A WHAM BAMS #22 Pondside of points!!! Good luck to all,the winners will be listed upon completion of the tournament.almost all are limited to 16 players they will recieve 16 points for first 15 for secound 14 for 3rd finally ending up with 1 point for the first one in.I will list all names and total points to date weekly,so the more ponds your in the more points you will gain. Späť na zoznam rybníkov
Typ rybníka: Beh okolo rybníka ID rybníka: 230 Minimálny počet hráčov: 16 Maximálny počet hráčov: 16 Čas na ťah: 5 dní Štart: 18. marca 2005, 12:00:00 Koniec: 3. júna 2005, 12:05:19
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