this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!
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Subjekt: Re: I think I've asked this before, but.....
Jim Dandy: Already have on the way they were treating a 150 lbs.+ German Shepherd, but they still have him and I heard from someone that they weren't fined due to financial hardship. My problem with all this is that when I'm out and about with my dog and we see a possum (or whatever), it hisses, and she knows to back off.....what the heck is a cat supposed to do, other than run, and run where if it has nowhere? Absolutely amazing how some humans treat domestic animals ...
Subjekt: Re: THAT is why there are so many animlas in shelters
anastasia: Definately Every shelter doggie I've ever adopted had at least three/four different breeds mixed in. Almost four years have passed and I'm still guessing when people ask me what breed (s) my current doggie is - why do some people think that they can make money breeding dogs that really aren't a "breed"? Unless they are "purebred", I don't see a reason to breed them. Don't get me wrong, I truly LOVE my doggie, but she's a mix on top of a mix on top of a mix ..... ..... I guess, if nothing else, I'll make sure the kitten has a warm bed outside tonight before I head to work (more snow is on the way)
Subjekt: Re: THAT is why there are so many animlas in shelters
srnity: and another thing is tho...even if the dog IS purebred...that is still not a reason to breed it..there are SO many other things to take into consideration...I laugh when someone says..oh...mine is AKC....ummm,so?? People think just because it is AKC it is worthy of breeding..not true.Take my 2 for a real good example...We paid $2,000.00 for Damien..he comes from very good bloodlines,the majority of his ancestors are titled,a few world champs in it..his parents were not titled,which...had we known THEN what we know NOW,we may or may not have bought him.We are TRYING to get him to be breed rating,tiltles,etc BUT his nerves are a bit on the weak side,he is a bit unsure of himself...tho to the untrained wouldn't know this..but BECAUSE of this,I take extra care in my training of him,to try to build his confidance...if it never comes about then he won't be bred,not ever... becuase you wouldn't want to breed weak nerves into a bloodline.Then you have Niki...we paid $800.00 for her,she has a proven working bloodline,right down to both her Mom and Dad.ALL dogs in her heritage have proven themselves by achieveing titles,show rating....ALOT of world Champion blood in her.She is proving to have excellent nerves,good personality,ability to focus with distractions.Damien is almos 2 and not one person has ever said...OMG!! you just HAVE to consider breeding him.Niki at 4 months was getting OMG!!! You can't seriously be thinking of getting her fixed!!??!! She is one to watch! Even my vet (who think a rock should be sterilized) said that if he has ever seen a dog that is going to be worthy of being bred,it's Niki.
So....point to this story is that even tho a dog is purebred,AKC still does not mean you are getting good quality.Maybe...MAYBE half the purebred dogs out there are actully worthy of being bred to carry on the bloodline.
Subjekt: Re: Maybe you could send a few animal cruelty groups after them,
Jim Dandy: Ohhhhhhh, I LIKE that one - Thank You for the suggestion - maybe they can help I've always just concentrated on the "legal" end of it, never thought of that angle .......
Subjekt: Re: THAT is why there are so many animlas in shelters
anastasia: Does that apply to the average owner who just wants a companion? Show dogs are judged on a much higher scale I would suspect.I'm an audiophile when it comes to my stereo,I look at other peoples units and wonder how they can accept the inferior quality,but I'm an audiophile,they aren't,so the little things aren't even apparent to their ears
Subjekt: Re:So....point to this story is that even tho a dog is purebred,AKC still does not mean you are getting good quality
anastasia: Wow, it's a shame that your average AKC dog-owner doesn't seem to know all the facts. My neighbors (same ones) let their $700(?) GS roam alone all the time and I always wondered why they would risk him being injured by a wild animal, attacked by a bear, even shot (game lands abound here), maybe they already know. And ROFLMBO on the "sterilizing a rock" - silly vet And GO Niki - they both seem like such incredible dogs (but, honestly, I think all God's creatures are pretty darn incredible, except humans most of the time, they puzzle me)
anastasia: Thanks. The vet sent us a sympathy card and everybody that works there signed it! That was nice. We'd had her a long time. But it's hard getting used to her being gone. There's no one to lick our bowls when were done eating.
She had no teeth and when she stuck her tongue out, it came out the side. Was so funny and cute. ;)
Subjekt: Re: THAT is why there are so many animlas in shelters
Jim Dandy: Does what apply?? lol....if you mean the good breeding...WHY breed a purebred dog if you are breeding flaws?? I would go with a mut if you want a companion..they are wonderful dogs...for a good strong dog tho,a purebred should be sound mind and body.And I don;t have show dogs,I have working line GSD's there is a difference,lol....I love the working line...not much into the show line.
Subjekt: Re: THAT is why there are so many animlas in shelters
wetware: How cool you brought that are 100% right...I just wantched a program last week on that!! really,me and Damien watched it (yes he watches the TV with Mommy,lol) They were saying how the purebred dogs end up with more genetic problems even though good breeders won't breed a known flaw....something about how just the gene pool being "closed off" causes more mutations,and that mutts are less likely to have problems because they are more "open"...I know I am not wording that the right way,lol
Subjekt: Re: THAT is why there are so many animlas in shelters
anastasia: My mistake,after some research I finally understand the term "working line" in regards to dogs as opposed to a cafateria As far back as I can remember our family has always had our best luck with the most undesirable,scrawny weak link of any litter we have had our choice of.The last purebred we bought (other than adopting racing greyhounds) was a miniture shnauzer,and she was so high strung she trembled.
Subjekt: Re: THAT is why there are so many animlas in shelters
Jim Dandy: That really is true to...poeple think JUST BECAUSE you have a purebred dog,you should breed it...WRONG! Like I said...there is a very small percentage of dogs that really are worthy of being bred.
Our trainer,the one that owns Niki's Mom,has had dogs for over 20 years now,and her Mom was the first female he ever found worthy of being bred.Now THAT is selective!!
Subjekt: Re: THAT is why there are so many animlas in shelters
anastasia: Part of the problem with our shnauzer was that we got her when they were they the trendy breed back in the early 70's.I'm sure the demand created some unwise breeding,we loved her just the same,she lived to 13
Subjekt: Re: THAT is why there are so many animlas in shelters
Jim Dandy: yeppies,what Ewe said,lol..they are wonderful therapy dogs.Our nieghbor behind us have a goodness is he pretty but becoming very agressive because they ignore him and never walk or train with him.Such a terrible waist of a lovely animal
Subjekt: Re: THAT is why there are so many animlas in shelters
Ewe: DOH! lol my mistake.If I'm ever in a position to own a large dog agan,it'll be a LAB,they may be our worlds last line of defense against the oncomming toy poodle explosion ;-)
Cats cuddle in this February 2, 2007 photo. Hoping to send the message that pets are life-long partners not disposable accessories, a Japanese maker of medicines for animals has begun giving employees who own dogs or cats a monthly "family allowance" for their pets.
Subjekt: Re: THAT is why there are so many animlas in shelters
Jim Dandy: Is a standard the REALLY big ones?? if so...those I adore!! I use to know this one,his name was bell-o..oh he was so a giant sheep,lol.I would sit on the floor and he would lean into me for pets and snuggles..his owners could not believe how he acted with me (I use to clean for them) he was a VERY friendly dog but me and him were best buds!! I had alot of dogs on my route..and I would pretty much get on the floor with all of them....The owners use to just love that,lol...once a woman we were cleaning for came into the kitchen and laughed her head off because I was laying on the kitchen floor with her lab!! hmmm,looking back,no wonder it took me so long to get through a darn house!!
Subjekt: Re: THAT is why there are so many animlas in shelters
anastasia: yep,they are pretty big,Strudel was apricot,we used to part his hair down the middle and dress him in my dads pajamas.I would sleep on his belly like it was my pillow,I grew up with him.Sadly he died from cancer of the spleen,our high priced vet did such a lousy job sewing him up after surgery that his incision was almost hanging open.Sometimes we learn some of our first painful lessons through our "pets"
Subjekt: Re: THAT is why there are so many animlas in shelters
Zmenené užívateľom netvenus (10. januára 2008, 05:12:07)
Jim Dandy: DOH! lol my mistake.If I'm ever in a position to own a large dog agan,it'll be a LAB,they may be our worlds last line of defense against the oncomming toy poodle explosion ;-)
Subjekt: Re: THAT is why there are so many animlas in shelters
Jim Dandy: LOVE that name...Strudel the Poodle sorry to hear what happened to him, yes I agree we do learn alot of things from our pets....they are really important for our children to learn about responsibility & caring etc & even death
Subjekt: Re: THAT is why there are so many animlas in shelters
Jim Dandy: Do you mean what will happen to my dogs after I retire them from compitition?? If thats the question,then they will STILL train on the field,whatever their bodies can take.They will be fixed...if I'm not competeing,no sence in NOT having them fixed.I will allow my dogs to train in the sport for as long as they are able..and when they are no longer able to,because their bodies will not permit them,then they will pretty much live like they do now,run of my house,run of my yard,more toys then a Toys are Us.I will still do lil things to help their minds and bodys,like hide treats around the house for them to find...but thats still YEARS off,lol....D will be 2 at the end of the month and I plan on keeping him competitive till hopefully 6 or 7...maybe even 8 if his joints hold up!! (he goes the first part of next month for his hips and elbows to be x-raed and certified!!!) By the time D is retiring form the field tho,Niki will be in her prime,and we should have another one,hopefully one of Niki's pups to start into it :)
And like you, I'm a believer in presenting them with new challenges and stimuli. (That's great for any brain!) I'm glad my cats have each other, too, during my time at work or competing. It really breaks my heart to hear about children, seniors, or pets confined to dull and lifeless surroundings.
well,heck,now it will be 2001 with this post...but you guys know what I mean!!! GOODIE for us!!!!
Srnity & PrettyMama...glad we can all see each others icons now,lol....big thanks to Rose for the puter lesson...Lord knows she helps me out on things,oh,pretty much EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE.If it wasn't for Miss Rose,I wouldn't be able to even HAVE an icon pic,lol
(Don't forget to save your original files before cropping and resizing steps--I'd hate to see anybody lose any valuable images.)
To avoid unacceptable image distortion, I'd suggest either beginning with an image that's close to a multiple of 40x50, or else cropping it to approximately those relative dimensions, before you use that online tool to create a 40x50 image.
Oui the frog sits on a miniature motorcycle in the eastern beach town of Pattaya January 10, 2008. Oui's owner says Oui loves playing with human toys and posing for photographs. REUTERS/Sukree Sukplang (THAILAND)
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