Sam has closed his piano and gone to bed ... now we can talk about the real stuff of life ... love, liberty and games such as Janus, Capablanca Random, Embassy Chess & the odd mention of other 10x8 variants is welcome too
For posting: - invitations to games (you can also use the New Game menu or for particular games: Janus; Capablanca Random; or Embassy) - information about upcoming tournaments - disussion of games (please limit this to completed games or discussion on how a game has arrived at a certain position ... speculation on who has an advantage or the benefits of potential moves is not permitted while that particular game is in progress) - links to interesting related sites (non-promotional)
Zoznam diskusných klubov
Nie je vám dovolené písať správy do tohto klubu. Minimálna úroveň členstva vyžadovaná na písanie v tomto klube je Brain pešiak.
Ok lets start out fresh. Everyone can post again, but lets try to keep the discussion on the game of Gothic Chess itself not on personal attacks by anyone.
That’s a lot of games, folks. That means that there are a lot of stories to tell. I would like to hear some of them. If you are playing in one of the games, post your side of the story—tell us about your favorite win, loss, or struggle. Any thoughts?
I'm not sure who she is, but somehow the Mode was changed without me doing it. Apparently she is able to do that without even consulting me. I'm not happy about this seeing how I've been online all this time and she could have sent me a message or two about her concerns. This board is nothing like it was last year and she is overreacting. I'm going to ban her from this board until I get some answer from her. As I was typing a long post concerning doing this very thing, I will leave what she has done in place for the time being. If she has the power to change the Mode, she might also have the power to unban herself and/or even remove me as moderator. Depending on her replies to me or what action she might take, I'll be talking to Fencer about the whole subject. I'm sure he didn't have someone like her abusing whatever power he has given her without even the courtesy of a note to the people involved.
Hey Walter hello,
since you approve the messages and this will not become visible(i wrote it instead of a personal message) i'm writing to express my thoughts, i see now you will have to do much work since you are the only moderator left and the most important: you have to approve all the messages.
Ugghh , too tiring!!! I suggest you to change this for 2 important reasons:
1)It's awful(personal and not only, opinion)!
2)You will have to do a harder job.......
A better system will be: If you see something that you don't approve, then give a notice to the poster and if he repeats it, then you should just punish him for 1 weak or something........
He he, most people would always fight for religions, politics, teams and in every other matter possible. About everything..........! They will always find something.......
I have never tried seriously, to find the reason. I will try to think about it a little. Does anyone knows it.....?
Personally i would never care less if someone insulted me even with the most ugly way, or said awful things about me(even lies).......I don't care!
It's a matter of world's understanding.......
Thad: I am not a judge, dear friend. I do not know what got "public", but my opinion is the following: As you can not stop using program help here you can not prevent the copy and paste of messages, postings and so on.
Players and Boards have to live with this facts.
Any way: When I make a copy&paste from steamrollers to e.g. my website I can not see any point why i can not do this.
Is it now new here? The moderator has to approve postings? If this is so i will remove this board from my favourite.
(That is not against you, Walter!)
Pedro - Thanks for your concern regarding my chess games. I have only learned chess a very short time ago, and have played the variations very little. I'm pleased with my progress, and you are free to browse my profile as you wish.
Guys, can we please discuss now about Gothic Chess and not about what some Gothic Chess players whispered here?
Compared to other boards this board here often go into a flaming board.
So, please calm down and lets discuss about Gothic Chess! Many beginners asked me what in my opnion is a good opening system (NOT theory!) for Gothic Chess. Any hints?
Andromedical: Ah, sure, this comes as a surprise. I'll remove you right after I post this reply. I think you've done very well as moderator and will be missed. Are you sure you won't reconsider? Any reason for resigning, or you just looking for other things to do?
I'm sorry to say I'm removing this discussion board from my "Favourite boards". I joined it to explore a fascinating game but the signal-to-noise ratio is too high. I'm not interested in ad hominem attacks, whether or not they're justified. It's sad that five star talent seems to be being wasted on all sides.
That's fun. Remember how he thought Rants and Raves was set up as an anti-Walter-support-the-puppet fellowship? I dont know if in the US you have the expression "poor fish"(?) either way the behaviour of GP has consistently exemplified the thrust of this.
If the off-topic post was by somebody who cared about the game, that is different. You don't see me lurking on the Pente board waiting for someone to make an off-topic post, it just does not make sense.
EdTrice: We can dispute if Off-Topic is "allowed" or not. In fact bumble said, that this all was off-topic before his postings.
But I can not see any doubt where you must show one game of bumble which he lost and touch that bumble does not play many gothic chess games.
I do not want to comment Pedros postings - I have my own meaning of all what here happened, but you should think a little bit: You was banned, now unbanned, came back ... and what is it now?
Zmenené užívateľom PhatPlaya 臭臭小指 (2. apríla 2005, 19:00:03)
Come on little Klingons, now play nice.
Were we off topic? Of course we were. Does it matter? Not really.
Let's lighten up a little. It does not matter if we are a little off topic. Read most boards. Half of the things posted are not on topic.
If Bumble points it out, he is right, but that is alright, no big deal.
And if Bumble does not play that much Gothic Chess, that is alright too. People play what they want and what they enjoy. It is a free world.
And the name calling? Why let personal animosities get in the way of fun?
Has it occurred to you all that when you go on like this on the board I am the one who gets the complaints as personal messages?
We are all in the same boat here, trying to stave off the daily routine by playing games and having some fun. Remember? F-U-N, unless you enjoy spilling your bile, and what is worse, mine too.
As moderator, I hate hiding people and I hate editing posts. Should I turn this into the Poetry Board, where posts are pre-approved?
I don't know what you guys are talking about, I have made use of the "hide" feature with that individual for over a year now. It's like that person does not exist, which is fine with me.
That's the problem with humour: not all of it is universal. I was highly amused by ughaibu's posting. I thought it both creative and funny, and I couldn't believe that anyone would take offence. But as a fellow Brit of mature years it's likely that ughaibu and I have senses of humour that overlap to some extent.
Humour is sometimes a risk, especially when it's cross-culture. But today is April Fool's Day, and it's just possible that Andromedical is playing a joke on us by pretending to take things so seriously!
Zmenené užívateľom PhatPlaya 臭臭小指 (1. apríla 2005, 02:30:49)
Being a moderator is not easy. On the one hand, we want to avoid flame wars and personal insults. On the other hand, we don't want to be Fascists who deny people freedom of expression.
Initially I hid Ughaibu's post because it was an attempt to provoke Ed Trice. I know there are players who dislike the Gothic Chess patent. I will be honest and say I am one of them. However, I don't like personal attacks either. As a moderator I am suppossed to be impartial and put my feelings aside. To say I find all this extremely difficult is an understatement.
After some careful thought, I decided to lift the hide on Ughaibu's posts. If Ed is insulted he can defend himself publicly. Reader's can make up their mind as to who is right or wrong.
We should all learn to ignore these things. We are suppossed to be adults.
Ughaibu: Have you been downing that bad scotch again? No need to be insulting mate.
Ed: No need to be offended. We are too old to be drawn into childish arguments.
(skryť) Ak potrebujete vyhľadať starší odkaz od určitého hráča, kliknite na jeho profil a v prvom riadku za prihlasovacím menom nájdete možnosť zobraziť správy od tohoto užívateľa. (konec) (zobraziť všetky tipy)