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Subjekt: Re: How Obama rewards his most prolific fundraisers with crony appointments
Artful Dodger:
> hahaha, you are so predictable. And you can't find the honesty to criticize Obama.
When Obama first came up with the "change" thing I knew it was wishful thinking because the bureacratic system of the US makes it impossible to change anything. A long time ago I posted that while Obama's desire to reform healthcare was well intentioned, the approach was completely wrong.
In fairness to Obama, Republicans have done everyhting in their power to make sure that he fails. Republicans have sunk as low as they could to ruin his presidency, and they have suceeded. Obama's failure is not in not delivering his promises, but in failing to stop Republicans from working for the benefit of the rich at the expense of the middle class.
In reality, the problem is not the Obama administration which inherited a real mess from the Bush administration. The real problem is that Americans insist on electing the same nicompoops into office. Any American who thinks that Sarah Palin or some similar right winger will change things is in for a big disappointment. Sarah Palin (like Obama) might pretend to be against elitism and the old establishment . Yet when she rises to the top, the first thing she will do is integrate herself into the system and become the elite and the old establishment herself. It is what has happened to every American president pretending to change or improve things.
In the end, both political parties are the same and when the time to really prove that they were different arose, they were quite happy to join forces for the benefit of the rich and powerful. i am talking of the bailouts for banks and car makers, which were a Bush initiative and were supported by both parties.
In the end, the United States reduces itself to a two-party pseudodemocracy. People are free to vote, but power ends up in the hands of the same elitist groups. Those who want to rise to the elite merely have to convince the public that they want to change or improve things. Once at the top, they merely become a part of the elite. Obama is guilty of this, and any Republican (Tea Partier or not) will be exactly the same.
As long as the public has enough money for Walmart and MacDonalds nothing will change and people will continue to vote blindly for the same nicompoops. It is like Allen West. It did not even bothered you that he tortured a man and was force to leave the military dishonorably. You put the man forth as somebody who really did good defending himself from Wasserman Schultz, without even wondering what kind of man he really is. It is that lack of scrutiny that allows the worst kind of people to rise to the top.
When Obama was elected I knew that he would fail. I just underestimated how badly he would fail, and I also underestimated how low the Republicans would go to ruin his presidency.
Report: Private sector job creation ground to a halt almost instantly after Obamacare passed
A new report out yesterday from The Heritage Foundation shows private sector job creation dropped dramatically almost immediately after President Barack Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare) into law.
[Obama has] never really worked a day outside the political or legal area. He doesn't know how to make a payroll, he doesn't understand the problems businesses face. I would try to explain that the plight of the busi nessman is very reactive to Washington. As Washington piles on regulations and mandates, the impact is tremendous. I don't think he's a bad guy. I just think he has no knowledge of this.
Subjekt: Obama's policies are designed to run the economy into the ground!
Home Depot founder Bernie Marcus did not mince words speaking with Investor's Business Daily:
Having built a small business into a big one, I can tell you that today the impediments that the government imposes are impossible to deal with. Home Depot would never have succeeded if we'd tried to start it today. Every day you see rules and regulations from a group of Washington bureaucrats who know nothing about running a business. And I mean every day. It's become stifling.
If you're a small businessman, the only way to deal with it is to work harder, put in more hours, and let people go. When you consider that something like 70% of the American people work for small businesses, you are talking about a big economic impact.
President Obama’s Executive Order on Ethics Commitments for Executive Branch Personnel:
Employment Qualification Commitment. I agree that any hiring or other employment decisions I make will be based on the candidate’s qualifications, competence, and experience.
Apparently when you are the boss you aren’t required to follow your own rules.
Subjekt: How Obama rewards his most prolific fundraisers with crony appointments
These top fundraisers are known as “bundlers”. Since campaign finance laws restrict any one individual from donating more than $2400 to a single candidate, these bundlers achieve prominence within a campaign by soliciting for and then – you guessed it – bundling up individual donations received via their extended network of friends, family, business contacts, etc. While exact figures are not available, the top bundlers within the Obama campaign each delivered in excess of $1 million in campaign contributions, and there were nearly 50 bundlers who were responsible for at least $500K in donations.
As the Times notes, it’s somewhat of a Washington tradition for an incoming President to appoint choice ambassadorships to key political donors and allies. While this may be the case, for a President who declared a “new era” of accountability, and who championed ethics reform while in the Senate, a look at the appointments made to date reveals what I think is a surprising level of cronyism on the part of this Administration. And notably, many of these appointments extend outside the relatively ceremonial realm of diplomatic posts.
What sort of positions are they talking about? Just harmless ambassadorships?
Special Counsel to the President Chairman, FCC General Counsel, Dept. of Energy Deputy Asst. Attorney General Associate Attorney General Under-Secy. for International Trade Chairman, Corp. for Nat’l & Community Service Asst. Attorney General, Civil Div.
Nearly half of the top level of Obama campaign bundlers have been rewarded with some sort of role within the government.
And it gets worse:
Robert Wolf is the Chairman/CEO of investment bank UBS and given his influence on Wall Street may in fact be the largest bundler of them all. Significantly, Wolf’s firm seems to be mired in several tax-related scandals; and they were also a key counter-party recipient of funds from AIG, courtesy of the U.S. tax payer. However, apparently all this was not enough to deter the President from naming Wolf to his Economic Advisory Council.
According to various polls the worst President ever is Warren G. Harding (republican)
"President Harding rewarded friends and political contributors, referred to as the Ohio Gang, with financially powerful positions. Scandals and corruption eventually pervaded his administration; one of his own cabinet and several of his appointees were eventually tried, convicted, and sent to prison for bribery or defrauding the federal government."
Subjekt: Re:They are constatnly at each other's throats, to the point that the government is paralized, incapable of achieving much and incapable of changing.
Übergeek 바둑이: Which (as one person here in the UK says) just leaves two sides squabbling like school kids in a playground. If both sides refuse to work with each other then for all accounts, it leaves America in a state of civil war.
> WORST president ever. I adamantly HATE him. EVERYthing about him.
Funny thing is, that is what a lot of people said about George W. Bush. I suppose that what goes around comes around.
Well, American politics has become radicalized over the years. There are two camps: the "Left" (which are the center-right wing liberal Democrats) and the "Right" (which are the religious right wing conservatives as embodied in the Republican party). Ove the decades both parties have come to monopolize political power. They are constatnly at each other's throats, to the point that the government is paralized, incapable of achieving much and incapable of changing.
Subjekt: Post-9/11 hate killer Mark Stroman executed in Texas
A multiple murderer who went on the rampage after the 9/11 attacks, killing two people he thought were Arabs, has been executed in the US state of Texas.
Mark Stroman, 41, died by lethal injection despite last-minute representations by his lawyer at the US Supreme Court.
In his final weeks Stroman's plea for clemency was backed by Rais Bhuiyan, who was shot but survived. Mr Bhuiyan had said that killing Stroman was "not the solution".... ....Speaking to the BBC before Stroman's execution, Mr Bhuiyan, 37, said Stroman was guilty of "hate crime", but warned that his death would not achieve anything.
"His execution will not eradicate hate crimes from this world. We will just simply lose another human life," Mr Bhuiyan said.
...Stroman admitted the killings, saying he was motivated by anger at the 9/11 attacks and wanted to take revenge on Muslims - or people who resembled Muslims.
"I had some poor upbringing and I grabbed a hold of some ideas which was ignorance, you know, and hate is pure ignorance. I no longer want to be like hate, I want to be like me," he told the BBC.
rod03801: That makes two of us. He's played this debt ceiling problem right down to the wire so that he could create a crisis over it and then turn it on the republicians. He wants MORE money from the American people and he refuses to use economic policies that have worked in the past all the while insisting that we adopt all the failed policies of the past. He's anti American.
rod03801: Levin has a radio show too. I pick it up on the INTERNET. It won't surprise you to know that I like the way he yells at the libs who come on his show (call in) and try to pass a lib talking point. He flat out calls Obama a liar (which he is) and calls out the Repubes (he calls them) if they stray from conservatives principles. He makes O'Reilly look tame!
Levin says too that no matter who runs against Obama, we have to get that individual into the WH because Obama MUST go. He's ruining the country.
In just a short 30 months, he ran up 5 trillion in debt. And he's on his way to bankrupt the country. It's all calculated. Create the crisis, then fundamentally change the country (into a socialist dictatorship). He's already acting like a dictator. He bypasses congress whenever he pleases and intends on raising the debt ceiling with or without them. That would be impeachable but he's willing to risk it.
Artful Dodger: Doesn't matter who it is though, I'm voting for WHOever runs against him. It is crucial to get this incompetent out. Anyone would be less dangerous
Artful Dodger: I'm a big fan of Shaun Hannity. He just makes sense to me. (Radio Show, I don't get to watch his TV show much)
I hope we come up with someone good to go against Obama. I'm liking Bachman a lot! The libs are obviously getting scared, stooping to bringing up "migraine headaches".
Artful Dodger: I hope the tea partiers stick to their guns and don't give in to this "gang of six" crap that is trying to go through that incompetent Obama is clinging on to. Americans voted them in whole heartedly in 2010 for ONE reason. If they don't do what we want, they will be voted out too. I'm worried they are going to get wishy washy
rod03801: Wasserman Schultz started to worry some of the liberal leaders because of her many stupid statements - many which were simply proven to be fully false. How she can open her mouth and keep a straight face.
She waited until Rep. West had left the floor to direct her comments at him. It's all calculated. Now some women are crying out for an apology. I say no apology is needed. Club her again. She can't stand on her own two feet when it's a face to face confrontation.
As for Contessa Brewer, I took a peek at her FB page and she is getting hammered for her stupid question to Brooks. She condescendingly asks if he has a degree in economics as he disagreed with her claim that Obama kept the economy from going into a depression. Brewer just has a journalism degree and yet she attempted to lecture Brooks on economics. When he told her that not only did he have an economics degree, but one with highest honors, she stumbled. Out classed and out gunned.
She posted something about it on her FB page to try to save face even before the egg was dry. But it backfired. The majority of the posts are all negative against her. I've read them all and my gut hurts from laughing.
Artful Dodger: She is definitely one of the dumber more annoying libs smackin her lips on the airwaves. I hate stupid people like her, that think they are so "on top of things" and continually get shown they are foolish. Not even brave enough to admit when they screw up completely. Ignores it completely.
she claimed, “If it were up to the candidates for president on the Republican side, we would be driving foreign cars,” the RNC pointed out that Wasserman Schultz herself drives a Japanese Infiniti.
She has given Republicans material to use through the 2012 election cycle. Discussing the economy, Wasserman Schultz told Mike Allen — and those assembled and tweeting — at a recent POLITICO Playbook breakfast, “We are clearly responsible. I am going to take ownership right now. … Yeah we own — we own the economy.”
This led National Review’s Jim Geraghty to write that Wasserman Schultz “almost makes the [Republican National Committee’s] job too easy.”
Wasserman Schultz said last month that Democrats “added 12 years of solvency to Medicare,” later dialing it back to eight years. She had no evidence of support and was corrected, on-air, by CBS’s Harry Smith.
Zmenené užívateľom Papa Zoom (21. júla 2011, 03:02:14)
On Medicare, her rhetoric has been extreme. Claiming Republicans would “throw you to the wolves” earned the congresswoman a trifecta of media rebukes: The Washington Post, calling the claim “bogus,” gave her three “Pinocchios.” FactCheck.Org said, “DNC Chair Throws Truth to ‘Wolves,’” while PolitiFact just said, “We rate her statement false.”
Wasserman Schultz has insisted, “We continue to be on the right track” and that Obama “helped the economy do a 180” — despite polling and economic data screaming otherwise.
Subjekt: Wasserman Schultz has a history that's not good.
Deborah Wasserman-Schultz is a bomb thrower who suffers from a bad case of hoof in mouth disease, as well as enjoying the dubious distinction of having some of her most vitriolic attacks blow up in her face.
To wit: She attacked GOP presidential candidates for favoring foreign car companies but owns a Japanese car herself. She accused the GOP of advancing Medicare reform that would kill seniors.
Now she says that Republicans want to make a "crime" of illegal immigration. Did someone mention to her that it already is?
There's so much more to laugh at. This woman is soooo stupid.
Subjekt: Re: Allen West------ He was forced to retire from the military after he and four soldiers under his command beat up and threatened to kill an Iraqi civilian police officer that they suspected of plotting an attack.
Übergeek 바둑이: In other words a dishonourable discharge by all accounts!!
> He must be looking for a good gravy train job after office.. Maybe with News Corp or something.
Or maybe an even bigger job as a defense contractor. After his retirement from the military he became a private defense contractor and effectively trained, advised and controlled the Afghan military in Kandahar.
Wasserman Schultz said: "The gentleman from Florida, who represents thousands of Medicare beneficiaries, as do I, is supportive of this plan that would increase costs for Medicare beneficiaries. Unbelievable from a member from south Florida." "
She went on to accuse him of supporting tax breaks for millionaires, big oil and companies that ship jobs overseas, while supporting budget cuts in education and healthcare.
" A spokesman for Wasserman Schultz, Jonathan Beeton, said in an email of his own: "I don't think that Congressman West is upset at the congresswoman, but rather with the fact that she highlighted that he and other Republicans are once again trying to balance the budget on the backs of seniors, children and the middle class. ... The truth hurts." "
I think this is symptomatic of how divided congress is and how different the views of Republicans and Democrats are. People like West are pushing irresponsible tax breaks at a time when the government needs as much revenue as possible so as to avoid going into deeper debt. Then they are sustaining those breaks by cutting essential services for the poor. It is the typical Reaganomics approach to the economy.
Well, Mr. West is a controversial character. This just one more of his controversies. He is a Tea Party favorite. He was forced to retire from the military after he and four soldiers under his command beat up and threatened to kill an Iraqi civilian police officer that they suspected of plotting an attack. The detention of the man was tantamount to torture. It turned out that the man was innocent and no plans of attack or bombs were found.
Well, after hearing the Wasserman-Schultz speech I can say that there is nothing insulting or inappropriate there. It sounds more like Mr. West does not like taking criticism. I think than rather than sending that e-mail, Mr. West should have clearly addressed the issues that Wasserman-Schlutz raised. Rather than being confrontational, he should have proven that Wasserman was wrong (that is something he would not have been able to do since Wasserman accurately depicted the political and economic stance or Mr. West and other republicans.)
Rep. Allen West is a bit of a Drama Queen. The speech Debbie Wasserman Schultz made after he left was not that bad.. Just showed up that he cared more about millionaires then actual voters and them getting Medicare.
....... He must be looking for a good gravy train job after office.. Maybe with News Corp or something.
Rep. Allen West Confronts Lying “Vile & Despicable” Leftist Wasserman Schultz
Rep West did himself proud:
From: Z112 West, Allen Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 04:48 PM To: Wasserman Schultz, Debbie Cc: McCarthy, Kevin; Blyth, Jonathan; Pelosi, Nancy; Cantor, Eric Subject: Unprofessional and Inappropriate Sophomoric Behavior from Wasserman-Schultz
Look, Debbie, I understand that after I departed the House floor you directed your floor speech comments directly towards me. Let me make myself perfectly clear, you want a personal fight, I am happy to oblige. You are the most vile, unprofessional ,and despicable member of the US House of Representatives. If you have something to say to me, stop being a coward and say it to my face, otherwise, shut the heck up. Focus on your own congressional district!
I am bringing your actions today to our Majority Leader and Majority Whip and from this time forward, understand that I shall defend myself forthright against your heinous characterless behavior……which dates back to the disgusting protest you ordered at my campaign hqs, October 2010 in Deerfield Beach.
You have proven repeatedly that you are not a Lady, therefore, shall not be afforded due respect from me!
Steadfast and Loyal
Congressman Allen B West (R-FL) Good on him!
Wasserman Schultz is out classes and out gunned! I love a good fight!
Paddy Ashdown.. His Lawyer was approached to confirm whether a document that was "stolen" from his office was real. The burglary was so good that it was not noticed there was one until asked about the documents validity.. seeing as just a small amount of cash and one document went missing.
Paddy's Affair came to light just before a General Election where he and Labour posed a great threat to Maggie.
How convenient for Maggie.. She and the Conservatives must have shown alot of respect... well they did loosen the bank regs!!
Under certain laws (Foreign Corrupt Practices Act) it's illegal for any American company to bribe overseas officials.
It has emerged that for support Maggie Thatcher and the Conservative government back then let Murdoch set up BskyB ignoring all concerns just so they'd get the Murdoch's papers supporting her in the elections.
Tuesday: Right.. the Right by who's definition. By US standards our right is left or middle.. so it gets a little confusing as one definition seems impossible.
Subjekt: Re:You know how the right has a reputation for being odd and doing and saying strange things?
Tuesday: The right.. or as it seems to be 'an extension of News Corp?'
Maybe if the Australian politicians hadn't 'danced with the devil' back in the days before Murdoch went international and changed his citizenship to buy America... Things might be different. But I see he's still getting in trouble in Australia for fraud re the News Corp-owned Melbourne Storm.
Now unless it's approved by News Corp things just ain't conservative enough!!
Zmenené užívateľom Bernice (18. júla 2011, 03:33:30)
Looks as tho the Brits are in all sorts of poo with their Govt. looking as tho they are one and all corrupt...starting at the top. But I did hear that the tea Lady is exempt hahahaha
Rebekah Brooks has been arrested by police investigating allegations of phone hacking by the News of the World and allegations that police officers were bribed to leak sensitive information.
The Metropolitan police said a 43-year-old woman was arrested at noon on Sunday, by appointment at a London police station.
Brooks, 43, resigned on Friday as News International's chief executive. She is a former News of the World editor and was close to Rupert Murdoch and the prime minister, David Cameron.
Brooks was due to give evidence before MPs on the culture select committee on Tuesday.
An arrest by appointment on a Sunday by police is unusual.
In a statement the Met said: "The MPS [Metropolitan police service] has this afternoon, Sunday 17 July, arrested a female in connection with allegations of corruption and phone hacking.
"At approximately 12.00 a 43-year-old woman was arrested by appointment at a London police station by officers from Operation Weeting [phone hacking investigation] together with officers from Operation Elveden [bribing of police officers investigation]. She is currently in custody.
"She was arrested on suspicion of conspiring to intercept communications, contrary to Section1(1) Criminal Law Act 1977 and on suspicion of corruption allegations contrary to Section 1 of the Prevention of Corruption Act 1906.
"The Operation Weeting team is conducting the new investigation into phone hacking.
"Operation Elveden is the investigation into allegations of inappropriate payments to police. This investigation is being supervised by the Independent Police Complaints Commission.
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