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Tuesday: You're right. I'd never thought of it that way. But, I do the same thing, depending on what is in my head on a certain day. I might be listening to more classical since today, for the first time in years, I opened the cover to the keys of my piano, and ran a couple arpeggios before driving to work.
Nirvana: That was really cute! It reminded me a little of Finding Nemo.
This being close to the end of Watermelon season, I thought a little Watermelon Man might cool us off. I wish I could nave a keyboard like that one. I used to hate that I played piano, because I couldn't pack it into a case, throw it in the car and go. That's why I took up the Uke, and eventually guitars - portability. Well, here's the solution.
Jim Dandy: Let me just swallow this lump in my throat, and would you happen to have a tissue? Really well-done. But, now I have to watch the rest of them.
I heard this woman on Pandora this evening, and went on an all-out search for her music. Of course, YouTube didn't let me down. The bonus in this piece is the kaleidoscope that is the video. Carthy is the daughter of Martin Carthy, and Norma Waterson, both musicians. Eliza Carthy's contribution is her work with traditional English folk music. You might enjoy this, so it is here for your consideration. Eliza Carthy If you know about her, please tell me more.
Zmenené užívateľom TexasToest (1. septembra 2007, 20:06:28)
Jim Dandy: He has a good voice, given some training, he might be excellent. The lyrics are ... well ... limited. But, what LUNGS!!!!! I liked some of the take-offs of it, though. They were pretty funny.
Ooooops, I messed up. I didn't mean to do Seger twice, I meant to do this
Subjekt: Re: Comments....they haven't done anything since 1982
Jim Dandy: You have all the breaks you want/need. You have quite a few years to catch up at the turn of the millenium. Just don't fall behind while you are catching up. But then, what can be more fun than discovery? Captain Beefheart is a national treasure. I'm happy you found him.
TexasToest: Lmbo! No its nothing special, I just need someone to show me the ropes as I am kinda tone deaf lmbo! I found the line up to last Monday night. It is not a video but does say who was there.
Tuesday: Maybe Elvis didn't play the tamborine, but we can have anything we want to use to make music. Triangle would be nice. A triangle interlude might be a spiritual thing. Diversity is part of the nature of creativity.
Mousetrap: Hahaha! When I first read your post, I thought you said you find "gospel" on YouTube. Was I ever surprised!!! Strong band, though. The singer seems quite dynamic. Do you have to do a certain kind of dance to their music?
Jim Dandy: I think Japan skipped Texas....who's surprised? But, they haven't done anything since 1982, or so I read. Before that, they were pretty actively engaged in promoting themselves. It's always a shame when bands like that quit before they really hit.
Subjekt: Re: More about the entertainment at this event
TexasToest: I manage to find The Gossip on utube. They were playing this tune in all the gay night clubs and someone taught me to dance to it lmbo!
Jim Dandy: Wow! What an opener!! You must have really had a great time. Tell me, where were you standing there in the audience? I didn't see you. Well, I wouldn't have recognized you anyway. You're bushed? I thought the only place people were Bushed was the U.S. - please 'scuse me. The Tom Robinson vid was upbeat. It's nice when people can be themselves, and be proud of who they are. In this country, especially down here in redneck land, a lot of people feel like they have to hide. Heck, I hide, and I'm not anything but a boring professional.
Tuesday: OK! Maybe we should buy the tent? Oh, and some tamborines?
Mousetrap: Welcome back!! You'll have to tell us more about the entertainment at this event.
Mousetrap: Sorry,not up on either of them mouse.A real gem just came to mind though,Tom Robinson was an old favorite of mine back in the new wave punk days.I hope you and others enjoy this song he wrote and recorded,it became an antham of sorts for many gay kids back in the day
Anyway as just one or maybe two or three people know I went to Gay pride last weekend in Manchester. One band from NY was called Gossip who,s lead singer is lesbian. I never heard of them but maybe Jim will know about them? The first night I was there there was no interpreter but the next two nights there were. Gareth Gates was there but he needed winding up. I posted a video of him singing Spirit in the sky a while back. He did not get a good reception. Someone called Angi was there too and she was way pregnant and appeared just for pride. Everyone loved her. Then there was another star who sang "Whole again" I am not sure if she was from Atomic Kitten or it could be Destiny Child. Anyway I had a fantastic time and the rave was free.
Subjekt: Re: As I prepare myself for tonites Poison concert They were entertaining,good ole r n r,no deep meaning.There was a point I thought had the potential to be very special musically.CC Deville began playing an instrumental version of Georgia accompanied only by the keyboardist.I was just settling in to enjoy it when he all the sudden ended it with some crazy speed guitar,maybe he didn't trust the audience enough to play it to completion,oh well.
I didn't mind Damn Yankees,a bit of a super group.I had thought they played You can still rock in America,I guess they kinda did,Jack Blades was in both Night Ranger and DY,and they covered it,good song.
Hiya Folks! Remember me? lmbo! Have,nt forgot abot this board. Just not known much about the American bands being posted lately and also I been away. Since I got back Firefox has been playing up and I canna play the videos properly even on utube Nice to see all the posts on here though!
Tuesday: Well, come on, sister. Let's get this thing started! I have some friends that could fill out a choir. Excellent singers.
Jim Dandy: I wish I'd known Brighton Rock. I like them too. Like you, I really didn't get off on the "hair bands" as you call them. Maybe that was when I was beginning to grow up. Hope you had fun at the concert last night.
Subjekt: Re: As I prepare myself for tonites Poison concert
Jim Dandy: I was all set to go to a Poison concert many many years ago - but a few weeks before the concert, it was canceled (think it was when they broke up) - It was going to be at the Illinois State Fair. (mid 90's) - so instead went to the Damn Yankee's concert that was on a different night - which meant I had to switch from the cheap costing hotel to another one that had rooms that was about 4 times as much.... which in turn made the whole experiance a not very good one.
Poison is one of the bands I would like to see... since I missed my chance back then.