*1256*--Groundhog Day--*1256**1256**1256**1256* (Fevga - ukázať pravidlá) ... Groundhog Day is fast approaching. It'll be here before you know it. Let's give it up for Punxsutawney Phil, who will be the focal point for the incredible but fabulous festivities centered on and around February 2, 2018. Phil is no ordinary rodent. Although he never attended the Wharton School of Bussiness, located just down the road, Phil scratched and clawed his way to celebrety by adhering to two basic but time tested principles: 1--- Never hang around a bunch of monkeys flinging feces. and 2--- Always be true to yourself.
Phil survives the "off season" by making soft drink commercials and an occassional Cameo on "The Big Bang Theory", but confesses he is 100% committed to finding ways to improve the finest traditional holiday of this or any other century ........
Groundhog Day.
Get in on the ground floor. Reach for the stars.
... Späť na zoznam hier Druh zápasu: Obyčajná hra Typ turnaja (?): každý s každým dve partie (opačné farby) Úroveň členstva: Minimálny počet hráčov: 4 Maximálny počet hráčov: 4 Maximálny počet hráčov v sekcii: 8 Finálový zápas pre sekciu s dvoma hráčmi: Zápas na 1 hru Časová kontrola (?): 11 dní, štandardná dovolenka BKR hráčov: 100 <= BKR <= 4000 Hráči bez BKR: áno Nehodnotené hry (tento turnaj neovplyvní žiadne BKR): nie Súkromný turnaj (budete posielať osobné pozvánky): nie Řadit hráče podle BKR: nie Stav: ukončené Dátum a čas : 5. septembra 2017, 17:05:00 Dátum a čas ukončenia: 25. mája 2018, 20:05:00