1) Could you make the headings at the top of the colums clickable so we can sort the player list by name, points bet in the last round, etc.? At times, I would really like to see the last round sorted by how much was bet by each player.
2) I assume the average you list is the mean (all the bets added up and divided by the number of remaining players). When one (or more) players make a bet that is way off from the others, then this statistic is less meaningful. A better 'average' would be the median. Median is the bet in the middle (or the mean of the pair in the middle if there are an even number of items). Could you add the median to the items that are reported?
(skryť) Kliknite na hráčovo meno a potom na sekciu Ukončené hry, ďalej na názov hry a nakoniec na konkrétnu hru. Tu môžete ukončenú hru študovať a analyzovať. (Servant) (zobraziť všetky tipy)