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Nie je vám dovolené písať správy do tohto klubu. Minimálna úroveň členstva vyžadovaná na písanie v tomto klube je Brain jazdec.
Everyone ran for cover. Including the man with the bottle. "Stop him!" Shouted Clyde. But the man had dissapeard. "Too late Dad!" "Get in the van!" Shouted Tony above the torrential rain. They both got in the van and sat there waiting for the rain to stop. 'Well! That went well!" Said Tony. "What happens now?"
Mousetrap: "Not to worry, ol boy," said Clyde. "We've still got 6 days left in this town, but we must find that man who grabbed that bottle within 48 hours! Shouldn't be too hard in this small town."
ketchuplover: "We may as well go back to the b and b and try to get some rest for a few hours" When they got back to the b and b Tony looked at the opened bottle, smelt it, looked closer then said " Here! Dad! I think this bottles been doctored!" "What?" Said Clyde and grabbed the bottle. "We best check the others!" " Your right!" " Now we have to find him and we need to find out what's in these bottles. Set the lab equipment up now"
Mousetrap: "Ok dad, I'm on it!" (Meanwhile) I got caught in the rain and ran for cover, then noticed Clyde coming out of the b&b in a panic. " Hi Clyde," I said. "Are you enjoying your stay here? You seem worried. Everything ok?"
MelissaMarie: " Err um yes yes of course!" Said Clyde sounding very flustered. " You sure?" "Yes oh yes its very nice here! Oh! Did you see that man that took a squig out one of the bottles yesterday? Do you know them?" "Of course" l said "Everyone does! Not reknown for being tactful round here. Why? What's up?" "Oh no reason. Well l must get on!" And then Clyde ran towards the van.
Hmm, that Clyde sure is acting strangely. Wonder where he was off to in such a hurry... and wonder why he was asking about Henry, and why is Henry taking swigs out of bottles. Well, I better get what I came for. Hope this rain stops soon."
MelissaMarie: Clyde gets his bottle back from the man who ran off with it, him and his son made lots of money selling it the very next day, enough for them to move on , then they drove off and everybody went on about their life. The End. ;-)
Subjekt: The Old Flag by Jeff Laferriere wrriten 1983 and read on the Blue-grass Radio by Billy Bluegrass
I was walking into an old general store when I spotted a worn American flag on the wall... It's ends were tattered and frayed...the stripes were faded. It had forty-eight stars on a whitened field of blue. I went into the store and I continued shopping inside the store and made my choices, then...after I set my purchase down, I spoke to the old man. "isn't it time to get a new flag, sir?" I asked The old man stood there silently and there was no change in his expression...then finally-he spoke: "Son..." he replied, "ME and my buddies PLAYED under THAT flag! "Later," he continued, "...we JOINED the Army to FIGHT under that flag...some of us DIED for it!" "Yes," he concluded, "We FAUGHT AND DIED for it so that an American child could play SAFELY while BELIEVING that ANYTHING can be done without being oppressed...The same rights YOUR youngsters enjoy today!" "Son..." he finished, "I would not replace THAT flag for all the gold...IN THE WORLD! As I turned to leave, I thought about his words and when I went outside, I SALUTED that old flag!
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