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this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!

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5. septembra 2007, 22:12:47
Subjekt: Re:
Tuesday: Yes she may be even older as she was a rescue. My cat that died last year was over 16 too. Shes absolutely fit as a fiddle, you could easily think she was only about 6 or 7

5. septembra 2007, 22:17:47
Subjekt: Re:
Lambyless: Glad your cat is healthy! 16 is a great age. Lots of chasing in her yet! Cats rule!

5. septembra 2007, 22:29:06
Subjekt: Re:
Rose: Thanks. Yes thats true, shes as playful as ever! Glad yours are all well too!

5. septembra 2007, 22:29:53
Subjekt: Re:
Tuesday: Aw thats so sad....
I wonder if he was poisoned or something?

5. septembra 2007, 22:42:54
Subjekt: Re:
Tuesday: Its so upsetting to see a healthy beloved pet deteriorate that quickly. I suppose it could of been one of a number of things wrong with him, only the vet would of been able to say. Even more upsetting for you that you couldnt make it to the vet. Im so sorry this happened.

One of my cats became very ill suddenly & she had contracted hepititus, she was on a drip for 5 days at the vets but made a full recovery thankfully. I dont even know how she got that.

6. septembra 2007, 00:31:40
Subjekt: Re:
Tuesday: OMG that is terrible. You must of been in pieces after that

6. septembra 2007, 00:39:45
Subjekt: Re:
Tuesday: Yes, something to be very careful about. 

6. septembra 2007, 02:40:33
Subjekt: Re:PLEASE CALL!
srnity: You did the right thing,hun!! Thank you,thank you,THANK YOU!!! You are truly a wonderful person and an angel for that dog!!

6. septembra 2007, 15:47:07
The Col 
Zmenené užívateľom The Col (6. septembra 2007, 15:49:48)

7. septembra 2007, 03:58:30
Subjekt: Re:
Tuesday: I was once told that kitties do that lil massage on you to put their scent on you...not much of a cat person so I dunno...Rose??? Do you know???

7. septembra 2007, 14:12:18
Subjekt: Re:
anastasia: Ive read books on it hun and vets are stumped as to the true reason they do it! One says they are taken away too early from their moms. I dont buy that.. Other vets say its just a comfort thing.. When they are truly comfortable and happy its like their happy dance on your belly!
I believe they do it when they are content and happy. One of mine drools when she does it on me. EWWW lol When they do it they purr and when they purr they are content. They do have scent glands in thier paws but not as many as in their faces. When they rub their faces (whisker area) on you THEY really are scent marking you then!

7. septembra 2007, 17:35:16
I heard its what kittens do to their mothers when they are feeding from her, a way of stimulating the milk glands. So it is a memory of comfort. Dont know how true that is either?

Its hard to tell because cats also purr when they are in pain, not only when they are happy. Cats purr when in accidents like being run over etc & when they are giving birth also (and having had two labours & births myself, I know that its certainly not pain free lol)

7. septembra 2007, 17:42:03
Subjekt: Re:
Ewe: lol women sure dont purr when giving birth!!! lol

7. septembra 2007, 17:59:47
Subjekt: Re:
Rose: lol well I know I didnt & thats for sure!!

7. septembra 2007, 19:39:23
The Col 
Subjekt: Re:
Ewe: I didn't believe it when I initially read it,but you're right about cats purring during trauma.Thanks,I learned something today

7. septembra 2007, 21:12:34
Subjekt: Re:
Jim Dandy: It is quite bizarre that they do, everyone always associates cats purring with happiness.

7. septembra 2007, 21:44:51
The Col 
Subjekt: Re:
Zmenené užívateľom The Col (7. septembra 2007, 21:48:41)
Ewe: Yes,and I've yet to hear my girls purr at what I consider inappropriate times.............I'm not a violent person,but if I was nearby when this occured, with a 2 x 4 in hand

7. septembra 2007, 21:55:44
Subjekt: Re:
Jim Dandy: OMG thats horrendous! What an absolute sick man he is!!

7. septembra 2007, 22:09:49
Subjekt: Re:
Jim Dandy:

OMG i feel sick just reading it

10. septembra 2007, 00:39:08
Subjekt: A woman holds a Sphynx cat during a local cat show in Almaty September 9, 2007
Zmenené užívateľom srnity (10. septembra 2007, 00:39:56)

10. septembra 2007, 03:10:37
Subjekt: Re: A woman holds a Sphynx cat during a local cat show in Almaty September 9, 2007
srnity: suppose beauty IS in the eye of the beholder,lol

10. septembra 2007, 07:12:57
Subjekt: ASPCA
Zmenené užívateľom BadBoy7 (10. septembra 2007, 07:15:10)

10. septembra 2007, 11:49:43
Subjekt: Re: A woman holds a Sphynx cat during a local cat show in Almaty September 9, 2007
 srnity: Oh that is hiddeous! Its so cruel to breed cats with no fur. Breeders go so over the top, it shouldnt be allowed.

10. septembra 2007, 14:09:41
Subjekt: Re: A woman holds a Sphynx cat during a local cat show in Almaty September 9, 2007
Ewe: I'm thinking those hairless cats sure would get cold easy. They look so frail too. Poor puddums arent posta have no fur.

10. septembra 2007, 14:42:30
Subjekt: Re: A woman holds a Sphynx cat during a local cat show in Almaty September 9, 2007
Rose: yes agree, they are bound to feel the cold, its just not fair for them.

11. septembra 2007, 00:17:15
Subjekt: Re: A woman holds a Sphynx cat during a local cat show in Almaty September 9, 2007
Rose: But unlike my , I suppose there wouldn't be so many hairball issues...   

11. septembra 2007, 00:24:00
Subjekt: Re: A woman holds a Sphynx cat during a local cat show in Almaty September 9, 2007
wetware: LOL right on that one.. I've read up on hairballs the last while as I have one that has them a lot. If we brush her often (she is long haired) it helps cut back on the furball prezzies.. There also is food out now specially for cats who get them a lot. Interesting reading up on hairballs and why some cats have them often and others don't.

11. septembra 2007, 00:33:36
Subjekt: Re: A woman holds a Sphynx cat during a local cat show in Almaty September 9, 2007

Rose: I try my best.  Plenty of brushing for my girls--one of them in particular.  Part of their food is a special hairball formula, plus they get occasional treats to help deal with that.

The one who has the worst problem is a funny eater, too.  She eats very quickly, and would be at least a kilo heavier if I didn't monitor her food intake and watch to make sure she doesn't poach from the slower eaters around here.  She'd love finding some scraps or a variety of other cat foods and snacks, but doesn't tolerate changes in her diet at all!  Even new bags of her ordinary food are sometimes enough to upset her delicate tummy...amazing.

11. septembra 2007, 13:16:54
Isnt that the thing about hair balls....the fact cats are bred to have long fur when naturally they wouldnt have? All the cats I have ever had have been short haired & never had fur balls or is it that my cats just were lucky?

11. septembra 2007, 13:50:28
Subjekt: Re:
Ewe: Some of my short hairs do have the odd fur balls but nothing like the long haired one I have. She's a beautiful cat but we have to shave her 'beard'. If not she licks it so much that she eats too much fur. This beauty was a rescue that was abandoned in the rough part of town. She has many issues so we cant adopt her out. She was horrible treated and likely beaten or kicked by a previous owner and still bites and scratches at times. Lost her Canines from being kicked no doubt. Has taken me since November last year to get her to trust me enough to give her a small rub on the head. I will never understand how people can be so cruel to other living creatures.

11. septembra 2007, 14:00:58
Subjekt: Re:
 Rose: So not all of your short haired cats get fur balls? The ones that do, is it just when they are molting?

Aww its so nice you are giving her a loving home. Yes its truely unbelieveable how some people treat animals, I find it hard to control my temper & Im a pacifist!!

11. septembra 2007, 14:23:31
Subjekt: Re:
Ewe: Right, not all my short hairs have full balls. I think it attributes to how clean some are. We try to brush each one but with this many its very hard and some just do not like to be brushed. Some are super clean and always licking others only clean themselves when they have to. We nick named one kitty Pigpen cuz she doesnt clean herself too often! Must be in her teen years! The cats that are super duper clean have the odd fur ball but it isnt daily or even weekly. The long hair kitty has them at least once a week. I have a Maine Coon cat with really long hair and she never has fur balls so her digestion must be top notch. AND does she shed! When I brush her I take clumps out every time. She has very different fur than the others.

You're right about the cruel people. I'm sure if I ever got my hands on someone that abused an animal I would go medievil on them. lol

11. septembra 2007, 14:40:45
Subjekt: Re:
Rose: Maybe thats it then??? My cats love to be brushed! So maybe Im collecting most of the excess fur? They are outdoors alot too. I think central heating makes them molt more than necessary too.

LOL medievil I can see your angry face under that suit of armour!! I agree, I would find it hard to control myself too 

11. septembra 2007, 14:49:46
Subjekt: Re:
Ewe: thats why I like my fur balls.

11. septembra 2007, 18:01:37
Subjekt: Cat Brushing Tip
Ewe: At least this works for me: one of the  doesn't much like being brushed--especially near her backside.  But if I brush her just before one of the designated feeding times, I can pretty much do whatever needs to be done--brushing, nail-clipping, etc.--because she's got just one thing on her mind--food!  She's so focused that she seems to forget just how much she dislikes what's being done to her    :-)

11. septembra 2007, 18:17:55
Subjekt: Re: Cat Brushing Tip
wetware: Fantastic idea. I have a hard time clipping the nails on 2 of mine..( they cry and pull back their paws just when I try to clip lol) So I will try it b4 feeding time! Woohoo... very wise.

11. septembra 2007, 20:42:32
Subjekt: Re: Cat Brushing Tip
wetware: hehehe yes that works for my two small children also!
I dont clip my cats nails...just wondering why you do that? Is it because they are scratching your furniture? 

11. septembra 2007, 20:47:25
Subjekt: Re:
anastasia: Gosh can you imagine if dogs coughed up hair balls too!!  

11. septembra 2007, 20:54:20
Subjekt: Re: Cat Brushing Tip
Ewe: I clip my cats so they dont scratch each others eyes out bascially..  I have them pretty much trained not to scratch the furniture and they have many scratching posts around the house that hubby made for them. But every so often one wants to dominate and will start swinging at another. This way I know there wont be major damage to any other cat. most get used to the clipping in time and just sit and patiently wait until I am done. Only the front paws and I dont clip their dew claws.  It just takes the really sharp pointy part off. You have to be careful when you clip. I have a vet teach me how so I dont clip too short. That would really hurt!

11. septembra 2007, 21:13:40
Subjekt: Re: Cat Brushing Tip
 Rose: Ahhh right I see! My two never used to fight with each other. Now I only have the one. Yes they can do alot of damage with those claws if they are fighting & with you having so many rescues I bet there is a few fights from time to time. I think I would do the same as you in that case.

Yes the claws have a vein running in them, same with time when I took my dog to the doggie parlour for a spruce up, fur & claw trim, they cut one claw too short & it wouldnt stop bleeding! Can be dangerous!

11. septembra 2007, 21:15:54
Subjekt: Re: Cat Brushing Tip

Ewe: I would definitely clip one of the  before going for a visit to the vet.  Two of them are perfect patients, but one is not.  She's strong, and cut the doc pretty badly when being given an injection.  I'll also trim their dew claws, which can come pretty close to growing round in a circle.  Might trim them if I see them chewing on their nails, too.

But lately, there's been less need for trimming, because of a happy accident.  They finally stopped shredding my nice furniture almost completely once I brought home a rug bought on sale from Ikea.  This certainly wasn't my plan, but all three of them love sinking their claws into it--especially the underside of it for some reason.  It gets 99% of their scratching attention, and I will happily sacrifice another rug just like it next time I find them on sale.  Isn't that the craziest thing?  I keep it rolled up, with the underside out--and they're absolutely loving it to pieces...

11. septembra 2007, 21:32:39
Subjekt: Re: Cat Brushing Tip
wetware: Oh dear! In that case I can certainly see why you trim their claws! How did the vet take getting the scratch?

LOL thats brilliant!!I can just imagine them, it conjured up a great mental picture
I love Ikea! They have some lovely rugs, but I bet they didnt realise their rugs double up as posh scratching posts!

11. septembra 2007, 21:51:11
Subjekt: Re:
Tuesday: Awww she sounds so sweet!

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