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Profil: AlexDaily

AlexDaily (Alex Daily) - Brain Torn, 57090 Brains, 995 prestationspoäng
Totalt resultat: 6085 vinster, 81 remier/oavgjorda, 6795 förluster, 386 vunna turneringar

Personliga data
Dagens aktivitet: 0 drag (Servertid: 7. mars 2025, 05:49:10)
Rekordaktivitet: 1788 drag (19. augusti 2022)

ID:126642 (Visa tidigare namn)
Medlemskap:Brain Torn (30. juli 2019 - 29. januari 2026)
Första inloggning:15. juli 2019, 19:39:54
Senaste åtgärd:7. mars 2025, 05:48:53 - söker på startsidan
Marker totalt:
Helgdagar:Måndag och Tisdag
Kvarvarande semesterdagar:35 dagar - använder automatisk semester

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Bjud in AlexDaily till ett parti
March 2023: I'm just not good at most versions of chess besides Dice Chess. I don't have the insight for it, and I don't like losing as much as I do at them, so I'm aiming to play less of the variants I don't enjoy.


accept a draw in any situation where the rest of the game would get very tedious very quickly, but please do not resign.

Please feel free to invite me to games -- I'm not equally interested in all games, so look at my started games to see what I'm actually playing. I prefer frequent moves, games with no more than a day or two between moves at most.

My pronouns are they/them. I flipped a coin to determine what I set as my gender on this website.
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