White Lady Legend of the White Lady During the full moon nights in August, a shadow of a lady appears on the window of the baptismal chapel of the castle - White Lady. According to the legend, one of the canons dressed his beloved girl in men's clothes and brought her into the castle, although this was strickly forbidden. The girl became one of the choir boys and her beautiful voice draw attention. Her secret was soon discovered and she was walled up alive. Like she promised, she appears on the castle window every August during full moon nights. From http://www.haapsalu.ee//include/upload/esindus-ENG.pdf
Druh zápasu: Obyčajná hra Typ turnaja (?): každý s každým jednu partiu Úroveň členstva: Minimálny počet hráčov: 4 Maximálny počet hráčov: 20 Maximálny počet hráčov v sekcii: 20 Finálový zápas pre sekciu s dvoma hráčmi: Zápas na 3 výhry Časová kontrola (?): Čas: 10 dní, Bonus: 18 hodín, Limit: 30 dní, bez dovolenky BKR hráčov: 100 <= BKR <= 4000 Hráči bez BKR: áno Nehodnotené hry (tento turnaj neovplyvní žiadne BKR): nie Súkromný turnaj (budete posielať osobné pozvánky): nie Řadit hráče podle BKR: áno Stav: ukončené
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