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Moderátor: Gabriel Almeida , david upshaw 

Discuss about checkers game or find new opponents. No insulting, baiting or flaming other players. Off topic posts are subject to deletion and if it persists the poster faces sanctions. This board is for checkers.

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2. januára 2004, 11:09:08
Subjekt: re nov 15 post checkers programs see my profile
i think some mebers here do use programs,.. one member here even gave me a link to a site he refers too FYI

1. januára 2004, 06:27:32
Subjekt: Usurper's Golden Heart Checkers Open
All checkers variants are included in this tournament. All are welcome. Sign up and have fun. Kick-off is January 7. :o)

30. decembra 2003, 15:28:03
DRAUGHTS CLUB CESKE BUDEJOVICE AND CZECH UNION OF DRAUGHTS brings to order correspondence tournament in czech draughts

Visit it here.

27. decembra 2003, 23:38:15
LongJohn GZ 
Cool thanks
But I still wish to count it in my games totals to bring me up to 3

27. decembra 2003, 23:37:14
that's a variant, there's another board for that, you can visit it Here

27. decembra 2003, 23:30:22
LongJohn GZ 
Subjekt: Re:
you may say that now, but take my word for it when I tell you my total checkers games is about to dramatically increase by a whopping 50% if you count Gothic Checkers after Steve beats me :)

27. decembra 2003, 23:27:55
LJ, once again I'll ask, who are you? You have played a grand total of 2 checkers games on this site.

27. decembra 2003, 18:20:04
LongJohn GZ 
Subjekt: Re: The
It seems to me that he is progressing pawns to become kings which would also suggest to me progress is being made, no matter how small as GI stated.

Another question is, has the 40 move rule been called for officially? What happens if the opponent never reads these boards? The only way it should be called for is to have Fencer or someone notify the opponent that it has been called for. I wonder if this has officially happened yet? Even if it has, pawns progressing towards crowning in my opinion should be considered "showing progress"

27. decembra 2003, 16:26:27
ustica tnp 
Subjekt: Re: The
very good anser. Thank You..

27. decembra 2003, 15:15:17
ustica tnp 
Subjekt: Re: The
ed! this rule is in tourn.. games only?? i don t remember...

27. decembra 2003, 09:15:09
I'm playing against someone that is rated 600 points higher than me and they can't figure it out? I figured out how I could have won in 3 moves, 10 moves ago. Why in that case would I resign the game? GI, you are good in checkers, what's your take on the game?

27. decembra 2003, 04:22:41
Subjekt: Re: Rules About Draws
Black is one move away from trading down for the win. I have seen people struggle a long long time figuring out 3/2 kings opposite double corners but eventually they stumble on to it.

27. decembra 2003, 01:30:43
Subjekt: Re:
Visit this site American Checkers Federation Website.

It is listed there.

27. decembra 2003, 01:14:40
LongJohn GZ 
I see nowhere where it says "40 moves with no capture = draw"
Please tell me where this rule can "officially" be found.

On another note, have you done the gentlemanly thing yet and resigned that game or are you still clinging on to the hope someone with the power will end the match a draw for you?

26. decembra 2003, 23:34:39
LJ, you sure have alot to say for someone who has only played 2 checkers games on this site. The main purpose of my post was to find out what (if any) is the draw rules for checkers. I have noe found out it was 40 moves with no capture. Is there anything else you would like to add?

26. decembra 2003, 18:21:47
LongJohn GZ 
Subjekt: Backoff
What is even worse is that you have taken it to the boards to try and have others on your side in trying to have Fencer declare it a draw. This shows a complete desperation in coming out of the game without a loss.
Eat it up and resign.

26. decembra 2003, 18:17:57
LongJohn GZ 
Subjekt: Re:
I think that is irrelevant.
You know full well you are in a position of certain loss.
If your opponent wishes to crown more kings before he finishes you off, so be it, he is simply wasting time.

You, on the other hand, should resign. That is the only proper thing to do and maybe your opponent is giving you this chance to be a gentleman.

23. decembra 2003, 22:34:48
The last capture by either side was at 33, we are now at 52.

23. decembra 2003, 22:25:23
Subjekt: Re:
Black has the overwhelming advantage but apparently is unaware how to finish. If 20 moves are made without variation Fencer may declare it a draw.

23. decembra 2003, 22:16:54
(Here ) Should this game be called a draw, a piece hasn't been captured in 20+ moves.

22. decembra 2003, 17:53:16
Subjekt: Re: KM Future Stars
The tournament is already in progress which is another reason you can not join it. There will be another one shortly,

22. decembra 2003, 05:29:08
Subjekt: Re: KM Future Stars
Brain Pawns are only allowed to join one tournament at a time. I think you have to get at least a Knight membership to join more than onne

22. decembra 2003, 04:51:46
Subjekt: Re: KM Future Stars
does not let me join the tournament.
Says I can only join one tournament at a time

17. decembra 2003, 00:23:58
Subjekt: Top Gun Checkers
If you have a rating of 1800+ please PM me for an invite to play in this all star checker tournament.

4. decembra 2003, 20:58:32
Subjekt: KM Future Stars
Sign up for a tournament for players rated 2000 and under and the highest placing pawn wins a 6 months upgrade to Brainknight.

2. decembra 2003, 19:30:22
Subjekt: re: Usurper KM's Championship Checkers Open
This is shaping up to be a doozy folks. We have 13 entrants so far and the list is mounting. I urge you to jump aboard if you haven't already. This will be true championship checkers as its best. And a lot of fun to boot. TNP

29. novembra 2003, 15:12:21
There are some great checkers tournaments for sign up and fans should really check them out. Usurpers promises to be one of the best.

28. novembra 2003, 17:23:51
Subjekt: Usurper KM's Championship Checkers Open
This is an opportunity for everyone to participate and the best to rise to the top. Unrated players and Pawns welcome. Sign up ends December 28. Good luck all.

22. novembra 2003, 05:35:19
Brave Eagles 
Subjekt: Re: Checkers Tournament Room
sure i'd like to be in it

22. novembra 2003, 05:31:40
Subjekt: Checkers Tournament Room
Since the Fellowships DB is locked down, this is about the only other place that would seem to be appropriate:

Announcing the Checkers Tournament Room. A fellowship devoted to one purpose: Tournaments for Checkers and it's variants.

Everyone is welcomed to join. Message me for an invite.

18. novembra 2003, 07:30:23
Brave Eagles 
Subjekt: hi
i just started a parachute tournament if any one is interested in playing thanks Ron

16. novembra 2003, 02:03:40
GothicInventor The environment is changing 15. November 2003, 10:33:17
In case you have not noticed. Everyone has been given a clear slate at ths point in time. Dano was warned about his posts, which were unwarranted, and now he is gone.

He keeps making mention of manipulated posts. I am not sure what he means by that. I occasionally make typo corrections or punctuation changes at the tournament board, if this is manipulation, so be it.

Yes, I posted that I would help everyone playing Dano in Gothic Chess to win. I was letting off steam, but I really meant it when I said it. Logistically, does anyone really believe this was possible? In fact, nobody took me up on my offer, as those who were members of the fellowship recall. They all wanted to try and give him a drubbing by their own hands, win, lose, or draw.

I posted it mostly because I knew it would agitate dano when it leaked, so the spies helped me immensely, and I thank you for it.

It was an impossible task to do (play every move for every opponent against dano) but knowing the way his paranoia is manifest, I knew it would send him over the deep end.

So what had I actually done?

I made a post, then took no action on it. How many times a day do we each do similar things? You see a beautiful woman walking down the street, do you think "I wonder if she likes doing Crossword Puzzles?" If you see an armored car making a cash pickup at a store, do you think "I wonder what kind of gas mileage it gets?"

No, we have fleeting thoughts about getting her in the sack, and tossing bags of money into the back seat and peeling off down the road. (Or maybe peeling off down the road with the girl in the back seat, and sleeping with the bags of money, whatever you prefer!)

The point being my previous fellowship was created for those to let off steam about dano, much as this one is most likely geared at letting steam off about me.

But does anyone really think I crashed the server just so dano, who won his section in the $3000 Gothic tournament, would not be able to continue on? Did he really think I was making all of those moves against him and he kept beating me game after game?

Folks, you have to face the fact that he was at least a little off his rocker. If nothing else, this must be conceeded.

The server crashed. That's all that happened.

A new policy is in place. It is one we can all live with. When I make a post about how the 4 kings in the deck of cards are not really modeled after those in antiquity that have permeated the culture, then someone calls me a prick for doing so, a line has been crossed. It was uncalled for.

Even now, I could of had this person banned, but I elected not to do so.

No more warnings will ever be issued, as the policy is any direct insult, in a private or public forum, will result in an immediate banning.

If it cannot be discussed without name calling, do us all a favor, and save yourself some keystrokes.

If you have read the hidden message I placed in this post, you know which 4 people will be banned next because they will most likely make snide remarks about this post. This is what I am hoping for. This is the bait

16. novembra 2003, 01:51:14
Subjekt: Re:
Miller said his hobby was trying to figure out how to cross them up but he did say it was getting harder and harder and he thought he wasn't going to be able to do it much longer.

16. novembra 2003, 01:35:09
Subjekt: Re:
Mlller wrote to me and said he had a method of packing the programs moves into the left corner and actually playing man down. He said they couldnt deal with that and that's how he gets some wins. He aso runs a smother which most programs don't recognize.

16. novembra 2003, 01:17:42
Subjekt: Re:
I notice on Banks Ladder it is program against program and the operators skill comes into play there. But the number one guy seems to have figured out how to jam and cramp most of them. Way over my head.

16. novembra 2003, 01:10:20
Subjekt: Re:
I'm not in their living rooms but they lose games and that is the tip off. Free ones? You have my attention. But I don't think the teaching programs are webtv compatible. Even the top KM players make mistakes no program would make so I am taking their word for it. Some have up to 40 years experience which accounts for their expertise.

16. novembra 2003, 01:03:32
The KM doesn't have programs that I know of but we have very skilled players who enjoy working on this kind of thing. It has been hard to get up the energy to set up a checker board with all the stuff that has been going on but when the smoke clears I am hopeful it will be back to checkers for us all. That's why so many of us came here. (not putting down chess buffs) LOL

15. novembra 2003, 04:25:36
Subjekt: Re:
Good luck. Thanks for the insights. Checkers is just a hobby for the KM too...believe it or not.

15. novembra 2003, 04:25:02
Yes it would. Sorry to hear about WCC.

15. novembra 2003, 04:20:23
To what purpose? The game looked like a draw but after analyzing we saw you were right. It proves positions can be set up but is not a test of skill level. And we didn't know the answer in advance.

15. novembra 2003, 04:16:01
gonna post a WCC link before you go?

15. novembra 2003, 04:11:37
Subjekt: Re:
I thought we were analyzing 4th position. Ustica has games on Goldtoken (where he is undefeated in over 100 games) and he may be playing there.

15. novembra 2003, 04:10:49
ustica tnp 
21-25 sorry but i got to move chess games in different site

15. novembra 2003, 04:06:18
damn wish i could test that. Gothic will you post link to your WCC? i've been meaning to look at that anyway. i've scanned info on Nemesis and Wyllie but haven't seen yours yet. thanks

15. novembra 2003, 03:54:53
looking like a win sure enough. don't see any tricks (lol) as it moves into familiar positions. might be some variations that are also wins? but this one the toughest you say?

15. novembra 2003, 03:49:13
ustica tnp 
the CCI lost in this one'' :(

15. novembra 2003, 03:47:25
ustica tnp 

15. novembra 2003, 03:46:18
Trying it both ways..playing it out with different strokes. So far you are right. I think Usurper is also looking at it too.

15. novembra 2003, 03:43:43
ustica tnp 
black move 27-24 and win..

15. novembra 2003, 03:38:06
Subjekt: Re:
Think this is right. Going to try something from the white side. Hold a second

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