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this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!

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10. marca 2006, 16:25:33
Subjekt: Re: Patches
Tuesday: MY BOBALOO!!!!!! thanks a bunch to Rose again for getting his pic sized for me!!! I think today may be the day we have to put him down though..I'm in a bit of denial he has been having trouble walking and keeps falling,fell 3 times already this morning and it's only 10:30am

10. marca 2006, 19:17:23
my best bud in the world is gone

10. marca 2006, 22:03:21
Subjekt: Re:
anastasia:I am so sorry! Know how it hurts!!

11. marca 2006, 00:15:02
Subjekt: Re:
Dolittle: we just got home from picking his ashes up...I am SO happy he was done so fast...same day.We ordered an urn..actully an oak box,it will have a ceramic dalmation figure laying on top of the box and his name,dates of birth and death engraved onto a metal plate.I had to take a valume (sp) to settle me down,I just coudln't stop crying and had a terrible headache! Won't be on tonight,just gonna hang out with hubby and listen to our quite house while we watch a movie.I miss Patch so much...I use to LOVE mushing his nose..I called it his beetle, was so perfectly round,black,wet,cold,and shiny,looked like a big old beetle bug on the end of his face,lol.Sorry to go on.....

11. marca 2006, 00:42:21
Subjekt: Re:
Tuesday: give him a mush!!!

11. marca 2006, 00:43:55
Subjekt: Re:
anastasia: Im so sorry to hear your sad news!

11. marca 2006, 03:13:32
My little ShihTzu gives me sweet hugs and my MinPin licks my chin. Strange how they all have their own style of loving ya!!

11. marca 2006, 05:28:32
Subjekt: Patches
Anastasia Patch was a wonderful dog and will be missed terribly. So sorry he is gone :(

11. marca 2006, 05:58:17
Subjekt: Re:
anastasia: Awww honey.. I will be thinking of you this weekend..

11. marca 2006, 07:03:08
Subjekt: Re:
anastasia: My JZB left me 100 days ago. She was my best bud too. I am so sorry for your loss. Tears and more tears. Think of when your dog helped you the most. That's what has gotten me through this.

11. marca 2006, 07:10:28
Subjekt: Re:
anastasia: awwww so sorry to hear that, I agree with Lisa...think of the good times :)

11. marca 2006, 14:58:41
Subjekt: Re: Patches
Gemina: Hey girlie..about time you decided to post...everyone..Gemina is my best girlfriend in the world...have known each other since,what 8th grade? She was Patch's Auntie and she knew him very well!! I feel a bit better this morning,thanks all for your kind words...nothing some hugs and valumes won't help,huh,lol...Got choked up when I looked outside this morning and didn't see him walking the fence line and trying to hobble after a bird or 2,lol.I know it will gwt better,and I know he isn't in pain anymore,but honestly,lol...THAT doesn't help me..we both knew though that we were being selfish by keeping us with him.Strange thingyesterday and I didn't relize it till after he was gone...yesterday was the same date that my Dad died back in 98...March 10th,98...and I would ALWAYS tell Patch that when it was his time to go that Grandpa Tom would meet WEIRD that it was the same date!

11. marca 2006, 17:47:22
Subjekt: Re: Patches
Tuesday: OMG,I completely forgot that we played that game of espionage,LOL!!! I remember now! I cleaned the house form top to bottom today,had to keep looking behind me to make sure I wouldn't trip over Patch,lol..but he wasn't there.I thought it would be my husband wanting another dog right away but it is me..I am so lost without an animal,lost without Patch,lol.I missed not waking him up this morning with mushes and rubs,unless hubby would beat me to it,then I would let him in to give him his breakfast and give him hugs and mush..I was forever hugging and mushing him,lol.
Gemina is ALOT like me...Lord help us all,lol...I think that is why we have been friends for so long! Can't wait till her and her hubby come up for the weekend!!

11. marca 2006, 18:14:50
Subjekt: Re: Patches
anastasia: I can't wait to get there either. Yep since the eighth grade lol Long long time. I have 3 dogs and a cat of my own but Patch was one of a kind. He was a sweetie now he is with Dad and at peace (chasing the birds and finally catching them) lol

12. marca 2006, 21:05:15
interesting I allowed to post here?

12. marca 2006, 21:30:25
does anyone ever watch the "Dog Whisperer"? this guy has a firm grip on the reality of a pet/master relationshp.
I think back to a great uncle and aunt I had. they loved chihuhuas, and they named every one they had "Tiny". I say everyone, because they all died from coranaries. Tiny...always ate what they ate..never walked anywhere..was always fact..I remember the first time I saw my uncle take one of his "tiny's" out to potty. he set him down on the ground...Tiny did his business...then my uncle wiped hs bottom with a tissue...then praised him for being such a "good dog"...and carried him back inside.
my point being...people can sometimes do more harm by overlooking the fact that thier pet is indeed an animal, and not human.

12. marca 2006, 21:41:00
Subjekt: Re:
Kipling: Hello & welcome to the animals board!
Yes I totally agree with that! Animals should be treated with respect & I believe that means to treat them as closely to how they would naturally live......although dogs like chihuhuas are so overly bred I don't think they have much dog left in them!

12. marca 2006, 21:46:39
Subjekt: Re:
Lamby: uncles dogs looked more like ticks by the time they reached 8 monthes, than dogs.

13. marca 2006, 05:36:07
Subjekt: Re:
Kipling: OMG...if you EVER called my Mom's dog a dog...she would SCREAM!!! she's not a dog,she's alittle person...NOOOOO,she a DOG! Dalmatians had to much in breeding also,thats one reason ours so so mean...I have his ashes sititng next to me now,lol....shhh,I know I am weird,but work with me here people,I am still greiving.

14. marca 2006, 04:05:22
Subjekt: Re: Your "Patch" :o)
Just passing thru and wanted to say "sorry" for the loss of your friend.....I lost my "best friend" of 23 years almost three years ago and his ashes, first tag, and a lock of hair have moved with my kids and I twice since, we wanted to bury him but don't have the heart to totally let go.....We have two other pets now that we adopted from a shelter - dog and ferret(half cat/half dog-lol) - LUV EM dearly BUT will never forget my friend - Thinking of You :)

14. marca 2006, 05:03:36
Subjekt: Re:
Tuesday: hahaha.. shoot.. that sounds like my wittle pom.. I am not used to barky dogs.. I usually ping her in her mouth.. (if I get a chance) just a little swat.. mostly enough to get her attention.. NOT to hurt her.. I then say NO Bark! And use my command tone.. of course.. this hasn't really sunken in to her as of yet.. but, she is learning..

I have managed at least with myself to control some of the lickies.. by doing mostly the same.. except my command of NO lickie!!

14. marca 2006, 05:22:25
Subjekt: Re:
Tuesday: yeah.. I worry about that as well.. although, my little pom could be drop kicked by an intruder in a heart beat.. (she definately isn't a dog that will protect me).. more like a little dog that jumps constantly and yaps.. I wanna find her a tutu! LOL

14. marca 2006, 05:29:39
Subjekt: Re:
Tuesday: hahaha.. I was hoping to get at least one litter from her.. but, am really reconsidering that! LOL Is thinking it might just calm her down some!! LOL although little poms would be so kewt.. heck they are tiny to begin with.. I could imagine when they are first born..

14. marca 2006, 07:11:12
Subjekt: Re:
Tuesday: :) things happen for a reason.. I know after I got Idget learning her little personality is so funny... Every morning she goes runny into the main house.. bounces on my sons bed to wake him.. then into my parents room.. and bounces on their bed.. as if they didn't have any dogs of their own.. Idget is maybe 5 lbs tops.. while my fathers pups a retriever cross.. so they are fairly large dogs (not even guessing on the weight).. it is so funny.. and then there is Precious.. the persian grey my father has.. who despises dogs.. especially little ones who wish to play.. she hisses, swats and chases Idget.. LOL It's a riot.. I need to get a new Cam corder.. so I can get this on video..

14. marca 2006, 07:45:09
The Hunter 
Subjekt: sick bird
<my mom has a cokatale(sp?) named joey. he is all white andhas a yellow head. as a bird...he isn't very well coardinated. he falls off of pearches so often its amazing he isn't dead... he also seems to take his time from getting around the cage(I think he is scared of falling o_o)

anyway...the other day, joey was just standing on the bottom of the cage, right in the center doig nothing at all. usually he is either eating are gaurding those eggs they have from my dad.(>_>;) but not this time. it was like he had no desire to do a thing. he wouldn't eat or drink water. his cherps...usually loud...are now a tiny squeek. even when he bites your finger...he is usually quite strong...but not now. my dad took him ou of his cage to check him and the feathers around his rear end are all green. he eats now but just very little, and noting big. he hasn't drunk water(from what i've seen). whats wrog wit him?

Zoey, the grey and whte one is perfectly fine.(to be honest, she is the exact opposit of joey) she climbs the cage so fast its unbelievable. she jumps from one end to the other with no probem. She also has a mean streak and will attack anyone that gets near her(except joey). when she bites she bites to rip off your nail or skin. and she is in perfect health. they are kinda funny cause joey is usually well behaved and zoey is so aggressive. but yea....I just want to know...what is wrong with joey? (btw, we had them from around 3 or 4 years)

14. marca 2006, 09:40:29
Our neighbours downfloor have a loud-barking dog, waking us up every morning when we should still be asleep. Who has a good idea how to silence the dog without poison? (We are not on speaking terms with the neighbours)

14. marca 2006, 15:02:55
Subjekt: Re: sick bird
The Hunter: I hope you don't mind.. but, I went ahead and emailed a couple who I am friends with reqarding your sick bird.. they raised cockatiels and sold them as well.. she also has a kewl Parrot. I will let you know when I get a responce.. good luck with your lil one!

14. marca 2006, 16:39:49
Subjekt: Re: Barking Dog
Put a "nice" note under their door letting them know that their dog is constantly waking you up, and if that doesn't work, do it again...I live in an apartment complex with dogs, dogs, and more dogs (and have one also) but sometimes people don't realize their pet's a problem till you tell them - the guy that lives above us was keeping his "big" dogs caged for hours on end so all they did was bark and howl incessantly - after my third note, he did something different, they still go at it, but much less frequent - worth a try...

14. marca 2006, 16:40:19
Subjekt: Re: sick bird
The Hunter: sorry to here about Joey! He does sound quite poorly :o( I have had a couple of cockateils in the past......I would strongly recommend you see a vet.....he could have something that may infect your other bird.

14. marca 2006, 16:56:32
Subjekt: Re: sick bird

14. marca 2006, 19:39:21
The Hunter 
Subjekt: Re: sick bird
they are both around 3 or 4 years old(in human years, dunno animal years) He seems to be getting a little better, he started to flap his wings again, though not as fast as normally. Zoey still seems to be fine. She even learned to eat some of the seeds as if she were holding a candy bar. I'll ceck out that link right now. and thanks for that scarlet rose. appreciate it. we also can't really aford a vet at this time though =( to many bills. if it were up to me he'd already be at the vet...

14. marca 2006, 20:27:04
The Hunter 
Subjekt: Re: sick bird
I just found ut that zoey has diarreah(sp?) I was playing with her and asked "whats wrong?" she answered by looking at me know....then proceeded to make a kind of laughing sound. so...yea.

15. marca 2006, 04:38:19
Subjekt: Re: sick bird
The Hunter:Maybe you could call around and find an Aviary (bird) Vet that will let you make payments?? I have an old-man ferret that suffered double-renal (kidney) failure six months ago and was blessed to find a ferret doc that truly cared and did it as cheaply as possible but please know we had to give him IV's and meds at home to keep the cost down - but if your willing to try, somebody will help you, especially a specialist, they really love what they do and know more than your average Vet when it comes to a specific species - wish you well...

15. marca 2006, 07:21:58
The Hunter 
Subjekt: Re: sick bird

I doubt my parents would be willing to pay a single dime. "too many bills" is their excuse. my my mom said if a vet is needed she'd rather just open the door and let him fly away...I care about those birds and I hate not being able to do anything for them...My nephew loves those birds ore than I do...he is the only one the birds trust. whenever a pet became an inconvienience they got rid of them. maybe if I could just find out what is wrong with joey then...maybe I could convince them to take them to a vet.

15. marca 2006, 11:25:35
Subjekt: Barking dog
Thanks for the reactions, Tuesday and srnity!

Tuesday: The reason seems to be the departure of the owners: when they go to work, the dog barks, for instance from 7.30 - 12:00.

srnity: We actually did put a note in their mailbox, which led to a discussion with them at the housing association. The neighbours totally refused to do anything about it...

Ear-plugs don't help enough, we probably have to move... yesterday I had to work till 0:00, was home at 1:00, asleep at 1:30 and waking up again at 7.15 because of that dog!

15. marca 2006, 12:42:31
Subjekt: Re: Barking dog
Zmenené užívateľom Bwild (15. marca 2006, 12:44:36)
Fwiffo: try calling law enforcement. disturbing the peace. if that doesnt work...figure out when your neighbors sleep. as they are sleeping turn your stereo up very very loud.

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