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this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!

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21. septembra 2007, 19:23:29
Subjekt: Re: please help save the wolves!!
anastasia: Very, Very Well Said And 100% true - we could stop taking what little "wild" space there is left

21. septembra 2007, 19:26:49
Subjekt: Re: please help save the wolves!!

21. septembra 2007, 20:36:24
Subjekt: Re: please help save the wolves!!
anastasia: Yes I completely agree with you!! Humans are the most selfish animal on this planet & we think we own it & we dont!!!

21. septembra 2007, 23:55:42
The Col 
Subjekt: Re: please help save the wolves!!
Ewe: I was actually taling to someone about that very thing the other day.Animals are allowed to be who they are and act as they do without being judged to be wrong,it's just them doing what they do.Humans on the other hand are not allowed that same acceptance,we constantly judge our behavior,maybe we just are what we are

22. septembra 2007, 17:07:45
Subjekt: Re: please help save the wolves!!
Jim Dandy: Not all humans are equal & certainly dont act the same. Overall we have a strong sense of right & wrong, we are intellegent & have a conscience (some much more developed than others). Therefore I believe that gives us the right to judge our behaviour as we know when others and ourselves are doing wrong etc. We need certain guidelines & boundries or it would be all out anarchy.

But if you are talking on a basic level about people just getting on with others, then I totally agree! I love people & try not to be too judgemental. I am very passionate about things I believe in but totally understand others see things differently, and we are all entitled to that. I talk to anyone. Love meeting new people & making new friends. 

22. septembra 2007, 18:26:53
Subjekt: Re: please help save the wolves!!
Jim Dandy: Of all the animals, I think humans are the only ones of whom it can ever rightfully be said that "they ought to have known better than to do what they did".

26. septembra 2007, 02:53:50
The Col 
Subjekt: Re: please help save the wolves!!
wetware: Yes,I guess my point was that animals (other than humans) are free to just be themselves without constantly questioning themslves.They say our youth are the best years of our lives,why? no responsability

29. septembra 2007, 23:59:21
Papa Zoom 
So there's this man with a parrot. And his parrot swears like a sailor, I mean he's a pistol. He can swear for five minutes straight without repeating himself.
The trouble is that the guy who owns the parrot is a quiet, conservative type, and this bird's foul mouth is driving him crazy.
One day, it gets to be too much, so the guy grabs the bird by the throat, shakes him really hard, and yells, "QUIT IT!" But this just makes the bird mad and he swears more than ever.
Then the guy gets mad and says, "That's it. I'll get you." and locks the bird in a kitchen cabinet.
This really aggravates the bird and he claws and scratches, and when the guy finally lets him out, the bird cuts loose with a stream of invective that would make a veteran sailor blush.
At that point, the guy is so mad that he throws the bird into the freezer.
For the first few seconds, there is a terrible din. The bird kicks and claws and thrashes. Then it suddenly goes very quiet.
At first the guy just waits, but then he starts to think that the bird may be hurt. After a couple of minutes of silence, he's so worried that he opens up the freezer door.
The bird calmly climbs onto the man's outstretched arm and says, "Awfully sorry about the trouble I gave you. I'll do my best to improve my vocabulary from now on."
The man is astounded. He can't understand the transformation that has come over the parrot.
Then the parrot says, "By the way, what did the chicken do?"

30. septembra 2007, 00:06:16
The Col 
Subjekt: Re: Parrot abuse
Tigger: We should be kind to parrots,I'd have reported that type of cruelty

30. septembra 2007, 00:11:35
Subjekt: Damien
 Well,Damien is getting ready to go for his AD (a 12 mile endurance run) Friday and to get his show rating on Saturday...wish me luck!!! The AD will be his first title that he gets!!!

30. septembra 2007, 00:12:12
Papa Zoom 
Subjekt: Re: Parrot abuse
Jim Dandy: yeah but think on how that chicken feels :)

30. septembra 2007, 00:13:35
The Col 
Subjekt: Re: Parrot abuse
Tigger: Don't ask me,I'm still healing from the fallout of the swimming cats video

30. septembra 2007, 00:22:25
Papa Zoom 
Subjekt: Re: Parrot abuse
Jim Dandy: I shan't say a word.

30. septembra 2007, 00:29:45
The Col 
Subjekt: Re: Damien
anastasia: canine long distance runs? I had no idea they existed

30. septembra 2007, 00:48:10
Subjekt: Re: Damien

Jim Dandy:

Just added pics of Niki and pics of Damien's training here.....the AD is a 12 mile run,I bike along side him..we go 5,rest 20 minutes go 4,rest 20 minutes,go 3. This is part of getting Damien ready for eventually getting a breed survey to see if we can breed him.

30. septembra 2007, 00:50:24
The Col 
Subjekt: Re: Damien

30. septembra 2007, 01:06:06
Subjekt: Re: Damien
Jim Dandy: lol,thanks...they don't settle for to long like that so I snapped as many as I could!!

30. septembra 2007, 01:24:36
Papa Zoom 
Subjekt: Re: Damien
anastasia: awwww, I love the eyes. Makes me miss my dog. She's been gone for a few years and I still miss her.

30. septembra 2007, 01:31:02
Subjekt: Re: Damien
Tigger: It's weird cuz I still have Patch's pic as my icon here at the site..I still have all my dalmatian stuffed dogs out,no german sheperd stuff tho,lol....dunno why really..I miss Patch,but I never had the connection with him that I do with Damien.

30. septembra 2007, 02:30:54
Subjekt: Re: Damien
anastasia: Wow, they are sooo beautiful I wish Damien much luck

30. septembra 2007, 02:36:55
Papa Zoom 
Subjekt: Re: Damien
anastasia: Casey was my dog's name. She was special probably because she adored me and I her. She loved to sit at my feet (as long as one of my feet were rubbing her belly) :) Often she would jump in my lap but she was too big for that. She was the best. Followed me everywhere ;)

30. septembra 2007, 17:36:46
Subjekt: Re: Damien
anastasia: Aww your dogs are beautiful! I looked at all the pics in TS aswell, thanks for sharing

1. októbra 2007, 01:25:25
Subjekt: HAD to bring this one over - Volant posted it in MadMonkey's f/s & it's incredible :)

1. októbra 2007, 01:54:41
Subjekt: Re: HAD to bring this one over - Volant posted it in MadMonkey's f/s & it's incredible :)
srnity: That was fantastic. What a beautiful horse. I wonder what the scores ended up being? I wonder if whoever posted it, knows?

1. októbra 2007, 01:56:01
Subjekt: Re: HAD to bring this one over - Volant posted it in MadMonkey's f/s & it's incredible :)

srnity: ok,before I forget the placement...around 3:21-3:00 mark..can someone tell me the name of the song of the music that is playing...THAT is going to slowly drive me insane,LMAO!!!

 That horse was awesome...wonder how many years of training THAT was!!??!!

1. októbra 2007, 01:57:47
Subjekt: Re: HAD to bring this one over - Volant posted it in MadMonkey's f/s & it's incredible :)
rod03801: I've never seen anything like that one - Volant posted it originally, maybe she'd know? Incredible horse tho, whether they won or not

1. októbra 2007, 02:06:15
Subjekt: Re: HAD to bring this one over - Volant posted it in MadMonkey's f/s & it's incredible :)
anastasia: I want to say Lionel Ritchie... the last line of the chorus is "all I need(want?) to say is.,.......... I love youuuuuuu"

1. októbra 2007, 02:06:15
Subjekt: Re: That was an easy one for me - Lionel Ritchie

1. októbra 2007, 02:18:06
Subjekt: Good grief

Even a horse can dance better than me.

The version I saw showed 5 scores--all of them "10".  I feel safe assuming that's on a scale of 10.

1. októbra 2007, 03:00:38
Subjekt: Re: That was an easy one for me - Lionel Ritchie
srnity: OMG! ya know that expression..if it was a snake,it would have bit you..well.....LOL!!!! I KNEW I knew that darned song...UGH! Thanks all for the help!! That was my blonde moment for the day,lol

1. októbra 2007, 03:23:25
Subjekt: this is what I do

Here is the obidiance part of the training that I do with Damien....I am having a BALL looking through these clips of the sport!! As I find the different phases of it...good video of it,lol...I will post it for you

1. októbra 2007, 03:33:13
Subjekt: Tracking

This person got 100 out of a possible 100 points...THIS is tracking at it's finest indeed!!!!

1. októbra 2007, 04:05:28
Subjekt: and finally the protection part

 A few words to you on this clip and this part of the training,first...the helper IS NOT beating the dog with the aggitation stick!! The dog takes 2 MAYBE 3 direct hits from the stick,usually right across it's harness,or to the upper side of it's flexes and is soft..I beat myself in the leg with it one my first times at my doesn't even sting,not at all!!! This is done to show that the dog will continue to protect it's handler even while under attack on himself.Notice that when the helper (the one with the sleeve) stops moving and the dog "outs" he will "hold" the helper there UNTILL the helper makes an aggressive move.

 Please turn up the volume so you can HEAR how the dog responds to his handler...this is what ever one of us strives for..Also...please notice,the dog's tail is always moving..he is truly enjoying the work he is doing.The dog's long bite is trully a beautiful thing here!!!

1. októbra 2007, 16:53:01
Subjekt: Re: and finally the protection part
anastasia: W-o-w, absolutely awesome I think it's an amazing thing to be able to teach/train an animal to be of such service, whether for your own protection, or as a "worker dog". And I totally get the reason for the stick being used - these are by no means your "average" pet doggie & they need to defend themselves against whatever a human might throw their way. Besides, realistically, if a dog like one of these wanted to do a human REAL harm, they'd do it, whether they were in pain at the time or not - after all the work/time/effort on both the human and the dog's part that got them that far, they deserve to be respected for what they are capable of

1. októbra 2007, 17:06:08
Subjekt: Re: and finally the protection part

srnity: You guys know that I always talk about the bond I have with Damien,and how it is sooo hard for me to put into words how I feel towards that dog...I thought that maybe with you guys actully SEEING what I do with him you would have a better understanding of how close the dog and handler MUST be to be able to do this type of work.He would give his life for me just as I would give mine for him.He is truely my soul and my reson for being..I love him!!

 On a different note...Niki lost her first baby tooth!!!!

1. októbra 2007, 17:16:29
Subjekt: Protection for Dummies

I don't know a thing about protection, beyond what little I've been able to see (from linked videos) and read from those of you who understand it.  So please make allowances for my naive questions...  Why do the dogs only seize the padded arm?  Were a real-life intruder to wear such an apparatus, would a trained dog "go" for that, as opposed to some other, softer and more vulnerable areas?    }:-O

1. októbra 2007, 17:58:28
Subjekt: Re: and finally the protection part
anastasia: I think in a way I do understand what you mean by the "bond" that you share :) I had a male dog (half black lab/half setter) for over twenty years of my life (from a pup till the day he passed at a very, very ripe old age). He was my best friend, and was always there for me, no matter what, and vice-versa :) He was an INCREDIBLE frisbee player (did back-flips literally, if he had to, to get it), would follow me out past the breakers in the ocean even tho it was WAY too deep to stand (and you could tell he was thinking about WHY, but he'd come along anyway), the neighborhood playgrounds were obstacle courses for him (he took on any and all challenges as if he had no fear & people used to come around and watch him in amazement ), and even as a very old man, totally deaf, half-senile sometimes, and with his joints sometimes hurting him, he could be a 1/4 mile away and if someone approached me, he'd magically be at my side within seconds.....I will always love that dog, he had a heart that had no boundaries and wherever he may now be, I know he deserves nothing short of pure happiness, for that was what he gave me - if you only find a dog like that once in a lifetime, I'm glad I found him So, in a way, I think I really do understand

1. októbra 2007, 18:02:16
Subjekt: Re: Protection for Dummies
wetware: I have no clue, but I've always wondered what they'd go for too

1. októbra 2007, 18:04:01
Subjekt: Re: and finally the protection part
anastasia: that is one spectacular dog. Wow that was just amazing watching it.

2. októbra 2007, 04:38:23
Subjekt: Re: Protection for Dummies

wetware: That was NOT a naive question at all...Shutzhund is a SPORT..first and formost and we want everyone in it protected at all times...the helper,the handler and the dog.The dog will protect in any circumstance..what we are doing is getting the dog to know the difference from when the helper is just standing there (not being a threat) and when he makes a threatening movement....the dog takes the sleeve...the dog MUST "out" on command.IF my dog ever had to engage in a real life protection,I would want him to injure but NOT kill the person.and I would want him to "out" the person when I told him it was ok to.

 When my trainer trains the police dogs..he wears a full bite suit and the dog DOES bite on wherever he can,arm,leg,back..other places,lol....but he is being trained for patrol..again,what I do is a sport.

2. októbra 2007, 04:40:05
Subjekt: Re: and finally the protection part
srnity: That is SO awesome!! I LOVE hearing stories like that!!

2. októbra 2007, 07:41:41
Papa Zoom 
<-----Why Cats Hate Swimming

3. októbra 2007, 00:48:53
Subjekt: Re:
Tuesday: awww poor Gracie! Does the spray wash off easily?

3. októbra 2007, 00:49:02
Papa Zoom 
Subjekt: Re:

3. októbra 2007, 20:16:06
The Col 
Subjekt: Does anyone have any tips
One of my girls seems to go through periods where she'll crap on the carpet.It's been going on for a few years,3 or 4 months on,4 months off.It never happened for the first 6 years of her life,every scenario has been exhausted,I'm at my wits end

4. októbra 2007, 02:07:53
The Col 
Subjekt: Re: Does anyone have any tips
Tuesday: There's no pattern,I've exhausted every angle.It comes and goes like the seasons,and she's fixed....................well,she wasn't actually broke prior, get my drift

4. októbra 2007, 13:39:32
Subjekt: Re: Does anyone have any tips
Jim Dandy: my other cat (who died last year) used to do the exact same thing!! I know exactly how you feel, it used to drive me up the wall. I honestly dont have any tips though because I couldnt get her to stop. I had her for about 14 years, she was about 16 when she died & she started pooing on the floor after Id had her quite a few years. She used to wee on the litter tray & then go & find somewhere in the house to poo!! She even used to come in from the garden to poo! Infuriating...I just thought she was going senile or something, but my other cat who I still have is about 16 now & has never done it once.
Im sorry I cant help because I really do know what its like.
Hope you have better luck than me.

4. októbra 2007, 17:39:42
The Col 
Subjekt: Re: Does anyone have any tips
Ewe: We've had blood tests done,everything.Today has been the worst,she pooped on the front door carpet,brang up on the bedroom carpet (probably due to nerves from me shooing her away as ase was pooping,and then just came out and brang up again.My other cat just shakes her head,she's never done it.I'm on the phone to the vet,but we've done that before too.I'm starting to think a shrink is our only hope

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