Battleboats CHAMPIONSHIP Invitational (1-10) This tournament is for the winners of the first 10 "Fast Start - First 5 to sign up - Battleboats" tournaments. ================================================================================================== Those who earned an invite are: (#2 - BIG BAD WOLF) (#3 - BIG BAD WOLF), (#4 - tmj91702), (#5 - BIG BAD WOLF), (#6 - Molly), (#7 - MadMonkey), (#8 - stgrobinson), (#9 - MadMonkey), (#10 - MadMonkey, Molly, sweetone). (NOTE: Tournament #1 was removed after system problems with the games) ==================== Also as before, there were some tournaments finished with different winners before the big crash of BK that rolled games back a few months, so because there was 1 other winner before the crash, they will also be invited to enjoy this tournamnet - and that person is: shaggath [7 invited) [UPDATE: shaggath has not been on for about a month, so the tournament has been started without them.] ================================================================================================== The tournament will start in about a week, but I may wait longer if a pawn needs to finish other games before joining this tournament. Thanks to everyone who joins my tournaments, and good luck to all! Tillbaka till turneringsförteckningen
Typ av match: Vanligt parti Typ av turnering (?): ett parti för varje spelarpar Medlemskapsnivå: Minsta antal spelare: 4 Maximalt antal spelare: obegränsat Maximalt antal spelare per grupp: 8 Finalmatch för grupp med två spelare: 3 vinster match Tidskontroll (?): 7 dagar, vanlig semester Spelares rating: 100 <= Rating <= 4000 Ej rankade spelare: ja Orankade partier (rating kommer inte påverkas av spel i denna turnering): nej Privat turnering (du kommer att skicka personliga inbjudningar): ja Sortera spelarna efter rating: ja Status: avslutade