*1254*The ORIGINAL Flame Pit*1254* (11. februari 2011, 02:34:17) (Hyperbackgammon - visa reglerna) Feb 14 aka Valentine's Day is coming up again and you're all geared up for it, right? Dedicated to the memory of St. Valentine, this is the occasion when people all over the world profess love to their sweethearts with gifts like perfume, chocolates, flowers, cards or jeweleries. Although celebrated slightly different in many places, here In the United States and Canada, Valentine’s Day is an extremely popular festival. Here, the day is observed as a holiday. Originally held to honor St Valentine and express love to sweethearts, the scope of the day has come to be so widened that it has now become an occasion to express gratitude and love to not only sweethearts and spouses, but also to teachers, parents or any other close relation or acquaintance.
~ Wishing You All A Happy Valentine's Day My Friends ~ Tillbaka till förteckningen över speltyper Vängrupp:*1254*The ORIGINAL Flame Pit*1254* Typ av match: Vanligt parti Typ av turnering (?): cupturnering Medlemskapsnivå: Minsta antal spelare: 4 Maximalt antal spelare: 4 Tidskontroll (?): 5 dagar, vanlig semester Spelares rating: 100 <= Rating <= 4000 Ej rankade spelare: ja Orankade partier (rating kommer inte påverkas av spel i denna turnering): nej Privat turnering (du kommer att skicka personliga inbjudningar): nej Sortera spelarna efter rating: ja Alla spel i den här turneringen genereras med tillgänglig autopassfunktion (i speltyper där autopass kan användas) Status: avslutade Startdatum och tid: 11. februari 2011, 05:35:04 Slutdatum och tid: 27. juni 2011, 00:05:11
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