☼TRIPLE GAMMON ~PRIZE~ TOURNY☼ New sign ups only! PLEASE READ BEFORE SIGNING UP: This prize tourny is to an attempt to bring in NEW members of ☺ANYTHING GOES☺ & ♣FAST PLAYERS CLUB♣ so to be eligible you must first request membership in ☺ANYTHING GOES☺ or ♣FAST PLAYERS CLUB♣ or both. Existing members or Non members are not eligible for this tourny But, I will be posting another prize tourny in ☺ANYTHING GOES☺ and one in ♣FAST PLAYERS CLUB♣ for new and existing members, But remember to be eligible for this tourny you must first request membership in one or both of my fellowships because all other sign ups will be removed. To the winner of this tourny will be a 6 months Rook. Good Luck! Tillbaka till turneringsförteckningen
Typ av match: Vanligt parti Typ av turnering (?): trippelgammon Medlemskapsnivå: Minsta antal spelare: 4 Maximalt antal spelare: obegränsat Maximalt antal spelare per grupp: 5 Finalmatch för grupp med två spelare: Vanligt parti Tidskontroll (?): 5 dagar, vanlig semester Spelares rating: 100 <= Rating <= 4000 Ej rankade spelare: ja Orankade partier (rating kommer inte påverkas av spel i denna turnering): nej Privat turnering (du kommer att skicka personliga inbjudningar): nej Sortera spelarna efter rating: ja Status: avslutade