Maria Gaetana Agnesi Maria Gaetana Agnesi, more or Aniezi e Italian mathematician , one of the most important women in the history of mathematics. Became famous with his calculus textbook and learning curve of her third degree versiera , also called " lock of Anesi ." Born in 1718 in Milan, the son of his father , a professor at the University of Bologna , Maria Gaetana a small receiving good education, studied mathematics and ancient and oriental languages. To thirteenth birthday already speaks Greek, Hebrew , Spanish, German and Latin. It is known that 9 years it exports to Latin talk specifically on women's access to higher education. Anesi lucky that found a good math teacher in the face of the monk Ramiro Rampineli , a professor at the universities of Bologna and Rome. Under his leadership, she studied the works of the French Guillaume Francois de Lopital and Charles Rene Reynyu (Charles Rene' Reyneau), and inspired writing of his famous two-volume textbook "Instituzioni analitiche ad uso della gioventu italiana" (" Fundamentals of analysis for use by the Italian youth " ) . In his first volume are considered extreme values , and the second - infinitely small . In particular, prove that any equation of third degree has three roots . The book was completed in 1745 and submitted for review by Jacopo Riccati and his son Vincenzo Rica, and three years later - issued . This work makes a big impression on the mathematical community in Europe. In review of the Paris Academy of Sciences noted skillful , slender and homogeneous exhibition , which presents the results of many mathematicians, using the evidence too diverse mathematical tools . Impressed is Pope Benedict XIV, who in a letter to Anesi says that work and will glorify Italy and the Academy of Bologna . Tillbaka till turneringsförteckningen
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