Zoznam diskusných klubov
Nie je vám dovolené písať správy do tohto klubu. Minimálna úroveň členstva vyžadovaná na písanie v tomto klube je Brain jazdec.
Eriisa: i know depends on where you are in life right now i am at the retirement stage of my life i have 4 herniated discs and bad knees. from 87 to 95 i was single danced 7 nights a week held down 3 jobs worked over 60hours a week now can't. glad my daughter gave me this membership to bk it helps with depression of having to become invalad when i feel like 35 years old in my widdle head.
amandalove: LOL, I can identify with that. I'm only 48, and the other days I tried to kinda race from the bedroom to the front to get a phone call, and DANGIT!, my feet were so stiff, that I couldn't do it.
Its my own fault tho, I just wont take the time to excersize... Let alone just walk a block or something.......
now, lets see, how can I get this on topic???? I know! anyone read any great motivational books lately?
Eriisa:Now that was fast thinkin'!!LOL
It's much more fun to grab a good book than to walk or exercise. I have to get busy on that sort of thing myself tho..just know I gained over the holidays..only book I read was a cookbook!!
I just re-read this book after many years and it seems to be a great read and thought I would share that with everyone. If you ever get the chance to read it, please, do enjoy it!
Dolittle: i don't think so i heard the other day that "everyone" is upset with the author of a million pieces and oprah cause she backed him and he made up the whole story and was selling it as his own life????
Eriisa: Story of a Georgia family and their trials and tribulations. Frances Mayes also wrote Under the Tuscan Sun, Bella Tuscany, and In Tuscany. I plan to buy some of those!
oh cool, and then when I'm done I'll send it back to Dolittle with the Janet Evanowich book I wanted her to read! LOL
How cool- it's a ...."Book-a-round"!!! : )
baddessi: What fun that will be..you don't have to send Swan back to me tho dessi, find somebody else that wants to read. We will each put our name in a book and pass it on. Cool idea!!!
ajtgirl: I like a mixture of books from mystery to comedy. A good love story would be in order also. Actually I think most of us enjoy most any really good book!
Zmenené užívateľom Eriisa (17. júla 2006, 16:32:54)
Eriisa (finished and passed it on) Baddessi (finished and passed it on) amandalove (finished and passed it on) ajtgirl (finished, and passed it on) *ScarletRose
* - person who currently has the book
If you would like to be added to the list, please post a message onto the board, and we will add your name!
Eriisa: Sounds great and here I was thinking I would have to write it all down..you is so smart...cough, cough!
BTW, the book is on it's way to you but I forgot to write my name in the front so could you do that for me! I thank you ma'am!!
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