this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!
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Cats (top) are caged along with chickens at Qingping market in Guangzhou November 16, 2007. Scorpions scamper in bowls, water snakes coil in tanks and cats whine in cramped cages, waiting to be slaughtered, skinned and served for dinner. Welcome to the Qingping market, where everything from turtles to insects are sold alongside fowl and freshly caught fish
RNPS PICTURES OF THE YEAR - This handout image from October 24, 2006, shows the world's most premature living baby, Amillia Sonja Taylor's, feet held in contrast with adult hands, just after her birth at Baptist Children's Hospital in Miami, Florida. Taylor, only slightly longer than a ballpoint pen at birth was due to be sent home in the coming days from a Florida hospital after four months of neonatal intensive care, the hospital said on February 20, 2007
Subjekt: Re: Well, why not, we are animals too, yes? And how incredibly amazing, in my opinion :)
srnity: I've tryed that same line on my gf whenever I leave a mess.I just tell her I'm a Slobopocus(known to show contentment by leaving a mess wherever they nest)She bought it for about 5 minutes,can I use you for a credible witness?
Jim Dandy: ROFLMBO - sure, why not I just got evaluated (and got a raise) at one of my odd-jobs and was told that they LOVE how clean I keep the floors, etc. - HaHa - they should see my house on a bad week
Jim Dandy: LOL - me and "small" pets don't mix (I do things like step on them in the morning) - I need pets with some girth (they can take being stepped on in their sleep every now and then)
Jim Dandy: Exactly Only animals that don't mind me rolling on top of them in their sleep if they crash on my bed or are smart enough to not sleep where I walk (stumble) thru at five am
I am going to agree with Anastasia on the banning of pits. I have a dog that most people are scared of (Rottweiler) and would go to the ends of the earth to protect him. I have heard bad things about Rots and have defended him since the day he came home. He will protect me if needed but never have I feared for myself or my 4 children from him. If we are to judge Pits on some bad moments and ban them for it then humans should be banned as well for the ones that don't behave well. You can't take a few incidents and lump it into a whole when the good so outweighs the bad.
Ideally, this breed-neutral scheme should include the following:
<img>Enhanced enforcement of dog license laws, with adequate fees to augment animal control budgets and surcharges on ownership of unaltered dogs to help fund low-cost pet sterilization programs in the communities in which the fees are collected. To ensure a high licensing rate, Calgary, Canada—its animal control program funded entirely by license fees and fines—imposes a $250 penalty for failure to license a dog over three months old.
Enhanced enforcement of leash/dog-at-large laws, with adequate penalties to ensure that the laws are taken seriously and to augment animal control funding.
Dangerous dog laws that are breed-neutral and focus on the behavior of the individual dog, with mandated sterilization and microchipping (or another permanent identification) of dogs deemed dangerous, and options for mandating muzzling, confinement, adult supervision, training, owner education and, in aggravating circumstances—such as when the owners cannot adequately control the dog or where the dog causes unjustified injury—euthanasia. In Multnomah County, Oregon, a breed-neutral ordinance imposing graduated penalties on dogs and owners according to the seriousness of the dogs’ behavior has reduced repeat injurious bites from 25 percent to 7 percent.
Laws that hold dog owners financially accountable for failure to adhere to animal control laws, as well as civilly and criminally liable for unjustified injuries or damage caused by their dogs. Calgary has reduced reported incidents of aggression by 56 percent, and its bite incidents by 21 percent, by requiring owners of dogs who have displayed dog aggression or human aggression to pay fines ranging from $250 to $1500.
Laws that prohibit chaining or tethering, coupled with enhanced enforcement of animal cruelty and animal fighting laws. Lawrence, Kansas, has significantly reduced dog fighting and cruelty complaints by enacting an ordinance prohibiting tethering a dog for over one hour.
Laws that mandate the sterilization of shelter animals and make low-cost sterilization services widely available
RNPS PICTURES OF THE YEAR - A crocodile at a zoo in the southern Taiwan city of Kaohsiung holds the forearm of a zoo veterinarian in between its teeth, April 11, 2007. The crocodile bit off the arm of the zoo veterinarian treating it, an official reported.
Subjekt: Re: Why Crocodile's Don't Make Good Pets .........
srnity: You are aware that there are a whole bunch of CAAS members who have been waiting for months to jump the first poster who stereotypes crocodiles,don't you?
Subjekt: Re: Why Crocodile's Don't Make Good Pets .........
srnity: You raise an excellent point.While I can see both sides of the pit bull debate,am I wrong in assuming that dangerous snakes are allowed as pets? I'm not saing the shouldn't be,but I've seen more than a few news reports of dangerous snakes being lost and showing up under a house or something,hypocritical?
Subjekt: Re: Why Crocodile's Don't Make Good Pets .........
Jim Dandy: wild animals should stay wild...there is a park fairly close to me that takes in such animlas as lions,tigers,panthers,camels,etc...that people kept as "pets" some of these big cats are blind,deformed,crippled because their owners kept them in crates that are to small for my dogs!! There should be more laws against such things happening.
Subjekt: Re: Why Crocodile's Don't Make Good Pets .........
anastasia: I remember seeing Ingrid of PETA take an escaped turkey(from the Butterball factory)to a retreat that sounds similar.The underground exotic animal trade is pretty disgusting............Have you heard what Mike Huckabee's son did to a stray dog?
This is right off of the ASPCA website link...this just shows NO dog breed is safe!
A dog attacks and legislators act—and your dog could be next! Know the facts regarding dog attacks and what public policies do and don’t work. Join BSL (breed-specific legislation) expert Debora Bresch of the ASPCA’s Legislative Services team at this canine legislative conference on October 25.
Breed-Specific Legislation Workshop October 25, 2007, 5:30 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. Conducted by Debora M. Bresch, Esq., ASPCA Legislative Services
Location: The Shoreby Club, 40 Shoreby Drive, Bratenahl, OH
Breed-specific legislation is not only about pit bulls. In cities across the country, many different breeds have been regulated or considered for regulations, including some that might surprise you:
A cat hissing at the camara, in a pet shop. When a pet cat was taken to a veterinary clinic in Australia with dilated pupils, a racing heart and agitated movements, it turned out to be high on cocaine and other drugs left around after a party. It recovered.
This 2005 photo provided by the Mount Washington Observatory shows the housecat Nin atop Mount Washington, N.H. The cat was the mascot for Mount Washington Observatory for a dozen years. Nin officially retired Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2007, and is moving off the mountain to live with Diane Holmes and Mike Pelchat, both rangers at Mount Washington State Park, at their home in Gorham, N.H.
In this undated photo released by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, the body of a dead Tiger is shown at the Dallas Zoo in Dallas. A veterinarian at the Dallas Zoo performed a necropsy Thursday, Dec. 27, 2007, on the female tiger which was found shot to death near an apartment complex Christmas day. The tiger did not belong to the zoo and was believed to have been someone's pet.
This undated handout from the San Francisco Zoo(SFZ) shows female Siberian tiger, named Tatiana, which managed to escape from its enclosure and maul three people, killing one of them. US media report that the tiger may have been helped out of its den by one of the victims.
Chris Window, from the Rottweiler Club, said it was very uncommon for attacks of this nature to take place.
But he said young children should never be left alone with any breed of large dog.
"All breeds of dogs are animals. They do revert to animal instincts. If a dog is confronted with a situation they are not used to, they can react unexpectedly."<!-- E BO -->
I must say that is very sad,when any death occurs like that,it is sad....I also must say I am very pleased that they included this last part with the article...ANY DOG CAN AND WILL BITE.
Why was a young child carrying a baby around the dog should NEVER be left alone with any dog.
Zmenené užívateľom anastasia (30. decembra 2007, 04:10:00)
Small dog kills 6-week-old girl in California
October 9, 2000 Web posted at: 6:17 AM EDT (1017 GMT)
LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- A small Pomeranian dog killed a 6-week-old baby while the infant's caretaker briefly left the child unattended to warm a bottle of milk, authorities in Los Angeles said.
The relative, who was caring for the infant girl, found her head buried in the dog's mouth Saturday night, sheriff's Deputy Cruz Solis said. The girl died of head trauma at an area hospital, he said.
The baby's name was withheld because her parents were out of the country and had not been notified, Solis said.
The relative has not been charged. Animal control officers took the dog.
Pomeranians are a breed of miniature canines that have a foxlike face, pointy ears and long, fluffy hair. The deputy said Pomeranian attacks are rare.
"Obviously it doesn't take much to kill a 6-week old baby but it's not something that happens with that breed," Solis said
anastasia: I'm not suprised,Toy Poodles would take over the world if they could,they are the shiftiest,hyper, most unpredictable breed I have ever witnessed
Subjekt: Re: I'm shocked that the San Fran zoo attack hasn't been discussed
Jim Dandy: my thoughts are....I hate zoos!!! Animals like that should be in the wild where they belong, not locked up in some cage to be goggled at. Im all for rescue centres which rehabilitate such animals who are injured or sick etc but I hate zoos.
Subjekt: Re: I'm shocked that the San Fran zoo attack hasn't been discussed
Ewe: I see your point,and years ago zoos deserved the stigma they still have,but conditions have really improved in the past 25 years.Zoos might be the best friend wild animals have in many respects,they have programs that protect those in the wild amongst other things.They also serve to educate,they aren't the best scenario,but they've come a long way
Ewe: I heard...and I dunno HOW true this is...basically because I have never researceh it cuz I'm not a hugh cat person...BUT..I heard that you have to be careful wit cats around babys because they can suffocate them by laying over thier mouth trying to lick the milk off...wonder if that is an old wives tale? And AMEN about never leaving the kids alone with an animal..they are an animal...what a tracig shame that could have easily been prevented.
Subjekt: Re: I'm shocked that the San Fran zoo attack hasn't been discussed
Jim Dandy: I believe that most zoos are for the good of the animlas now a days....I don;t mean those little road side attractions tho,I mean real zoos..What happend was aweful.I heard on the news the walls for the enclosure were to low.That cat was doing what God intended it to do,stalk,hunt,kill it's prey.Ask Ewe or anyone that ownes a cat...I bet it stalks something everyday in the house....and goodness only knows what is going through the minds of animls that are closed in like that.
We had to put our little Yorkie down just before Christmas. Her health was really going downhill in the past year. We tried medication but the little thing lost much of her hair and it turned oily. She lost weight and had chronic diarrhea. Now we only have the two neighbor cats that think they live with us. Probably because we feed them everyday give them a warm place to sleep in the winter (they are outdoor cats). They each have a little basket to sleep in and we just bought a new "potty" for them.
my neighbors have a very young cat (less than six months old, very small, doesn't weigh much, doesn't look healthy or well-fed, I guess) - how cold is too cold for a cat to be left out all night? It cries/whines to come in for hours and hours & it averages 20something degrees (or less) here at night ... they keep telling me that cats can take such weather (we are in the mountains so it also snows/rains/sleets at least half the time here) ... I keep banging on their door until they bring the cat "in" ... am I terribly wrong here?
Subjekt: Re: I think I've asked this before, but.....
srnity: Most cats can handle it. They are good at finding places to keep dry and warm. Or you could always do what we did and put up a little "house" on the deck and set out some food. But then you'll never get rid of the cat!
Subjekt: Re: I think I've asked this before, but.....
srnity: My personal opionion is that I don't believe in "outdoor domestic pets" at all....we domesticated them,I feel it's our job to take care of them and part of that is allowing them to live indoors where it is warm,dry,safe.I never really did understand the whole outdoor cat/dog thing...WHY bother to have an animal if you toss it outside? Why should the cat HAVE to try to find a warm dry spot to sleep?? My Mom and Dad grew up in an area like you live now and OMG it gets CRAZY cold,lol....I would agree with Animal...maybe buy something for it to sleep in,or maybe just a box and some fluffy blankets on your porch?? Lets give everyone that puts the animals outside a taste of it and put THEM out for the night
Subjekt: Re: I think I've asked this before, but.....
It's actually not legal here for you to leave your domestic "pet" to roam unattended outdoors (we have bears and such passing thru from time to time), but it's the third cat (not even a cat really, kitten is the better word) that they've done this with in less then a year (they see them as "throw-away" pets, I've actually asked) and just go get another when one disappears. But I know if I take it to a shelter here, it will just be put down, it's a really, really sad-looking kitty. I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place on this one, I don't think this little one would meow for hours on end at my door (and probably others) if it was okey out there in the four inches or so of snow that fell last night. If I do adopt it, give it a place to sleep, feed it, etc. (I can't have a cat inside, I'm allergic to them) - what happens to it when I move from here in a few months? I'll never understand the "outdoor" pet either, I guess, my doggie LOVES this weather, but I'd never make her spend the night outside in it
In this Dec. 31, 2007 photo released by the Florida Keys News Bureau, Lola, left, and Nosey, right, pause for a moment during the annual Key West Dachshund Walk in Key West, Fla. The third New Year's Eve procession of canines down sidewalks that border the island city's Duval Street is scheduled to begin at noon Monday, Dec. 31. Organizers anticipate the event will attract more than 100 dogs and their owners.
Subjekt: Re: I think I've asked this before, but.....
srnity: I hate the thought of putting an other wise perfect animla down BUT then you have to weigh your options...and that of the you think the cat would better off put down..OR do you think the cat would be better off let on it's own,outside in the cold and the weather,with the wild animlas all around it? Humans are the most selfish animals their are.Are these the same nieghbors that kept the poor dog in his crate for all hours of the day? THESE are the type of people that really shouldn't own an animal
Subjekt: Re: Are these the same nieghbors that kept the poor dog in his crate for all hours of the day?
anastasia: They just don't seem to get "it" ..... or anything remotely close to "it" Maybe I'll take it to a "city" shelter this coming weekend, I think it's chances would be better there, seems like here 50% of people just own animals to breed them and make money off them, canine or feline ... I really don't want to find this kitten dead outside one morning and it's definately in distress, I've never heard a cat howl this much ... wish there was a way to keep them from doing this over and over ... I was literally arguing with them at one a.m. after work the other night because my dog wouldn't shut-up because the kitten wouldn't go away from my door, and, in response, he was trying to give me the cat and saying that it wasn't theirs, it belonged to Mother Nature ...
Subjekt: Re: Are these the same nieghbors that kept the poor dog in his crate for all hours of the day?
srnity: He told you the cat belonged to mother nature!!??!! Oh Dear LORD!! People kill me!!
I was sitting in the vet's office the one day and this guy was asking me all about my dogs...were we going to breed,blah,blah,blah....I told him that it depends...we were taking the proper steps right now to see if Damien is even worthy of breeding,that it would still be at LEAST another year for us to know for sure IF he is breed worthy...he started to tell me that he was gonna breed his dog..I think a mastif mix with his neighbor's dog and that they were in it for the money....I had to tell him to stop talking to me, IGNORANT of a person to be like that....THAT is why there are so many animlas in shelters.WHat a shame that people feel the need to breed animlas for the sole purpose of making money.I know whatever you decide to do with this kitty,you will listen to your heart and do the right thing..Another reason she may be howling like that is because she is sick or something is really wrong with her...At least at a shelter they will give her an exam and try to adopt her out.