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Supreme Court Justice nominee Sonia Sotomayor came off as a 2nd Amendment defender when she was being questioned during her confirmation hearings. She voted the other way when a gun rights case came to The Court.
Can we now trust Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan?
Conservative coalition From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The conservative coalition, in the United States, was an unofficial Congressional coalition bringing together the conservative majority of the Republican Party and the conservative, mostly Southern, minority of the Democratic Party. It was influential in the United States Congress from 1939 to 1961 and remained a political force until the mid 1980's.
....In the hard-fought 1938 congressional elections the Republicans scored major gains in both houses, picking up six Senate seats and 80 House seats. Thereafter the conservative Democrats and Republicans in both Houses of Congress would often vote together on major economic issues, thus defeating many proposals by liberal Democrats[2]. A handful of liberal measures, notably the minimum wage laws, did pass when the Conservative Coalition split.....
...Liberals gained control of the House Rules Committee, and thus the congressional agenda, in 1961. But conservatives in the U.S. Senate could still veto legislation using the filibuster. Under President Lyndon Johnson, who had an intimate knowledge of the inner workings of Congress, liberals, together with Republicans led by Senate Minority Leader Everett Dirksen, who convinced all but six Republicans to vote for cloture, broke a southern filibuster led by Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) and passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Though a greater percentage of Republicans than Democrats (about 80% versus 60% respectively) voted for cloture and for the bill, the GOP Presidential nominee, Barry Goldwater (R-AZ), voted against cloture (even though he had previously supported all other major civil rights legislation). Many blamed that vote for heavy losses among conservative Republicans in Congress in 1964, though Goldwater's own defeat in the White House race was also a factor. The GOP regained strength in the congressional elections of 1966. In subsequent years, especially with the "Republican Revolution" in 1994, Republicans took control of most conservative Southern districts, so the Southern Democratic part of the coalition gradually faded...
Is it me or does it seem it was southern and conservative Americans who were against civil rights, where moderate and liberal (and from the north of the USA) Americans (regardless of party) were for it.
In 2009 in Louisiana a judge refused to preside over a civil wedding because of it being a mixed race marriage. His reason... he was scared that the children would not be accepted by black or white people stating it was not the first time.
He sent them off to get married elsewhere, which they did.
Ultimately, on June 19, the substitute (compromise) bill passed the Senate by a vote of 73-27, and quickly passed through the House-Senate conference committee, which adopted the Senate version of the bill. The conference bill was passed by both houses of Congress, and was signed into law by President Johnson on July 2, 1964. Legend has it that as he put down his pen Johnson told an aide, referring to the Democratic Party, "We have lost the South for a generation."[9]
By party and region
Note: "Southern", as used in this section, refers to members of Congress from the eleven states that made up the Confederate States of America in the American Civil War. "Northern" refers to members from the other 39 states, regardless of the geographic location of those states.
Bernice: It's funny. I'm the only one from the right that regularly posts here. So FBs post is directed at me. So instead of dealing with ANY of the issues, HE gets personal. He calls out names. Even though he is complaining about that very thing, he still does it himself.
Its nice to see somewhere where consitency abounds in this ever changing world. It's been over a month since I have viewed this board. Looks like I have missed very little. Same obsessions from the far right, and if they are proven wrong it gets personal.
June 29, 2010 Kos Pollster Fired for Faking Data Clarice Feldman Daily Kos is certainly one of the most popular left blog sites, so it is with interest that we learn that its pollster upon whom so much of its stories were based, was just making it up.
DailyKos founder Markos Moulitsas has admitted that some or all of the surveys the site conducted through Research 2000 may be faulty - even fabricated:
I have just published a report by three statistics wizards showing, quite convincingly, that the weekly Research 2000 State of the Nation poll we ran the past year and a half was likely bunk.
June 30, 2010 SEIU official under oath indicates Obama lied Thomas Lifson Thomas Balanoff, head of the SEIU Illinois Council, testified under oath at the Blago trial that President Obama called him to lobby for Valerie Jarrett to be named by Governor Blagojevich to replace Obama in the Senate. This directly contradicts the President's repeated denials of any direct or indirect contact with Blago to influence the naming of his Senate replacement.
How do you measure the legacy of the departed West Virginia senator? I look at this . . .
Robert C. Byrd Academic and Technology Center Robert C. Byrd addition to the lodge at Oglebay Park, Wheeling Byrd Aerospace Technology Center Robert C. Byrd Bridge between Huntington and Chesapeake, Ohio Robert C. Byrd Cancer Research Center Robert C. Byrd Clinical Addition to the veterans’ hospital in Huntington Robert C. Byrd Community Center, Pine Grove Robert C. Byrd Community Center in the naval [communications] station, Sugar Grove Robert C. Byrd Drive, from Beckley to Sophia (Byrd’s hometown) Robert C. Byrd Expressway, U.S. 22 near Weirton Robert C. Byrd Federal Building Robert C. Byrd Federal Courthouse Robert C. Byrd Freeway Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope Robert C. Byrd Hardwood Technologies Center, near Princeton Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center of West Virginia Robert C. Byrd High school in Bridgeport Robert C. Byrd Highway Robert C. Byrd Hilltop Office Complex, Mineral County Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarships Robert C. Byrd Industrial Park, Hardy County Robert C. Byrd Institute in Charleston Robert C. Byrd Institute for Advanced Flexible Manufacturing Robert C. Byrd Library and Robert C. Byrd Learning Resource Center Robert C. Byrd Life Long Learning Center Robert C. Byrd Locks and Dam Robert C. Byrd National Technology Transfer Center Robert C. Byrd Rural Health Center Robert C. Byrd Scholastic Recognition Award Byrd Science Center, Shepherd University Robert C. Byrd Technology Center at Alderson-Broaddus College Robert C. Byrd United Technical Center Robert C. Byrd Visitor Center at Harpers Ferry National Historic Park . . . and think of one word: modesty.
June 30, 2010 Kagan can't answer, Do we have the power to tell people what to eat?
Sen. Coburn: "If I wanted to sponsor a bill and it said, ‘Americans, you have to eat three vegetables and three fruits every day,' and I got it through Congress, and it's now the law of the land, gotta do it.... Does that violate the law?"
Kagan: "Sounds like a dumb law."
Sen. Coburn: "Yeah, I got one that's real similar that I think is equally dumb." (ObamaCare)
Kagan: (Pause) "But I think the question of whether it's a dumb law is different from the question of whether it's Constitutional. And I would think courts would be wrong to strike down laws that they think are senseless just because they're senseless."
Sen. Coburn: "I guess the question I'm asking is, Do we have the power to tell people what they have to eat everyday."
Kagan: "Senator... (stuttering).
Sen. Coburn: "I mean what is the extent of the commerce clause? We have this wide embrace of the commerce clause which these guys (holds up the Constitution and Federalist Papers) never, ever, fathomed that we would be so stupid as to take our liberty away by expanding it in this manner."
June 30, 2010 Obama finally accepts international assistance for Gulf spill Cliff Thier AP tells us "US accepts international assistance for Gulf spill
More than two months to get to "Yes."
But, we shouldn't get too excited. The Administration is just beginning to "work out the particulars." Who know when actual work will get started.
H.R. 5175: The bill requires that every time an organization runs a campaign ad, its CEO must appear in the ad and twice state his name and the organization's name. The top five funders of the organization behind the ad - even if they had nothing to do with the ad's funding - must also have their names listed in the ad.
Most 501(c)4, 501(c)5, 501(c)6, and 527 groups - would have to list all donors of $600 or more with the Federal Election Commission (FEC)
This is designed with ONE idea: Chip away at possible Conservative votes.
How low will the Democrats go? As low as necessary.
Tuesday: Yes, you have a right to be childish and argumentative, for the sake of being argumentative, I suppose. It's not becoming though. It is time to get back to POLITICS. Thanks.
rod03801: I think there are those here that simply took an opportunity to make a non issue an issue. I agree that it is an offensive word. But that was the point. It was being argued that the Democrats racial past was just that, past. But that's not the case. Robert Byrd, who just passed away, used that "N" word in a recorded interview. This interview was RECENT.
LBJ said that he'd get the blacks to vote for democrats by giving them political favors/concessions etc. And when Blagojevich was considering what to do with the open Senate seat, he was recorded as saying that he should choose a black candidate as that would appease black voters. It's worth noting that Blagojevich is from the same political machine that Obama came out of.
Something about an apple not falling far from the tree comes to my mind.
While I PERSONALLY agree that the context DOES matter, and PERSONALLY I see nothing wrong with the way it was used here (as in a quote that what used to make a point in what is supposed to be an intelligent conversation), it IS a word that gets a good majority of people worked up, so it would be best left off of our public boards, for that reason.
Very poor run on sentence, but I'm not changing it!
Now that I've PROVEN that the democratic party not only has a long history of active racism in the US and the many of their policies are racially based, time to move on to other areas where the Democrats show their true stripes.
Subjekt: Re: And when the civil rights bill was passed, I read that those who were racist moved to the Republican party.. A complete switch over.
Zmenené užívateľom Papa Zoom (1. júla 2010, 02:05:42)
(V): You dodged the question once again. So you must have made that up (you are lying again).
And using the "Nword " IN CONTEXT hardly compares to going into a black neighborhood etc. You know I was quoting LBJ. But instead of dealing honestly with the point, you choose to go off in some stupid direction. Go alone.
Subjekt: Re: And when the civil rights bill was passed, I read that those who were racist moved to the Republican party.. A complete switch over.
(V): That's laughable. Show your source with proper references or I say you are lying.
As for the "N" word, there was NO REASON to remove it other than to keep the wild bunch from getting their undies all in knots. Clearly the context matters.
I'm not here to coddle to your false sensitivities. What a joke.
Some people complained about my use of the "n" word when quoting that racist president LBJ. I find it interesting that they find it offensive that I would post that word, but that they are NOT offended by those who actually use that word. Instead, what we see here is the usual liberal approach when confronted with their own sinful history and despicable past - either change the subject, shoot the messenger, or simply make excuses.
This tactic well-defines those in on the liberal side of politics. They don't believe in personal accountability or personal responsibility. They make excuses, or obfuscate the facts.
Liberals would do well to recognize the serious flaws in their party, both its history and its present form. But they won't. They will continue to ignore facts or alter them, project their flaws onto others, make phony accusations, or tell outright lies. And if the past tells us anything, the liberals will go out of their way to vilify the opposition, all the while promoting policies that actually hurt those they claim to be helping. It's a sad state they are in and is only made worse because they can't see what's right before their very eyes. Blinded by ideology.
And when the civil rights bill was passed, I read that those who were racist moved to the Republican party.. A complete switch over.
Are there those in the Democratic party who are still racist... yes.. are there those in the Republican party who are racist.. yes. It's too close to the events of change for any party to say "we have eradicated racism from our ranks"..
Also.. It seems that as a recoil of the civil rights bill and other matters of the time the Republican element have done their best to blame everything on the federal government and when in power have scuppered federal depts in order to prove themselves right.
..... those on the far right need to understand that the destruction of the USA is not through socialism, but through their want of the USA as a country failing to prove themselves right. I find this a selfish attitude.
As the result of liberal historical revisionism, few Americans realize that Democrats ruled the segregated South until the 1960s. Democrats were the party of Jim Crow and Bull Connor. Senate Democrats, including former Ku Klux Klan recruiter Robert Byrd and Bill Clinton mentor William Fulbright and Al Gore, Sr. filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The stalemate was broken by Senate Republicans ensuring passage of the bill.
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