I will be running "live" tournaments every weekend. These tournaments will start every 4 hours, so that there should be a convenient one for any time zone or lifestyle. Each player will have 1 hour total, for moves. So this tournament will be over within 2 hours. (A bit longer possibly, as the system doesn't check constantly for time outs)
Obviously, all games may not be playable within these time constraints (Anti backgammon, for example), so choose carefully. If there ends up being interest in 2 hour per player alternate tournaments for these longer games, I will start those. Just PM me.
So, any weekend that you have a block of time available and feel like a quick tournament, check out the tournament list and maybe you will find one, convenient for you.
Any game with at least 4 people signed up (maximum 5), will be started at the listed time.
Have fun!
The games will start up to an hour after the closing time!
Späť na zoznam hier Druh zápasu: Obyčajná hra Typ turnaja (?): každý s každým jednu partiu Úroveň členstva: Minimálny počet hráčov: 4 Maximálny počet hráčov: 5 Maximálny počet hráčov v sekcii: 5 Finálový zápas pre sekciu s dvoma hráčmi: Zápas na 1 hru Časová kontrola (?): Čas: 1 hodina, Bonus: žiadny, Limit: 1 hodina, bez dovolenky BKR hráčov: 100 <= BKR <= 4000 Hráči bez BKR: áno Nehodnotené hry (tento turnaj neovplyvní žiadne BKR): nie Súkromný turnaj (budete posielať osobné pozvánky): nie Řadit hráče podle BKR: áno Stav: ukončené Dátum a čas : 29. októbra 2005, 20:12:35 Dátum a čas ukončenia: 31. októbra 2005, 11:05:00