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Profil: Brian1971

Brian1971 (Brian) - Brain Bonde, 0 Brains, 1265 prestationspoäng
Totalt resultat: 14334 vinster, 540 remier/oavgjorda, 14553 förluster, 683 vunna turneringar

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Brian1971s publika vänner

tittar på partiet Spionage (Brian1971 mot Laurali)

Brian1971s fotoalbum

Medlemskap:Brain Bonde
Första inloggning:4. november 2003, 17:14:55
Senaste åtgärd:7. mars 2025, 02:12:23 - tittar på meddelanden
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Helgdagar:Lördag och Söndag
Kvarvarande semesterdagar:10 dagar - använder automatisk semester

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Bjud in Brian1971 till ett parti
Beskrivning:I am a divorced man living in Wisconsin, USA. I am 47 years old and am medically disabled/retired.

I am a sports fan. In football The PACKERS are my team always and forever. In baseball it is the Brewers though nothing much to shout about there much like cubs fans. In basketball I like the bucks and Lakers. In hockey it is the NY Rangers. Where I live we have a the best Jr Hockey team in the USA in the Green Bay Gamblers in the United States Hockey League.

I am also a born again saved Christian and have seen the Lord work some great things in my family life and been there to save me in my health challenges. Through Him ALL things are possible.

Here at Brainking I have won over 12,000 games and 637 won tournaments. Recently, was the Big Boss of Brian's 1971 Pub and brain rook through Feb.11. Decided not to renew due differing points of view with ownership. However still play games as a pawn. Take care and hope to play you in some games soon,.

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