General talk about movies, TV, radio, and other entertainment discussion.
Discussing favorite movies is a great topic but keep in mind some folks haven't seen the movie yet we may be discussing so don't give the endings away!
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Subjekt: Re: do not watch aeon flux you will not get the time back!
grant: I liked Walk the Line and Fun with Dick and Jane, not seen any of the others though. I haven't had chance to watch any films lately, I'm looking forward to the new Omen film coming out in June though... which reminds me I did watch the new Exorcist, thats a great film. My kids favourite lately? Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em!! The oldies are still the best! They love Frank Spencer!
Tuesday: I always prefer the book, but Stephen King films are about as good as they get for adaptations. I think that has a lot to do with his input when they make the films.
Tuesday: You saw a better film than me then! We watched 1984, its an old one but its the first time I've seen it. I was really looking forward to it because the book is excellent. My partner hadn't read the book, and I had to explain lots of things in the film that didn't make sense unless you had read it, and they downplayed lots of really important stuff, like the newspeak. It was there but not really of any importance. Same as the thought police. A huge part of the book but only a minor part in the film. Instead they concentrated more on their relationship, with lots of gratuitous nudity. I thought the film was awful, read the book instead, much better.
LuckyCat9: Sounds interesting but I was thinking more along the lines of disaster movies with hurricanes and/or twisters, floods etc. Forces of nature.
Can anyone recommend some good films about weather? I know Twister and the Day After Tomorrow but I'm struggling to think of any more Especially ones that are suitable for under 16's too.
Rose: I've seen it, its really different to what I expected, definitely worth a rent - especially if you like Johnny Depp. He's great in it, gives a totally different Willy Wonka than Gene Wilder did. Just don't expect the exact same story if you watch it!
Subjekt: Re: Dr Who what where? LOL! No its because it
Mousetrap: They do show them now and again on UK Gold and channels like that. A lot of people only like the episodes with the daleks so they get shown the most. You can dip in anywhere though, you don't have to watch it all from the beginning, you could watch the new series without ever having seen any of the old ones.
Mousetrap: You're kidding?! LOL its brilliant! I don't watch much TV and I must admit I wasn't looking forward to the new Dr Who series because I didn't think it could even come close to the old ones, but I did watch it and I was glad! If possible it was even better than the old series, and I'm a huge fan of it, always have been. Tom Baker was 'my' doctor, but I love them all. Christopher Eccleston was an excellent choice. I'm not sure about the new guy who's taking over from him though!
I've seen Mindhunters, thats great! I looked at the descent, but it didn't look that good from the cover. One we did watch that was surprisingly good was Alone in the Dark.
I think it 9 people trapped in a house. It caught my eye when I was at the video shop but I didn't get to look at it properly.
I like Billie Piper, I thought she was great in Dr Who.
Mousetrap: ROFL I know what you mean!! I want to see House of 9, has anyone seen that yet? Or Spirit something... with Billie Piper. Ghost Spirit or something, I forget the title!
Mousetrap: Oh fantastic, I'd love to do that! Sounds like great fun and it raises awareness too. Thats really great, I've never seen signed Chrismas carol singers in any town, more clubs should do it!
Mousetrap: Yes you're right they are easier than you'd imagine.
The first time I ever went to a deaf club I couldn't sign at all, and they had a disco on (thats why I went!)
There were groups of teenagers all signing away and I was fascinated, it was like they were sign dancing! Then years later when I learned sign I found out how great it was.
What always amazes me is the volume of noise in deaf clubs! I think I expected them to be quiet places, but was I wrong! Sing & sign nights are noisier, but its never really quiet.
Do you go regularly? I used to until I moved but they don't have a local one here that I know of.
Mousetrap: Yes, I love it. I also like signed performances at the theatre, its like a whole different play going on at the side of the stage! (With the right interpreter)
I'm not normally keen on subtitles either, but honestly almost from the start you're so into the film you don't even notice. They may as well be speaking English. Its very, very moving. Theres not many films I think about for a long time after but that was one, and I'll be watching it again soon.
I know I'm about a year late(!) but I'd be interested to hear what other people thought of 'Passion Of Christ'? I loved it but my partner hated it. What are other peoples opinions and why?
Maybe thats why, I expected it to be really good! The original was great, so I thought with a bigger budget and the first film to live up to it was going to be brilliant.
I just got around to watching Team America - World Police. I thought it was a kids film! The rating is 15 (R?) but the language/content is an 18 in my opinion!
I just watched Madagascar, brilliant family film, great for the kids! Kind of like the Simpsons where theres jokes only the adults would probably get, but the kids love it too. For example, at one point one of the animals had a basketball with a face drawn on, and he was talking to it - like in the film Shipwrecked, I think it was? Funny film anyway!