of your Moobs.
What’s the exact reason that develops breast tissue in males and what can a person suffering from this type of condition can do? Here’s a small guide that will help you to understand Moobs better, so you don’t have to wonder that why did you got Moobs.Gynaecomastia has an effect on almost 50% to 60% males all over the world so it’s no surprise gynecomastia treatment in Mumbai become so popular in 2015. But have you ever wondered that what triggers the Moobs problem?
Gynaecomastia occurs generally due to health-related condition or a hormone imbalance.When you are afflicted by this problem, your body will have higher oestrogen and lower testosterone concentrations than normal, which will results in the development of fatty tissue to develop. These fatty tissues start looking like breasts.You could possibly notice that a specific lifestyle, coupled with a significant consumption of high calorie food items will result in development of breasts in men.
Many people have simply zero knowledge about the reasons of Moobs. Did you know that alcohol consumption is one of the major reasons behind the occurrence of Gynaecomastia? This happens because consumption of alcohol results in generation of higher levels of oestrogen in your body than usual.
What You Can Do To Remove Moobs (Gynaecomastia)?
There are various alternatives available to assist you to decrease the size of your male breasts regardless of whether you choose a change in your lifestyle change or surgical gynecomastia treatment in Mumbai. The decision is solely yours.
If you think the your male breasts have occurred due to you bad eating habits (food items will high level of fat and cholesterol) then you need to plan your diet and do some effective exercises every day. Proper diet and physical training should help to improve the balance of testosterone and oestrogen. As the starts to decrease, your male breasts size will also go down significantly. Cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli and Brussels sprout are known for cutting down oestrogen levels.
However, the best way to get rid of Moobs is surgical gynecomastia treatment in Mumbai in which the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai will remove the excess fat and skin from your body through surgery. The surgery is safe and has no side effects on your body.
The Art Of Getting A Flat Belly With Liposuction And Tummy Tuck
How often we all stand in front and look in the mirror to see our appearance. Most of us also suck in our stomach to see how it will look if it would have been a little flatter. Bollywood superstars and media culture influence has also impacted our thinking that having a flat stomach is an ideal physique. There’s no doubt that flat stomach does make you look more attractive and is good for your health also.
Obviously, it’s additionally important to be healthy than having better looks. For many of us, just a little sculpted and tone is all that’s needed to attain the desired flat belly. To achieve the perfect figure you can choose Liposuction and Tummy Tuck surgery in Mumbai which are cosmetic surgical procedures to reduce fat from your stomach.
Do Not Think Of It As A Quick Weight Loss Tool
No matter what you have heard, liposuction in India nor Tummy Tuck surgery in Mumbai should never be considered as a way to achieve a quick weight loss. These surgeries are usually done on people who are suffering from major fat problems or people who want to tone up their bodies to look more attractive. However, requirements of every patient vary from each other, so you need to visit a famous Cosmetic surgery clinic in Mumbai that can deliver better results.
Why You Should Have Liposuction In India?
Below are a few reasons why most of the people choose to have liposuction in India:
Liposuction in India can efficiently eliminate all those stubborn pouches of unwanted fat on which physical workout has no visible effect.
Liposuction in India will make your body to look a lot more in proportion, especially for men & women who have pear-shaped physique.
Liposuction in India can persuade and encourage you to continue physical work out on a regular basis and have a healthy diet.
How to Determine If Liposuction in India Is Right For You?
Best Liposuction candidates are those who have excess weight, and have deposits of extra fat which cannot be removed even by doing regular physical exercise and controlled diets. The procedure will assist you to eliminate body weight and gives you a body which is lot more in proportion, make your body look attractive and may help your clothing to fit better. It provides the looks of ideal weight reduction.
How to Determine If Tummy Tuck Surgery In Mumbai Is Right For You?
Botox Treatment – The Best Thing To Fight Wrinkles
Botox treatment is usually a term that has become quite popular in recent times. This is a drug that may be used to deal with specific illnesses involving muscles. But nowadays, it is generally utilised to eliminate wrinkles from the face, neck, forehead and other parts of the body. Injections that contain Botox are given to people who wish to remove ageing signs from their bodies.
Acceptance of Botox surgery has touched the sky in the last one decade thanks to its wide usage by celebs and many other popular personalities of different fields. It is being noticed as an elixir or a fountain of youth for which individuals are prepared to pay back large sum of money.
What’s Botox Treatment All About?
It is in fact a protein designed outside of bacteria known as Clostridium Botulinum. This bacterium is noted for leading to foods poisoning in humans, but experts have designed a drug known as Botox from this bacterium which can be used for beauty treatments.
Injections built employing this drug are already revealed to minimize fine lines on the face, forehead as well as the eyes. Here is the reason why a lot more folks are using Botox surgery options to appear younger and beautiful. So common has Botox treatment become that it's now quite difficult to spot a celeb more than the age of forty who hasn't opted this surgery to stop the indicators of growing old.
Needles are used to give injections
Local anaesthesia is placed on the specific muscles
It could be presented to all types of skin
The process lasts only a couple of minutes and the final outcome start appearing within a few days time.
Muscles of the body where the surgery is being performed are paralyzed by giving injections and this is done to ensure that they don’t contract. Using facial muscles every day for producing numerous expressions leads to the muscles on our face to become loose. As age advances, loose muscles on our faces cause formations and fine lines on the forehead. Majority of people see these as indications of ageing and wish to remove these traces and wrinkles from their faces.
Botox treatment injections do the job to stop nerves’ signals from reaching muscles on the faces. As a result loosening or weakening of muscles slows down dramatically and wrinkles usually do not appear on the face for quite a long time in future. Botox surgery as recommended by the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai help to reduce fines and wrinkles from your face.
What Are The Causes Of Baldness and How To Treat It?
Hair loss is probably the most prevalent ailments impacting above 75% of the entire inhabitants of the world at some period of time in their lives. Androgenic alopecia is one of the most frequent types of hair loss, which has an effect equally on adult males and females but is worse in men. If you’re also suffering from the problem of baldness then the only permanent solution is Hair Transplant Treatment in Dubai.
If neglected, hair loss can cause baldness, which may completely destroy your self esteem, affect your confidence, which may in the long run have really serious impacts on your behaviour and approach.
What Causes Baldness?
Baldness in men is generally related to genes and hormonal activities in the body, and there’s no doubt that these two are the most common reasons of hair loss that leads to complete baldness. However, there are many other reasons which can trigger the process of hair loss. Some of these reasons are:
Health Concerns: Your hair decline can be caused due to various types of ailments, like anaemia, alopecia areata, high fever - especially typhoid and hypothyroidism.
Deficiency in Nutrients: Hair fall can also be triggered due to deficiencies in the nutritional content in your body. Deficiency of iron, vitamin and iodine may result in triggering the hair loss problem.
Unexpected Weight Loss: Unexpected weight loss owing to any reason whether it is some illness or crash diet program might also induce intense hair decline.
Medicines and Medical Procedures: A number of medicines and medical procedures such as immune suppression medicines and most of the cancers treatment (chemotherapy) cause hair fall in the affected individual.
Stress (Emotional and Physical): Emotional and physical stress on a continuous level lead to hair decline. You might not begin to see the effect right away because hair fall usually begins many months when you have long gone through the trauma. If you take stress every day, then also hair fall problem can start quickly.
Neglecting Hair Care: your hair might also start to fall out, if proper care is not taken. But what does proper hair care means? Keeping good hair hygiene, shampooing and conditioning hair on a regular basis, brushing, styling and drying hair carefully, all these things come under proper hair care.
What’s The Pattern of Baldness in Males?
Genes and hormones are often held responsible for the pattern baldness in males. However, scientists are yet to find the root cause of hair loss. Hair loss pattern runs in the family and affects its male members mostly. If you’re a victim of hair loss then get Hair Transplant in Dubai to get hair back on your head.
Liposuction is among the most recognized cosmetic surgery in Mumbai for adult males and females. Among medical experts, this treatment is also known as suction lipectomy or lipoplasty. Liposuction gets rid of extra fat deposition from tummy, hips, back, buttocks, breasts, abdomen, calves, thighs, ankles, arms and neck. The method assists in making slimmer and excellent human body contours. Before coming on the cost of liposuction in India, you should first have a clear knowledge about the liposuction procedure in detail.
The perfect candidate for liposuction is anyone who has either surplus fat deposition on different areas which happen to be ineffective to physical exercise and dieting; or high skin elasticity; or want to get extra attractive and slimmer body looks. The perfect candidates are generally above the age of 18, are physically and mentally steady and have reasonable expectations from the outcome of the surgical procedure.
Liposuction consists of use of an anaesthesia which shrinks the blood vessels before undergoing the medical procedures. Liposuction is a traditional procedure which gets rid of excess Fats from different areas in a human body. Various types of latest tools are used in liposuction in Mumbai which reinforces the speed of fat elimination from the body. Liposuction in Mumbai entails utilization of latest techniques of the medical world that permits a larger level of fat removal from the body. There are various types of liposuction in Mumbai so you must visit the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai who can deliver favourable results.
The process is carried out under local anaesthesia considering the body part where liposuction in Mumbai will be performed. The operation starts by making small incisions on the natural crease of your body. A cannula is inserted in the incisions and extra fat in the body is sucked out. Immediately after the removal, the incisions are closed and bandaged.
Results of liposuction in Mumbai are extremely favourable. Liposuction performed in abdomen, tummy or waist can remove fat around 8 to 10 kilograms and sometimes even more. After liposuction in India, you body will become highly attractive and presentable, also the scars of the surgery will fade away with time and become invisible completely.
Liposuction has become quite popular in India, especially in Mumbai. People from around the world are flocking in Mumbai to get liposuction surgery. Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah are two places from where people are coming to Mumbai to get high quality liposuction surgery. People don’t have much knowledge about the cost of liposuction in India. You must get in touch with the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai to get the exact cost of liposuction in India.
More than 75% of males experience hair loss problem at some phase in their life. You may have thought that why hair fall is so common, and especially in men? Females also face the issue of hair reduction, but they don’t have to deal with baldness. In fact they have problems with hair reduction which is spread evenly on their scalp. Permanent solution for hair loss is Hair Transplant Treatment in Dubai. You can choose Hair Transplant in Dubai to solve your balding problem.
Here are some explanations why almost all males have to deal with balding.
Hair Loss Due To Balding Gene
One of the biggest reasons of hair loss is Genetics, especially in adult males. DNA in men determines the time period and pattern of hair loss. 80% of hair loss cases occur due to the genes in males. If the older male members of your family suffer from hair loss problem then there’s a high chance that you’ll also face the similar problems as your age grows. The hair loss problem which occurs due to the genes starts when a man reaches age of 30, but in some cases the loss might even start in late teens. Androgenic alopecia is the medical name for genetic baldness.
Uniform Hair Decline
Many male and female encounter a uniform hair thinning throughout all parts of their scalp. There are 3 stages of normal hair growth cycle:
Hormonal Hair Loss
Hormone DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) is the primary reason of baldness in adult males. In adult males who struggle with the problem of hormonal hair loss, a specific amount of male reproductive hormone testosterone starts to transform into DHT by a chemical process. There are some medicines that discourage this transformation, but are not quite successful. The only permanent solution for hair loss is Hair Transplant in Dubai.
Nutritional Deficiency
Deficiency of nutrition may cause hair loss among males and females. For the healthy growth of hairs, iron, protein, vitamins (A, B complex, and E), and omega 3 fatty acids are some of the nutrients required by your body. Iodine, Copper, Zinc, etc, plays an important part in keeping your hair strong and healthy.
Experts have stated that taking stress is not only bad for your health, but it also contributes in the process of hair loss. So, stop taking stress unnecessarily and prevent hair loss to some extent.
The process of hair loss can also accelerate if you smoke cigarettes or any other tobacco product.
The speed of hair loss can get increased due to pollution in air and surroundings.
Botox Treatments – The Popular Anti Aging Procedure
In the start, Botox treatment was only done by celebs and stars. It was not used by common people who would see as a thing only meant for actors and actresses.
However, the times have changed exceptionally and Botox is not beyond the reach of common people anymore. In fact, it has become well known and mainstream on a huge level. But, have you ever gave it a thought that why did this happen? This question has many answers which can be found in our changing lifestyles. The success rate of this treatment has also made it quite popular even among people who were no sure about Botox before.
The Botox treatment providers started offering many discounts which made the treatment accessible for the middle class also. With lower prices more and more people were attracted towards this treatment and the trend seems to be growing exceptionally. Now, with lower cost of Botox, people who have tight budget can also undergo this treatment to remove the signs of aging from there face, neck and forehead.
If you concentrate on the popularity gained by Botox and the reason why it has become quite common nowadays, you will find that people are now more concerned about their looks than before. However, you need to keep one thing in mind that Botox is not a one time treatment, instead you have to get it done occasionally to maintain the beauty you have achieved and to remove the signs of wrinkles. So, prepare well ahead and make a budget for the future treatments in advance.
Nevertheless, if maintaining the Botox remedy is just not an issue, you need to know that it offers wonderful benefits, smoothing your skin and removing all the signs of aging from your face making you look a lot younger.
People who worry about Botox’s negative aspects or you can say side effects, should know that if Botox treatment is nicely performed, you will never feel that treatment was done because you won’t loose any of your facial features, only the wrinkles and fine lines will be removed. In rare cases, some issues might develop in the facial muscles. However, such situations can be completely avoided by choosing the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai.
Ensure that you visit the best cosmetic clinic in Mumbai, where superior services are performed by an experienced surgeon. Check the qualifications of the surgeon and the license to perform such surgeries. You can also consult previous patients of the surgeon to know more about his qualifications. So, what are you waiting for? Visit the best cosmetic surgeon to get Botox surgery today!
When you’re bothered by the occurrence of wrinkles and other aging signs on your face then a Botox remedy may prove to be highly useful. It's a cure that offers a fast and powerful result by reducing the visibility of facial lines and wrinkles. As time passes, ageing, worries, stress, environmental elements and lifestyle may take their toll on your facial skin leaving loads of wrinkles and fine lines. These wrinkles and fine lines make you look older than you really are.
Botox treatment was first authorized in the late 90’s. Theses are used through injection to remove the wrinkles in the neck, face and forehead which may become visible when you age. Botox is built up of the protein compound generated by the bacteria Clostridium Botulinum, it same chemical that develops a life threatening food poisoning known as botulism. It is given in focused parts in an effort to unwind the muscle mass and reduce its exertion. This stops frown line and wrinkles from gaining ground.
By using a Botox, it will not only decrease the wrinkles; nevertheless it will even give your face a considerably younger and a more radiant look. Botox treatment plans, sensation reduction towards the nerves is not going to happen. It'll only have an effect on the movement of the muscle in the spot where injection was given. This treatment not merely provides aid from wrinkles, but has proven efficient to assist in managing excessive sweating and eyelid twitching.
As with any other medications, there are only a few side effects in obtaining Botox remedies. Slight bruising may possibly appear across the area where injection has been inserted, and sometimes if a blood vessel is effected, the person might end up getting "black eye" bruising. Making use of an ice pack in advance and after the treatment might help reduce any bruising.
A brief drooping with the eyelid might appear and it may be reduced if injections on the forehead are only kept to the upper and central places only. It can be good because it lifts the eyebrow and decreases any drooping skin within the upper eye area giving a far younger, wider-eyed look.
Botox treatment should not be employed by everyone, especially pregnant and breastfeeding ladies or a person who suffers any sort of illness that affects the nerves and muscles. There's some medicine that may respond badly together with the injections. This is the reason why right before obtaining any Botox treatment it is best to initially check with the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai.
Botox treatment or Botox surgery has become quite popular nowadays. However, it’s important to note that you must only visit the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai to get the best results.
One of the best substitutions currently available for the problem of hair loss is hair transplantation. Hair transplant is a surgical procedure, so you need to consider every point before opting for this treatment. Also, you need to visit the top hair transplant surgeons in India to get high quality results, remember, every hair transplant surgeon has different level expertise.
Carefully study the best hair transplant in India procedures, and the surgeon who will carry out the surgery are crucial for the process. Selecting the best clinic for hair transplant in India to ensure favourable results is also quite essential. The crucial components in getting a great transplant will be the surgeon's ability, the method applied, and if you’re eligible for the procedure.
Best hair transplant in India procedure has become possible only because not every part of your head has to deal with hair loss pattern. The hair follicles at the sides and the back of the scalp are not prone to hair loss. Hair transplant in India includes getting skin with hair follicles from the sides and back of the scalp and re-inserting them into the bald regions of the head. These live follicles will continue growing in areas where hair loss problem was common.
Many transplant grafts could be necessary to get enough content for balding spots. Hair transplant done by the Best Hair Transplant Surgeon in India will make the head look full with hair, although pre-baldness density is hard to achieve.
People with fairly steady hair loss, especially older than 30 years of age, are best candidates for this surgical procedure. If the method is carried out before the balding stops then it will be difficult to determine that how much hair loss will happen even after the surgery. To have an effective hair transplant in India, it is crucial that the surgery generates a natural looking outcome.
The more compact grafts that are generally employed nowadays are fairly more natural, yet might not copy the hairline most people wish for. However, by transplanting follicular units it can be ensured that the hair grows in the same pattern.
1 to 4 follicles are used to make these units including tissues, nerves, blood vessels and the supporting cells. With help of microscope and latest technologies the best hair transplant surgeon in India will ensure that follicular units will remain intact to achieve highly natural effects from the surgery.
The receiver location for the follicular units is prepared by applying a needle to produce little holes in the head. Then gently and carefully the grafts are inserted in holes. This is the reason why you must visit the Best Hair Transplant Surgeon in India who can do the procedure carefully. The top hair transplant surgeons in India will ensure that the follicular units are not damaged and applied on the scalp perfectly.
Breast lift surgery makes your breasts fuller, firmer and more attractive. The problem of asymmetrical breasts is quite common and it causes different types of issues for women all over the world. Similar problems are also faced by women who have droopy breasts. Usually, women with small, asymmetrical or drooping breasts have low self esteem and no confidence. However, with breast lift surgery you can change the scenario and face the world more confidently.
A lot of women who are willing to choose breast lift procedure typically want to know that how much time will be taken by the surgery to complete. Generally the cosmetic clinic where the surgery is supposed to be done will ask you to arrive early than the scheduled time for the treatment. This is done to complete the necessary paperwork in advance and the cosmetic clinic will also ensure that everything is properly working.
On top of that, the cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai can also carry out some last minute assessments ahead of the operation. This should be taken under consideration while determining the time required for the surgery. The time taken to complete these steps and actual surgery are different. So, you should consider all the steps while deciding for the surgery.
After the Breast lift surgery is completed, you need to spend at least an hour in the cosmetic clinic under the observation of the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai. if you’re willing to find the exact time taken to complete the surgery, then should know that the time varies from patient to patient and generally takes between 1 to 3 hours to complete. The difference in the time for the breast lift surgery depends on the incisions made and the amount of sagginess or droopiness which has to be sorted out.
Based on the volume of sagging or drooping the breasts have become, the Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Mumbai will take out more skin from the areola and then make sutures. Apart from that, the size and weight of the breasts also effects the duration of the actual breast lift surgery.
It is necessary to take into account that gravity is the reason for making your breasts droopy and saggy. This is the main reason that the surgeon will apply disposable sutures to remove pressure on the visible sutures. By doing so, the visible sutures will not be damaged, the recovery will be sooner and less scars will be visible on the body.
Another important thing you must consider is the qualification and certification of the surgeon. It is quite important to choose the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai who can deliver excellent results for breast lift surgery.
Breast Implant Surgery – What Is It And What To Expect
Breast implant surgery which is also known as breast enlargement surgery and breast augmentation surgery helps to increase the size of women breasts. Breast Augmentation or breast implant operation is generally known as augmentation Mammaplasty. It consists of applying implants to satisfy the need for bigger bust or to restore volume after weight loss or childbirth. Implants may additionally be utilized for breast reconstruction surgery for a woman who has undergone a mastectomy treatment.
Breast implants won’t be able to improve sagging or drooping breasts, but for such cases you can go for breast lift surgery which will do the job. Consult your cosmetic surgeon to determine if you’re a suitable candidate to choose breast implant surgery with a combination of breast lift surgery.
Analysis By The Cosmetic Surgeon
While selecting a cosmetic surgeon it is recommended that you should only choose the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai who is certified to perform cosmetic surgeries. Certification tells you that the cosmetic surgeon has proper medical background and complete medical qualification to perform breast implant surgery.
Breast implant surgery starts by having a thorough discussion with the cosmetic surgeon. It is quite crucial to consult directly and truly with your cosmetic surgeon about your expectations from breast implant surgery along. Plastic surgeons are experienced at assessing all types of cases and situations and they also tell people what the realistic expectations from the breast implant surgery are.
The plastic surgeon will analyse your whole body and bust, acquiring in-depth measurements of your bust including nipple placement, quality of the skin, size and shape. After taking your measurements, the cosmetic surgeon will go through your expectations from the surgery and how these expectations can be met through breast implant surgery. It truly is essential to go through your expectations with the cosmetic surgeon to achieve what you’re looking for.
What To Expect From The Breast Implant Surgery
Breast implant surgery takes a few hours to complete and the cosmetic surgeon may choose to accomplish your breast implant surgery at their cosmetic clinic. Selection or dose of Anaesthesia will be largely based on necessities of the surgery and preference of the surgeon.
The best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai will make incisions during the surgery at such places on the breasts that the scars will be hardly visible. Incisions are made under the armpit, around the nipple or under the breasts because scars will not be clearly visible at such areas on the body. Your body shape and the type of surgery you choose also effect the placement or numbers of incisions made for the breast implant surgery.
Breast implant surgery is an ideal way to get firm and beautiful looking breasts. Bigger breasts will help to increase your confidence and self esteem.
Microdermabrasion is an extremely efficient skin remedy and amongst the most popular therapies available for your skin. It simply renews the skin to provide it a far younger appearance, and if you choose for multiple sessions of microdermabrasion then you will reap amazing benefits from this skin treatment.
How Does A Microdermabrasion Function?
Microdermabrasion is a method of deep exfoliation that spreads microcrystal throughout the skin to get rid of dead and non-functioning skin cells and enhance the surface and smoothness of the skin. One of the major benefits of Microdermabrasion is that it helps in production of new cells and collagen.
It provides a youthful shine, it can be employed to take care of a variety of skin issues such as acne scars, fine lines, age spots, wrinkles, dry skin, flaking skin, stretch marks sun damage, pigmentation and enlarged pores and a lot more. Microdermabrasion treatment has lots of positive aspects; therefore you will be able to take advantage of most of them when you go to a cosmetic clinic.
Best Ten Benefits Of Microdermabrasion Treatment
Microdermabrasion is a non-abrasive facial treatment that delivers quick results using of latest technologies to treat the facial area, neck & area above torso. With an exfoliation, useless, dead and non-functioning skin layers are removed, resulting in a rise of collagen output and rejuvenation.
Microdermabrasion excellent cosmetic procedure is more commonly used by the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai over other facial treatments. This treatment is suggested by majority of cosmetic surgeons in Mumbai for amazing results. The treatment is completed within an hour and recovery period is simply not required.
Anti-aging effect provided to the skin is no doubt the best benefit of microdermabrasion. Texture, tone, and colour of the areas where this treatment is done, start showing clear improvements immediately. Here are some conditions that can get benefits from microdermabrasion treatment:
Helps to remove blackheads and whiteheads
Helps in Minimizing open and enlarged pores
Minimizes the affects of skin pigmentation
Assists in restoration work of sun-damaged skin
Helps in increased product penetration
Works effectively in softening wrinkles and fine lines
Helps in reducing age spots (superficial hyper-pigmentation)
Helps in minimizing the visibility of acne and scars caused by acne
Works effectively in the removal process of dull, stressed or congested skin
Assist in the smoothening process of coarsely textured skin
One of the most excellent points about microdermabrasion is the fact it can is highly effective on any type of skin so you don’t have to worry about if it's suitable for you or not. Visit a cosmetic clinic to get the amazing benefits of microdermabrasion today!
Let us confront the reality that everyone wants to look good and people are more attracted towards beautiful individuals. This fact will remain unchangeable no matter what your views are – beauty does affect a person’s self esteem and confidence, bringing out the best in him or her. When discussing appearance, you can’t dismiss the value & need of having gorgeous hair. However, it's a bad luck for majority of men and even some women who can’t retain hair on their heads forever.
No matter what is your age and gender, hair fall or baldness can impact the level of your self-esteem. In the event you believe that age is the sole cause for hair loss, then you surely have little knowledge about this field. Irrespective of whether the condition is baldness or a declining hairline, numerous rational reasons can be given for this situation.
While baldness challenges a lot of adult males, both men and women are prone to these problems. The most usual cause baldness is heavy medications, depression, excessive dieting, work pressure, deficiency of iron and hypothyroidism. Regardless of what’s the cause, an individual’s personal and professional life can be hampered to a great extent due to hair loss.
If you have already used the ineffective gels, drugs and other products that claim to regrow your hair then you must be aware that how bad they’re. However, there’s a highly effective and permanent solution for hair loss, you guessed it right – hair transplant in India.
Info About Hair transplant in India
Many people in India are not comfortable with the surgery. However, there’s simply no need to be worried about hair transplant in India. In this treatment, hair follicles are moved and then planted from one area to another. Several of the frequent methods linked to hair transplant are mini grafting strip grafting, slit grafting, etc. Most of these procedures are performed to an individual a complete appearance.
Whilst you'll find a great number of benefits with this method, the most preferred is the one that delivers an immediate outcome. Although there are some other techniques available in the market, but they’ll simply fail to meet your requirements. For hair transplant, you need to qualify as an eligible contender, which will be determined by the best hair transplant surgeon in India. Numerous things are considered by the best hair transplant surgeon in India to declare an individual fit for hair transplant in India.
Cost of hair transplant in India may vary from patient to patient, this happens because every individual has different requirements and level of hair loss. It’s advisable that you should go for the best hair transplant surgeon in India to get excellent results from hair transplant in India.
Gynecomastia Surgery – A Solution For Abnormal Male Breast Enlargement
Gynecomastia surgical procedure isn't complicated; in actuality it is an easy cosmetic surgery treatment. People who searched about this surgery must have noticed the remarkable “before and after” pictures and figured out the excellent results that can be achieved by gynecomastia treatment in Mumbai. It is quite similar to liposuction because fat is removed from the area which is treated, and the surgery is done on an outpatient basis.
Here are some points that can explain you what to expect from gynecomastia surgery in Mumbai.
The initial step is to visit cosmetic clinic to discover when you are a suitable and ideal candidate for the treatment. The best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai will do some primary tests like a blood cell count and will also ask for your complete medical history. The best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai will also take a close look at the medicines which you’re taking currently and how these medicines may or may not affect the results of the gynecomastia surgery in Mumbai. There will be bleeding in this type of surgery, so blood thinner medicines should be avoided before undergoing such surgeries.
Quite a few weeks before gynecomastia treatment in Mumbai you may ought to suspend several items like aspirin, excess vitamin E and using any form of tobacco. The best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai may ask you to stop taking medications that are not necessary. All these steps are taken to ensure that the best results are achieved from the surgery without taking any risk of your health.
Gynecomastia surgery in Mumbai is not quite long and can be completed inside 5 to 6 hours. The surgery take around 2-3 hours and recovery period also takes 2 to 3 hours, so total 5 to 6 hours are required. However, there will be some precautions you need to take for sometime after the surgery. Follow the instructions of the surgeon to recover on-time and completely.
In gynecomastia treatment in Mumbai, the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai will remove the glandular tissue from the chest area that is the reason behind swelling. Then, just like liposuction surgery the surgeon will remove the excess fat and tissue from the chest. In case the patient has an excess amount of fat and tissue in the chest area then after making a detailed analysis the surgeon might perform treatment that might be similar to mastectomy.
The surgeon prescribes medication that reduces any pain or discomfort. However, most of the people have reported little pain from this surgical procedure. There might be some soreness after the procedure which goes away as the time passes by. The stitches are generally removed after a week and the patient can return to work and his normal lifestyle after 2 weeks of the surgery. The recovery period usually varies from person to person.
How To Achieve Good Figure With Breast Enlargement
Every woman wishes to have attractive and fantastic body. Whether you’re male or female, you must be aware of the fact that breasts are considered as an integral part to determine the beauty of women. However, attractive bust doesn’t means that you should have big breasts, in fact firm and well defined bust is considered as more desirable. Women all around the world wish to have well shaped breasts to look attractive and beautiful.
Breast enlargement surgery which is also known as breast augmentation surgery is an excellent procedure for women who are looking forward to acquire a better shaped bust. Breast augmentation surgery is also a much preferred choice for females who get sagging breasts due to either pregnancy or lactation period.
There are lots of approaches for breast augmentation. However, to determine that breast enlargement surgery is the best available technique to achieve attractive bust, you should also be aware with the other techniques that claim to increase the size of your bust. Here are some techniques that can enhance the shape and size of your bust.
Use of Creams: There are many companies in the market that offer creams which can increase the size of your bust. However, this method has simply failed to generate any results for women. In some cases, when women apply creams on their breast then due to excessive and regular massaging the size of the bust improves a little. Though this method is far cheaper than other procedures, still it has failed to deliver the desired results for majority of women.
Use of supplements: there are supplements available that claim to enhance the size of your bust. However, these simply increase the weight of the whole body and eventually the size of breasts also increases. But, one of the biggest drawbacks of supplements is that they might make you overweight and you end up becoming fat. Such supplements are generally not effective and have side effects also.
Breast Implants: This is the most effective, reliable and amazing procedure to acquire bigger bust. Implants used in breast enlargement surgery are made of Silicone. Enhancing the size of breasts surgically is a permanent and the best available method nowadays.
Every year, thousands of women are choosing breast augmentation surgery to increase the size of bust and to look far more attractive than before. For better results, all you need to ensure is to find a cosmetic clinic that offers services of the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai.
Women who have low confidence and low self-esteem because of their flat chests or small bust can opt for breast augmentation surgery to successfully attain attractive busts. If you’re also willing to change your personality and wish for big bust then visit a cosmetic clinic that offers services of the Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Mumbai today.
People all over the world are becoming more conscious about they look and what’s their health condition. This has eventually made liposuction quite popular among people who are looking for a cosmetic surgery procedure that can remove excess fat from various parts of their body.
Liposuction in India has also quite become popular not only for Indian citizens, but also for people from other countries who want high quality services and results and cheap prices. However, many foreigners often wonder about the cost of liposuction in India.
India has become a frontrunner in medical tourism industry and excels in different types of cosmetic surgeries. Here are some points that will help you understand the factors affecting cost of liposuction in India.
Number Of Body Parts Where Liposuction Will Be Performed
Cost of liposuction in India largely depends on the number of body parts and the amount of fat that will be extracted. After consulting with the surgeon, the patient decides the body part for which he/she wants to undergo the liposuction treatment.
The body dimension of a person determines the level, time and cost of the surgery which he/she is willing to go through. For example, a slimmer person will have to pay far less amount of money for liposuction in India compared to a person who has excess weight.
The cost of the procedure will increase, if more fat is supposed to be extracted from the body. The cost of the surgery will also increase if more there are more target areas (number of body parts from where the fat is removed). Also, the cost will vary for different body parts like face, buttocks, thighs, abdomen etc.
Experience Of Cosmetic Surgeons In Mumbai
One of the most crucial things while planning for any cosmetic surgery is to find the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai. If you opt for the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai then there’s a chance that his/her fees will be more compared to other surgeons. However, when you’re planning for something as important as cosmetic surgery then it’s recommended that you should choose the services of the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai.
Facilities at the cosmetic clinic
The cost of liposuction in India may also vary due to the services offered by the cosmetic clinic. You might have to pay a little extra if you choose a bigger medical facility instead of smaller one. Location of the cosmetic clinic also plays a role in determining the fees of the surgeries. However, while choosing for a cosmetic clinic you should focus more on the qualification and experience of the surgeon than the location and size of the cosmetic clinic.
Many people have simply fed up of consistently shaving or waxing to remove undesirable hair from their face and different body parts. If this is the same problem you’ve been facing for a while then it’s the right time to consider laser hair removal in Mumbai. Laser hair removal is by far the most effective and long-lasting solution to remove hair permanently compared to other methods like shaving and waxing.
In some places, electrolysis method is used to remove the hair from various body parts. However, electrolysis might be a bit dangerous procedure that can even leave scar on the body. This has made laser hair removal in Mumbai the best available technique to get rid of unwanted hair.
Here are some useful information that will help in clearing your doubts about laser hair removal and to understand the procedure better.
Laser hair removal Mumbai is the best technique to remove the excess hair from human body. However, the procedure might not be highly effective every skin and hair type. People who have light skin and dark coarse hair can achieve the best results from this treatment. However, the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai can deliver excellent results usually on all types of skin and hair colours.
Upper lips, chest and back, arms and under arms, bikini line, legs are some of the most common areas from where people wish to remove hair. The treatment normally takes more time and if area of treatment is increased then the cost all goes up.
To completely remove the unwanted hair, it will take around six to eight sessions after considering the colour and area of the hair & skin. The cosmetic surgeon will analyse the skin & hair condition of the patient and will act accordingly.
Only a handful of side effects might appear from laser hair removal like the treated skin might become swollen or sore, but it will go away within a few hours. Lightening or darkening, scarring or blistering might appear in some cases, but these are quite rare. To ensure that you stay from these side effects, you should visit the Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Mumbai. An expert surgeon will take the necessary precautions to keep you away from any type of side effects.
You need to do a little research while choosing the cosmetic clinic for laser hair removal in Mumbai. Find the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai who is known to deliver excellent results in various types of cosmetic surgeries. The cosmetic surgeon will ask you multiple questions to consider you as an ideal person for laser hair removal in Mumbai.
Many women have excessively large breasts due to various natural reasons. Are your breasts excessively large too and if that’s the case then are you happy and satisfied with their size? Or you keep wondering that ‘HOW TO REDUCE BREAST SIZE’? Bigger breasts set a woman apart, so at first place you should be quite proud to have bigger boobs.
It’s natural for men to find women with bigger boobs hot and sexy. You’ll be heavily envied by flat chest women. But, with all these plus points there are also some drawbacks attached to bigger boobs. Though you may not be complaining, still you have to deal with numerous discomforts and inconveniences due to the size of your breasts.
Women who aren’t comfortable with their breasts sizes often wonder how to reduce breast size. Good news for them is that now there are various options to reduce the size and shape. Breast reduction surgery is the best and one of the most dependable procedures to decrease the size of your boobs.
Here are some answers to your question of ‘How to Reduce Breast Size’.
Reduce breast size naturally
Although these are not effective compared to surgical procedure, still you can try these two techniques.
Exercise for Breast Reduction: With proper exercise routine under a trained instructor, you can achieve a good shape and size for your body, including your boobs. With regular exercise, your body lose considerable amount of weight, and in the process your boobs’ size will also decrease.
Doing exercises is always fantastic as it keeps your body agency and avoids accumulation of flab. You must remember there are different upper body physical exercises which results in a firmer and consequently a smaller breasts size.
The ideal workouts are cardio physical exercises such as cycling, jogging and running.
When you’re planning to reduce your breast measurement then besides cardiovascular exercises you should include regular strength building exercises in your fitness routine. This will eventually help you in creation & toning of chest muscles and breasts tissues.
Push-ups and bench press are quite simple exercises which helps is reducing the size of your breasts tissues and these exercises can be done thrice a week @ your home or gym (whichever suits you best). However, you need to be extra cautious while choosing the weights for these exercises. Try your level best to get lightweights and avoid heavyweight machines or dumbbells. Remember, that if you choose heavyweights then the exercise will result in building up more breast muscle. So, avoid heavyweights as it may give heavier and bigger breasts.
Here are some of the most effective exercises that will reduce your breast ultimately.
Pec Deck Butterflies
Barbell Bench Push
Decline Dumbbell Flyes
Apart from regular exercises, you need to take special diet that consists of fresh and healthy food items. Try not to go for crash diet while you’re exercising to reduce the size of your breast naturally.
Dieting For Breast Reduction: Breasts size is also affected if you’re overweight. So, you can try to reduce your boobs’ size by going on a diet to reduce your overall body weight. Keep an eye on your calorie intake and foods recommended for proper dieting.
Breast tissue is mainly made of fat. Almost every female acquire or lose pounds in this particular region far more rapidly compared to their other body parts. Large breasts may be uncomfortable and lead to back pain soreness and terrible body posture. While workout is quite important in losing excess fat from this body part, a clean diet plan is equally important. You need to have knowledge about food items that are handy at burning unwanted breast fat, and from other body parts as well.
Fruits for Breast Reduction
Fruits are on the list of best foods that play a crucial role in minimizing the weight of the breasts. Apart from being perfect for snacks or dessert they consist of plenty of antioxidants and are tasty also. Fruits contain far less sugar levels compared to soda and processed food items. Some of best available diet fruits are grapes, oranges, apples, berries bananas and peaches. Canned fruits consist of a lot of high-calorie preservatives, so you should go for fresh fruits instead. Try to eat at least 3 to 4 fruits every day.
Vegetables for Breast Reduction
Just like fruits, vegetables also have huge content of nutrients and antioxidants, with low level of carbohydrates. This is useful while you’re striving to reduce the size of your breasts. Sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, kale and spinach are non starchy vegetables that will provide the required energy when you’re on a diet.
Fish for Breast Reduction
Fish are amazingly high in protein and low in calories. Instead of frying, if you utilize cooking methods like steaming, grilling, broiling or baking then fish can prove to be worthy food item that can assist in your breast reduction. Fishes you can try are trout, tuna, or salmon etc.
Nuts for Breast Reduction
Mixed nuts are excellent source of nutritious fats like omega-3, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. You need to include walnuts, almonds, macadamia nuts, ground nuts in your diet. Avoid salt and sugar coated nuts as much as possible.
Reducing Breasts Size with Help of Surgery
Breast Reduction Surgery: This breast reduction procedure is the perfect answer for the issue ‘How to Reduce Breast Size’ as it relieves you from all the discomforts of having bigger boobs. The best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai recommends breast reduction surgery as one of the best options because this surgery helps to remove excess adipose tissue stored in the breasts. The only disadvantage with this surgery is that some scars might be left behind due to surgery, but these scars eventually fade away with time.
Using Liposuction: Scar less breast reduction can be done by this process. The procedure is done by making only a small incision; therefore scars are hardly visible after the surgery.
Vertical Incision Surgery: Also termed as ’short scar’ by many surgeons because only small scars remain after the procedure is done.
To know more about Breast Reduction Surgery, you can read our blog post: Breast Reduction Surgery – Enhance Your Appearance.
With every style of health-related treatment, the more you already know the better results you’ll be able to produce. And just like another kind of procedure this is also applicable to hair transplants. The times are long when people didn’t used to take care of their bodies. Now, the things have changed drastically and majority of people want to know more about their physical condition and improve it as much as possible.
An educated and knowledgeable individual is now aware about his/her health condition, which could only be beneficial. No one can know about one’s health than the person himself. If you’re aware about your health condition then it’s easy for surgeon also to deliver better results. However, many people still have little information about hair transplant treatment. Here are some FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) that will help you to understand hair transplant procedure.
From where will the hair come?
Unlike other surgeries, the patient is himself/herself the donor in hair transplant procedure. The hair is taken from the scalp’s areas known as donor sites.
What’s the location of these donor sites?
Donor sites are those areas on the patient’s head that haven’t witnessed any hair loss or hair thinning. In majority of hair loss cases, a person loses hair on top area of their head, but quite rarely the hair sheds from the sides. Therefore, the side and back of the scalp are the areas from where the hair is taken for use, along with the follicles and tissue.
Does the donor site decide a good candidate for the treatment?
Certainly, it is the most crucial requirements to determine whether or not a person is eligible for the hair transplant treatment. You must understand the facts the hair, tissue and follicles are taken away from the donor are, but there will not be any bald patch of the donor site as the hair transplant surgeon will stitch the areas carefully and the difference will be hardly visible.
How donor hair is used?
After the extraction of the donor hair is completed, transplantation process takes place. The hair is attached to the tiny slots made by hair transplant surgeon. A graft incorporates a number of hair follicles, but not more than four.
Is it important to consider hair density?
Hair density can be described as the amount of hair follicles you've got for every square centimetre of scalp. Extra hair grafts can be performed when hair density and scalp laxity is high.
Does the natural hair growth affect hair transplantation?
Hair won't all grow in just one way. It grows on various directions on different areas of a scalp. It is quite important that hair is transplanted by an expert surgeon, so that it grows in the right direction.
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