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this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!

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11. júla 2006, 23:30:10
Adaptable Ali 
Subjekt: Re:
anastasia: Ok, thank you for that. Oliver seems ok, still eating and drinking. I will certainly be keeping my eye out for the dreading slugs.

12. júla 2006, 04:46:14
I discovered recently that the common garden toad is also poison to pets. My little Shih Tzu bit one and she was frothing at the mouth also. Was sick and throwing up all night!

12. júla 2006, 05:28:35
Subjekt: Re: They call me "Big Poppa"
srnity: So sorry for you your loss :(

14. júla 2006, 16:56:47
Subjekt: Re:

Dolittle: oh goodness.. yes.. I remember our goldens often playing with them in Colorado would end up with frothy mouths..

Is your little one okay??

14. júla 2006, 16:58:07
Subjekt: Re: They call me "Big Poppa"
srnity:  Sorry to hear of your loss..

15. júla 2006, 00:14:08
Subjekt: Re:
ScarletRose:She is ok now but was a sick widdle girl all that night. Know those frogs eat bugs and are good for a garden but I wish they would stay out of my back yard!!

15. júla 2006, 01:32:20
Subjekt: Re:
Dolittle: Yeah.. I remember Ginger and Cindy,... they like never learned.. they always chased after them.. with the same results! LOL

15. júla 2006, 08:29:32
Subjekt: They call me "Big Poppa"
Thank You All for your kind words for my Little Guy's passing...Now my doggie won't eat (they used to eat together) and can't seem to stop pacing thru the house all night (that was Big Poppa's time to shine). I'm wary of drugging her (she gets sick off her annual rabies shot, etc.) & was wondering if anyone knows of anything herbal/natural that I might try to at least get her to relax at night? Anything would be appreciated

15. júla 2006, 11:42:30
Adaptable Ali 
Subjekt: Re: They call me "Big Poppa"
srnity: It certainly sounds like your doggie is missing her mate, i would expect she is quite fractious. Give her time and plenty of TLC and i am sure she will be fine.

15. júla 2006, 14:38:37
Subjekt: Re: They call me "Big Poppa"
Zmenené užívateľom anastasia (15. júla 2006, 14:38:55)
srnity: a chammomile spray might help,I would just let it run it's course though,I believe that they mourn just like we do.Just give lots of love and affection.My dalmatian missed my Dad something fierce after he died,he couldn't figure out where Grandpa went,would look through his house for him for a long time :(

15. júla 2006, 17:20:48
Subjekt: Re: They call me "Big Poppa"
anastasia: Thank You both, I guess nature just has to run it's course...They were both bought home together from the same shelter & had their own l'il comical routine...I called the vet & they suggested "doggie-downers" but I worry when giving my kids meds, never mind an animal

15. júla 2006, 17:28:19
Adaptable Ali 
Subjekt: Re: They call me "Big Poppa"
Zmenené užívateľom Adaptable Ali (15. júla 2006, 17:28:36)
srnity: Its not for me to say, but, i dont think i would give doggie anything, jsut give doggie plenty of tlc, she will soon come around

15. júla 2006, 17:42:06
Subjekt: Re: They call me "Big Poppa"
WatfordFC: TLC's not a problem - personal space is tho - she's now like a one-yr-old who can't let go of you - Getting the bathroom door open is now a heavy-lifting event due to her girth pinned against it - I've been taking her everywhere I go (other than work) so she's not alone - took her swimming in the woods & to play with doggie friends but she won't leave my side or just lay down and relax - Guess I feel like there's something I'm supposed to be doing that I haven't thought of

15. júla 2006, 17:44:34
Adaptable Ali 
Subjekt: Re: They call me "Big Poppa"
srnity: I know you are giving her plenty of TLC, right now she is confused, she wants to be by your side, she feels safe and secure when she is around you

15. júla 2006, 17:53:23
Subjekt: Re: They call me "Big Poppa"
WatfordFC:Ironically, tho, I'm the one she likes the least - she was an abuse-case (they both were) & whomever hurt her must've been female - for the first yr or so, I truly expected her to take a nice chunk outta me at some point just because she could - but I love her & I guess she knows it

15. júla 2006, 17:54:46
Adaptable Ali 
Subjekt: Re: They call me "Big Poppa"
srnity: Yes of course she knows it, at a time of need you always go to the one you love and feel safe with , this is what she is doing, like humans would do too.

15. júla 2006, 18:07:48
Subjekt: Re: They call me "Big Poppa"
WatfordFC: There are times I'm still nervous that she'll take a piece outta me for no apparent reason - this dog has deep-seated issues... I'm not used to her being around me so much, she's usually with my sons...I wake up at night now with her sitting on my bed staring at me...wish she could speak her mind

16. júla 2006, 00:10:40
Adaptable Ali 
Subjekt: Re: They call me "Big Poppa"
Zmenené užívateľom Adaptable Ali (16. júla 2006, 00:10:57)
srnity: She is obviouls ylooking to you now, she is showing her softer nature, maybe this is a turning point for her, sometimes that happens when you lose something close to you.

16. júla 2006, 13:58:54
Subjekt: Re: They call me "Big Poppa"
srnity: I agree with not giving her any meds,she will come through this.I would suggest though that maybe after a few weeks you get back to a normal routine with her...Did you always take her everywhere that you went before this happened? If not then I would say slowly go back to that routine.Dogs thrive on consistancy.You may be accidently feeding into her anxiaty (sp) by taking her everywhere.She may need to just see Mom leave and then see that hey..Mom WILL come back after all.I'm not an expert but I am just telling you what I have been told by a trainer.Good luck and please keep us all posted !!!

16. júla 2006, 20:49:03
Subjekt: Re: They call me "Big Poppa"
anastasia: Thanks again for all the input...Other than taking her to swim, hike thru the forest, or play with other dogs, she stayed home - you could say goodbye, tell her to be good, and go - for the first time, she seems to have a problem with being left, guess I just thought that was something that only young dogs dealt with, she's approx. 8/9 yrs. old...But, some good news, she's eating some (only in the middle of the night ) but she's eating

18. júla 2006, 15:08:50
Subjekt: Re: They call me "Big Poppa"

20. júla 2006, 19:21:28
Subjekt: Second part of Damien's training..week 1
Sorry,a little behind on his progress report,lol.He strated his intermidiate training this past Monday.After I learned the right way to command him to my side,he picked up on it rather fast,lol.He is als learning to sit without moving with distractions going on around him such as me and the trainer throwing the ball or me walking around squeeking a toy.He learns very fast..alot faster then I seem to catch on,lol!!

30. júla 2006, 03:45:20
Subjekt: Bettas
 i recently bought a pair of bettas male/female im having trouble with dirty water. i want to breed them, but by the time the male builds the nest the water needs to be changed.  Filters are not good for bettas b/c i have heard that they can deystroy the nest and the bettas are keen to filters. so how cna i do this. i tried ot use a pump to get rid of the excrement but that is really horrible and it dont work really well. any advice?

30. júla 2006, 07:02:16
Subjekt: Re: Bettas
Nothingness:My sister seems to have good luck using bottled water with her betta, doesn't seem like she has to change it as often, Don't know if that is of any use or not :)

30. júla 2006, 20:50:48
woof woof bark woof bark yap yip grrrr

30. júla 2006, 21:02:19
Subjekt: bettas
yes that is what im using(greatbear) but i still have to change it on a weekly basis.

30. júla 2006, 21:20:16
Subjekt: Re: bettas
Nothingness: Never had bettas, but I've had tropical fish.....can you use a vacuum pump to clean the tank(not near the nest obviously)? - I used to do ours once daily for like ten minutes, kept the water crystal-clear OR what about an under-gravel (or whatever you've got on the bottom) pump?.....You might need to invest a bit of money, but that's the fun of keeping fish

31. júla 2006, 00:47:53
Subjekt: Re: Bettas
Nothingness: what kind (size) of tank/bowl are they in? Bettas actually live in mud puddles in asia (i think Asia) and so they can take not having the water changed that much.My sister in law once left hers go for so long (I don't recommend this,lol) that you could not see in the bowl!!! God Bless the little guy cuz he was fine and dandy! You might check with the pet store too,they can help.

2. augusta 2006, 19:18:50
Subjekt: training weeks 2 and 3
wow,talk about little time anymore,lol.Week 2 he was taught the heel command but my goodness,everything comes so easily to him except for this took him 2 weeks to get it.He got it though,lol.We are also adding distractions to his stay,and come with distractions.This week past he was also started with targeting.He was suppose to have right turn to heel added this week but since he was still having trouble with the heel itself,she is waiting for next Monday to add it.Overall he is doing absolutly great with his training.I am very proud of him...if you guys hadn't noticed,lol!!!

2. augusta 2006, 20:59:47
Subjekt: advice please
I'm after some advice on bringing a new puppy into the home... we already have 2 Toller boys, aged 6 and a half and 5.. and our new cocker puppy bitch was born 2 weeks ago, so will be bringing her home in 7 or 8 weeks. I'm just after some ideas on how best to introduce them if anyone's got experience of this sorta thing??

2. augusta 2006, 22:41:20
Adaptable Ali 
Subjekt: Re: advice please
Niki: Cocker spaniels are absolutely fantastic, they are so docile and have such wonderful temprements..

3. augusta 2006, 02:38:51
Subjekt: Re: advice please
Niki: I love books!! Read ALL that you can get your hands on about that specific breed! Talk to your vet too,they are WONDERFUL advice givers!

3. augusta 2006, 21:16:00
Subjekt: Re: advice please
WatfordFC: LMAO.. cockers docile ?? I'd have said 'nutty' was more appropriate !! :-D

4. augusta 2006, 03:59:26
Subjekt: Re: advice please
Niki:Musta meant my Shih Tzu!!LOL

4. augusta 2006, 13:29:32
Subjekt: Re: advice please
Dolittle: Gezhundheit! lol

7. augusta 2006, 02:57:05
Subjekt: Re: advice please
Rose: smartie!!

7. augusta 2006, 03:03:24
Subjekt: Re: advice please

7. augusta 2006, 03:43:00
Subjekt: Signs of overheating in dogs
Signs of Overheating and How to Respond
Watch all dogs for symptoms of heatstroke, such as restlessness, excessive thirst, heavy panting, lethargy, lack of appetite, dark tongue, rapid heartbeat, fever, vomiting, and lack of coordination. If a dog shows any of these symptoms, get him or her into the shade immediately and call animal control or the police (if the dog is not your companion) or your veterinarian (if the dog is your companion). Lower the animal’s body temperature gradually by providing water to drink; applying a cold towel or ice pack to the dog’s head, neck, and chest; or immersing the dog in lukewarm (not cold) water.

10. augusta 2006, 20:12:07
Subjekt: training week 4
Thhis week was actually kind of boring..needed but boring,lol..He is learning to stand form the sitting position..all he wants to to eat your fingers off to get the food.He never has learned the meaning of the "soft mouth". He is doing VERY well when people come into the house.I take him out of the room and them walk him in,make him sit and wait and then walk him a bit closer..Takes a few minutes but he has to elarn that you don't bark and carry on like a fool when someone comes in.He met a 2 year old female german shepard down at the park and ADORED her! He gave her his tummy!! And then tried to mount her lol...boys will be boys I suppose.He is only 6 months old and is bigger then her and outweights her by about 5 pounds. little boy is doing awesome!

15. augusta 2006, 00:26:51
Subjekt: training week 5
He is learing his "park it" command,which is where he learns to go onto a rug and settle down.Or If I just need him out from under my feet.His heeling is doing GREAT! He is now heeling off lead and matching me step for step.I walk,he walks,I jog,he jogs,I stop he stops,all while maintaining eye contact with me!

15. augusta 2006, 18:33:19
anastasia: Guess what, it looks like my cat Star is prego for the first time I can't wait.

15. augusta 2006, 18:57:54
Subjekt: Re:
heavenlyemma: awww....did you breed her? you'll have to show pics when they get here!!!

15. augusta 2006, 19:41:36
Subjekt: Re:
anastasia: She's a house (I live in a flat) cat and when the hot weather was here she escaped and didn't come home for 3 weeks now her belly is growing

15. augusta 2006, 21:50:46
Subjekt: New Pup

15. augusta 2006, 22:07:33
Subjekt: Re: New Pup
Niki: To die for Kiki, soooooo cute

Mine, mine, mine lol

16. augusta 2006, 02:26:26
Subjekt: PUNKIN
Happy birthday you lil darling, from Bear for each year

16. augusta 2006, 03:59:49
Subjekt: Re: PUNKIN
BerniceC: Thanks my dear, and Happy Birthday to Bear from Punkin!

17. augusta 2006, 13:44:27
Subjekt: Re: New Pup
Niki: awwww! puppy!!!!!!

17. augusta 2006, 13:44:53
Subjekt: Re: PUNKIN
BerniceC: I love birthdays!!!

17. augusta 2006, 13:48:07
Subjekt: Damien
Well,we ahve decided that after he finishes his advanced training in Oct that he will start the very next week down at the kennal where we bought him in tracking and shutzhund training.Only levals 1 and 2 of the shutzhund though,leval 3 is prtection and I don't want him in that part of it.

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