► ALL games for dummies (under 1500 & unrated)#6b◄ ► NOTE: This is a special second part to the main tournament to include 9 new games which were added to the site. AGAIN, when the tournament gets ready to start and players are rated way ABOVE 1500, they will be removed from the tournament!
► Here is a good way to play games which you may not be too good at with others at the same skill level.
►► UNRATED PLAYERS: You can join, but PLEASE do not enter the tournament if you are too good.
►► You will need 5 free game slots for each tournament.
►► Since it is possible for someones rating to raise about 1500 after signing up, if the rating is WAY over 1500 I may remove that person from the tournament - to keep it fair for everyone.
►► Tournament to start on my Birthday (October 19th)
Typ av match: Vanligt parti Typ av turnering (?): ett parti för varje spelarpar Medlemskapsnivå: Minsta antal spelare: 4 Maximalt antal spelare: obegränsat Maximalt antal spelare per grupp: 8 Finalmatch för grupp med två spelare: 3 vinster match Tidskontroll (?): 5 dagar, vanlig semester Spelares rating: 100 <= Rating <= 1500 Ej rankade spelare: ja Orankade partier (rating kommer inte påverkas av spel i denna turnering): nej Privat turnering (du kommer att skicka personliga inbjudningar): nej Sortera spelarna efter rating: ja Status: avslutade
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