Discuss about interesting chess variants that are not implemented on BrainKing yet.
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Maybe we can play a test tourney. We could play it with four players, to see what opinions result. OLTI27 could played, maybe Egzot, and me (shame that nabla cant play it). We would need another one.
Ukimix: Well all I can say is that your variant deserves to be playtested ! My advice would be to start some unrated Atomic games here with players who are ready to play by those rules. It shouldn't be long to see whether the variant works well or not. Unfortunately I can't be one of those players (at least not for now), I need a lot of IRL time right now.
Ukimix: It will be very interesting to se how tha game evalve this way. Probably it will give to the game more strategy without losing the taktik and dynamicity that makes atomic chess so fun. I think to give it a try and test play it.
I would like to propose to add a new chess variant to the site. It is quite easy and it is really fun. I call it: "Atomic-x" or "Atomix".
You know, atomic is an explosive variant, cause, taking a piece is like let down a small bomb in the square whre the piece is taken: every piece one square arround disappears (with the exception for pawns).
Well Atomic-X chess is even a more explosive game. It is played with the same rules than Atomic Chess, but with this two additional rules: 1. when a piece is captured, not only disappear the pieces around the taken piece, but also the square in wich one the piece were taken. So, nobody can locate a piece in that square from now on. 2. Once a square has disappear (by some capture on it) no attacks are allowed trougth that square, neither a piece can pass trougth that square; i.e. if white takes Nc8, it will be impossible for black to do long castle (o-o-o), since rock can pass trougth c8 square.
That is all!
I think about this variant cause i used to play atomic chess. Atomic players can find it interesting, i guess.
What do u think about adding this new variant? :-)
Sir, You are kind to let me and others have a go at this. Checkmating the knight is easier than you think if you can get bishops or the queen to place pressure on the knight
It is the same as standard chess but the knights and kings swap places, meaning you start with two kings where the knights are and one knight where the king is. Castling is permitted with the knight and en passant is still available. A pawn can promote to a king but not a knight. Just like the king, a knight cannot move into check, and it must move out of check on the very next move. All other rules are the same as standard chess. An intriguing game full of suprise moves!
Would anyone like to play Modern Chess? It's Chess on a 9x9 board with an extra Prime Minister (or Minister/Archbishop = B + N) and a 9th pawn. It looks like fun.
While in the original setup both Bishops start up in the dark squares, there is a "Bishop-Castling" rule in this game which allows a player to swap places for one (and only one) of the Bishops with the adjacent Knight, Queen or Minister, therefore ending up with a Bishop on the light squares, just like in normal chess. The Bishop castling is optional though, and if one feels that playing with both Bishops on the dark squares is better, they can do so.
On the way to work today i came up with the idea for a "Tafl Chess" variant - basically the pieces have the same moves as in regular chess but capture is by flanking (like in Tablut) rather than substitution as in normal chess. I played a game out when I got home and it seems to work - any thoughts?
Haven't checked to see if this has been discussed before (apologies if so), but has anyone ever encountered Arimaa before? I just found it on Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arimaa if you want to take a look). Interesting looking game - now I just have to find a way to play it!
ChessChampion: It's not unprogrammable. Zillions of Games has it. I think the Chess Variants site has it too, but I'm not sure of that. I and others have requested Ultima on BrainKing.
Zmenené užívateľom ScorpionOct64 (30. decembra 2007, 18:52:10)
I play dice chess alot and came up with a idea...what if king is to move but will put him in check or if he is in check?...it would be nice to elimiate king move into check and also be able to roll only possible pieces to stop when you are in check...what do you think?
Dogod: I once played this game in a correspondence club, as you described, except that there was no restriction on how far a friendly piece could be repelled. One useful tactic was positioning a piece behind a passed pawn, thereby pushing to the eighth rank for an immediate promotion! It was especially effective by moving a Rook or Queen, so that the newly gained Queen was defended.
Subjekt: Re: ULTIMA is a very good 40 year old chess variant
Zmenené užívateľom joshi tm (16. júna 2007, 08:54:48)
Sibahi: Ultima? You mean the ''unprogrammable" chess game?
Also, I like the idea of Knightmating Chess. 8x8 board, exchange the knights for kings, exchange the kings on the E file for a knight, and checkmate the knight.
kid_game_2001: I meant if the wKing is on moved d3-d4, wPawn on e4 and bPawn on e5. Then he is in check, and as I see how Black can escape the check since Pawn e5 can't move... Sorry if I was confusing you!
Pason69: I'm not quite sure I understand that exactly. But if I am thinking about it correctly it would be like this
Pawns only move forward (of course) If a pawn cant move because of any piece in front of it, then the pawn cant move. The piece blocking the pawn is safe Pawns can only capture on diagonals. That would go for the king as well. The king would only be in danger if the pawn was on a diagonal. If I understand your question right, nothing would happen. The king is safe as long as it is directly in front of the pawn
Sound very different, but interesting, Just one question: What happens if you move into check, and the opponent can't stop the check, eg a pawn that cant move forward?
Alright here is a variant that I thought might be good for Brainking. I do remember reading about it on the internet somewhere so no idea if it is copyright or not.
It has the same standard chess setup. 8x8 board. Same usual pieces in chess. It works like regular chess, in other words you have to checkmate the enemy king. The difference, is that you CANT put the rival king in check. Check is an illegal move. You can only check the rival king if it is a checkmate. This means that you can move your own king into a position where it is in check by another piece. In that case, your opponent must stop the check, either by blocking the check or moving away. If you do move your king in check, you should NOT be allowed to move it to a spot where it is attacked by 2 or more pieces. As that way it would be a win if you moved your king to where it was attacked by 2 enemy pieces.
Basically, Check is illegal You can move your own king into check (only if the square is attacked by just one piece) Opponent must stop the check (move or block) You win when you checkmate the opposing king
Bughouse is an interesting type of chess where four players, two per team, play chess on two boards. When one member of a team takes a piece, his partner gets to drop that piece on his own board.
I know a lot of you know this, and I know bughouse chess has been suggested to Fencer.
Maybe we can have a variation on this, where only two opponents play (without teams), yet the players play simultaneously on two boards. The boards can be shown on the same screen. When a piece is taken off of one board, it can be dropped on the other board.
I'm not sure if it's answered before somewhere, but here it comes: What is the purpose of IceAge chess, to mate the King or take the king? It is a difference if you put him checkmate as white in move 20, he makes his 20th move and then the ice stops the mate Eg backrank mate with wRe8, BKg8, Pf7,g7,h7: Blacks 20th move (he is mate) Kh8, and now the ice age comes...
I had an idea for a chess variant tonight. It would be called something like slide-rule chess. One horizontal row in a regular chess game would randomly slide one space to the right or left, with all the pieces on them, after every move.
I noticed Korean Chess hasn't been mentioned for over a year, is it still being worked on? It's not that different from Chinese Chess so it shouldn't take too long to implement...
Subjekt: ULTIMA is a very good 40 year old chess variant
Ultima is a very good chess variant that was invented by Abbott in the early 1960s. It is has been one of my favourite variants of the past two decades. I would love to see the game at this site, possibly with a tweak or two in the rules. I have some very good suggestions as to minor rule changes, having played hundreds of games of this variety. Is anyone else interested in seeing ULTIMA at brainking.com?
The Standerd rules apply, except in the following. There is no notion of check, checkmate or stalemate. The player capturing the opponent's king wins. Every piece has a charge generating a magnetic field, except the two kings which have a neutral charge. White pieces are positive, and Black are negative (or vice versa, of course :) When a piece is moved to a specific square, their closest neighbours at the same rank and column (not diagonal) are repelled if they have the same charge (hence the same colour), and attracted if they have an opposite charge (hence have different colours). A king isn't repelled or attracted, doesn't repel or attract and has a blocking effect on the magnetic field lines all pawns/pieces have a magnetic feild of 3 squares in all non-diaganol directions, and as soon as a piece or pawn is blocked by another piece, it stops moving. Yes, bishops can change color.
Salkkuman: Same rules as the ones used on FICS and ICC for those who know them : pawn is promoted, remains physically a pawn but assumes the power of the announced piece. When captured it reverts into a simple pawn. No pawn drops on 1st/8th rows. Drop-check and drop-mate allowed.
nabla: Which rules do you use? pawn is promoted on hand/other board(this one is fun)/normally? Pieces can be placed as you like put not pawn in first row?
For those who like Bughouse (the fast and fun 4-player version of the game called Loop Chess here), I will organize a gathering in Geneva from August 18 to August 21. Although Geneva is know as an expensive city, the gathering is one of the cheapest possible : if you register in the following weeks, you can get free accomodation, plus the usual free sandwiches and drinks for the whole gathering. International participation will include the swede Maarten Aronsson, one of the world's best. All details can be found here !
In most ways, it is the same as standerd chess. The Exceptions Pieces or pawns can travel through time according to the following rules: 1: The piece has to be next to the King 2: The King can't be in check 3: The peice can't travel more than 10 moves 4: The peice can only travel foward in time 5: If the King is in check on the move the peice was supposed to come in, and the only legal move is to move the King to get out of check, then the peice is lost in time, and it gets captured. 6. You cannot say "I have to move the Queen, so i'm going to let my pawn get lost in time." That is illegal. 7. The piece can appear at any empty square, and pawns cannot appear on the first or last rank For the king, the same rules apply except #s 1 and 4. Traveling back in time: 1. only the King can do it. 2. The King can't be in check 3. It is limited to 5 moves back 4. It is limited to 2 backwards moves per person 5. There has to be at least 1 other piece or pawn of the same color, and another King does not count. Winning the game: There are 3 ways to win the game. 1. Checkmate one or more Kings 2. Make your opponent's King lost in time 3. Fork 2 or more Kings in a way that your opponent can't capture the forking peice An example of notation: 1. d2//to5 Nc6 2. e4 Nf6 3. Qg4 Nd4 4. e5 Nf3+xP 5. Qxf3 Ng4 6. K//to2 2. K a4// FTF In this game, White sent a pawn to move 5, Then on move 4, Black Checked the White King, Which captured the pawn. White sent his king back in time to undo the pawn capture, and FTF means from the future. I very much like this variant, and it would be easy to program.
Fencer: Yes, at least the last time I played with the inventor we played with promotions. We didn't have the case of a promoted piece being taken, I don't see why it should revert to a pawn (except for being bughouse-like), but I can ask him what he thinks about it.
nabla: One more question - is this game played with pawn promotions? And if so and a promoted pawn is captured, can it be recycled as the promoted piece or does it turn back to a pawn?
The player with the move selects a possible destination square, and his opponent chooses which one of the possible pieces moves to that square.
I would *very* much like to see that variant here, but I am probably biased as I invented it :-)
Details, examples and a playing board can be found here (still awaiting some updates).
I already talked with Fencer about this variant, but I am posting this in case some of you are interested to try it over the board. Transcriptions of played games that are sent to me will be included in the aforementioned web page !
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