Serious Pente Players (25. novembra 2013, 10:52:03) The Final SPP Monthly Tournament of 2013 is about ready to start! The December tourney "Small Pente" will begin on on 12-1-13!
as usual we typically get 4-10 players signing up for these kind of things so for now I'll set the player ceiling at 10 players in 1 section. Since there is also a need for speed in any monthly tourney, the timer is set at "1 day 9 hours" per move (Vac allowed though).
The first 10 players who sign up will initiate the tournament starting. Otherwise a minimum of 4 players will need to be met for the tournament to begin.
The winner will be posted on the wall of fame in SPP and listed here in the Small Pente Tourney description. Good Luck to all players and thanks for signing up!
Spoločenstvo:Serious Pente Players Druh zápasu: Obyčajná hra Typ turnaja (?): každý s každým dve partie (opačné farby) Úroveň členstva: Minimálny počet hráčov: 4 Maximálny počet hráčov: 10 Maximálny počet hráčov v sekcii: 10 Finálový zápas pre sekciu s dvoma hráčmi: Zápas na 3 výhry Časová kontrola (?): 1 deň 9 hodín, štandardná dovolenka BKR hráčov: 100 <= BKR <= 4000 Hráči bez BKR: áno Nehodnotené hry (tento turnaj neovplyvní žiadne BKR): nie Súkromný turnaj (budete posielať osobné pozvánky): nie Řadit hráče podle BKR: áno Stav: ukončené