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Subjekt: Re: The minimum wage damages the economy and labour market!!... how in your view?
Zmenené užívateľom Mort (18. januára 2011, 20:28:07)
SL-Mark: Or that there are various different opinions on economics that if you do know economics you'd know.
If you feel that no minimum wage is a great idea, I disagree. It does nothing to encourage a skilled and liquid labour market. if people see they are going to get less than peanuts for a job, less than they would unemployed.. why work? the lack of such a minimum wage is a tax on the income the government gets. As such it is also exploitation. And has led to much civil unrest in the past. Which is another drain of public funds.. which, are raised on taxes.. as I'm sure you know.
I've seen (before minimum was introduced) companies staff changing rapidly, as people moved on quickly. It wasn't they didn't like the job, just they could not afford to live on the pay. The result being that new staff had to be advertised for and trained. When a decent wage was paid. People stuck at the job.
As for higher costs. Shop around.. haggle.. ebay. Labour costs are a small % of the actual retail price usually, as I'm sure you know.
Subjekt: The minimum wage damages the economy and labour market!!... how in your view?
(V): You have not stated the basis of your question, your position, nor your knowledge on the subject. Hence communicating the answer in a way that you might understand is my challenge.
I can only surmise from your question that either:
a) You don't understand simple economics. This is fine, just say so, and I'm sure I can explain this in lay-mans terms that you can understand, or
b) You disagree with me. In which case you don't understand simple economics (see option a), or
c) You agree with me In which case not sure why you asked.
Übergeek 바둑이: 1....." the US does not use its own oil because it does not have enough." yes and no. the majority of US consumption is imported,but not all. in the 80's my younger brothers drilled oil wells in Texas and Oklahoma (roughnecks). they'd strike oil...figure out how many barrels a day it would produce...then cap it. 1 in 10 wells were left to pump, and that pumped oil was sent to US refineries.
2....."Here in Alberta, Canada, we produce enough oil to supply about 15% of American demand. We are the biggest supplier of oil to the US now." and when saudi finally taps out..canada finally caps out...brazil..etc. ...the US will still have a capped reserve.
3....." Oil is the biggest business in the world and suppliers (companies, OPEC, etc.) are constantly trying to manipulate prices to maximize their profits. Governments are corrupt and they sell their integrity to oil companies. "
Mousetrap: Because the system is complicated that even those in the know have a hard time dealing with it. I saw on a prog one lady with a disabled son lose out due to not ticking a box that was in the small print. Luckily she was able to get what she was owed backdated. Yet a fraudster working full time for years and only getting caught through that he was selling dodgy DVD's at a market stall.. the one he had been working full time at for years!!
As to rent.. I know someone who got a letter saying they owed money after they moved, even though they had been paying via direct debit and had a letter saying all was in order. N' someone who was supposed to advice people on what to do when a landlord is slow on repairs.... not know that the tenant is within their rights to use the rent money to pay for essential repairs and just present the landlord with the receipt.
(V): It is a wonder they left it that long to ask for the money. I have only to go over a week late with the rent and there is a letter in the post. People who do things the right way are always the ones they demand money off first whereas people who do things the wrong way mostly seem to get left in peace. .
Subjekt: Re: The system is certainly well up the creek without a paddle
Mousetrap: I'm just glad I'm out of the system. Some of the horror stories that I have heard...
.. eg, a couple working claiming Working families Tax credit find that after some time thanks to the confusion of the red tape... they owe over £2K back. The only thing they did was to attempt the adoption of a teenager which went wrong. The news came over needing to repay a year after the event.
> Okay.. so why don't we use our own oil?? Why refine it to send it off just to get oil from somewhere else??
In answer to your first question: the US does not use its own oil because it does not have enough. Even if the companies were to drill in Alaska and do deep sea drilling in the gulf of Mexico, the US still wouldn't have enough oil to meet the demand.
The US has approximately 5% of the people in the world. Yet it consumes about 36% of the crude oil in the world. Based on pure statistics, the average American citizen is consuming about 6 times the amount of oil that a person in a developing country (like China) would consume. This has to do with lifestyle. Americans like big cars (at least ehy did in the past. That trend is changing). Americans use a lot of electricity and energy for heating, air conditioning and illumination (consider all the Christmas lights in the street, for example).
It is this high demand that has moved the US to import most of its oil. Here in Alberta, Canada, we produce enough oil to supply about 15% of American demand. We are the biggest supplier of oil to the US now. We supply even more oil than Saudi Arabia. Both American and Canadian companies have pursued oil exploration and drilling in Canada because we are a friendly country to the US. We are a stable democracy and we share the largest undefended border in the world.
In reality the US refines most of its own crude oil, and exports little refined product. What the US exports is technology for exploration, drilling and refining.
A change in energy policy in the US (or around the world for that matter) will require not just a change in government attitude, but also a change in the attitude of suppliers (oil and energy companies) and a change in the attitude of consumers. Oil is the biggest business in the world and suppliers (companies, OPEC, etc.) are constantly trying to manipulate prices to maximize their profits. Governments are corrupt and they sell their integrity to oil companies. Consumers just want cheap, abundant energy and until recently they were not willing to change their consumption patterns. Now that oil is so expensive we are starting to see a shift in consumer attitude. People wants to improve the energy efficiency of their homes, appliances and vehicles. However, we forget that only 25 years ago most people didn't care much for saving energy.
Bernice: . They are trying to change things here. The trouble is people who need the money are having it took off them or cant get it in the process. The system is certainly well up the creek without a paddle
ScarletRose:I'll bite....theres as many women in politics these days as men... just so you know,(in case you havent gotton any recent news up in your inexpensive rural area) the United States imports the vast majority of its oil and has done so for over 30 years. Oil prices skyrocketed with the O.P.E.C. conference. so other than continually trying to make this some sex(he v/s she) conversation, what is your point?
Subjekt: Re: I'm not getting into a mud slinging with you.
(V): Well, I can't answer that specifically for the populace of the USA. Personnally, I welcome immigrant labour, whether it is legal or illegal. Why would I want to pay a higher cost for something? The minimum wage is a form of tax and consequently damages both economy and labour market... simple economics!
A few years ago gasoline rose up to $4 per gal here in the states. Now.. we import the oil .. yet, when we have the oil over here why is it we are paying to import in here.. I would rather see jobs available to our country men by processing the oil our country has rather than pay a high dollar for that being brought in. Is it because we have men making the final decision??
Subjekt: But 99 weeks of unemployment compensation is WAY beyond reasonable.
99 weeks?
gosh that isnt very long...there are those in the UK and other countries that have collected a benefit from their Govts. for years and years. 3 names of employers, and signed byt them are all that is needed for another 2 weeks benefit.
Some are born into poverty and just follow on from their parents/grandparents, because there is no work ethic, and they are a bludge on society.
I wish the UK, Aust etc would do what the USA does, and MAKE it hard for them to live on ""hand-outs""
Illegal immigrants are cheap labour. As such these savings in costs are passed down through to the retail end via mark up and profit margins.
To completely eradicate Illegal immigrants from the USA (or reduce by a good %) the work force has to be replaced. As no USA citizen is going to accept the bad pay and work conditions illegals experience then wages must increase.. otherwise it's a no brainer.
Unless... you are happy that illegal immigrants are replaced by basically slave USA labour working for peanuts, and as such unable to feed and look after their families as Americans want everything on the cheap.
Subjekt: Re: I'm not getting into a mud slinging with you.
Zmenené užívateľom Mort (17. januára 2011, 21:38:18)
rod03801: I wasn't. I'm stating economic and business facts. This is what businesses rely on to run.
If anything is silly it's you thinking people should work on low wages just so you can get cheap goods, and that businesses will stop employing illegal immigrants when they have legal loopholes letting them.
Subjekt: Re:Yes, perfect for the ones who have been unemployed for 99 weeks who whine about unemployment benefits ending.
(V): And as usual, you are giving the image that you argue, simply for the sake of arguing. Round and round and round. I can't be bothered with the silliness. I'm not getting into a mud slinging with you.
Subjekt: Re:Yes, perfect for the ones who have been unemployed for 99 weeks who whine about unemployment benefits ending.
ScarletRose: I've seen farmers here go out of business as the supermarkets are unwilling to pay a fair rate for milk. Chicken farmers getting 3p a chicken profit whilst the middlemen and chains get a £1 or more profit.
Yes, it's all nice being young and just starting in the job market... But those who've been caught out by this bank crash.. It's a different matter.
Subjekt: Re:Yes, perfect for the ones who have been unemployed for 99 weeks who whine about unemployment benefits ending.
(V): Most people in the US live way beyond their means.. They have house loans, student loans, auto loans and credit cards they shuffle payment after payment to.. they have to depend on two solid incomes to maintain their budget. When this started their was monies granted to banks.. but, also stimulus monies to help those homeowners.. The people who rent.. such as myself didn't have the luxuries of getting this extra money. I am amazed the prices of real estate. I grew up knowing that people had to work for their life styles I know the younger crowd thinks they get to start at the top.. and they can if their credit cards and score allow them to. Take their job from them and they start losing stuff cause all their monies are tied up in paying loans off.. not saving..
ScarletRose: Here in the UK all you need to do is prove you are hunting actively for a job to get unemployment. And they will ask you to go for jobs you will not get... but at least if you don't get it you will not be penalized. Just the application makes your job search look good for their figures!!
Subjekt: Re:Yes, perfect for the ones who have been unemployed for 99 weeks who whine about unemployment benefits ending.
(V): U have no idea what my understanding is. You just don't read everything completely?
And yes, unfortunately there is really no way around it. All of us will have to sacrifice in some way to fix all the damage that has been done, by those who wanted to turn things this way.
I feel fortunate at this time that we live in an area that is affordable. Although, it doesn't offer many professional career jobs it does have the service type jobs and even if having to work for minimum wage I know we are still able to at least pay for housing.. luckily, I was not spoiled with high paychecks as an adult to where I am suffering right now.. Finding that analysts feel that my age group on up will be the ones who don't get chosen right off who may trickle back to sufficient jobs is unsettling to me. Though probably not as much as the one who is used to a larger budget. I do know that being a professional Dan has run into stumbling blocks.. he is repeatedly told he is way over qualified and is usually passed over for that and his age. Those people on the 99 weeks are so being judged to where others think they are just sitting on their butts. They aren't.. I know Dan and I have put out several thousands in the past 3 summers just for interviews.. due to the travel and the costs related.. this is monies we have labored with odd jobs, or working on the family horse ranches, or delivered newspapers to earn.. the time Dan spends alone submitting his resume' and balancing everything else is amazing.. What advantage we have is our cost of living isn't pushing us out of our house..
Subjekt: Re:Yes, perfect for the ones who have been unemployed for 99 weeks who whine about unemployment benefits ending.
rod03801: *sigh* In the end if you are unwilling to pay, or the businesses are unwilling to pay for the extra for the extra costs of a legal labour force... Who is?
If the labour cost NOW of a product through use of illegal immigration is 25% and that through a legal labour force goes up to 45%.. are you willing to pay extra at the till.
If you are not, no business unless forced is going to stop using cheap labour. If one does and another does not.... One will go out of business through being undercut.
Otherwise I must say (no insult) your understanding of economic realities is zilch. The big shops will always want to use the cheaper supplier. In this case the farmer who charges less.
Subjekt: Re:Yes, perfect for the ones who have been unemployed for 99 weeks who whine about unemployment benefits ending.
(V): Um, no it isn't. I say ship back every illegal immigrant. There are obviously plenty of CITIZENS who need work. If they have to work at minimum wage for a while, because they can't get their preferred job? SO BE IT. I'd certainly do it before sitting on my rear end and taking handouts from the government for 99 weeks.
NO ONE takes care of ME, except ME.
God how many times does it need to be said? People CAN and SHOULD be able to get help occasionally, if they need it. But the kind of help being given out right now is NOT reasonable. Most who go beyond what any thinking/sane/reasonable person would see as reasonable are LAZY and TAKING advantage of those of us who are HARD workers and would do WHATever it takes to take care of ourselves and our families before turning for help.
Subjekt: Re:Yes, perfect for the ones who have been unemployed for 99 weeks who whine about unemployment benefits ending.
(V): Little insults will kindly be left off this board? No? I suggest they are.
As I said, a little help is one thing. 99 weeks or more is WAY beyond a little help.
And yes, unfortunately there is really no way around it. All of us will have to sacrifice in some way to fix all the damage that has been done, by those who wanted to turn things this way.
Can't really say I have a problem with people working for minimum wage though, for a while, if that's what NEEDS to be done. Perhaps give them a little LESS help then, rather than paying what we are paying now for them to sit around and be "picky" about what they do for work?
rod03801: That's when the likes of the legal age for sex was 13.. Children were treated as cheap labour and the such. A grand old time of kids dying up chimneys!!
Subjekt: Re:Yes, perfect for the ones who have been unemployed for 99 weeks who whine about unemployment benefits ending.
rod03801: Are you willing as a consumer ( the first part of my question) TO PAY for the extra costs involved to the likes of the food industry of having a non illegal immigrant workforce.
Let's forget about relocation costs.. The fact that a simple little fed or state help would cut long term employment is hard to comprehend I know for some.
Übergeek 바둑이: So? people learned the language and culture eventually, didn't they?
If you cater to everyone like all the "politically correct" people want to do, there is no reason for them to work to adapt. They can just go on and on like they did where they came from. Plus now they expect to be taken care of too! It wasn't like that 100 years ago!
Subjekt: Re:Yes, perfect for the ones who have been unemployed for 99 weeks who whine about unemployment benefits ending.
(V): People need to take care of THEMSELVES.
I don't turn to any government to take care of ME. I work hard and pay my bills.
Someone can certainly need HELP from time to time. And I'm all for that. But 99 weeks of unemployment compensation is WAY beyond reasonable. It's not MY duty to take care of someone like that forever.
I don't care about relocation costs / minimum wage. You DO what you have to DO to take care of yourself and your family.
People always forget what the origins of modern immigration policies in English-speaking countries are.
It used to be that places like Europe, The USA, Canada, Japan, etc. enjoyed a relatively steady population growth because people used to have 4 or 5 children per family. Then as people became more educated, they decided that having 1 or 2 children was enough. As the birth rate dropped, economic growth started to slow down and a young labour force was needed to maintain economic growth and sustain an aging population. In some countries things became such that they actually started experiencing negative population growth, meaning that less people were born than the number of those who died.
Immigration became an economic necessity to provide a steady source of low priced labour. Places like Canada, the USA, Australia and Western Europe accept millions of immigrants each year. Most of those immigrants end up doing work for wages below what the local population would accept. It is the economic reality of those who immigrate out of economic need.
Of course, all those people come with their own culture and language. The local population want the immigrants to learn the language and integrate. If immigrants arrive as young kids, they will learn the language easily and integrate readily into their new country. If immigrants come as adults, the story is different. Having to work, raise a family, and meet daily lives responsibilities is not conducive to easily learning a new language.
The people who scream "Adapt" are usually those who were never immigrants themselves and who do not realize that for an adult to learn a new language is no piece of cake. Neither is it easy for an adult to abandon customs and religion. To put it into perspective: "Would the average western woman be willing to live in the way that women live in some Islamic countries in Asia and Africa?" Of course, western culture is "superior", so it is the others who should adapt.
In reality, there is a "simple" solution to all this. Australians (or whoever) don't have to put up with immigrants. All that they have to do is have women quit their jobs, stay home and raise families with 5 or 6 kids. That is what their grandparents' generation did, and they did not always need to bring all those immigrants who refuse to abandon their religions. believes, customs and languages. I wonder if the same politicians who have the "guts" to yell at immigrants would also have the guts to yell at women for not quitting their jobs and staying home to raise more kids?
Create fair labor standards in this country and maybe we wouldn’t need so many foreign workers.
A key reform that touches on the immigration issue, but reaches way beyond it, is to provide labor rights protection to farm workers and all sort of other work environments where undocumented workers are now exploited.
One of the first things I would do to change the illegal immigration problem is to not only crack down on businesses that hire undocumented workers, I’d also crack down on their wage and employment tactics. No more “labor contractors”. And if the workers wanted to unionize, protect their rights to do so. An obstacle to that approach is Republicans are genereally as anti-union as they are anti-immigrant.
My guess is a lot of immigration raids in certain sectors are actually triggered by the employer dropping the dime on their illegal works because the workers started complaining about 12 hour shifts, unsafe working conditions, and the failure to pay for overtime. With an endless supply of undocumented workers to fill the jobs of the deported troublemakers, the wage slavery continues.
Many of the industries employing undocumented aliens have exemptions from minimum wage laws. Those exemptions must be eliminated. Then maybe a lot more citizens will take these jobs.
The “crew chief” business needs to be busted up. The agricultural sector has fought unionization because they don’t want the higher costs that union contracts would create.
But is it just the higher costs for labor that is the problem, or the pass through of the higher costs to the ultimate consumer…you and I.
Because we want everything as cheap as possible, our demand for cheapness flows backwards through the system to fuel the need for undocumented workers who can be exploited. That flow back occurs not only in agriculture, but in construction, the hospitality industry, and into our yards and homes.
Tuesday: I can't stand Bush either, and definitely didn't vote for him. So put that in your hat before you get all high n mighty.
And I don't care who they became unemployed under. (Though, HMMMMM, 99 weeks is about 2 years, no?) They need to get back to work doing SOMETHING. We shouldn't be paying for THAT long.
And again, you're making assumptions. I am NOT a republican.
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