This board can be used as a missing folks board for people who are away from the site for a period of time. This rpobably would mean a month or longer.
If anyone has info on some one who hasn't been at the site for some time please let others know. The original intent of this board was to get and give info on missing people after Katrina and Rita hit the US..
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Eriisa: Yes, he comes in now and then but he rarely talks, gives info, answer questions, well he has always been good in ignoring but now he seems to completely "hide". No posts in his blog for over a month, someone asked him about that but no answer.
I'm not sure he will be back here though. I have been putting off emailing him, but I really need to, to find out if he is coming back or not, because he moderates a couple boards.
Tuesday: This was the first message posted at GoldToken. I removed the name of the person who posted it. Posted by on 2 Oct at 8:21PM I'm sad to say that I received this message today from Massimo Villa informing me that Dennis Hall, Kingpin1 has passed away, overcome by terminal illness. With deepest sympathy I offer my condolances to his family, friends and teammates here at Gold Token. I am at a loss for words as I always hoped and prayed that Dennis would overcome this malady and return to good health. Even recently in our correspondences I felt he sounded up beat and hopeful. He was brave and courageous to the end and I will miss him.
Tuesday: I did not know him but he was certainly well liked at GoldToken by all the chess players! I am surprised it was never announced on BK that he had passed away?
Vikings: I know, he was in a pond I am in and he had not played on last bid. I was watching his profile and saw the date change, but he did not bid anyway, not sure if he played any games and has not been on again since then. Kinda odd as he is usually here a lot.
Some people are missing because they are very ill and they may or may not want the information about their illness posted. I know of two myself but am witholding details per their request.
Purple: I understand that Purple, and would not want that either. But a lot of other things could be a reason why they are not here, from computer problems to a accident. I would assume if someone knew a reason why they were missing but did not want to say then they would just not answer? Usually here someone is just concerned about someone else and hopes to find they are ok.
alexlee: I know and the only reason I posted that was because I went and posted that a certain person was having a battle with cancer..I didn't check with her..and she was really hurt. I took down the post but felt about one centimeter high. I doubt anyone else would do what I did but I really just wanted to share that unfortunate experience.
Purple: Good point! If anyone has any doubt if it is a personal reason someone is not here better not to post anything at all. It would be nice if a regular member knew they were going to be off for a while if they would post that on their profile. Then others would not be so concerned and worried.
He has not been on line for 3 months. He is from the Czech Rep. Anybody know anything? (he is a top notch checker player who has timed out a lot of games)