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this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!

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25. novembra 2008, 03:36:23
Subjekt: Tuesday...
let me know when you are home and settled and we will start your dog training by proxy!! :)

25. novembra 2008, 14:16:44
Subjekt: Re: Tuesday...
Tuesday: all 3 will have to go through the same traning excerses tho....most times,while people are first starting the training,it is much easier to seperate,lets say Oz is the one that gives you the biggest problem.....crate the other 2 in the basement,or something like that so that it will be just you and Oz one on one...BUT you actaully CAN start one small step (by the way hun...this kind of training is a LOT of baby steps,so it does take some time....) When does he FIRST start to act it when you grab your keys? put the collars on them..grab the leashes..I need the PRECISE moment he gets himself worked,if your not sure....go through your routine like you guys are getting ready to go soemwhere and watch him for the first signs,and then let me know :)

26. novembra 2008, 21:13:55
The Col 
Subjekt: One of my fave movies,it was on last night

28. novembra 2008, 11:04:59
The Col 
Subjekt: Really cool story,get em young and raise em right!

28. novembra 2008, 22:17:50
Subjekt: Re: Tuesday...
lTuesday: ok...the first step then for you is...go over and put your shoes on...pick up your keys and walk to the door....DO NOT talk to the dogs,pet the dogs or in any way acknowledge them even being there....if they start whining or dancing around...there can be no..."oh,it's ok" or "be quite" NOTHING at all is to be said...ok???
Once you get to the door...turn around,hang your keys back up,take your shoes off and come back and sit down,if you were on the puter...come back to the puter and continue..if you are watchingTV,then go sit and watch tv...even AFTER you are sitting back down..the dogs wil still be anxious...please,please,PLEASE...still NO TALKING to or petting them,ok??
In about 5 minutes...repeat this process..same steps,same way...NEVER talking or petting them during the excersise.
You will need to do this...every 5 it for about a half hour...then just stop and let them relax...only AFTER they are relaxed can you pet or talk to them...You need to do this excersise...maybe a TOTAL of 3 to say 7 times for every hour that you are home...I know this seems like alot...but TRUST me...this will WILL NOT work the first time,or even after 5 times....might take a few days a week..but it WILL work ;)
Let me know after the first night of you doing it...lets say...about 20 times of working the routine...tell me if the dogs are settling any.

28. novembra 2008, 22:37:53
no, can't squirt them...and actually...after you come back from your walk is the PERFECT time to start the training.....when I have people's dogs that I train...we go for a 10 minute walk FIRST...then train for about 20...walk again for 10,a bit more training and then a short relax,play time before leaving each other!! good luck!! and remember...this is a full time commitment you need to make to them and yourself!! :)

29. novembra 2008, 00:33:36
The Col 
Subjekt: really interesting,animals can laugh out loud

29. novembra 2008, 00:49:56
The Col 
Subjekt: Re: really interesting,animals can laugh out loud
Tuesday: ...go over and put your shoes on...pick up your keys and walk to the door about 5 times while it loads,it's worth it

29. novembra 2008, 01:22:30
Subjekt: Re:
Tuesday: I understand that,hun..BUT you can't get from A to Z without going through the HAVE to train this in need to get the excitement under control before you ever step out the door.

29. novembra 2008, 03:36:57
Subjekt: Re:
Tuesday: Tuesday...this is not a lie...when we brought Damien home from the kennal we got him from I was THIS close to turning around and taking him back because he SCREAMED the whole way home...I thought,well,he's a baby,he's scared...almost ONE YEAR later it was still SO bad that your head would be pounding and you would be in a REALLY pissy mood by the time we got to the club because of his screaming..I don't mean whining..I mean SCREAMING!
Now,I can drive anywhere with both dogs in the van and never hear a peep out of Damien.Miss Nik has always been quite in the van..I PROMISE you,if you follow through with what I am going to have you WILL get better.
Problem so many times is that people want that instant fix and unfortunaly,that is just not possible.
This past summer,I had probably...5 people that came to me for training..I would ask..what do you need/want/your expectations..their answer was always..ALWAYS...I want my dog to act like yours.I would tell them,well,Damien is almost THREE YEARS does not happen over night..ok,ok,we get it..thats what I would hear.When they don't get that INSTANT result,they would give up..ya just can't give up.....think of it like know how he is all jumpy and whiny,and step back and think..if YOU were in that state of mind...would you really be happy?? Think of how you feel when you are anxious...not a good feeling is it?? THAT is what your dog feels EVERYTIME he gets into that "excited" state of mind...that is why I am having you start with this he (and your others) will see..HEY! mom is putting on her shoes..OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!!!...then you take them off and go sit down..they are still like..OMG!OMG!OMG!!..then they see you NOT going out the door...eventually the goal is that they will see you going for your shoes,and the keys and,who cares,lol....THAT is when we will move onto the next step...but not one minute before.
one question tho that I didn't ask you...when they the food down all day or are there set times?? you should see the question list I have for my clients,'s like an interview,LOL!

29. novembra 2008, 04:10:21
The Col 
Subjekt: Re:
anastasia: You got me intrigued about the "screaming" I'm familiar with barking,but I was trying to imagine a dog screaming unless in pain......was it similar to this fella?

29. novembra 2008, 04:56:48
Subjekt: Re:
Jim Dandy: lord..I think I WOULD have turned around if THAT noise had come from him,lol!! I looked and looked on youtube to see if I could find something similar to what D use to do...but I can't...if anyone has ever owned a GSD...then you would know that famous..GSD whine....well,take that,itensify it by about 35....add a slight howl/bark,and make the pitch REALLY high and blood curdling...and then ya have what he use to do,lol.It was so bad,my niece and I couldn't have a conversation in the van because we couldn't hear each other

29. novembra 2008, 05:54:13
The Col 
Subjekt: Re:
anastasia: Has it been determined why they do it?

29. novembra 2008, 14:44:24
Subjekt: Re:
Tuesday: lmao..that ione of the FIRST things I usually ask my clients ;) is there anyway you can chnage that when you are HOME with the dogs?...if not,we will work around it..but feeding time to a dog is MAJORLY important,and so is the way it is questions then for you.....when you do go out with the dogs...who goes through the door first and then who comes back intot he house first after the walk or car ride or honest here too,please,lol....the more I know about the lil things like that,the better I can help you in the long run!!

29. novembra 2008, 14:46:31
Subjekt: Re:
Jim Dandy: most of it with Damien is that is drive is SO high...he isn't fixed either,so he has all that testoserone racing through his body...I have the screaming thing under control now and he still has his high drive,so it all worked out :)

1. decembra 2008, 20:44:59
Subjekt: Re:
Tuesday: I would double check with your local agency,but I would say,no,she has no rights to the dog at this point...quick YOUR name on her dog license??
I would say that...since you have been taking her to the vet,buying her food and providing the daily care,she is YOUR dog...If you can prove,by receipts or even just the vet records would work that YOU have been the one providing the care,she really has no claim on the dog anymore and you have every right to keep her...
Now,onto the first part of your post...YOU have to go out he door first..YOU have to come in the door first...If you know all about the alpha dog,then you know by allowing THEM to do ANYTHING first,you are giving THEM alpha rights in YOUR home.
How has the exercise of the shoes/keys thing been going??

2. decembra 2008, 00:24:42
Subjekt: Re:
Tuesday: kk,you REALLY,REALLY need to start with the steps I told you about tho first...I know,someimes you HAVE to go,lol....but like while you are watching TV this evening...during the commercial breaks,start doing the steps I told you about....even get the leashs out and just set them by the door..they have to..and WILL learn that JUST BECAUSE things are happening,it doesn't mean we get to act like will giggle to yourself the first few times,because even AFTER you take your shoes off and hang your keys up and go sit down,they will be dancing around like...COME ON,COME ON!!! this needs to be baby stepped,Tuesday...I PROMISE you,it WILL WORK....but only IF you do it in the order it needs to be done :) good luck!!!

2. decembra 2008, 00:30:09
Subjekt: Re:
Tuesday: no,no,lol...I meant to start to desensitize need to really do THOSE steps first...the shoes,the keys...that part needs to be done first....and nothing works the first time,LOL....I need YOU to be mentally preparred of having to do the shoes/keys things for ...oh,probably a good SOLID 3-5 days.....yes,I said DAYS before moving onto the next step

2. decembra 2008, 00:37:24
yeah..I mean,sometimes you HAVE to take the dogs before they are REALLY trained to happens,lol...but yes..ONLY do the first steps...your not going to go,go get in your jammies and slippies and just start working the steps......
So many times when I show people how to go out the door first (yes,people REALLY have no clue how to do that...thats what they pay me for,lol) They will say,well then,I have to take the dog out for a walk/ride/etc..right?? and I say....nope,the dog never even has to leave the house.....
What the goal is here,hun,is to just get the use to SEEING you go through the motions of putting on your shoes and getting your keys in your hands and waking to the door...after you walk to the door...turn around,hang the keys up,take your shoes off,put your slippies back on and go make some hot cocoa or something....and please remember,after this,they will still be jumpy and NOT tell them...ohhh,it's ok...or settle say NOTHING to them,period....walk around like YOU are the Queen of your house...because you are ;)

2. decembra 2008, 00:41:40
The Col 
Subjekt: Re:
anastasia: re:"walk around like YOU are the Queen of your house"

like this?

2. decembra 2008, 00:52:52
Subjekt: Re:
Tuesday: training is VERY therapeutic,lol...unfortunately,alot of people stop after a few times becuase they don't get INSTANT takes alot of time,and alot of patience to train dogs.When YOU are less anxious,the dogs will be too..
I seriously mean it when I say..if I could live out on the trainging field with my dogs,I would...I ave taken a few clients on,free of charge because they trully needed help,didn't HAVE the money to pay,and I wanted the dogs to have a shot to be calm and most recent was 2 pitbuuls,man they were crazy the first time I met them..the male tried to bite me FOUR friggin times in the first 10 minutes of meeting them...OIY...after 7 weeks,he was one of my best buds!!! I miss those 2 dogs!! (they graduated btw!!) she has to work more social parts with them before they can move on to the more advanced training that I can do for her and the dogs...
Please just be consistant with them..I hear so much...I don;t have time..I ask you sit and watch the commercials during a show...98% say yep,I sure do...then ya have time right there to do an excersise with your dogs :)

2. decembra 2008, 00:54:56
Subjekt: Re:
Jim Dandy: ummmm,no,lol....I said walk around...not dance like your in a strip show,LOL!!!

2. decembra 2008, 01:06:50
Subjekt: Re:
Tuesday: lmao..I do charge...only a VERY few...YOU included,lol...that I do free of charge

2. decembra 2008, 22:03:10
The Col 
Subjekt: a pitbull and cat cuddling

2. decembra 2008, 22:43:15
Subjekt: Re: a pitbull and cat cuddling
Jim Dandy: Buster and one of HIS cats...that was to cute!

3. decembra 2008, 10:08:55
Subjekt: these poor dogs
whether you love or hate poodles
this takes it way to far the poor dogs look really sad

3. decembra 2008, 13:04:54
Subjekt: Re: these poor dogs
Snoopy: thats sick..

3. decembra 2008, 13:28:28
Subjekt: Re: these poor dogs
Snoopy:  How about these poodles?

3. decembra 2008, 13:38:26
Subjekt: Re: these poor dogs
anastasia: i had never heard of it before today and was wondering how common it is in America

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