can money buy happiness? distinctive humans have specific critiques. some assume sure, even as others keep the alternative. it's miles proper that with enough money one can buy all the things one needs, and live a life of comfort and security. but, it's far similarly authentic that loss of money causes terrific misery. it's miles a common view that "cash is the basis of all evil." the pursuit of money drives many people to cheat and steal. in some locations there is nothing that can't be sold with money, ensuing in corrupt societies wherein anyone is miserable. so, cash does no longer necessarily imply happiness. all of it relies upon on how it's miles used. if we make honest and realistic use of cash, it could be a stepping-stone to happiness l even though cash can't buy happiness, it can make happiness viable if it's miles employed sensibly. new financial products
can money buy happiness? distinctive humans have specific critiques. some assume sure, even as others keep the alternative. it's miles proper that with enough money one can buy all the things one needs, and live a life of comfort and security. but, it's far similarly authentic that loss of money causes terrific misery. it's miles a common view that "cash is the basis of all evil." the pursuit of money drives many people to cheat and steal. in some locations there is nothing that can't be sold with money, ensuing in corrupt societies wherein anyone is miserable. so, cash does no longer necessarily imply happiness. all of it relies upon on how it's miles used. if we make honest and realistic use of cash, it could be a stepping-stone to happiness l even though cash can't buy happiness, it can make happiness viable if it's miles employed sensibly.
trohat (4. Ocak 2009, 11:10:51) tarafından düzenlendi
stalo se mi v Cam - jsem na tahu, a musím skákat - mohu si vybrat jestli pěšcem obyčejný skok, a nebo koněm knights charge ... kliknu na koně, a najednou se mi povolí udělat koněm obyčejný tah - není to chyba ?
Pedro Martínez: No nějak jsem se nedopídila, co dál. Já bych měla zájem vytvořit novou hru, ale nezjistila jsem, jak mám postupovat. Na odkazu "Nová hra", no nevím, tam můžu zhlédnout veškeré hry, pravidla, ale jak mám postupovat, když mám nápad na novou hru..... ????
Pedro Martínez: Presne tak. Ale pokud pri klusani doklusas na pole, odkud se da skocit souperova figurka, tak ji skocit musis, nemas-li moznost klus prodlouzit, ovsem pouze tak, aby rovnez koncil skokem.
Rozumím pravidlům dobře, když si myslím, že skákání je povinné jen tehdy, jde-li o "skok"? Tzn. pokud mám možnost provedení "jezdcova výpadu", tak pokud nechci, nemusím takový tah provést a můžu táhnout např. "klusem"?
docela by mě zajímala pravidla. ....:) pokud si otevřu stránku pravidla hry, tak se mi objeví nadpis, statistika, odkazy na jiné hry....ale pravidla jaksi ne... je to jen můj problém, nebo je na tom někdo stejně?
No vida, tak uz jsem zjistil kuriozni chybu, ktera nastane, pokud je mozno stejnou figurkou provest jak obycejny skok (zajmuti), tak tzv. "knight's charge", tedy "halmove" skoky a nasledne zajmuti. Coz znamena, aby prosim nikdo neco podobneho nehlasil do Hlaseni chyb a mel strpeni. Vim o tom.
(sakla) If you click on a person's name and then click Finished games you will have a list of games that have been completed, then click on the name of the game to get a summary of all of these games, then click on the name of the game again and you will have a game to view and analyze. (Servant) (Bütün ipuçlarını göster)