Orlandu: you know if the cheaters check the box? i think is a momentary solution... Another solution is demand a friend to follow the game and confirm the cheating/use the program... similar to a external judge.
1926: i see, and i confirm your ideas, but is to difficult to say... only we can inform to Fencer? i don't know... other players have play helped's with computer app i remember the suspect "TTTTT" or others... is a problem for our BKR not for they... the cheaters don't play a lot of games... invite player a fast game...
normally warning to the opponent of which it can that leaves to zero so that it can leave the game, nongame the humiliation. In the championship of the 2005 world, in Reykjavik, I left to a player zero table 31 Oscar Martínez: http://www.worldothellochampionships.com/2005/Lazard/class__7.txt
shmoula: I thank you for excuses. And also the examples. We do not have a system of control of the use of programs. But that are experts players. To make these activities is not a great favor for which they are beginning in the game.
You are a great player, I know it and I know him personally.
It would appreciate that the discussion was not centered in the persone. If John has something to say he can do it. Whenever it follows with a moderate tone. In opposite case we could transfer the discussion to chat private or by messages?
Rose: You have all the reason. Not only exist WZebra for analising the games, are many other programs. But what one treats here it is the comic analysis of games of reversi 8x8. Any players here have experience in play reversi, and know analysis the games only seeing as a game is developed. This site is good! Respect for the players who we did not use programs!
Thus playing only there is one is lain to itself.
shmoula: you are all right. I am with you in everything what you say. Actors do not make lack great... the one that says lies is taken. Please don't play here John!
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